Kim Davis Is Winning

You call it "analyze... :rofl: I say bad things about some christians and christianity and you cry that I hate christianity.....right? Then I say the same thing about muslims and islams...the SAME THING...and you accuse me of supporting muslims. That's not sane.

You don't "say bad things about some Christians," you spew hatred and demagoguery against all Christians, always.
I do not. But for some reason you live in a twisted binary world....either all bad all the time or all good all the time. If that simplicity helps you cope with your existance....that's on you.
Now you're defending her breaking the law.

You Communists are such hypocrites.

Civil disobedience has a long tradition on the left. Are you suddenly outraged by it, because the hated enemy of the party engages in it.

BTW, Davis is a party member. What will you do? Will you hold a public purge to oust her from the GLORIOUS peoples party?
Who is trying deny anyone a belief? How would you even do that?

By punishing people for trying to live by their beliefs, by forcing people to do things that are against their beliefs.

"big brother is watching you" Orwell

Thought control is very dangerous. Its happening today in north korea. People who express any thinking that is in conflict with the government mandated thinking are killed.

See, now you're asserting her right to ignore the law, despite your earlier claim she didn't have that right.

Is it thought control to make shooting abortion doctors a crime?

You totally missed the point of the thread. She is winning because she is out of jail, back at her job, and does not have to put her name on gay marriage licenses.

Why you think abortion doctor shootings have anything to do with this, only you know.

She lost because gays are getting married.

many say that society lost because gays are getting married.

So back to my basic question. Should american citizens be punished because they believe that gay marriage is wrong? .

If they consider it punishment to be required by law to recognize gay marriage as a right and act accordingly,

then yes, they must be punished.
Then you are not paying's been discussed a lot, you just choose to not pay attention.

Indeed it has, but you pretend Davis is in West Hollywood, not Kansas.

The voters in her area support her.
Davis is not in West Hollywood NOR Kansas. :rofl: You certainly have NOT been following this case.
Now you're defending her breaking the law.

You Communists are such hypocrites.

Civil disobedience has a long tradition on the left. Are you suddenly outraged by it, because the hated enemy of the party engages in it.

BTW, Davis is a party member. What will you do? Will you hold a public purge to oust her from the GLORIOUS peoples party?
Civil disobedience. Ok, she can write her inspiring memoirs from, wait....she's already out.

And I have no desire to hold any public purges. People in this country have the right to join any political party they want. How fascist of you to even suggest such an idea.
You are struggling

With your level of stupidity?

They spelled "religious tyranny" wrong in the cartoon.
Civil disobedience. Ok, she can write her inspiring memoirs from, wait....she's already out.

And I have no desire to hold any public purges. People in this country have the right to join any political party they want. How fascist of you to even suggest such an idea.

Davis is a party member.

Are you really going to allow her to remain in the party?

Come on, you leftists can't tolerate even the slightest dissent.
Civil disobedience. Ok, she can write her inspiring memoirs from, wait....she's already out.

And I have no desire to hold any public purges. People in this country have the right to join any political party they want. How fascist of you to even suggest such an idea.

Davis is a party member.

Are you really going to allow her to remain in the party?

Come on, you leftists can't tolerate even the slightest dissent.
She'll have the same standing as pro-Choice Repus, roughly zero...
Now you're defending her breaking the law.

You Communists are such hypocrites.

Civil disobedience has a long tradition on the left. Are you suddenly outraged by it, because the hated enemy of the party engages in it.

BTW, Davis is a party member. What will you do? Will you hold a public purge to oust her from the GLORIOUS peoples party?
By punishing people for trying to live by their beliefs, by forcing people to do things that are against their beliefs.

"big brother is watching you" Orwell

Thought control is very dangerous. Its happening today in north korea. People who express any thinking that is in conflict with the government mandated thinking are killed.

See, now you're asserting her right to ignore the law, despite your earlier claim she didn't have that right.

Is it thought control to make shooting abortion doctors a crime?

You totally missed the point of the thread. She is winning because she is out of jail, back at her job, and does not have to put her name on gay marriage licenses.

Why you think abortion doctor shootings have anything to do with this, only you know.

She lost because gays are getting married.

many say that society lost because gays are getting married.

So back to my basic question. Should american citizens be punished because they believe that gay marriage is wrong? .

If they consider it punishment to be required by law to recognize gay marriage as a right and act accordingly,

then yes, they must be punished.
Glad you feel that away because the lefts new leaders coming forth agree with you on that being forced into believing in something that you don't.
She'll have the same standing as pro-Choice Repus, roughly zero...

You're not Republicans, though. Dissenting opinions are not allowed in the party, strict adherence to dogma is required of all democrats.
Plenty of dogma on both side so don't think your shit don't stink. If the GOP big tent gets any smaller it will be a booth, at Denny's.
Nope, you are wrong again. The majority have said that she has to comply with the law whether she likes it or not.

The hypocrisy is coming from those lefties like you who denigrate this woman for standing behind her beliefs and praise idiots like OWS, the gay mafia, and black lives matter for rioting in support of their beliefs

You're assuming that people support black people who riot and whatever the hell "the gay mafia" is.

I don't support rioting. I might understand why it happens. There are two very different things.

Ok, good for you.

The gay mafia is a movement that is not about gay rights, it is a movement whose goal is to criminalize Christians, Jews, and anyone else who lives by religious principles higher than the state.

So "the gay mafia" is just you trying to demonize a civil rights movement? What was the black civil rights movement called? I'm sure there were plenty of names for them that was an attempt to make out they were going against god or some nonsense like that.

No one, not a single person, has had their first amendment rights infringed upon by gay marriage. Not one person. So..... how can it be that "the gay mafia" is getting at religion then?

You know what rights are right? You can do whatever you like as long as it doesn't harm others. Gay people marrying doesn't harm anyone. Religious people stopping gay people marrying does. It stops them having equality of the law. It stops them being first class citizens.

race and sexual perversion are not analogous

Hillbillies in Kentucky apparently stand line up to get married TO Kim Davis. That sounds as perverted as anything.

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