Killing the traditional nuclear family is the Democrat agenda for future victories

The traditional nuclear family, married father and mother, two or three kids at home, is the greatest enemy to the Democratic Party, so they have sought its destruction.
Thinly veiled disguise for hating gay people.
No one is buying your bullshit.
It’s early but the Dems have an 11 point lead for the midterms next year.
Count on the Dems sweeping their asses out of Congress. The Dump and the GOP are toxic in this country..
^^ Yes, because black women really liked that crap in 2016 forcing deranged men into their intimate spaces (bathrooms, showers etc.) How'd election 2016 work for you? :popcorn:

The traditional nuclear family, married father and mother, two or three kids at home, is the greatest enemy to the Democratic Party, so they have sought its destruction.
Thinly veiled disguise for hating gay people.
No one is buying your bullshit.
It’s early but the Dems have an 11 point lead for the midterms next year.

Count on the Dems sweeping their asses out of Congress. The Dump and the GOP are toxic in this country..

Actually, quite a lot of people (80% evenly spread across the entire political spectrum) in this poll, are buying his "bullshit" of both a mother and father as important in children's lives: Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life?
Hmmmm...Bill and Hillary, despite their marital problems have been married ONLY to each other how many years? Barack and Michelle, only to each other a couple of decades now. Trump is on his third or fourth wife now?
You're really going to hold up the Clintons as a model American marriage?

That's a pretty desperate move, don't you think?

Also, I heard Barack was a member of the Chicago gay bathhouse scene, before he ran for the Senate.

He had a "thing" for older white males.
"I heard"....and how did you hear that? In the Chicago gay bathhouse loop?
The traditional nuclear family, married father and mother, two or three kids at home, is the greatest enemy to the Democratic Party, so they have sought its destruction.
LOL The 'traditional' nuclear family didn't have 'two or three kids'. Why do people like you have no sense of history. Such families had many more kids. Two or three kids is something very modern, like in the past 50 years. People like you are so afraid of change instead of seeing change and evolution as part of life and inevitable, you see it as something frightening and horrific. And worst of all, with your narrow minded, hateful tunnel vision, you blame it, as you blame everything you don't like, on Democrats. It's just totally idiotic. Think! Use your brain. Nothing stays the same. Nothing. Civilization, society, culture, people change. You can't stop it. That is reality. Rathern than fearing change, embrace it. But you will never do that because you are too frightened and too narrow minded.
And yet, all the hate and anger comes from your side.
Right....we're seeing no hate and anger from you whatsoever.
The traditional nuclear family, married father and mother, two or three kids at home, is the greatest enemy to the Democratic Party, so they have sought its destruction.
How about having children to three different women? Is that a nuclear family?
The traditional nuclear family, married father and mother, two or three kids at home, is the greatest enemy to the Democratic Party, so they have sought its destruction.
LOL The 'traditional' nuclear family didn't have 'two or three kids'. Why do people like you have no sense of history. Such families had many more kids. Two or three kids is something very modern, like in the past 50 years. People like you are so afraid of change instead of seeing change and evolution as part of life and inevitable, you see it as something frightening and horrific. And worst of all, with your narrow minded, hateful tunnel vision, you blame it, as you blame everything you don't like, on Democrats. It's just totally idiotic. Think! Use your brain. Nothing stays the same. Nothing. Civilization, society, culture, people change. You can't stop it. That is reality. Rathern than fearing change, embrace it. But you will never do that because you are too frightened and too narrow minded.
And yet, all the hate and anger comes from your side.
Again, you are not in touch with reality. :asshole:
Explain the "pussy rally" then.
You have no problem with trump bragging about grabbing women by their "pussies", right? Think your female relatives think that's an ok thing?
LOL The 'traditional' nuclear family didn't have 'two or three kids'. Why do people like you have no sense of history. Such families had many more kids. Two or three kids is something very modern, like in the past 50 years. People like you are so afraid of change instead of seeing change and evolution as part of life and inevitable, you see it as something frightening and horrific. And worst of all, with your narrow minded, hateful tunnel vision, you blame it, as you blame everything you don't like, on Democrats. It's just totally idiotic. Think! Use your brain. Nothing stays the same. Nothing. Civilization, society, culture, people change. You can't stop it. That is reality. Rathern than fearing change, embrace it. But you will never do that because you are too frightened and too narrow minded.
And yet, all the hate and anger comes from your side.
Again, you are not in touch with reality. :asshole:
Explain the "pussy rally" then.
"...a rally on Jan. 21 organized with hopes of bringing attention to civil and human rights issues. The name of the hats comes partly from President-elect Trump's comments in an infamous 2005 tape that came to light during his campaign in which, discussing women, he said: “Grab them by the pussy."

Something is wrong with a rally to bring attention to civil and human rights issues? The name of the hats is irony, mocking Trump for talking about women that way. He's a sleaze.
Wearing a hat that looks like a vagina is an example of what it means when I say Democrats are batshit crazy.
My goodness. hats triggered you......:lol: :lol: :lol:
The traditional nuclear family, married father and mother, two or three kids at home, is the greatest enemy to the Democratic Party, so they have sought its destruction.
How incredibly stupid. No such thing is occurring. However, there are right-wing Republicans who want to create disharmony among heterosexual couples: how to extort sex from one's wife, telling female Americans not to run for political office, hitting their kids, even infants, getting teenage girls involved in sexual relationships, which they call "marriage," before they have a chance to grow up, get an education, and decide what they want in life: this trash is all part of the sick cult that the Republicans have embraced. The Democrats do not advance this sort of garbage. They at least have some respect for the human race and do not advance this sick sort of authoritarianism.
And yet, all the hate and anger comes from your side.
Again, you are not in touch with reality. :asshole:
Explain the "pussy rally" then.
"...a rally on Jan. 21 organized with hopes of bringing attention to civil and human rights issues. The name of the hats comes partly from President-elect Trump's comments in an infamous 2005 tape that came to light during his campaign in which, discussing women, he said: “Grab them by the pussy."

Something is wrong with a rally to bring attention to civil and human rights issues? The name of the hats is irony, mocking Trump for talking about women that way. He's a sleaze.
Wearing a hat that looks like a vagina is an example of what it means when I say Democrats are batshit crazy.

Has it been a while since you've seen a vagina? They don't look like this...

My has to have been awhile!
The traditional nuclear family, married father and mother, two or three kids at home, is the greatest enemy to the Democratic Party, so they have sought its destruction.
Thinly veiled disguise for hating gay people.
No one is buying your bullshit....It’s early but the Dems have an 11 point lead for the midterms next year.
Count on the Dems sweeping their asses out of Congress. The Dump and the GOP are toxic in this country..

Actually, quite a lot of people (80% evenly spread across the entire political spectrum) in this poll, are buying his "bullshit" of both a mother and father as important in children's lives: Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life?
]Right....we're seeing no hate and anger from you whatsoever.

Apparently the people in that poll linked above are all "hateful and angry" because they feel mother and father both are important to girls and boys?
The traditional nuclear family, married father and mother, two or three kids at home, is the greatest enemy to the Democratic Party, so they have sought its destruction.
LOL The 'traditional' nuclear family didn't have 'two or three kids'. Why do people like you have no sense of history. Such families had many more kids. Two or three kids is something very modern, like in the past 50 years. People like you are so afraid of change instead of seeing change and evolution as part of life and inevitable, you see it as something frightening and horrific. And worst of all, with your narrow minded, hateful tunnel vision, you blame it, as you blame everything you don't like, on Democrats. It's just totally idiotic. Think! Use your brain. Nothing stays the same. Nothing. Civilization, society, culture, people change. You can't stop it. That is reality. Rathern than fearing change, embrace it. But you will never do that because you are too frightened and too narrow minded.
And yet, all the hate and anger comes from your side.
Again, you are not in touch with reality. :asshole:
Explain the "pussy rally" then.

Pretty easy to explain:

Trump: Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

Bush: Whatever you want.

Trump: Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.

Bush: Uh, yeah, those legs, all I can see is the legs.

Trump: Oh, it looks good.
The traditional nuclear family, married father and mother, two or three kids at home, is the greatest enemy to the Democratic Party, so they have sought its destruction.
LOL The 'traditional' nuclear family didn't have 'two or three kids'. Why do people like you have no sense of history. Such families had many more kids. Two or three kids is something very modern, like in the past 50 years. People like you are so afraid of change instead of seeing change and evolution as part of life and inevitable, you see it as something frightening and horrific. And worst of all, with your narrow minded, hateful tunnel vision, you blame it, as you blame everything you don't like, on Democrats. It's just totally idiotic. Think! Use your brain. Nothing stays the same. Nothing. Civilization, society, culture, people change. You can't stop it. That is reality. Rathern than fearing change, embrace it. But you will never do that because you are too frightened and too narrow minded.
And yet, all the hate and anger comes from your side.

How many of these angry, hateful threads have you posted?
The traditional nuclear family, married father and mother, two or three kids at home, is the greatest enemy to the Democratic Party, so they have sought its destruction.
How about having children to three different women? Is that a nuclear family?
Yep, Good old D. Trump, the nuclear family man. Three wives, three divorces and children from each marriage (temporoary marriages, not for life of course, lol). He's the picture of the nuclear family man. One more wife and he'll be a traditional Muslim man.
Again, you are not in touch with reality. :asshole:
Explain the "pussy rally" then.
"...a rally on Jan. 21 organized with hopes of bringing attention to civil and human rights issues. The name of the hats comes partly from President-elect Trump's comments in an infamous 2005 tape that came to light during his campaign in which, discussing women, he said: “Grab them by the pussy."

Something is wrong with a rally to bring attention to civil and human rights issues? The name of the hats is irony, mocking Trump for talking about women that way. He's a sleaze.
Wearing a hat that looks like a vagina is an example of what it means when I say Democrats are batshit crazy.

Has it been a while since you've seen a vagina? They don't look like this...

My has to have been awhile!
Maybe I can help.

(Mods: this is a Georgia O'Keefee painting; she's one of America's finest artists, exhibited all over the world in the very best museums.)

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