Kim Davis Is Winning

You call it "analyze... :rofl: I say bad things about some christians and christianity and you cry that I hate christianity.....right? Then I say the same thing about muslims and islams...the SAME THING...and you accuse me of supporting muslims. That's not sane.

You don't "say bad things about some Christians," you spew hatred and demagoguery against all Christians, always.
You're assuming that people support black people who riot and whatever the hell "the gay mafia" is.

I don't support rioting. I might understand why it happens. There are two very different things.

Ok, good for you.

The gay mafia is a movement that is not about gay rights, it is a movement whose goal is to criminalize Christians, Jews, and anyone else who lives by religious principles higher than the state.

So "the gay mafia" is just you trying to demonize a civil rights movement? What was the black civil rights movement called? I'm sure there were plenty of names for them that was an attempt to make out they were going against god or some nonsense like that.

No one, not a single person, has had their first amendment rights infringed upon by gay marriage. Not one person. So..... how can it be that "the gay mafia" is getting at religion then?

You know what rights are right? You can do whatever you like as long as it doesn't harm others. Gay people marrying doesn't harm anyone. Religious people stopping gay people marrying does. It stops them having equality of the law. It stops them being first class citizens.

race and sexual perversion are not analogous

So you don't have an argument then? All you can point out is that two things aren't the same. I mean, we could go on all day about who to exclude from society. How about gingers, i mean, fuck them right, and what right should they have? None, they shouldn't be able to marry, they're not a race, so fuck them.

please take your meds, you are losing it.

Wow, great argument. Love it. Full of so much logic and not a single attack going.

Yawn, is it bed time already, I feel like I need to yawn again.
Now you're defending her breaking the law.

You Communists are such hypocrites.

Civil disobedience has a long tradition on the left. Are you suddenly outraged by it, because the hated enemy of the party engages in it.

BTW, Davis is a party member. What will you do? Will you hold a public purge to oust her from the GLORIOUS peoples party?

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