Killing the traditional nuclear family is the Democrat agenda for future victories

Trump cheated on every one of his wives and yet you fuckers want to point fingers at the democrats? Takes nerve.
The traditional nuclear family, married father and mother, two or three kids at home, is the greatest enemy to the Democratic Party, so they have sought its destruction.

Hey Ward, how's June?
More importantly, how's June's Beaver?
The traditional nuclear family, married father and mother, two or three kids at home, is the greatest enemy to the Democratic Party, so they have sought its destruction.

Single mothers have no choice but to vote for Democrats as no one else provides for them.

This is once again a phenomenon where the democrats only care about the votes and the innocent children - they could not give rat's ass about. But then, that doesn't come as a surprise, after all, this is the party that enacted social security.
Current Democratic Party political strategy:

Make the party a home for:

1. All non-Whites
2. Gay Mafia
3. That portion of the White electorate which has Cultural Suicide tendencies (divide and conquer)

Winning Democratic Party political strategy:

1. Kiss and make up with White Straight Christian Middle-America
2. Dump the Illegal Aliens
3. Dump the Gay Mafia and the Muslims.
4. Social Safety Net with a strong Fiscal Responsibility component
5. Grow the economy
6. Rightsize the US Military
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The traditional nuclear family, married father and mother, two or three kids at home, is the greatest enemy to the Democratic Party, so they have sought its destruction.

Problem is that the idea of the "perfect family" is one of the biggest killers of the traditional family.

People's expectations of marriage are out of whack, so when they see problems, it ends in divorce, rather than people accepting what they have and trying to work it out, simply because they feel it can't work.

4 of the top 5 divorce states are Republican states.

State Divorce Rate (per 1,000 residents) 2016 Voting Record
Alaska 4.1 Republican
Arkansas 4.8 Republican
Nevada 4.6 Democrat
Oklahoma 4.4 Republican
Wyoming 4.1 Republican

Of the bottom 9, 4 are Democrat, Iowa and PA are swing states. PA was 3rd closest race.

Iowa 1.2 Republican
Illinois 2.2 Democrat
Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Texas, and Wisconsin 2.6 Republican
Maryland and Massachusetts 2.6 Democrat
New York 2.7 Democrat
Misleading nonsense!

Are Republicans More Likely to Have Affairs and Get Divorces? - The Monkey Cage

Not really.

The response is those ADMITTING they've had an extra marital affair. Doesn't say how many actually have. Would Republicans be less likely to admit?
Don't be a partisan tool.

Look at the facts: Are Republicans Happier in Their Marriages Than Democrats?
The traditional nuclear family, married father and mother, two or three kids at home, is the greatest enemy to the Democratic Party, so they have sought its destruction.
And worst of all, with your narrow minded, hateful tunnel vision, you blame it, as you blame everything you don't like, on Democrats. It's just totally idiotic. Think! Use your brain. Nothing stays the same. Nothing. Civilization, society, culture, people change. You can't stop it. That is reality. Rather than fearing change, embrace it. But you will never do that because you are too frightened and too narrow minded.
Change is not always inevitable nor is it always desirable.

Do we have to embrace decadence? Abortion, hedonism, homosexual & transgender activism, addictive drugs, and certain brands of feminism will together destroy any society. The native populations in Europe and North America are rapidly going extinct.

Also consider: Marriage: America’s Greatest Weapon Against Child Poverty
LOL The 'traditional' nuclear family didn't have 'two or three kids'. Why do people like you have no sense of history. Such families had many more kids. Two or three kids is something very modern, like in the past 50 years. People like you are so afraid of change instead of seeing change and evolution as part of life and inevitable, you see it as something frightening and horrific. And worst of all, with your narrow minded, hateful tunnel vision, you blame it, as you blame everything you don't like, on Democrats. It's just totally idiotic. Think! Use your brain. Nothing stays the same. Nothing. Civilization, society, culture, people change. You can't stop it. That is reality. Rathern than fearing change, embrace it. But you will never do that because you are too frightened and too narrow minded.
And yet, all the hate and anger comes from your side.
Again, you are not in touch with reality. :asshole:
Explain the "pussy rally" then.
"...a rally on Jan. 21 organized with hopes of bringing attention to civil and human rights issues. The name of the hats comes partly from President-elect Trump's comments in an infamous 2005 tape that came to light during his campaign in which, discussing women, he said: “Grab them by the pussy."

Something is wrong with a rally to bring attention to civil and human rights issues? The name of the hats is irony, mocking Trump for talking about women that way. He's a sleaze.
Wearing a hat that looks like a vagina is an example of what it means when I say Democrats are batshit crazy.

Has it been a while since you've seen a vagina? They don't look like this...

The traditional nuclear family, married father and mother, two or three kids at home, is the greatest enemy to the Democratic Party, so they have sought its destruction.

How many nuclear families died to get Doug Jones elected in Alabama?
The traditional nuclear family, married father and mother, two or three kids at home, is the greatest enemy to the Democratic Party, so they have sought its destruction.
And worst of all, with your narrow minded, hateful tunnel vision, you blame it, as you blame everything you don't like, on Democrats. It's just totally idiotic. Think! Use your brain. Nothing stays the same. Nothing. Civilization, society, culture, people change. You can't stop it. That is reality. Rather than fearing change, embrace it. But you will never do that because you are too frightened and too narrow minded.
Change is not always inevitable nor is it always desirable.

Do we have to embrace decadence? Abortion, hedonism, homosexual & transgender activism, addictive drugs, and certain brands of feminism will together destroy any society. The native populations in Europe and North America are rapidly going extinct.

Also consider: Marriage: America’s Greatest Weapon Against Child Poverty
Change is always inevitable. Look back at history.
The traditional nuclear family, married father and mother, two or three kids at home, is the greatest enemy to the Democratic Party, so they have sought its destruction.

Problem is that the idea of the "perfect family" is one of the biggest killers of the traditional family.

People's expectations of marriage are out of whack, so when they see problems, it ends in divorce, rather than people accepting what they have and trying to work it out, simply because they feel it can't work.

4 of the top 5 divorce states are Republican states.

State Divorce Rate (per 1,000 residents) 2016 Voting Record
Alaska 4.1 Republican
Arkansas 4.8 Republican
Nevada 4.6 Democrat
Oklahoma 4.4 Republican
Wyoming 4.1 Republican

Of the bottom 9, 4 are Democrat, Iowa and PA are swing states. PA was 3rd closest race.

Iowa 1.2 Republican
Illinois 2.2 Democrat
Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Texas, and Wisconsin 2.6 Republican
Maryland and Massachusetts 2.6 Democrat
New York 2.7 Democrat
Misleading nonsense!

Are Republicans More Likely to Have Affairs and Get Divorces? - The Monkey Cage

Not really.

The response is those ADMITTING they've had an extra marital affair. Doesn't say how many actually have. Would Republicans be less likely to admit?
Don't be a partisan tool.

Look at the facts: Are Republicans Happier in Their Marriages Than Democrats?

I'm no partisan tool. I looked for the results of the survey and I found nothing. The webpage you quoted showed no links to the actual figures, to anything that I could look for. All I could see was that it said was whether people would ADMIT to having an affair.

What does that mean? It means some people might be more likely to admit to something than others.

Other facts are the Republicans working for the Federal govt and quite prominent are much more likely to get caught doing this stuff. What does it say? That they're less likely to cover their tracks or they fuck around more? Who knows?

The article you presented says:

"Wilcox said this is potentially because Republicans are more likely to embrace a “marriage-mindset,” which views marriage as the best way to “anchor” a relationship and a family. He said this mindset also emphasizes marriage as a binding commitment, which makes people more likely to invest themselves into the institution."

Which doesn't mean they're happier, they just decide they're going to get married and they try and stay together. This doesn't mean they're less likely to fuck around, but maybe it means they're less likely to tell others about it, perhaps.

Wilcox and his co-author Nicholas Wolfinger also explored marital quality, finding that among those who are married, 67 percent of Republicans say they are “very happy” in their marriages. Sixty percent of Democrats say the same, marking a seven-point gap.

This disparity shrank to 3 percent when the researchers controlled for demographic and cultural differences between each party."

Then you have here differences in how research is presented. You have a 7 point difference in happiness, but it becomes 3% when you have difference, whatever that amounts to.

The issue here is a very complex one. Are people really happier? Are they more likely to present a happy front to others? Also, how much of an impact does money play?

Two Nobel Prize winners figured out the perfect salary for happiness

"According to their study, there's a "happiness plateau" above an annual salary of $75,000."

So, the more money you have, the less stress you have, the more free time perhaps you have, the more you're able to deal with life's problems, and then you're happier for it. Such people may be more likely to vote Republican.

Is this a case of Republicans are more likely to be happier, or people who are happier, wealthier etc are more likely to vote Republican?
Trump cheated on every one of his wives and yet you fuckers want to point fingers at the democrats? Takes nerve.

Yes but you see the normal people don't want cheating-marriage to be enshrined in law just because of the nonexistent "rights" of a deviant minority.
Current Democratic Party political strategy:

Make the party a home for:

1. All non-Whites
2. Gay Mafia
3. That portion of the White electorate which has Cultural Suicide tendencies (divide and conquer)

Winning Democratic Party political strategy:

1. Kiss and make up with White Straight Christian Middle-America
2. Dump the Illegal Aliens
3. Dump the Gay Mafia and the Muslims.
4. Social Safety Net with a strong Fiscal Responsibility component
5. Grow the economy
6. Rightsize the US Military

Actually admitted it, too!

"The Future of the Obama Coalition
By THOMAS B. EDSALL NOVEMBER 27, 2011 11:34 PM November 27, 2011 11:34 pm
For decades, Democrats have suffered continuous and increasingly severe losses among white voters. But preparations by Democratic operatives for the 2012 election make it clear for the first time that the party will explicitly abandon the white working class."
The Future of the Obama Coalition

But preparations by Democratic operatives for the 2012 election make it clear for the first time that the party will explicitly abandon the white working class.

All pretense of trying to win a majority of the white working class has been effectively jettisoned in favor of cementing a center-left coalition made up, on the one hand, of voters who have gotten ahead on the basis of educational attainment — professors, artists, designers, editors, human resources managers, lawyers, librarians, social workers, teachers and therapists — and a second, substantial constituency of lower-income voters who are disproportionately African-American and Hispanic."
The Future of the Obama Coalition

Hillary Clinton Had No Concession Speech, Blames Loss On ‘White People’ [VIDEO] Hillary Clinton Had No Concession Speech, Blames Loss On ‘White People’ [VIDEO]
"The Future of the Obama Coalition
By THOMAS B. EDSALL NOVEMBER 27, 2011 11:34 PM November 27, 2011 11:34 pm
For decades, Democrats have suffered continuous and increasingly severe losses among white voters. But preparations by Democratic operatives for the 2012 election make it clear for the first time that the party will explicitly abandon the white working class."
The Future of the Obama Coalition

Okey, heers da ting maan. :cool:

White people are not the only demographic they are alienating. Hispanics and blacks have a VERY distinct few of the nuclear family and clear divisions between men and women within their culture. When the idiot dems forced deranged men in women's bathrooms, it not only cut out the white blue collars and drove them to Trump; but also the blacks and hispanic men who did not and do not EVER want ANY men, especially deranged ones, in the private intimate spaces their women occupy. That was FAIL number 1.

Currently and in concert with 2015's FAIL number 2 (Obergefell/ gay marriage decision) the gaystapo is trying to enshrine in law now, via Dumont and Lyon in Michigan, in its very early stages of petition (write your amicus briefs today folks), that mothers or fathers are no longer important to girls and boys. It's a lawsuit where two lesbians are seeking to force adoption agencies to adopt out children to motherless/fatherless (gay) marriages. The decision may seem mundane "after all, gays can marry" (they can't in all 50 states and Obergefell will be reversed for a host of reasons with the new Court). But the question is pivotal. Because it sets in motion a precedent that makes fathers and mothers no longer uniquely relevant to children.

Enter more and more lawsuits where Christians will challenge that. It essentially is nothing but a targeted war of the evil left against Christians using marriage and adoption as the fodder of war to extinguish Christianity (for now, but morality in general across the board later).
"The Future of the Obama Coalition
By THOMAS B. EDSALL NOVEMBER 27, 2011 11:34 PM November 27, 2011 11:34 pm
For decades, Democrats have suffered continuous and increasingly severe losses among white voters. But preparations by Democratic operatives for the 2012 election make it clear for the first time that the party will explicitly abandon the white working class."
The Future of the Obama Coalition

Okey, heers da ting maan. White people are not the only demographic they are alienating. Hispanics and blacks have a VERY distinct few of the nuclear family and clear divisions between men and women within their culture. When the idiot dems forced deranged men in women's bathrooms, it not only cut out the white blue collars and drove them to Trump; but also the blacks and hispanic men who did not and do not EVER want ANY men, especially deranged ones, in the private intimate spaces their women occupy. That was FAIL number 1.

Currently and in concert with 2015's FAIL number 2 (Obergefell/ gay marriage decision) the gaystapo is trying to enshrine in law now, via Dumont and Lyon in Michigan, in its very early stages of petition (write your amicus briefs today folks), that mothers or fathers are no longer important to girls and boys. It's a lawsuit where two lesbians are seeking to force adoption agencies to adopt out children to motherless/fatherless (gay) marriages. The decision may seem mundane "after all, gays can marry" (they can't in all 50 states and Obergefell will be reversed for a host of reasons with the new Court). But the question is pivotal. Because it sets in motion a precedent that makes fathers and mothers no longer uniquely relevant to children.

Enter more and more lawsuits where Christians will challenge that. It essentially is nothing but a targeted war of the evil left against Christians using marriage and adoption as the fodder of war to extinguish Christianity (for now, but morality in general across the board later).

1. You linked to the documentation proving that the Liberals/Democrats have launched whites out of their party and their plans.

2. Are you denying that fact?

3. How about this one: without the black vote, Democrats would never win a national election.
The traditional nuclear family, married father and mother, two or three kids at home, is the greatest enemy to the Democratic Party, so they have sought its destruction.

Problem is that the idea of the "perfect family" is one of the biggest killers of the traditional family.

People's expectations of marriage are out of whack, so when they see problems, it ends in divorce, rather than people accepting what they have and trying to work it out, simply because they feel it can't work.

4 of the top 5 divorce states are Republican states.

State Divorce Rate (per 1,000 residents) 2016 Voting Record
Alaska 4.1 Republican
Arkansas 4.8 Republican
Nevada 4.6 Democrat
Oklahoma 4.4 Republican
Wyoming 4.1 Republican

Of the bottom 9, 4 are Democrat, Iowa and PA are swing states. PA was 3rd closest race.

Iowa 1.2 Republican
Illinois 2.2 Democrat
Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Texas, and Wisconsin 2.6 Republican
Maryland and Massachusetts 2.6 Democrat
New York 2.7 Democrat
That's why people fought against no fault divorce....the left loves it....probably for this reason.......
1. You linked to the documentation proving that the Liberals/Democrats have launched whites out of their party and their plans.

2. Are you denying that fact?

3. How about this one: without the black vote, Democrats would never win a national election.

Apparently you're unaware that I'm pitching for conservatives here. Read my post again.

Yes, when they lose the black vote by making fathers and mothers irrelevant to children if Dumont prevails against Lyon (upcoming) in Michigan, it will hurt them almost as much (maybe more) as it did when they told black women and men that their womenfolk/daughters had to share their intimate private bathrooms with deranged men, back in 2016.
Current Democratic Party political strategy:

Make the party a home for:

1. All non-Whites
2. Gay Mafia
3. That portion of the White electorate which has Cultural Suicide tendencies (divide and conquer)

Winning Democratic Party political strategy:

1. Kiss and make up with White Straight Christian Middle-America
2. Dump the Illegal Aliens
3. Dump the Gay Mafia and the Muslims.
4. Social Safety Net with a strong Fiscal Responsibility component
5. Grow the economy
6. Rightsize the US Military

Actually admitted it, too!

"The Future of the Obama Coalition
By THOMAS B. EDSALL NOVEMBER 27, 2011 11:34 PM November 27, 2011 11:34 pm
For decades, Democrats have suffered continuous and increasingly severe losses among white voters. But preparations by Democratic operatives for the 2012 election make it clear for the first time that the party will explicitly abandon the white working class."
The Future of the Obama Coalition

But preparations by Democratic operatives for the 2012 election make it clear for the first time that the party will explicitly abandon the white working class.

All pretense of trying to win a majority of the white working class has been effectively jettisoned in favor of cementing a center-left coalition made up, on the one hand, of voters who have gotten ahead on the basis of educational attainment — professors, artists, designers, editors, human resources managers, lawyers, librarians, social workers, teachers and therapists — and a second, substantial constituency of lower-income voters who are disproportionately African-American and Hispanic."
The Future of the Obama Coalition

Hillary Clinton Had No Concession Speech, Blames Loss On ‘White People’ [VIDEO] Hillary Clinton Had No Concession Speech, Blames Loss On ‘White People’ [VIDEO]


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