KIm Jong Un invites S. Korean President to visit NK

Nice to see the fat kid doing such an abrupt about-face.

Something must have motivated him.

Saddam Hussein?

On one side yes, but on the other side is Iraq now better than it was then, I mean you know ISIS, Al-Nusra and all the Al-Qaeda splinter groups in operation in Iraq and surrounding areas?

I was banking on Lil Kim not wanting to be found hiding in a spider hole and being hung shortly thereafter.
What are 'nork' nukes? Nork?
------------------- 'nork' is 'north koreans' . Nukes are 'nuclear weapons / missiles that the 'norks' are building as we type . Also , sometimes the 'south koreans' are referred to as 'sorks' Lucy .
------------------------------ and , does the TRUMP and Japan agree to live on planet earth with a 'north korea' that is armed with nuclear weapons Lucy .

Well if the NK/SK relationship can be encouraged, then if that works okay then SK could be brought in as like a middle man who then has some type of relationship with NK and ALSO with Japan and America and SK could be the go between in attempting to de escalate all these tensions, I mean it's worth giving a chance.
------------------------------- off the top of my head i am thinking that the 'south koreans' , especially their new President can't be trusted Lucy .

Why? What has he done that suggests he's a snake in the grass?
------------------------------------------ he is a liberal and he is talking to the 'norks' Lucy .
Trump's sanctions have put North Korea between a rock and a hard place. Even though they're participating in the Winter Olympics, North Korea still has artillery along the border, ready to massacre hundreds of thousands on South Koreans at a moment's notice.

North Korea is only putting on their Kumbaya face because they need things at this moment. That is how they've always done: Rattle sabers, threaten to attack South Korea, until somebody appeases them with food, money, or nuclear reactors as in the case of Bill Clinton.

That satisfies them for awhile but before too long, they're back to to threatening. South Korea's liberal president is about to find that out the hard way.
The war between Trump and Kim Jong Un is who got the biggest hand.
Since both have small hands
And obviously small dicks
Let them show us who got the biggest dick.
Fair Fight.
Trump's sanctions have put North Korea between a rock and a hard place. Even though they're participating in the Winter Olympics, North Korea still has artillery along the border, ready to massacre hundreds of thousands on South Koreans at a moment's notice.

North Korea is only putting on their Kumbaya face because they need things at this moment. That is how they've always done: Rattle sabers, threaten to attack South Korea, until somebody appeases them with food, money, or nuclear reactors as in the case of Bill Clinton.

That satisfies them for awhile but before too long, they're back to to threatening. South Korea's liberal president is about to find that out the hard way.

So, the way of JGalt is to press for more Brinkmanship and continue to bait NK, rather than work to establish win-win solutions.
What good is a visit? A tactic to buy time while N Korea pursues their nukes?

America will be forced to take action, no thanks to the former administration. It's never good policy to trust dictators and tyrants who send their own citizens to concentration camps.

^^^^ Well China also does that so are you wanting to nuke China also or does get China get a pass or whatever?

No. America should confront their trade abuses with tariffs and the rest of the world should join in weakening their economy rather than sponsoring them. The WTO has also shown to not care one iota about Human Rights. The future looks frightening, unlike any in history by some metrics.
Trump's sanctions have put North Korea between a rock and a hard place. Even though they're participating in the Winter Olympics, North Korea still has artillery along the border, ready to massacre hundreds of thousands on South Koreans at a moment's notice.

North Korea is only putting on their Kumbaya face because they need things at this moment. That is how they've always done: Rattle sabers, threaten to attack South Korea, until somebody appeases them with food, money, or nuclear reactors as in the case of Bill Clinton.

That satisfies them for awhile but before too long, they're back to to threatening. South Korea's liberal president is about to find that out the hard way.

So, the way of JGalt is to press for more Brinkmanship and continue to bait NK, rather than work to establish win-win solutions.

How is simply allowing them to take part in the Olympics a "win-win solution"? Nazi Germany participated in the 1936 Olympics and yet two years later, they seized Austria and Czechoslovakia. Three years after the Olympics they invaded Poland.

The British Prime Minister Chamberlain was also involved in trying to appease the Nazis, even while the Olympics were going on. No, North Korea should have been banned from participating.
What good is a visit? A tactic to buy time while N Korea pursues their nukes?

America will be forced to take action, no thanks to the former administration. It's never good policy to trust dictators and tyrants who send their own citizens to concentration camps.

^^^^ Well China also does that so are you wanting to nuke China also or does get China get a pass or whatever?

No. America should confront their trade abuses with tariffs and the rest of the world should join in weakening their economy rather than sponsoring them. The WTO has also shown to not care one iota about Human Rights. The future looks frightening, unlike any in history by some metrics.

Yep we should impose sanctions just like we do with Russia-------Oh wait.
What good is a visit? A tactic to buy time while N Korea pursues their nukes?

America will be forced to take action, no thanks to the former administration. It's never good policy to trust dictators and tyrants who send their own citizens to concentration camps.

^^^^ Well China also does that so are you wanting to nuke China also or does get China get a pass or whatever?

No. America should confront their trade abuses with tariffs and the rest of the world should join in weakening their economy rather than sponsoring them. The WTO has also shown to not care one iota about Human Rights. The future looks frightening, unlike any in history by some metrics.

Yep we should impose sanctions just like we do with Russia-------Oh wait.

As usual, you have no idea what you're talking about. Trump signed into law new sanctions against Russia last August. Those sanctions curbed billions of dollars of Russian defense sales. The US State Department declared that the effects of that law were "beginning to become apparent," and thus the State Department decided that new sanctions against the Kremlin would not need to be imposed.

Our military also just killed some Russians in Syria. How's that for "sanctions"?
What good is a visit? A tactic to buy time while N Korea pursues their nukes?

America will be forced to take action, no thanks to the former administration. It's never good policy to trust dictators and tyrants who send their own citizens to concentration camps.

^^^^ Well China also does that so are you wanting to nuke China also or does get China get a pass or whatever?

No. America should confront their trade abuses with tariffs and the rest of the world should join in weakening their economy rather than sponsoring them. The WTO has also shown to not care one iota about Human Rights. The future looks frightening, unlike any in history by some metrics.

Yep we should impose sanctions just like we do with Russia-------Oh wait.

As usual, you have no idea what you're talking about. Trump signed into law new sanctions against Russia last August. Those sanctions curbed billions of dollars of Russian defense sales. The US State Department declared that the effects of that law were "beginning to become apparent," and thus the State Department decided that new sanctions against the Kremlin would not need to be imposed.

Our military also just killed some Russians in Syria. How's that for "sanctions"?

Really? So how do you explain this article from last week?
Trump administration holds off on new Russia sanctions, despite law

JANUARY 29, 2018 / 5:49 PM / 11 DAYS AGO
Trump administration holds off on new Russia sanctions, despite law
Watching how Elitist and Rude VPOTUS was last night, I wonder how long until Trump and Pence work to sabotage this meeting.
I was hoping that kims sister,Yo Jong who was sitting behind pence would have clocked him

Anyway, trump and pence are being marginalized

Mike Pence stood near Kim Jong Un’s sister at Olympic ceremonies — see the death stare she gave him

You're wishing someone from a Communist dictatorship would attack the Vice President of the United States?

Classy. Real classy.
What good is a visit? A tactic to buy time while N Korea pursues their nukes?

America will be forced to take action, no thanks to the former administration. It's never good policy to trust dictators and tyrants who send their own citizens to concentration camps.

^^^^ Well China also does that so are you wanting to nuke China also or does get China get a pass or whatever?

No. America should confront their trade abuses with tariffs and the rest of the world should join in weakening their economy rather than sponsoring them. The WTO has also shown to not care one iota about Human Rights. The future looks frightening, unlike any in history by some metrics.

Yep we should impose sanctions just like we do with Russia-------Oh wait.

As usual, you have no idea what you're talking about. Trump signed into law new sanctions against Russia last August. Those sanctions curbed billions of dollars of Russian defense sales. The US State Department declared that the effects of that law were "beginning to become apparent," and thus the State Department decided that new sanctions against the Kremlin would not need to be imposed.

Our military also just killed some Russians in Syria. How's that for "sanctions"?

Really? So how do you explain this article from last week?
Trump administration holds off on new Russia sanctions, despite law

JANUARY 29, 2018 / 5:49 PM / 11 DAYS AGO
Trump administration holds off on new Russia sanctions, despite law

Reading is fundamental, read it again:

"Today, we have informed Congress that this legislation and its implementation are deterring Russian defense sales,” State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said in a statement. “Since the enactment of the ... legislation, we estimate that foreign governments have abandoned planned or announced purchases of several billion dollars in Russian defense acquisitions."

You are blaming Trump because you want more sanctions, yet it's the State Department's assessment that additional sanctions are not needed. Secretary of State Tillerson is a big boy now. I think he would know whether Russia needs more sanctions or not.

Maybe you should get over your imaginary delusions that Russia changed the outcome of the 2016 election. You can't just go throwing sanctions around because of unsubstantiated suspicions.
Watching how Elitist and Rude VPOTUS was last night, I wonder how long until Trump and Pence work to sabotage this meeting.
I was hoping that kims sister,Yo Jong who was sitting behind pence would have clocked him

Anyway, trump and pence are being marginalized

Mike Pence stood near Kim Jong Un’s sister at Olympic ceremonies — see the death stare she gave him

You're wishing someone from a Communist dictatorship would attack the Vice President of the United States?

Classy. Real classy.

she is smirking at the retard

Watching how Elitist and Rude VPOTUS was last night, I wonder how long until Trump and Pence work to sabotage this meeting.
I was hoping that kims sister,Yo Jong who was sitting behind pence would have clocked him

Anyway, trump and pence are being marginalized

Mike Pence stood near Kim Jong Un’s sister at Olympic ceremonies — see the death stare she gave him

You're wishing someone from a Communist dictatorship would attack the Vice President of the United States?

Classy. Real classy.

she is smirking at the retard


BFD. Pence didn't even stand for the North Korean athletes when they came onto the field.
Watching how Elitist and Rude VPOTUS was last night, I wonder how long until Trump and Pence work to sabotage this meeting.
I was hoping that kims sister,Yo Jong who was sitting behind pence would have clocked him

Anyway, trump and pence are being marginalized

Mike Pence stood near Kim Jong Un’s sister at Olympic ceremonies — see the death stare she gave him

You're wishing someone from a Communist dictatorship would attack the Vice President of the United States?

Classy. Real classy.

she is smirking at the retard

Looks like puppy love. No doubt dreaming about being alone in a room with him.
Watching how Elitist and Rude VPOTUS was last night, I wonder how long until Trump and Pence work to sabotage this meeting.
I was hoping that kims sister,Yo Jong who was sitting behind pence would have clocked him

Anyway, trump and pence are being marginalized

Mike Pence stood near Kim Jong Un’s sister at Olympic ceremonies — see the death stare she gave him

You're wishing someone from a Communist dictatorship would attack the Vice President of the United States?

Classy. Real classy.

she is smirking at the retard

Looks like puppy love. No doubt dreaming about being alone in a room with him.

No doubt. Those huge American penises would be a real treat if all she's ever had all her life are stunted little North Korean wankers full of worms and parasites. :biggrin:

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