KIm Jong Un invites S. Korean President to visit NK

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
Watching how Elitist and Rude VPOTUS was last night, I wonder how long until Trump and Pence work to sabotage this meeting.
What an enticing offer. Considering the North Korean reputation, it might be the last trip he ever takes...
Oh so now you think Kim is an honorable leader who is genuinely interested in diplomacy? That mutherfucker turned an innocent 21 year old American into a brain dead vegetable for taking down a poster. And he has done just as bad to untold thousands of his own people.
The grand political chess master Pres. Trump backed little Kim into a corner.

And now to save himself, Kim boy has reached out to the president of South Korea for help. .... :cool:
Nice to see the fat kid doing such an abrupt about-face.

Something must have motivated him.
Watching how Elitist and Rude VPOTUS was last night, I wonder how long until Trump and Pence work to sabotage this meeting.
-------------------------------------------------------------- hope its pretty quick WCatcher !!
Watching how Elitist and Rude VPOTUS was last night, I wonder how long until Trump and Pence work to sabotage this meeting.

KIm Jong Un invites S. Korean President to visit NK

The world should encourage this, Kim Jong-un's sister at the Olympics sitting next to the South Korean Government whoever it was, the joint SK/NK Olympic teams etc ANY type of olive branch like these things that are being offered should be encouraged, it is in the best interests of all the Asian Pacific that peace is encouraged and if peace fails then of course other options need exploring, but I think NK and SK should be given the chance to have an attempt at de escalating the situation with each other.
What good is a visit? A tactic to buy time while N Korea pursues their nukes?

America will be forced to take action, no thanks to the former administration. It's never good policy to trust dictators and tyrants who send their own citizens to concentration camps.
problem is , does the TRUMP agree to live with 'nork' nukes even if both koreas agree to life and love WCatcher .

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