Killer sets trap, says its "stand your ground"

CaféAuLait;9038904 said:
If there is even a chance they would harm you you defend defend yourself.

Anyone willing to walk into my house uninvited when I am home is prepared to confront me.

If they weren't they wouldn't break in while I was home.

You seem really scared like a bunny.

Seriously? Scared like a bunny? How many people break into your home to do something good? How long are you willing to wait to see if they are there to kill you are rape your kids or wife?

I'm not waiting, and I'm certainly not setting traps, you break into my home, I'm not going to guess why you are there. I will assume you are there to hurt me or my family.

Its really quite simple. Stay the fuck out of my house and don't break in and you have nothing to worry about.

Your saying break in. He's saying just walk into your house. There is a difference. People so trigger happy might accidently shoot a friend. Or if you believe that Oscar Pistorius you end up shooting your girlfriend. I'm pretty old and have not had to shoot anyone yet. Neither has anyone I know which is a lot of people. How many deadly intruders have you shot?
IMO, from what I have read, this is murder.

The shooter had a video camera in the garage.

The girlfriend admitted to police they baited the garage with the purse and stayed up to watch the monitor.

He saw the German boy in the garage on the monitor taking the purse.

He then opened the door from the house and began, without warning, shooting into the garage.

This IS NOT JUSTIFIABLE under the Castle Doctrine.

The Castle Doctrine states that "the homeowner must have a reasonable belief that they are in danger of death or bodily harm".

Stealing from a garage does not under any circumstances meet that requirement.

The shooter had evidence and the means to call law enforcement from the safety of his home.

This was NEVER the intent of the castle doctrine laws, which is why the threat of death or grievous bodily harm was included.

In fact he was caught on camera, he was caught red handed.

EXCLUSIVE PHOTO: Diren Dede Moments Before Shooting - KULR-8 Television, Billings, MT
Man Who Set A Trap To Kill 17-Year-Old Intruder Invokes Stand Your Ground-Like Defense | ThinkProgress

Seventeen-year-old Diren Dede lost his life Sunday, while in Missoula, Montana on a high school exchange program from Germany. He was shot dead at the home of Markus Kaarma, after Kaarma set a trap for intruders by intentionally leaving the garage open and placing a purse in clear view.

After motion sensors detected someone in the garage, Kaarma shot Dede. And while he has since been charged with first degree murder, he is already invoking a Stand Your Ground-like defense.

Kaarma is not the first to claim he was justified in killing someone after setting a trap. A Minnesota jury rejected Byron Smith’s argument that he was standing his ground when he made it look as though he wasn’t home, and waited in the basement with food and water until two teen intruders descended, and he shot them dead. Audio recorded by Smith depicted him toying with the victims after he shot them, according to the New York Daily News, saying “you’re dead.” He also likened them to “vermin.”

Like we didn't see this coming.

Its a shame that we value things more than we value human lives.

I don't want my belongings stolen but no way is my TV worth more than a human life.

I don't think you grasp this...

It's not a matter of "my TV is worth more than a life".

It is a matter of civil society, and the rule of law over the criminal element, being worth more than a criminals life.

Now granted, I would prefer chopping off hands myself. There is where the right-wingers are horrified and run away from me. That's fine, I'll stand on this position alone. I think we should cut off people's hands for stealing.

You get a fair warning. You lose one hand. You lose the other hand. Suddenly theft is a thing of the past.

Here's the problem with you people on the left. What you don't grasp, is that nearly all major criminals, are people who got away with little criminal acts in the past.

People don't just wake up one morning, and think "Hey I'm going to be gangster hit man, and kill people".

These people started by picking up someone's MP3 player at school. Then shop lifting at Walmart. Then broke into someone's car to get the stereo. Then stole cars. Then broke into homes. And later then end up shooting some poor girl at the quick mart.

The vast majority of people who are life long criminals started why back when they were just snatching nick nacks, and you idiots say "don't do anything to them, it's only a purse".

You people following that line of thinking are exactly why we have so many murders in our country. If we laid down the law when they were shop lifting and snatching MP3 players, we wouldn't have an epidemic of homicide.

I'll never forget at College, there was a woman there in her 30s. I was working at a Caddy dealership, and she asked me if I could get a Cadillac emblem for her to give to her son. I told her those were fairly expensive to buy, and she looked at me like I was nutz and said "no, I just mean get one... you know, one they won't notice is gone".

I just sat there completely stunned.... realizing what she was saying is that she wanted me to steal from the people who paid my wages.

We MUST change this culture. The best way to do that, is to make theft extremely risky and painful, and enforce the laws ruthlessly. Think how that kid is going to grow up, this his mother teaching him these morals?
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CaféAuLait;9038904 said:
You seem really scared like a bunny.

Seriously? Scared like a bunny? How many people break into your home to do something good? How long are you willing to wait to see if they are there to kill you are rape your kids or wife?

I'm not waiting, and I'm certainly not setting traps, you break into my home, I'm not going to guess why you are there. I will assume you are there to hurt me or my family.

Its really quite simple. Stay the fuck out of my house and don't break in and you have nothing to worry about.

Your saying break in. He's saying just walk into your house. There is a difference. People so trigger happy might accidently shoot a friend. Or if you believe that Oscar Pistorius you end up shooting your girlfriend. I'm pretty old and have not had to shoot anyone yet. Neither has anyone I know which is a lot of people. How many deadly intruders have you shot?

Oscar Pistorious flat out murdered his girlfriend. It was no accident as he claims. He was caught in many lies during his testimony and his own forensic people said the opposite of what he claimed. He is a liar and a murderer.

As far as the person saying 'walk in' I believe he was referring to walking in without permission, IOW breaking in.

The guy who shot the kid in the garage was wrong. Sure his home was being broken into, lets pretend he did not set a trap and the kid was in his garage. My garage and home are attached, however there is a heavy locking steel door in between him and my family. That's when I call 911, and wait to assure he can't get into my main residence. If he gains access I will shoot. Hopefully the cops will arrive before that happens. The guy in the OP could have waited for the cops, presumably there was a locked door protecting him until the cops arrived. What he did was flat out wrong.
The garage scenario is an example why I am armed within the home. For today, the Bersa Thunder is the carry choice that will be on my side in a Crossbreed Supertuck

Walking in my garage will get you an introduction


I'm partial to the FNX-45 Tactical for the home. Fifteen rounds in the mag and one in the pipe.
Whats not to like?
And the LCP .380 with the LaserMax is about the size of my wallet. In fact it'll fit in the watch pocket of a pair of Levi's right up to the grip. Dont even need a holster.

Oooooh! Badass alert!

Oooooh! Fagget lib alert!
I look at fools like you with complete disdain. You bury your head in the sand thinking you'll never need to protect yourself or loved one's. If the day ever comes,God forbid,and you fail to protect your family? I hope you can live with yourself,because I know I couldnt.
Good luck....
They were robbed twice in 3 weeks?
Uh yeah... I can tell you that when I came home, and my entire house was turned upside down, and half my stuff was gone, if I had found someone in my home, yeah, I would have shot him for sure.

If that had happened twice in 3 weeks, I would have been spitting fire, and loading 9mm clips for sure. Absolutely I would have.

Do any of you people know what it like to find your entire house ransacked? Do you have any idea what it's like to go around trying to figure out what isn't there anymore?

This MUST stop. This MUST end. In American history, we used to string people up in trees for doing stuff like this. This is why people left their front doors to home wide open, and neighbors would walk right in, and say hi.

Now we live like inmates in our own homes. It's got to stop! It must stop.

I still don't know where I stand on this specific case, because it looks like entrapment, and I'm not sure I buy that.... but honestly, I'm half way to supporting him, and hoping he gets off.
Shit....every nutter here thinks they are Rambo and life is a movie set.

You don't shoot someone......anyone.....unless you are 100% ( not 99%) sure that they are going to harm you physically.....and there is no other option available for defending yourself.

So you're going to wait until he pulls his pistol before you grab your wiffle ball bat?

That's a good nutter! Assume that the person you are talking to.....being a lib....does not have a firearm. Idiot.

I would wait until I was 100% certain. That is what I would do. You, being an idiot, would not. I get it.

I wouldnt give them that opportunity. Unlike you,me my families safety is more important then some dirt bag who's in my home uninvited.
They were robbed twice in 3 weeks?
Uh yeah... I can tell you that when I came home, and my entire house was turned upside down, and half my stuff was gone, if I had found someone in my home, yeah, I would have shot him for sure.

If that had happened twice in 3 weeks, I would have been spitting fire, and loading 9mm clips for sure. Absolutely I would have.

Do any of you people know what it like to find your entire house ransacked? Do you have any idea what it's like to go around trying to figure out what isn't there anymore?

This MUST stop. This MUST end. In American history, we used to string people up in trees for doing stuff like this. This is why people left their front doors to home wide open, and neighbors would walk right in, and say hi.

Now we live like inmates in our own homes. It's got to stop! It must stop.

I still don't know where I stand on this specific case, because it looks like entrapment, and I'm not sure I buy that.... but honestly, I'm half way to supporting him, and hoping he gets off.

I do know what its like but it was different. He was waiting in the attic. I put the kids to bed I was watching for the evening and they kept calling me upstairs telling me they could hear a "ghost" in the attic. To calm them and show them there was no such thing as ghosts, I got a ladder and a flashlight and opened the trap door to the attic.

When I l climbed up and looked in I saw a pair of sneakers and legs. I immediately jumped down, breaking my ankle, unbeknownst to me at the time. Grabbed the kids and hobbled an my ass to the neighbors home. Cops arrived as he was fleeing out the back sliders--( which he used to gain access to my home) his jeans were caught on a nail which slowed his fleeing down until the cops arrived. That's when I got a gun. Who the hell knows why he was lying in wait in the attic. Scary shit.

The guy in the OP is different tho, unless there was not a locked door between him and his family then he may have been in the right, but Ill bet there was a door separating the garage and home and he could have waited for the cops or until he tried to gain entrance to the main home.
CaféAuLait;9039078 said:
They were robbed twice in 3 weeks?
Uh yeah... I can tell you that when I came home, and my entire house was turned upside down, and half my stuff was gone, if I had found someone in my home, yeah, I would have shot him for sure.

If that had happened twice in 3 weeks, I would have been spitting fire, and loading 9mm clips for sure. Absolutely I would have.

Do any of you people know what it like to find your entire house ransacked? Do you have any idea what it's like to go around trying to figure out what isn't there anymore?

This MUST stop. This MUST end. In American history, we used to string people up in trees for doing stuff like this. This is why people left their front doors to home wide open, and neighbors would walk right in, and say hi.

Now we live like inmates in our own homes. It's got to stop! It must stop.

I still don't know where I stand on this specific case, because it looks like entrapment, and I'm not sure I buy that.... but honestly, I'm half way to supporting him, and hoping he gets off.

I do know what its like but it was different. He was waiting in the attic. I put the kids to bed I was watching for the evening and they kept calling me upstairs telling me they could hear a "ghost" in the attic. To calm them and show them there was no such thing as ghosts, I got a ladder and a flashlight and opened the trap door to the attic.

When I l climbed up and looked in I saw a pair of sneakers and legs. I immediately jumped down, breaking my ankle, unbeknownst to me at the time. Grabbed the kids and hobbled an my ass to the neighbors home. Cops arrived as he was fleeing out the back sliders--( which he used to gain access to my home) his jeans were caught on a nail which slowed his fleeing down until the cops arrived. That's when I got a gun. Who the hell knows why he was lying in wait in the attic. Scary shit.

The guy in the OP is different tho, unless there was not a locked door between him and his family then he may have been in the right, but Ill bet there was a door separating the garage and home and he could have waited for the cops or until he tried to gain entrance to the main home.

Me too, a little different. Six months pregnant with a 2 and a 3 year old at 7pm the cable went out. I didn't think anything of it and started the bedtime routine, until ten minutes later a thunderous knock on the door twice. I was frightened and didn't open the door instead went to call my husband only to find the phone was dead. Then I could see three guys climbing over the deck. I rushed to lock the doors, grabbed my babies my gun and ran for the front door as the were breaking in the back door. I heard one scream "She's getting out" and I fired a shot into the grass and managed to run to a neighbors.

Phone, fax and cable lines were all cut.

No way was I wanting to kill them, I just wanted to protect my family. If cornered I would have though.
I'm partial to the FNX-45 Tactical for the home. Fifteen rounds in the mag and one in the pipe.
Whats not to like?
And the LCP .380 with the LaserMax is about the size of my wallet. In fact it'll fit in the watch pocket of a pair of Levi's right up to the grip. Dont even need a holster.

Oooooh! Badass alert!

Oooooh! Fagget lib alert!
I look at fools like you with complete disdain. You bury your head in the sand thinking you'll never need to protect yourself or loved one's. If the day ever comes,God forbid,and you fail to protect your family? I hope you can live with yourself,because I know I couldnt.
Good luck....

You fail to understand. I will shoot a threat dead.....but I will know that I have to first. You will not. That is what makes you less of a man than me. No amount of luck can help you in that regard.
CaféAuLait;9039078 said:
They were robbed twice in 3 weeks?
Uh yeah... I can tell you that when I came home, and my entire house was turned upside down, and half my stuff was gone, if I had found someone in my home, yeah, I would have shot him for sure.

If that had happened twice in 3 weeks, I would have been spitting fire, and loading 9mm clips for sure. Absolutely I would have.

Do any of you people know what it like to find your entire house ransacked? Do you have any idea what it's like to go around trying to figure out what isn't there anymore?

This MUST stop. This MUST end. In American history, we used to string people up in trees for doing stuff like this. This is why people left their front doors to home wide open, and neighbors would walk right in, and say hi.

Now we live like inmates in our own homes. It's got to stop! It must stop.

I still don't know where I stand on this specific case, because it looks like entrapment, and I'm not sure I buy that.... but honestly, I'm half way to supporting him, and hoping he gets off.

I do know what its like but it was different. He was waiting in the attic. I put the kids to bed I was watching for the evening and they kept calling me upstairs telling me they could hear a "ghost" in the attic. To calm them and show them there was no such thing as ghosts, I got a ladder and a flashlight and opened the trap door to the attic.

When I l climbed up and looked in I saw a pair of sneakers and legs. I immediately jumped down, breaking my ankle, unbeknownst to me at the time. Grabbed the kids and hobbled an my ass to the neighbors home. Cops arrived as he was fleeing out the back sliders--( which he used to gain access to my home) his jeans were caught on a nail which slowed his fleeing down until the cops arrived. That's when I got a gun. Who the hell knows why he was lying in wait in the attic. Scary shit.

The guy in the OP is different tho, unless there was not a locked door between him and his family then he may have been in the right, but Ill bet there was a door separating the garage and home and he could have waited for the cops or until he tried to gain entrance to the main home.

Me too, a little different. Six months pregnant with a 2 and a 3 year old at 7pm the cable went out. I didn't think anything of it and started the bedtime routine, until ten minutes later a thunderous knock on the door twice. I was frightened and didn't open the door instead went to call my husband only to find the phone was dead. Then I could see three guys climbing over the deck. I rushed to lock the doors, grabbed my babies my gun and ran for the front door as the were breaking in the back door. I heard one scream "She's getting out" and I fired a shot into the grass and managed to run to a neighbors.

Phone, fax and cable lines were all cut.

No way was I wanting to kill them, I just wanted to protect my family. If cornered I would have though.

Holy crap! Did they catch them? That seems worse, as far as I know he did not try to chase me, he just tried to get away it seems. Wow, pregnant too, probably scared the kids too. The kids with me would not go to sleep for a week after wards, and no matter what anyone told them- ghosts exist ( given my reaction since they did not see him) and the cops can catch "ghosts". :lol:
CaféAuLait;9039006 said:
CaféAuLait;9038904 said:
Seriously? Scared like a bunny? How many people break into your home to do something good? How long are you willing to wait to see if they are there to kill you are rape your kids or wife?

I'm not waiting, and I'm certainly not setting traps, you break into my home, I'm not going to guess why you are there. I will assume you are there to hurt me or my family.

Its really quite simple. Stay the fuck out of my house and don't break in and you have nothing to worry about.

Your saying break in. He's saying just walk into your house. There is a difference. People so trigger happy might accidently shoot a friend. Or if you believe that Oscar Pistorius you end up shooting your girlfriend. I'm pretty old and have not had to shoot anyone yet. Neither has anyone I know which is a lot of people. How many deadly intruders have you shot?

Oscar Pistorious flat out murdered his girlfriend. It was no accident as he claims. He was caught in many lies during his testimony and his own forensic people said the opposite of what he claimed. He is a liar and a murderer.

As far as the person saying 'walk in' I believe he was referring to walking in without permission, IOW breaking in.

The guy who shot the kid in the garage was wrong. Sure his home was being broken into, lets pretend he did not set a trap and the kid was in his garage. My garage and home are attached, however there is a heavy locking steel door in between him and my family. That's when I call 911, and wait to assure he can't get into my main residence. If he gains access I will shoot. Hopefully the cops will arrive before that happens. The guy in the OP could have waited for the cops, presumably there was a locked door protecting him until the cops arrived. What he did was flat out wrong.

Well I don't disagree with anything that you would do.
CaféAuLait;9039078 said:
They were robbed twice in 3 weeks?
Uh yeah... I can tell you that when I came home, and my entire house was turned upside down, and half my stuff was gone, if I had found someone in my home, yeah, I would have shot him for sure.

If that had happened twice in 3 weeks, I would have been spitting fire, and loading 9mm clips for sure. Absolutely I would have.

Do any of you people know what it like to find your entire house ransacked? Do you have any idea what it's like to go around trying to figure out what isn't there anymore?

This MUST stop. This MUST end. In American history, we used to string people up in trees for doing stuff like this. This is why people left their front doors to home wide open, and neighbors would walk right in, and say hi.

Now we live like inmates in our own homes. It's got to stop! It must stop.

I still don't know where I stand on this specific case, because it looks like entrapment, and I'm not sure I buy that.... but honestly, I'm half way to supporting him, and hoping he gets off.

I do know what its like but it was different. He was waiting in the attic. I put the kids to bed I was watching for the evening and they kept calling me upstairs telling me they could hear a "ghost" in the attic. To calm them and show them there was no such thing as ghosts, I got a ladder and a flashlight and opened the trap door to the attic.

When I l climbed up and looked in I saw a pair of sneakers and legs. I immediately jumped down, breaking my ankle, unbeknownst to me at the time. Grabbed the kids and hobbled an my ass to the neighbors home. Cops arrived as he was fleeing out the back sliders--( which he used to gain access to my home) his jeans were caught on a nail which slowed his fleeing down until the cops arrived. That's when I got a gun. Who the hell knows why he was lying in wait in the attic. Scary shit.

The guy in the OP is different tho, unless there was not a locked door between him and his family then he may have been in the right, but Ill bet there was a door separating the garage and home and he could have waited for the cops or until he tried to gain entrance to the main home.

The wife and I were watching the tube one evening when I heard a knock on the door.
I always looked out the side window to see who was at my door before answering.
I see three mexican dudes on my porch and a car parked out front.
I grab the sawed off 870 I leave by the front door and keep it out of sight behind the door jam when I open the door.
They asked to use the phone because their car had broken down. I told them they could wait there and I called out to the wife to bring the cordless phone.
Already being suspicious since all three had come to the door rather then just one of them I wasn't about to let them in the house. I then noticed one had a cell phone in his hand.
The one with the cell in his hand was standing behind the first two and he realized that I had seen his phone. He immediately started rushing forward trying to get past his buddies.
At that point I brought the shotgun up. Those fools were falling all over themselves trying to get over the shrubs that lined my front porch.
They then jumped into their supposedly broken down car and hauled ass.
That was years ago when we had first married and we've since moved to a gated community. But I still go to the door armed. Because I've never forgotten that feeling of "what if" I hadnt been armed that first time?

All it takes is not being prepared one time. I'm not gonna let that happen....ever.
Fuck what some liberal panty waste thinks.
Man Who Set A Trap To Kill 17-Year-Old Intruder Invokes Stand Your Ground-Like Defense | ThinkProgress

Seventeen-year-old Diren Dede lost his life Sunday, while in Missoula, Montana on a high school exchange program from Germany. He was shot dead at the home of Markus Kaarma, after Kaarma set a trap for intruders by intentionally leaving the garage open and placing a purse in clear view.

After motion sensors detected someone in the garage, Kaarma shot Dede. And while he has since been charged with first degree murder, he is already invoking a Stand Your Ground-like defense.

Kaarma is not the first to claim he was justified in killing someone after setting a trap. A Minnesota jury rejected Byron Smith’s argument that he was standing his ground when he made it look as though he wasn’t home, and waited in the basement with food and water until two teen intruders descended, and he shot them dead. Audio recorded by Smith depicted him toying with the victims after he shot them, according to the New York Daily News, saying “you’re dead.” He also likened them to “vermin.”

Like we didn't see this coming.

Its a shame that we value things more than we value human lives.

I don't want my belongings stolen but no way is my TV worth more than a human life.

The problem with this case, like the one in Minnesota, is it undermines a perfectly appropriate legal doctrine pursuant to the right to self-defense: SYG.

Once again the issue isn’t with SYG laws per se, but with gun owners ignorant of, or in contempt of, the law as to what constitutes an actual SYG situation, where one may legally use deadly force.
CaféAuLait;9039078 said:
They were robbed twice in 3 weeks?
Uh yeah... I can tell you that when I came home, and my entire house was turned upside down, and half my stuff was gone, if I had found someone in my home, yeah, I would have shot him for sure.

If that had happened twice in 3 weeks, I would have been spitting fire, and loading 9mm clips for sure. Absolutely I would have.

Do any of you people know what it like to find your entire house ransacked? Do you have any idea what it's like to go around trying to figure out what isn't there anymore?

This MUST stop. This MUST end. In American history, we used to string people up in trees for doing stuff like this. This is why people left their front doors to home wide open, and neighbors would walk right in, and say hi.

Now we live like inmates in our own homes. It's got to stop! It must stop.

I still don't know where I stand on this specific case, because it looks like entrapment, and I'm not sure I buy that.... but honestly, I'm half way to supporting him, and hoping he gets off.

I do know what its like but it was different. He was waiting in the attic. I put the kids to bed I was watching for the evening and they kept calling me upstairs telling me they could hear a "ghost" in the attic. To calm them and show them there was no such thing as ghosts, I got a ladder and a flashlight and opened the trap door to the attic.

When I l climbed up and looked in I saw a pair of sneakers and legs. I immediately jumped down, breaking my ankle, unbeknownst to me at the time. Grabbed the kids and hobbled an my ass to the neighbors home. Cops arrived as he was fleeing out the back sliders--( which he used to gain access to my home) his jeans were caught on a nail which slowed his fleeing down until the cops arrived. That's when I got a gun. Who the hell knows why he was lying in wait in the attic. Scary shit.

The guy in the OP is different tho, unless there was not a locked door between him and his family then he may have been in the right, but Ill bet there was a door separating the garage and home and he could have waited for the cops or until he tried to gain entrance to the main home.

Me too, a little different. Six months pregnant with a 2 and a 3 year old at 7pm the cable went out. I didn't think anything of it and started the bedtime routine, until ten minutes later a thunderous knock on the door twice. I was frightened and didn't open the door instead went to call my husband only to find the phone was dead. Then I could see three guys climbing over the deck. I rushed to lock the doors, grabbed my babies my gun and ran for the front door as the were breaking in the back door. I heard one scream "She's getting out" and I fired a shot into the grass and managed to run to a neighbors.

Phone, fax and cable lines were all cut.

No way was I wanting to kill them, I just wanted to protect my family. If cornered I would have though.

It's a sobering experience ain't it?
Oooooh! Badass alert!

Oooooh! Fagget lib alert!
I look at fools like you with complete disdain. You bury your head in the sand thinking you'll never need to protect yourself or loved one's. If the day ever comes,God forbid,and you fail to protect your family? I hope you can live with yourself,because I know I couldnt.
Good luck....

You fail to understand. I will shoot a threat dead.....but I will know that I have to first. You will not. That is what makes you less of a man than me. No amount of luck can help you in that regard.

I dont trust in luck. It can run out at the most inopportune times.
But you go right ahead. I've lived through one attempted home invasion. I promise,it'll make you think twice about your trust in your fellow man.

I just hope your family isn't the one who pays when you luck runs out.
CaféAuLait;9039078 said:
They were robbed twice in 3 weeks?
Uh yeah... I can tell you that when I came home, and my entire house was turned upside down, and half my stuff was gone, if I had found someone in my home, yeah, I would have shot him for sure.

If that had happened twice in 3 weeks, I would have been spitting fire, and loading 9mm clips for sure. Absolutely I would have.

Do any of you people know what it like to find your entire house ransacked? Do you have any idea what it's like to go around trying to figure out what isn't there anymore?

This MUST stop. This MUST end. In American history, we used to string people up in trees for doing stuff like this. This is why people left their front doors to home wide open, and neighbors would walk right in, and say hi.

Now we live like inmates in our own homes. It's got to stop! It must stop.

I still don't know where I stand on this specific case, because it looks like entrapment, and I'm not sure I buy that.... but honestly, I'm half way to supporting him, and hoping he gets off.

I do know what its like but it was different. He was waiting in the attic. I put the kids to bed I was watching for the evening and they kept calling me upstairs telling me they could hear a "ghost" in the attic. To calm them and show them there was no such thing as ghosts, I got a ladder and a flashlight and opened the trap door to the attic.

When I l climbed up and looked in I saw a pair of sneakers and legs. I immediately jumped down, breaking my ankle, unbeknownst to me at the time. Grabbed the kids and hobbled an my ass to the neighbors home. Cops arrived as he was fleeing out the back sliders--( which he used to gain access to my home) his jeans were caught on a nail which slowed his fleeing down until the cops arrived. That's when I got a gun. Who the hell knows why he was lying in wait in the attic. Scary shit.

The guy in the OP is different tho, unless there was not a locked door between him and his family then he may have been in the right, but Ill bet there was a door separating the garage and home and he could have waited for the cops or until he tried to gain entrance to the main home.

The wife and I were watching the tube one evening when I heard a knock on the door.
I always looked out the side window to see who was at my door before answering.
I see three mexican dudes on my porch and a car parked out front.
I grab the sawed off 870 I leave by the front door and keep it out of sight behind the door jam when I open the door.
They asked to use the phone because their car had broken down. I told them they could wait there and I called out to the wife to bring the cordless phone.
Already being suspicious since all three had come to the door rather then just one of them I wasn't about to let them in the house. I then noticed one had a cell phone in his hand.
The one with the cell in his hand was standing behind the first two and he realized that I had seen his phone. He immediately started rushing forward trying to get past his buddies.
At that point I brought the shotgun up. Those fools were falling all over themselves trying to get over the shrubs that lined my front porch.
They then jumped into their supposedly broken down car and hauled ass.
That was years ago when we had first married and we've since moved to a gated community. But I still go to the door armed. Because I've never forgotten that feeling of "what if" I hadnt been armed that first time?

All it takes is not being prepared one time. I'm not gonna let that happen....ever.
Fuck what some liberal panty waste thinks.

You are full of shit.
Let's see.....just about every USMB nutter in the thread has had an brush with death in their home. What a co-ink-dink!

Guess you've been fortunate.
Let it happen to you one time and you'll change your tune....assuming you live through it.

I also had a couple of guys pretend to have had a motorcycle accident so they could try and jack my bike.
I was coming home from work on my FZ 750 on the back roads and I came upon two guys,one laying on the ground pretending to be injured and the other standing on the side of the road by a laid down motorcycle.
Right about the the time I stopped the "injured" guy jumps up and tries to knock me off my bike. I was lucky I got on the throttle in time.
Maybe if you moved out of your moms basement and got out into the world you would be unfortunate enough to experience attempted crimes.
Or maybe you just live in Mayberry...... say hello to officer Fife for me next time you see him.

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