Kid who put noose on statue of black man gets 6 months in prison

I see you over dosed on stupid pills today. :itsok:

I think that would be yourself since you, on the one hand distrust the police and the law and claim that our government is a "racist" institution, yet on the other hand you applaud a 6-month jail sentence given to some stupid college (probably drunk) kid. That is the epitome of retard, my friend. ;)
That was quite a feat. How did you equate my mistrust in the cops and the law with me being happy the little punk got put in prison? Those are two separate things only a moron could somehow connect.

You could not BE more wrong, and this is why one must come to the conclusion that you are a highly damaged individual, extremely ignorant individual, or just a troll. This is an issue of government overstepping it's boundaries. If this boy has no prior convictions and no connections to any gangs or any hate groups or the like, then there is no reason for a 6-month prison sentence for what he did. That is ridiculous, and if this was a black boy who did this to a statue of George W. Bush, I am sure you would be applauding him. THAT is the kind of poster that you are.
Whatever it takes to come to grips with your ignorance. I dont mind if you use me to help yourself. You have my permission to think whatever you like about me.

My ignorance? You're the one with a one-track mind. :) You can't see injustice past your own hatred for the white people.

Now, be honest here, if some black kid did this to a statue of GWB, you would be happy and you would be outraged if he was put in jail for 6 months for doing it, wouldn't you?
Yes your ignorance. You suffer from not having an orderly mind. There was no injustice. I see a less than adequate sentence for this criminal.

Statue of GWB? :laugh:

As stupid as GWB appeared I wouldnt condone even a Black kid doing something this dumb to it.
Besides the fact that stupid kids like this are much more useful being put to work doing community service. Make him clean up graffiti or trash or something for 6 months as community service. Cities are claiming they are broke, well, there you go! Free labor and a valuable lesson taught, I think.
Or nothing at all. Free speech cannot be criminally prosecuted. That judge needs to go to jail for civil rights violations.

No, they can prosecute him for defacing public property for sure. But in no WAY does the punishment fit the crime here, IMO. Unless of course the boy has a record.
A noose doesn't deface public property though. It was slipped on and it can be slipped off. No crime has been committed.
Apparently it has because he was convicted of one.
Burning a flag is free speech so why isn't this?

Former Student Who Put Noose on Ole Miss Statue of James Meredith Get 6 Months in Prison

sep 20 2015 A former University of Mississippi student who admitted helping place a noose on a statue of a civil rights activist is going to prison.

WTVA-TV ( | Jail time in James Meredith statue desecration) reports a federal judge sentenced Graeme Phillip Harris to six months in prison beginning Jan. 4. During the Thursday hearing in Oxford, he also ordered Harris to serve 12 months' supervised release. Harris' lawyer argued he didn't deserve jail time.

Harris pleaded guilty in June to a misdemeanor charge of using a threat of force to intimidate African-American students and employees
From your article:
"Harris pleaded guilty in June to a misdemeanor charge of using a threat of force to intimidate African-American students and employees."

Burning the flag doesn't intimidate anyone. It's a protest against government policies. It's a completely different thing.
I always wonder if people that use logical fallacies are really as stupid as they look or they are grandstanding for attention? ChrisL, Shootspeeders, and others on this thread cant even focus long enough to put up a valid argument.
Besides the fact that stupid kids like this are much more useful being put to work doing community service. Make him clean up graffiti or trash or something for 6 months as community service. Cities are claiming they are broke, well, there you go! Free labor and a valuable lesson taught, I think.
Or nothing at all. Free speech cannot be criminally prosecuted. That judge needs to go to jail for civil rights violations.

No, they can prosecute him for defacing public property for sure. But in no WAY does the punishment fit the crime here, IMO. Unless of course the boy has a record.
A noose doesn't deface public property though. It was slipped on and it can be slipped off. No crime has been committed.
Apparently it has because he was convicted of one.
He was convicted of something that violates the Constitution, Twaticus.
Besides the fact that stupid kids like this are much more useful being put to work doing community service. Make him clean up graffiti or trash or something for 6 months as community service. Cities are claiming they are broke, well, there you go! Free labor and a valuable lesson taught, I think.
Or nothing at all. Free speech cannot be criminally prosecuted. That judge needs to go to jail for civil rights violations.

No, they can prosecute him for defacing public property for sure. But in no WAY does the punishment fit the crime here, IMO. Unless of course the boy has a record.
A noose doesn't deface public property though. It was slipped on and it can be slipped off. No crime has been committed.
Apparently it has because he was convicted of one.
He was convicted of something that violates the Constitution, Twaticus.

Free speech does not allow you to threaten and intimidate others.
Besides the fact that stupid kids like this are much more useful being put to work doing community service. Make him clean up graffiti or trash or something for 6 months as community service. Cities are claiming they are broke, well, there you go! Free labor and a valuable lesson taught, I think.
Or nothing at all. Free speech cannot be criminally prosecuted. That judge needs to go to jail for civil rights violations.

No, they can prosecute him for defacing public property for sure. But in no WAY does the punishment fit the crime here, IMO. Unless of course the boy has a record.
A noose doesn't deface public property though. It was slipped on and it can be slipped off. No crime has been committed.
Apparently it has because he was convicted of one.
He was convicted of something that violates the Constitution, Twaticus.
Where in the constitution does it allow vandalism or threats?
Or nothing at all. Free speech cannot be criminally prosecuted. That judge needs to go to jail for civil rights violations.

No, they can prosecute him for defacing public property for sure. But in no WAY does the punishment fit the crime here, IMO. Unless of course the boy has a record.
A noose doesn't deface public property though. It was slipped on and it can be slipped off. No crime has been committed.
Apparently it has because he was convicted of one.
He was convicted of something that violates the Constitution, Twaticus.

Free speech does not allow you to threaten and intimidate others.
For something to be considered a threat, it has to be specific. All that can be gathered from a noose around a statue at worst is that somebody intends to hang statues by the neck.

Ask Eric Holder. He'll explain how Black Panther members weren't actually threatening anyone at white voting centers. Maybe you'll understand it better coming from another Leftwat.
Or nothing at all. Free speech cannot be criminally prosecuted. That judge needs to go to jail for civil rights violations.

No, they can prosecute him for defacing public property for sure. But in no WAY does the punishment fit the crime here, IMO. Unless of course the boy has a record.
A noose doesn't deface public property though. It was slipped on and it can be slipped off. No crime has been committed.
Apparently it has because he was convicted of one.
He was convicted of something that violates the Constitution, Twaticus.
Where in the constitution does it allow vandalism or threats?
Since it was neither, your question is moot.
No, they can prosecute him for defacing public property for sure. But in no WAY does the punishment fit the crime here, IMO. Unless of course the boy has a record.
A noose doesn't deface public property though. It was slipped on and it can be slipped off. No crime has been committed.
Apparently it has because he was convicted of one.
He was convicted of something that violates the Constitution, Twaticus.
Where in the constitution does it allow vandalism or threats?
Since it was neither, your question is moot.
How did he plead guilty to a threat if it was neither? You cant possibly be this dumb?

"Harris pleaded guilty in June to a misdemeanor charge of using a threat of force to intimidate African-American students and employees."
Hangin a noose is a threat not acceptable when directed at minories much less majorities.

It's a crime.
Burning a flag is free speech so why isn't this?

Former Student Who Put Noose on Ole Miss Statue of James Meredith Get 6 Months in Prison

sep 20 2015 A former University of Mississippi student who admitted helping place a noose on a statue of a civil rights activist is going to prison.

WTVA-TV ( | Jail time in James Meredith statue desecration) reports a federal judge sentenced Graeme Phillip Harris to six months in prison beginning Jan. 4. During the Thursday hearing in Oxford, he also ordered Harris to serve 12 months' supervised release. Harris' lawyer argued he didn't deserve jail time.

Harris pleaded guilty in June to a misdemeanor charge of using a threat of force to intimidate African-American students and employees
From your article:
"Harris pleaded guilty in June to a misdemeanor charge of using a threat of force to intimidate African-American students and employees."

Burning the flag doesn't intimidate anyone. It's a protest against government policies. It's a completely different thing.
I always wonder if people that use logical fallacies are really as stupid as they look or they are grandstanding for attention? ChrisL, Shootspeeders, and others on this thread cant even focus long enough to put up a valid argument.

Sorry, but you are the one with no valid argument. I think we all know that six month sentence for vandalism is pretty much cruel and unusual punishment. This is a college kid. That is going to interfere with his life and possibly ruin his life. It's stupid, and this "crime of the century" is worthy of community service and fines at most.
Besides the fact that stupid kids like this are much more useful being put to work doing community service. Make him clean up graffiti or trash or something for 6 months as community service. Cities are claiming they are broke, well, there you go! Free labor and a valuable lesson taught, I think.
Or nothing at all. Free speech cannot be criminally prosecuted. That judge needs to go to jail for civil rights violations.

No, they can prosecute him for defacing public property for sure. But in no WAY does the punishment fit the crime here, IMO. Unless of course the boy has a record.
A noose doesn't deface public property though. It was slipped on and it can be slipped off. No crime has been committed.
Apparently it has because he was convicted of one.

A misdemeanor. It is certainly nothing worth 6 months in prison. That is retarded.
Hangin a noose is a threat not acceptable when directed at minories much less majorities.

It's a crime.

It is not a threat, and people have done it before of actual LIVING people (effigies) and have NOT had to serve 6 months in prison.

Burning a flag is free speech so why isn't this?

Former Student Who Put Noose on Ole Miss Statue of James Meredith Get 6 Months in Prison

sep 20 2015 A former University of Mississippi student who admitted helping place a noose on a statue of a civil rights activist is going to prison.

WTVA-TV ( | Jail time in James Meredith statue desecration) reports a federal judge sentenced Graeme Phillip Harris to six months in prison beginning Jan. 4. During the Thursday hearing in Oxford, he also ordered Harris to serve 12 months' supervised release. Harris' lawyer argued he didn't deserve jail time.

Harris pleaded guilty in June to a misdemeanor charge of using a threat of force to intimidate African-American students and employees
From your article:
"Harris pleaded guilty in June to a misdemeanor charge of using a threat of force to intimidate African-American students and employees."

Burning the flag doesn't intimidate anyone. It's a protest against government policies. It's a completely different thing.
I always wonder if people that use logical fallacies are really as stupid as they look or they are grandstanding for attention? ChrisL, Shootspeeders, and others on this thread cant even focus long enough to put up a valid argument.

Sorry, but you are the one with no valid argument. I think we all know that six month sentence for vandalism is pretty much cruel and unusual punishment. This is a college kid. That is going to interfere with his life and possibly ruin his life. It's stupid, and this "crime of the century" is worthy of community service and fines at most.
I expect you to put your money where your mouth is and break him out of the pokey then.
Burning a flag is free speech so why isn't this?

Former Student Who Put Noose on Ole Miss Statue of James Meredith Get 6 Months in Prison

sep 20 2015 A former University of Mississippi student who admitted helping place a noose on a statue of a civil rights activist is going to prison.

WTVA-TV ( | Jail time in James Meredith statue desecration) reports a federal judge sentenced Graeme Phillip Harris to six months in prison beginning Jan. 4. During the Thursday hearing in Oxford, he also ordered Harris to serve 12 months' supervised release. Harris' lawyer argued he didn't deserve jail time.

Harris pleaded guilty in June to a misdemeanor charge of using a threat of force to intimidate African-American students and employees
From your article:
"Harris pleaded guilty in June to a misdemeanor charge of using a threat of force to intimidate African-American students and employees."

Burning the flag doesn't intimidate anyone. It's a protest against government policies. It's a completely different thing.
I always wonder if people that use logical fallacies are really as stupid as they look or they are grandstanding for attention? ChrisL, Shootspeeders, and others on this thread cant even focus long enough to put up a valid argument.

Sorry, but you are the one with no valid argument. I think we all know that six month sentence for vandalism is pretty much cruel and unusual punishment. This is a college kid. That is going to interfere with his life and possibly ruin his life. It's stupid, and this "crime of the century" is worthy of community service and fines at most.
I expect you to put your money where your mouth is and break him out of the pokey then.

You're an idiot, and the more you post, the more you prove this to be the case.
Burning a flag is free speech so why isn't this?

Former Student Who Put Noose on Ole Miss Statue of James Meredith Get 6 Months in Prison

sep 20 2015 A former University of Mississippi student who admitted helping place a noose on a statue of a civil rights activist is going to prison.

WTVA-TV ( | Jail time in James Meredith statue desecration) reports a federal judge sentenced Graeme Phillip Harris to six months in prison beginning Jan. 4. During the Thursday hearing in Oxford, he also ordered Harris to serve 12 months' supervised release. Harris' lawyer argued he didn't deserve jail time.

Harris pleaded guilty in June to a misdemeanor charge of using a threat of force to intimidate African-American students and employees
From your article:
"Harris pleaded guilty in June to a misdemeanor charge of using a threat of force to intimidate African-American students and employees."

Burning the flag doesn't intimidate anyone. It's a protest against government policies. It's a completely different thing.
I always wonder if people that use logical fallacies are really as stupid as they look or they are grandstanding for attention? ChrisL, Shootspeeders, and others on this thread cant even focus long enough to put up a valid argument.

Sorry, but you are the one with no valid argument. I think we all know that six month sentence for vandalism is pretty much cruel and unusual punishment. This is a college kid. That is going to interfere with his life and possibly ruin his life. It's stupid, and this "crime of the century" is worthy of community service and fines at most.
I expect you to put your money where your mouth is and break him out of the pokey then.

I expect you to show some kind of integrity, but you never do.
Burning a flag is free speech so why isn't this?
From your article:
"Harris pleaded guilty in June to a misdemeanor charge of using a threat of force to intimidate African-American students and employees."

Burning the flag doesn't intimidate anyone. It's a protest against government policies. It's a completely different thing.
I always wonder if people that use logical fallacies are really as stupid as they look or they are grandstanding for attention? ChrisL, Shootspeeders, and others on this thread cant even focus long enough to put up a valid argument.

Sorry, but you are the one with no valid argument. I think we all know that six month sentence for vandalism is pretty much cruel and unusual punishment. This is a college kid. That is going to interfere with his life and possibly ruin his life. It's stupid, and this "crime of the century" is worthy of community service and fines at most.
I expect you to put your money where your mouth is and break him out of the pokey then.

You're an idiot, and the more you post, the more you prove this to be the case.
I have to assume you are just a bunch of hot air if you wont put your money where your mouth is.
Burning a flag is free speech so why isn't this?
From your article:
"Harris pleaded guilty in June to a misdemeanor charge of using a threat of force to intimidate African-American students and employees."

Burning the flag doesn't intimidate anyone. It's a protest against government policies. It's a completely different thing.
I always wonder if people that use logical fallacies are really as stupid as they look or they are grandstanding for attention? ChrisL, Shootspeeders, and others on this thread cant even focus long enough to put up a valid argument.

Sorry, but you are the one with no valid argument. I think we all know that six month sentence for vandalism is pretty much cruel and unusual punishment. This is a college kid. That is going to interfere with his life and possibly ruin his life. It's stupid, and this "crime of the century" is worthy of community service and fines at most.
I expect you to put your money where your mouth is and break him out of the pokey then.

I expect you to show some kind of integrity, but you never do.
You wouldnt recognize integrity if it patted you softly on the ass at the bus stop.
ChrisL, you keep missing that the noose was aimed at a minority that would take it as a threat. That was not an effigy, it was a deliberate threat. Give him a year now, the more I think about it.

And all who disagree have to go to 40 hours of re-education training at the nearest FEMA Wal-mart camp.
ChrisL, you keep missing that the noose was aimed at a minority that would take it as a threat. That was not an effigy, it was a deliberate threat. Give him a year now, the more I think about it.

And all who disagree have to go to 40 hours of re-education training at the nearest FEMA Wal-mart camp.

That is no more of a "threat" than the picture I posted above of GWB effigy. Same thing.

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