Kim Davis Is Rosa Parks

Kim Davis Is Rosa Parks

Weird thing is today's democrats hate this woman for standing for religious freedom,1950-1960's democrats were the members of the klan and the ones that wanted blacks at back of the bus! I see not much has changed.
Kim Davis was trying to introduce christian sharia law to her county. She got shut down have the appropriate court proceeding. Rosa Parks was just trying to sit down and not have to move back on her way home from work.

I guess to an idiot they would be about the same.
Read the article. Not much else will work talking to such an incompetent fool as you.Oh and if it was christian sharia law we would be tossing faggots off roofs like ISIS which sounds just fine to me!
Davis is the one discriminating against those in her county that want a marriage license to get married, Rosa Parks was not the discriminator, she was the one fighting for equality.

Ms Davis is forcing her specific religion, on to citizens of her County and doing so, on the government's dime/in a government position....that is clearly unconstitutional.

Ms Davis, can stamp the County stamp with her little name on it on these licenses, without going to hell....some people get a license and end up not married anyway and she is NOT being forced to perform the 'marriage' is she?

This picking and choosing on when to follow the Bible and when not is simply hypocrisy on her part...and her 15 minutes of wanted fame is over...if her Church set her up for this and she accepted to be the martyr, so this can make its way to the Supremes or so it can be used on some political mailer by the left or the right...then she has gotten what should have been expected.

If she is just confused on what her position requires or disagrees with it vehemently, then I feel a little sorry for's a bitch, and then you die....we all deal with it, in RATIONAL ways...
I'm good darling gonna sit here in my nice 5 bedroom 3 bath rental in a nice clean neighborhood and watch football and piss you scumbags off. Oh and since I am such a loving and thoughtful son my parents live downstairs because they are old and getting unable to care for themselves....that's what grateful kids do when they grow up.

I think this is code for your parents live in the laundry room of your 1 bedroom apartment while you live off their social security checks. Or, at least from your writing who would be surprised?
I'm good darling gonna sit here in my nice 5 bedroom 3 bath rental in a nice clean neighborhood and watch football and piss you scumbags off. Oh and since I am such a loving and thoughtful son my parents live downstairs because they are old and getting unable to care for themselves....that's what grateful kids do when they grow up.

I think this is code for your parents live in the laundry room of your 1 bedroom apartment while you live off their social security checks. Or, at least from your writing who would be surprised?
Me and my wife and 4 kids live upstairs parents live downstairs with their own bedroom and living room and bathroom. :) Its a nice place. My parents SS is their own money...they are hoping to move eventually to a cabin in the mountains when we move in a few years...but my dad is getting up their in age and can barely get around and my mother we think has MS.
I'm good darling gonna sit here in my nice 5 bedroom 3 bath rental in a nice clean neighborhood and watch football and piss you scumbags off. Oh and since I am such a loving and thoughtful son my parents live downstairs because they are old and getting unable to care for themselves....that's what grateful kids do when they grow up.

I think this is code for your parents live in the laundry room of your 1 bedroom apartment while you live off their social security checks. Or, at least from your writing who would be surprised?
Me and my wife and 4 kids live upstairs parents live downstairs with their own bedroom and living room and bathroom. :) Its a nice place. My parents SS is their own money...they are hoping to move eventually to a cabin in the mountains when we move in a few years...but my dad is getting up their in age and can barely get around and my mother we think has MS.

Right. Nobody cares.
I'm good darling gonna sit here in my nice 5 bedroom 3 bath rental in a nice clean neighborhood and watch football and piss you scumbags off. Oh and since I am such a loving and thoughtful son my parents live downstairs because they are old and getting unable to care for themselves....that's what grateful kids do when they grow up.

I think this is code for your parents live in the laundry room of your 1 bedroom apartment while you live off their social security checks. Or, at least from your writing who would be surprised?
Me and my wife and 4 kids live upstairs parents live downstairs with their own bedroom and living room and bathroom. :) Its a nice place. My parents SS is their own money...they are hoping to move eventually to a cabin in the mountains when we move in a few years...but my dad is getting up their in age and can barely get around and my mother we think has MS.

Right. Nobody cares.
And? I am supposed to give a shit u don't care? Fuck off.
I'm good darling gonna sit here in my nice 5 bedroom 3 bath rental in a nice clean neighborhood and watch football and piss you scumbags off. Oh and since I am such a loving and thoughtful son my parents live downstairs because they are old and getting unable to care for themselves....that's what grateful kids do when they grow up.

I think this is code for your parents live in the laundry room of your 1 bedroom apartment while you live off their social security checks. Or, at least from your writing who would be surprised?
Me and my wife and 4 kids live upstairs parents live downstairs with their own bedroom and living room and bathroom. :) Its a nice place. My parents SS is their own money...they are hoping to move eventually to a cabin in the mountains when we move in a few years...but my dad is getting up their in age and can barely get around and my mother we think has MS.

Right. Nobody cares.
And? I am supposed to give a shit u don't care? Fuck off.

You responded to my opportunity to make fun of you, I guess you do. Your thread is a joke, I'm just enjoying the laugh.

That's cool. Her ass can just stay in jail, then, until such time as she actually lets her staff do the job her office is supposed to be doing.

The people of her county elected her to the job. They are the ones that need to change it if they are unhappy, not some shithead queer loving activist judge.

Not only was her freedom of religion taken away but the authority of the people of her county to chose their elected officials.

There is no more liberty in this country.

Tough titty, kitty.
This deal in Kentucky with Kim Davis just shows the division in the US.

On one side you have stupid immoral Moon Bat Libards taking away the liberty of freedom of religion in order to kiss the ass of the filthy ass queers. It is despicable.

On the other side you have Americans trying to protect freedom of religion.

The fact that you have this division in this country and the Moon Bats don't even know what they are doing wrong is a great example of why this country ain't worth shit any more and will probably never recover. Too many Libtard shitheads in this country for us ever to get back to cherishing liberty. Too bad we let the asshole Moon Bats fuck everything up. We once had a pretty damn good country.
This deal in Kentucky with Kim Davis just shows the division in the US.

On one side you have stupid immoral Moon Bat Libards taking away the liberty of freedom of religion in order to kiss the ass of the filthy ass queers. It is despicable.

On the other side you have Americans trying to protect freedom of religion.

The fact that you have this division in this country and the Moon Bats don't even know what they are doing wrong is a great example of why this country ain't worth shit any more and will probably never recover. Too many Libtard shitheads in this country for us ever to get back to cherishing liberty. Too bad we let the asshole Moon Bats fuck everything up. We once had a pretty damn good country.


she is appealing the unconstitutional opinion of the judge

A judge should not have the right to undo elections, which is what he did in this case.

If everybody is anxious to put an elected official in jail for not doing what the law says they should start with Obama for not enforcing the immigration laws of this country.

oh i agree 100 percent
When even Trump gets it, you're fucked...

“The other simple answer is rather than going through this, [because] it’s really a very, very sticky situation, a terrible situation — 30 miles away they have other places, they have many other places where you get licensed, and you have them actually quite nearby,” Mr. Trump said. “That’s another alternative. I hate to see her being put in jail. I understand what they’re doing. It would be certainly nice if she didn’t do it, but other people in her office do it but from what I understand she won’t allow other people in her office to do it.”

Bottom line, host Joe Scarborough said, is that if Supreme Court makes a decision, that’s the law of land, right?

“You have to go with it,” Mr. Trump said. “The decision’s been made, and that is the law of the land.”…

“She can take a pass and let somebody else in the office do it in terms of religious, so you know, it’s a very … tough situation, but we are a nation, as I said yesterday, we’re a nation of laws,” he said. “And I was talking about borders and I was talking about other things, but you know, it applies to this, also, and the Supreme Court has ruled. It would be nice to have other people in her office do what they have to do.”
Trump on Kim Davis: I hate to see her being sent to jail but the law is the law « Hot Air
I hate to see her being jailed as well...especially if she is (mistakenly) sincere, however... she took an oath of office, to follow the law of the land and should honor such oath....and if she can't do what she is paid to do because she personally feels so strongly against it, then she should resign.... for her own conscience.
Kim Davis Is Rosa Parks

Weird thing is today's democrats hate this woman for standing for religious freedom,1950-1960's democrats were the members of the klan and the ones that wanted blacks at back of the bus! I see not much has changed.
This is some of the dumbest shit I've seen.

Standing up against peoples rights or facing jail isn't the same as standing your ground or get the hose put to you, then the dogs, then the clubs, then jail put to you b/c you want equal rights.

you're a fucking asshole
Kim Davis Is Rosa Parks

Weird thing is today's democrats hate this woman for standing for religious freedom,1950-1960's democrats were the members of the klan and the ones that wanted blacks at back of the bus! I see not much has changed.
This is some of the dumbest shit I've seen.

Standing up against peoples rights or facing jail isn't the same as standing your ground or get the hose put to you, then the dogs, then the clubs, then jail put to you b/c you want equal rights.

you're a fucking asshole
Both stood up to Tyranny,both were attacked by democrats/liberals/progressives/.
Kim Davis Is Rosa Parks

Weird thing is today's democrats hate this woman for standing for religious freedom,1950-1960's democrats were the members of the klan and the ones that wanted blacks at back of the bus! I see not much has changed.
This is some of the dumbest shit I've seen.

Standing up against peoples rights or facing jail isn't the same as standing your ground or get the hose put to you, then the dogs, then the clubs, then jail put to you b/c you want equal rights.

you're a fucking asshole
Both stood up to Tyranny,both were attacked by democrats/liberals/progressives/.

Name a liberal who was against Rosa Parks by name.
Kim Davis Is Rosa Parks

Weird thing is today's democrats hate this woman for standing for religious freedom,1950-1960's democrats were the members of the klan and the ones that wanted blacks at back of the bus! I see not much has changed.
This is some of the dumbest shit I've seen.

Standing up against peoples rights or facing jail isn't the same as standing your ground or get the hose put to you, then the dogs, then the clubs, then jail put to you b/c you want equal rights.

you're a fucking asshole
Both stood up to Tyranny,both were attacked by democrats/liberals/progressives/.

Name a liberal who was against Rosa Parks by name.
Democrat son...don't try and split hairs now because I got you dead to rights.

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