Kidnappers don’t want to separate kids from parents, but like Trumpo, they want the ransom more.

Trumpo’s desired ransom for kidnapping a couple thousand kids, was money from Congress to pay for the wall that he promised would be paid for by Mexico.

Did Trumpo and his white nationalist base think holding babies hostage and caging and drugging scared kids think they were going to get wall money after committing such an atrocity?

Dear Fucktard,

We've been removing kids from their felon parents for decades.

Please try to catch up.
I wrote;Trumpo lied saying all along he could not stop separation of families until yesterday when he signed an executive order ending his own cruel policy of separating families.”

JBond, post: 20183659 wrote;
Why were these people denied asylum status in Mexico? Grow up.

I asked: Is Trumpo excused for his atrocity because of that?

I received no reply other than:

MarathonMike, post: 20183706
Atrocity? LoL. You may think you weren't fooled by W but you sure have been fooled by the Media.

I still want to know if Trumpo is excused by you for the cruelty he has put those children through in order to try to force Congressional funding for the wall that he promised to voters he would get Mexico to fund.

He held these children for ransom for weeks and just ended the kidnappings yesterday signing an executive order that before yesterday he told us he could not do.

Why do you excuse this atrocious behavior.?
There were no atrocities. The kids were well cared for, and the separations were not for weeks more like days and sometimes hours. This is also not new, what is new is the Media's desire to cast a light on the policy and put it in the worst possible light. I see no atrocities and if all the worldwide negative publicity stems the tide of illegals, then whatever inconvenience this has caused is well worth it.

Unwittingly, the lame stream Media may have just made a major contribution to border security.
Sun Devil 92, post: 20183817
We've been removing kids from their felon parents for decades.

I didn’t say we weren’t.

It’s rare when both parents of a child are convicted and sent to prison.

If a parent commits a felony in most cases custody of minor children is granted to the other parent or relatives or placed into a state run foster program,

Federal agents don’t rip the kids out of mothers arms for a misdemeanor and put them in cages in a facility closed to the press.

Your point is meaningless considering the facts.
MarathonMike, post: 20183821
The kids were well cared for, and the separations were not for weeks more like days and sometimes hours.

Separating the children from their families is the unnecessary atrocity.

And you don’t know the kind of care they received because it’s pretty much closed to the press.

Your comment ttat it’s days or hours is just a flat out lie.

Parents have been deported weeks after separation and returned to their country of origin without their kids.

Trumpo has no plan on how to reunite the families. It’s an atrocity you are kidding yourself Because you don’t want to know the truth about your beloved Trumpo.

Just think about what Trumpo just signed, if separations were hours or just a few days there would not be a crisis where Trumpo had to undo his policy that he claimed he could not undo,

You need to do a little research beyond being a dittohead.
Sun Devil 92, post: 20183817
We've been removing kids from their felon parents for decades.

I didn’t say we weren’t.

It’s rare when both parents of a child are convicted and sent to prison.

If a parent commits a felony in most cases custody of minor children is granted to the other parent or relatives or placed into a state run foster program,

Federal agents don’t rip the kids out of mothers arms for a misdemeanor and put them in cages in a facility closed to the press.

Your point is meaningless considering the facts.

Apparently they have and they do rip them out of mothers arms for misdemeanor crimes.

Next, you don't know if they first time entrants or not. So they very well could be felons.

Hence the point is totally germane and what facts are you considering anyway.....
This is also not new, what is new is the Media's desire to cast a light on the policy and put it in the worst possible light.

You are a typical Trumporoid. This was a whole new policy enacted by Sessions and Trumpo last April. ,

That’s why Trumpo had to undo it yesterday.

God you are in a world of your own.
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Kosh, post: 20183789
Just like how you drones supported the illegal wars of Obama!

I realize your need to get off topic, but what do you believe are the illegal wars of Obama.

And the far left drones proves my point for me..

They just run the debunked narratives of far left religion without hesitation or question.
Kosh, post: 20183789, member: 42632"
Every far left narrative you drones post!

Give me an example. Debunked by whom?

Or just tell me what on this thread has been debunked?

Tipsy’s post has been debunked - She lied.

But I do not believe you are pointing at that.

Debunked by anyone not part of the far left religion.

All you far left drones religious narratives have been debunked over and over.

Just like you did not care about this when Obama was president, because you were not told to care about it.
Sun Devil 92, post: 20183862
Apparently they have and they do rip them out of mothers arms for misdemeanor crimes.

Where when whom and for what misdemeanor crimes?

It’s hsppening at the border the past few months and Trumpo just ordered his INS agents to stop doing it.

Trumpo signed the order yesterday that quits the lie that he didn’t start this atrocity last April.

You need to stop lying about it now.
How much did Obama want? And why weren't you concerned about these children in, 2014 let's say...
Because in Obama’s time, migrants were charged in CIVIL court. If some of the migrants committed other crimes, they would be charged in criminal court and lose their kids. So while this did happen, it was RARE. Now we have thousands of kids within a month. How dumb are you in making comparisons?
Kosh, post: 20183879,
Just like you did not care about this when Obama was president, because you were not told to care about it.

Obama did not do this. And you hated him for it. Quit that lie for your own good.

Trumpo has quit that lie.
Sun Devil 92, post: 20183862
Apparently they have and they do rip them out of mothers arms for misdemeanor crimes.

Where when whom and for what misdemeanor crimes?

It’s hsppening at the border the past few months and Trumpo just ordered his INS agents to stop doing it.

Trumpo signed the order yesterday that quits the lie that he didn’t start this atrocity last April.

You need to stop lying about it now.

I don't need to do anything and you can go fuck yourself.

They've been doing it to first time crossers for quite some time.

That is assuming the kids make it all...that isn't always the case.

Trump signed the order because of whiny turds like you.

If this is an atrocity (as you like to put it), I hope it goes on forever and it fucks up those families big time.
Kosh, post: 20183879,
Just like you did not care about this when Obama was president, because you were not told to care about it.

Obama did not do this. And you hated him for it. Quit that lie for your own good.

Trumpo has quit that lie.

See how the far left will ignore reality so they can push their debunked religious narratives?

They will ignore their own at all costs, no matter how many times it is pointed out and they are shown reality.
MarathonMike, post: 20183821
The kids were well cared for, and the separations were not for weeks more like days and sometimes hours.

Separating the children from their families is the unnecessary atrocity.


It's what happens and it is not an atrocity.

It’s not what happens. Trumpo just signed an order yesterday that it won’t happen anymore.

It’s an atrocity which is why Trumpo undid his atrocious policy of separating kids from their parents at the border creating a crisis.
MarathonMike, post: 20183821
The kids were well cared for, and the separations were not for weeks more like days and sometimes hours.

Separating the children from their families is the unnecessary atrocity.


It's what happens and it is not an atrocity.

It’s not what happens. Trumpo just signed an order yesterday that it won’t happen anymore.

It’s an atrocity which is why Trumpo undid his atrocious policy of separating kids from their parents at the border creating a crisis.

Why the fuck would he sign an order to stop something that wasn't happening.
Sun Devil 92, post: 20183902
Why the fuck would he sign an order to stop something that wasn't happening.

It was not happening. In April Trumpo forced it to start happening. The atrocity and crisis ensued. Yesterday Trumpo signed an order to make it not happen again.

You lose.

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