Kids React To Gay Marriage

So there is something innately and biologically attractive about men to you, something that you do not feel about women in the same way. In other words, your attraction to men is not, in fact, a choice that you made and it is not something that you could flip a switch on and change your choice now. It is something that you were born with. Which is also true for gay people.
I don't believe it is true for them. Bye now. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. And no, I am not a flip flopper. And one more thing. if you can't respect where I stand, don't expect me to have any for where it is that you choose to stand.

Why on earth should it be true for you but not for them?
Yay he's so cute. How adorabllllllllllle!!! Wow let's ask kids who have no clue about adult issues what they think. Sounds like a plan.
Oh, talk about hitting the nail on the head. You stand, I 'choose' to stand. You are standing on the rock and all that superior bullshit, and I'm siding with 'abominations.'
I am not trying to come across as superior. That is how you choose to look at it. I am just pointing out what I believe is.

Why on earth should it be true for you but not for them?
Because the Lord does not make us go against what his intentions are. He left that choice up to us.

God bless you two always!!! :) :) :)

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That was lovely. Let's do that bit again real soon, where you remind me of why I left the church because of judgmental bigots operating from a place of complete fear coupled with total ignorance, mmkay?

That'd be totally wonderful.

By the way. It's not an actual win if everybody quits because it's more interesting to talk to a bag of rocks than your simplistic, programmed ass.

Do they tell the kids how much more likely gay men are to get HIV and other stds and fecal related infections?
^^^ I highly doubt that they do because that right there is just it. Very few people bother to give any heads up any more nowadays. :( :( :(

That was lovely. Let's do that bit again real soon, where you remind me of why I left the church because of judgmental bigots operating from a place of complete fear coupled with total ignorance, mmkay?

That'd be totally wonderful.

By the way. It's not an actual win if everybody quits because it's more interesting to talk to a bag of rocks than your simplistic, programmed ass.

For the record, what I am doing is no different than what you are doing. I am sharing what it is that I believe just like you are sharing what it is that you believe and sadly what we believe do not match each other and if you want to hold against me what it is that I believe that is all on yourself and no one else including me. It is your choice, just like it is my choice to point all of this out to you and if you are not willing to take responsibility for the choices that you make, do not make them at all period then.

God bless you two always!!! :) :) :)

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Oh, talk about hitting the nail on the head. You stand, I 'choose' to stand. You are standing on the rock and all that superior bullshit, and I'm siding with 'abominations.'
I am not trying to come across as superior. That is how you choose to look at it. I am just pointing out what I believe is.

Why on earth should it be true for you but not for them?
Because the Lord does not make us go against what his intentions are. He left that choice up to us.

God bless you two always!!! :) :) :)


Maybe the "Lord" made gay people and wants to see how the "christians" treat them?
^^^ Do you see me flooring the gas pedal of my car with a person like that tied to the back of it? No. Why not? Because I don't believe that the Lord wants anyone to go that far.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Letting people know what the Lord's word is is what I believe the Lord wants us to do, but that is as far as it can go where we are concerned. The rest is up to those that we share his word with. It is their choice.
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^^^ Do you see me flooring the gas pedal of my car with a person like that tied to the back of it? No. Why not? Because I don't believe that the Lord wants anyone to go that far.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Letting people know what the Lord's word is is what I believe the Lord wants us to do, but that is as far as it can go where we are concerned. The rest is up to those that we share his word with. It is their choice.

Oh well, as long as you aren't dragging gay people to death I guess you're okay then. Do you seriously not understand how fucked up it sounds that you're using that kind of example here?
Oh, talk about hitting the nail on the head. You stand, I 'choose' to stand. You are standing on the rock and all that superior bullshit, and I'm siding with 'abominations.'
I am not trying to come across as superior. That is how you choose to look at it. I am just pointing out what I believe is.

Why on earth should it be true for you but not for them?
Because the Lord does not make us go against what his intentions are. He left that choice up to us.

God bless you two always!!! :) :) :)


Maybe the "Lord" made gay people and wants to see how the "christians" treat them?

What about muslims?

you really hate those Christians dont you. I mean a christian thinks gay is a sin. Muslims think it is a dealdy sin, and they behead you for it, funny I dont hear you bitching about muslims much.
^^^ Do you see me flooring the gas pedal of my car with a person like that tied to the back of it? No. Why not? Because I don't believe that the Lord wants anyone to go that far.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Letting people know what the Lord's word is is what I believe the Lord wants us to do, but that is as far as it can go where we are concerned. The rest is up to those that we share his word with. It is their choice.

Oh well, as long as you aren't dragging gay people to death I guess you're okay then. Do you seriously not understand how fucked up it sounds that you're using that kind of example here?

Remember that old joke about "We've already established what you are, now we're just haggling over price?" Right.

We've already established that she's a hater, now we're just coming down to the degree.
Oh, talk about hitting the nail on the head. You stand, I 'choose' to stand. You are standing on the rock and all that superior bullshit, and I'm siding with 'abominations.'
I am not trying to come across as superior. That is how you choose to look at it. I am just pointing out what I believe is.

Why on earth should it be true for you but not for them?
Because the Lord does not make us go against what his intentions are. He left that choice up to us.

God bless you two always!!! :) :) :)


Maybe the "Lord" made gay people and wants to see how the "christians" treat them?

That is definitely an interesting thought.
^^^ Y'all can't hear me either, can you.

God bless you always!!!

You didn't answer, though. I put up a picture, asked since they were providing children, if that worked for you? No response. Told you I don't have a storage tank, can't have kids, no response.

Your arguments are making no sense, when they happen at all.
What else is there for me to say? I've already said what matters and that is if same gender relationships had been the Lord's every intention, creating woman never once would have been thought of and then guys would then be carrying the babies during that 9-10 month time period because woman would not be here to do it for them.

God bless you always!!!


If God did not intend same sex relationships, why did he create so many gays?
^^^ That still doesn't make it okay. Why should the responsibility be thrown on to just one group of people when everyone was placed on this planet to do their part?

God bless you always!!!


Do their part?? What part of this planet is not being overburdened by the current human population? And how much of a population increase do you think we really need?

If you want to hate gays, then at least be honest about it. Using the idea of needing more people is ridiculous.
^^^ If same gender relationships had been the Lord's intention, woman never would have been created after man was.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I also find it rather offensive when people hook up with their own gender because it is like they are saying that the other gender is not worth the connection. :mad: :mad: :mad:

You are demeaning an entire portion of the population, and you have the audacity to tell us what offends you?

If I "hook up" with a blonde, am I saying every brunette and redhead is not worth the connection? Or am I showing my preferences?

Your logic is laughable here.

But just to clarify, this is not about "hooking up" with someone. This is about a loving, committed relationship. If all you see is sex, the issue is with you, not the gay couples.
I am not trying to come across as superior. That is how you choose to look at it. I am just pointing out what I believe is.

Because the Lord does not make us go against what his intentions are. He left that choice up to us.

God bless you two always!!! :) :) :)


Maybe the "Lord" made gay people and wants to see how the "christians" treat them?

What about muslims?

you really hate those Christians dont you. I mean a christian thinks gay is a sin. Muslims think it is a dealdy sin, and they behead you for it, funny I dont hear you bitching about muslims much.

“Muslims are just as hateful as Christians.”

What a moronic and failed attempt to deflect.
What them kids obviously do not get is that we were placed on this planet to replenish it. Such a thing can not come to be if we are hooked up with our own gender because that would be the end of man kind.

God bless you and them always!!!


P.S. To me, then kids should have been asked this questions: "Why can a child be conceived between a man and woman, but not between a man and another man or between a female and another female?"

I'm 67 years old and have sex at least once a week.

Since we won't be having kids, do I have to stop fucking?
Maybe the "Lord" made gay people and wants to see how the "christians" treat them?

What about muslims?

you really hate those Christians dont you. I mean a christian thinks gay is a sin. Muslims think it is a dealdy sin, and they behead you for it, funny I dont hear you bitching about muslims much.

“Muslims are just as hateful as Christians.”

What a moronic and failed attempt to deflect.

The agenda of some people is to get us all to believe that all Muslims are bad and hate all Christians and all Christians hate all Muslims.

It's simply not true.

Oh, talk about hitting the nail on the head. You stand, I 'choose' to stand. You are standing on the rock and all that superior bullshit, and I'm siding with 'abominations.'
I am not trying to come across as superior. That is how you choose to look at it. I am just pointing out what I believe is.

Why on earth should it be true for you but not for them?
Because the Lord does not make us go against what his intentions are. He left that choice up to us.

God bless you two always!!! :) :) :)


Maybe the "Lord" made gay people and wants to see how the "christians" treat them?

Perhaps not.


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