Killer Guns

Wrong. Lefties have taken a strong position against guns. They are not pushing shooter control, they are pushing gun control. They obviously believe it is the guns that are doing the killing, or they wouldn't be shielding the shooter like this.

OK, I finally realized what you're driving at. Which essentially is the issue of banning assault weapons, by whatever definition is used. Like if the shooters couldn't get an assault weapon they wouldn't shoot up a school or whatever, which of course is ridiculous. The whacked out shooters will just choose another gun to do their killing, they're not going to decide not to do it cuz they can't buy an AR-15.

IMHO, the democrats are absolutely desperate for any kind of legislative win that helps them avoid getting their asses kicked in November. They don't care if the number of mass shootings declines or not, they just wanna do something to keep their majorities in the House and the Senate.
Zero examples of guns doing the killing so far. Looks like lefties are ignoring who is really doing the killing.

They are not pushing shooter control,
How stupid are you? rhetorical.

Background Checks are about people, not the guns.

Why do you have a problem with background checks.

Why do you have a problem with registration of guns.
You support cowards, that's why.
There should be ZERO issues with registering guns.
I’ve already posted about that. Mental health and background checks are a huge part of the discussion so they aren’t being ignored like you dishonestly claim. The gun regulations are about limiting access and reducing carnage not stoping guns from going out and killing people all by themselves
The current political landscape is defined by a push against law abiding citizens to infringe on our right to bear arms, it is not characterized by a push against criminal shooters.
The current political landscape is defined by a push against law abiding citizens to infringe on our right to bear arms, it is not characterized by a push against criminal shooters.
Nowhere in that statement have you shown that people are claiming guns go out and kill people with out people shooting them.
How stupid are you? rhetorical.

Background Checks are about people, not the guns.

Why do you have a problem with background checks.

Why do you have a problem with registration of guns.
You support cowards, that's why.
There should be ZERO issues with registering guns.
The results of background checks only determine if purchasers buy their guns through government approved channels or on the black market. They don't stop killers from buying guns, they just ensure that criminal gun purchasers remain incognito.
Nowhere in that statement have you shown that people are claiming guns go out and kill people with out people shooting them.
This thread is requesting that exact information. The radical push for gun control and lack of interest in the shooters who pull the trigger strongly suggests that massive numbers of people believe that cordless hole punchers are responsible for killing people, so I have started this thread to collect any evidence that guns are doing the killing. Do you have any examples of guns doing the killing, or do you think lefties should shift their focus to the people who are doing the shooting?
This thread is requesting that exact information. The radical push for gun control and lack of interest in the shooters who pull the trigger strongly suggests that massive numbers of people believe that cordless hole punchers are responsible for killing people, so I have started this thread to collect any evidence that guns are doing the killing. Do you have any examples of guns doing the killing, or do you think lefties should shift their focus to the people who are doing the shooting?
That information doesn’t exist because nobody is claiming that it is happening except for you and your strawman.
Lefties have plenty of focus on people doing the shooting which is why you hear things like background checks, registration, and mental health in the conversation. Banning certain guns is a safety measure to reduce the killing power that some weapons contain. This is why you see automatic weapons highly restricted. Same concept. You’re waaaay off.
That information doesn’t exist because nobody is claiming that it is happening except for you and your strawman.
Lefties have plenty of focus on people doing the shooting which is why you hear things like background checks, registration, and mental health in the conversation. Banning certain guns is a safety measure to reduce the killing power that some weapons contain. This is why you see automatic weapons highly restricted. Same concept. You’re waaaay off.
Are you attempting to promote a notion that background checks or banning the legal sale of certain models of guns would somehow interfere with killers or criminals being able to purchase whatever guns they want?
Are you attempting to promote a notion that background checks or banning the legal sale of certain models of guns would somehow interfere with killers or criminals being able to purchase whatever guns they want?
People do the shooting do they not? You are here ranting about notbody focusing on the shooters. The measures I listed absolutely impact people who pull the trigger. They are a focus on shooters
The measures I listed absolutely impact people who pull the trigger.
You are attempting to group law abiding gun purchasers with killers who pull the trigger. This is a fallacy, which is why you evaded post 48. Gun control and background checks only target people who purchase guns through government approved channels, they do not interfere with a killer's ability to buy whatever he wants. Nobody is focusing on the people who do the killing, they are only focusing on banning and confiscating cordless hole punchers.
You are attempting to group law abiding gun purchasers with killers who pull the trigger. This is a fallacy, which is why you evaded post 48. Gun control and background checks only target people who purchase guns through government approved channels, they do not interfere with a killer's ability to buy whatever he wants. Nobody is focusing on the people who do the killing, they are only focusing on banning and confiscating cordless hole punchers.
You’re moving the goalposts now. First you said that the lefties were only focusing on guns and not the shooters. Now you’re saying they are focusing on law abiding citizens and not the shooters… you know that in many cases the shooters were law abiding citizens legally buying weapons before they made the turn to be criminal killers correct??
There have been many news stories about mass shootings that were committed by shooters, but this thread is not about shooters. This thread is a place to list all of the examples of guns doing the shooting. Please list examples of guns shooting or killing.

Reminder, this thread is not asking for examples where shooters pulled the trigger, it is only asking for examples of guns doing the killing.
This fails as a confirmation bias fallacy.
So far, I have not seen any examples of guns killing people getting posted here, in spite of the aggressive push against them from lefties who are ignoring the shooters who are doing the actual killing.
So far, I have not seen any examples of guns killing people getting posted here, in spite of the aggressive push against them from lefties who are ignoring the shooters who are doing the actual killing.
Well it’s a good thing you proved that there aren’t any android guns out there killing people on their own. So now that that’s all cleared up perhaps we can talk about something realistic and relevant
Well it’s a good thing you proved that there aren’t any android guns out there killing people on their own. So now that that’s all cleared up perhaps we can talk about something realistic and relevant
Wrong. This is not an example of guns killing people, as the opening post asks for. You have failed miserably to post an example, and you have consequently failed to justify why lefties are going after the cordless hole punchers instead of the killers.
Wrong. This is not an example of guns killing people, as the opening post asks for. You have failed miserably to post an example, and you have consequently failed to justify why lefties are going after the cordless hole punchers instead of the killers.
Read slowly… THERE ARE NO EXAMPLES OF GUN KILLING PEOPLE WITHOUT A SHOOTER. Nobody claims there is but you and your strawman
There have been many news stories about mass shootings that were committed by shooters, but this thread is not about shooters. This thread is a place to list all of the examples of guns doing the shooting. Please list examples of guns shooting or killing.

Reminder, this thread is not asking for examples where shooters pulled the trigger, it is only asking for examples of guns doing the killing.
A thread by stupid people, for stupid people.
Read slowly… THERE ARE NO EXAMPLES OF GUN KILLING PEOPLE WITHOUT A SHOOTER. Nobody claims there is but you and your strawman
Please quote where I have claimed that guns kill people without a shooter, as you are asserting here.

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