KIm Jong Un invites S. Korean President to visit NK

The retard is marginalized

A stiff-looking Pence also awkwardly refused to stand or applaud any athletes other than those from the U.S. — including a contingent from North and South Korea who marched under the same flag for the first time in over a decade.

The crowd erupted in explosive applause as the joint delegation of athletes entered the stadium — and the Veep sat stone-faced.

Pence only applauds U.S. athletes at Olympics opening ceremony

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Watching how Elitist and Rude VPOTUS was last night, I wonder how long until Trump and Pence work to sabotage this meeting.
I was hoping that kims sister,Yo Jong who was sitting behind pence would have clocked him

Anyway, trump and pence are being marginalized

Mike Pence stood near Kim Jong Un’s sister at Olympic ceremonies — see the death stare she gave him

You're wishing someone from a Communist dictatorship would attack the Vice President of the United States?

Classy. Real classy.

she is smirking at the retard

Looks like puppy love. No doubt dreaming about being alone in a room with him.

^^^^ OMG quick tell the MSM Whore Presstitutes, their headline can be:

The retard is marginalized

A stiff-looking Pence also awkwardly refused to stand or applaud any athletes other than those from the U.S. — including a contingent from North and South Korea who marched under the same flag for the first time in over a decade.

The crowd erupted in explosive applause as the joint delegation of athletes entered the stadium — and the Veep sat stone-faced.

Pence only applauds U.S. athletes at Olympics opening ceremony

What difference does it make? The Olympics are nothing more than a media-driven SJW version of sportsball. It's a liberal-infested shitshow where they opened the ceremonies by singing the Marxist theme song "Imagine", by John Lennon.

No thanks. I have better things to do with my time.
Watching how Elitist and Rude VPOTUS was last night, I wonder how long until Trump and Pence work to sabotage this meeting.

KIm Jong Un invites S. Korean President to visit NK

The world should encourage this, Kim Jong-un's sister at the Olympics sitting next to the South Korean Government whoever it was, the joint SK/NK Olympic teams etc ANY type of olive branch like these things that are being offered should be encouraged, it is in the best interests of all the Asian Pacific that peace is encouraged and if peace fails then of course other options need exploring, but I think NK and SK should be given the chance to have an attempt at de escalating the situation with each other.
Against All Odds, Peace Breaks Out in Korea

This isn’t just about the Olympics: it’s the beginning of a new phase in North-South relations, and the start of the decoupling process that was begun, accidentally, by Donald Trump.

Lieu is convinced – or wants us to think he’s convinced – that Trump is about to attack North Korea, a conflict that would end with millions dead and Korea a smoking ruin. What nearly all accounts of the speech left out was Kim’s amazingly conciliatory proposal to send a delegation to the South during the upcoming Olympics: “We sincerely hope that the South will successfully host the Olympics,” Kim said:
"Above all, we must ease the acute military tensions between the North and the South. The North and the South should no longer do anything that would aggravate the situation, and must exert efforts to ease military tensions and create a peaceful environment.”​
Watching how Elitist and Rude VPOTUS was last night, I wonder how long until Trump and Pence work to sabotage this meeting.
You’re a fucking moron to trust North Korea at anything. You dumb fucking moron
Watching how Elitist and Rude VPOTUS was last night, I wonder how long until Trump and Pence work to sabotage this meeting.
You’re a fucking moron to trust North Korea at anything. You dumb fucking moron
------------------------------------------------ happily this whole situation is still in President Trumps hands .
Watching how Elitist and Rude VPOTUS was last night, I wonder how long until Trump and Pence work to sabotage this meeting.
I was hoping that kims sister,Yo Jong who was sitting behind pence would have clocked him

Anyway, trump and pence are being marginalized

Mike Pence stood near Kim Jong Un’s sister at Olympic ceremonies — see the death stare she gave him

You're wishing someone from a Communist dictatorship would attack the Vice President of the United States?

Classy. Real classy.

she is smirking at the retard

Looks like puppy love. No doubt dreaming about being alone in a room with him.

No doubt. Those huge American penises would be a real treat if all she's ever had all her life are stunted little North Korean wankers full of worms and parasites. :biggrin:

^^^^ I have had um situations - attempting to be diplomatic :smoke: - with only one American penis and it was a Texan and well:





^^^^ EXCEPT men from Trondheim, Norway because Mr. Lucy is bigger than Texas :thewave:
Watching how Elitist and Rude VPOTUS was last night, I wonder how long until Trump and Pence work to sabotage this meeting.
You’re a fucking moron to trust North Korea at anything. You dumb fucking moron
------------------------------------------------ happily this whole situation is still in President Trumps hands .

dump has no control of anything in Korea

SK has already accepted the Norths invitation
What good is a visit? A tactic to buy time while N Korea pursues their nukes?

America will be forced to take action, no thanks to the former administration. It's never good policy to trust dictators and tyrants who send their own citizens to concentration camps.

^^^^ Well China also does that so are you wanting to nuke China also or does get China get a pass or whatever?

No. America should confront their trade abuses with tariffs and the rest of the world should join in weakening their economy rather than sponsoring them. The WTO has also shown to not care one iota about Human Rights. The future looks frightening, unlike any in history by some metrics.

Yep we should impose sanctions just like we do with Russia-------Oh wait.
Are u for real ?
N.Korea is not Russia..
Just bomb the little nuclear arsenal they have and the game is over.
Russia is harder to deal with.
We're talking Soviet Union.
What good is a visit? A tactic to buy time while N Korea pursues their nukes?

America will be forced to take action, no thanks to the former administration. It's never good policy to trust dictators and tyrants who send their own citizens to concentration camps.

^^^^ Well China also does that so are you wanting to nuke China also or does get China get a pass or whatever?

No. America should confront their trade abuses with tariffs and the rest of the world should join in weakening their economy rather than sponsoring them. The WTO has also shown to not care one iota about Human Rights. The future looks frightening, unlike any in history by some metrics.

Yep we should impose sanctions just like we do with Russia-------Oh wait.
Are u for real ?
N.Korea is not Russia..
Just bomb the little nuclear arsenal they have and the game is over.
Russia is harder to deal with.
We're talking Soviet Union.

^^^^ There is no Soviet Union, it was dissolved on December 26 1991.


There is The Russian Federation which was a part of The Soviet Union until 25 December 1991.
What good is a visit? A tactic to buy time while N Korea pursues their nukes?

America will be forced to take action, no thanks to the former administration. It's never good policy to trust dictators and tyrants who send their own citizens to concentration camps.

^^^^ Well China also does that so are you wanting to nuke China also or does get China get a pass or whatever?

No. America should confront their trade abuses with tariffs and the rest of the world should join in weakening their economy rather than sponsoring them. The WTO has also shown to not care one iota about Human Rights. The future looks frightening, unlike any in history by some metrics.

Yep we should impose sanctions just like we do with Russia-------Oh wait.
Are u for real ?
N.Korea is not Russia..
Just bomb the little nuclear arsenal they have and the game is over.
Russia is harder to deal with.
We're talking Soviet Union.

The only comparison I made between the two was concerning sanctions. Congress passed a law requiring Trump to enact sanctions on Russia. Trump ignored that law.
Watching how Elitist and Rude VPOTUS was last night, I wonder how long until Trump and Pence work to sabotage this meeting.
If the South Korean President accepts the invitation, that's fine, but he should consider that he might, once there, be locked up for spying.
Watching how Elitist and Rude VPOTUS was last night, I wonder how long until Trump and Pence work to sabotage this meeting.
If the South Korean President accepts the invitation, that's fine, but he should consider that he might, once there, be locked up for spying.

Much could go wrong and Kim J-U is unpredictable. The event will speak for itself, and all of us - D's, R's & I's need to hope Trump and Pence do not interfere in an internal Korean matter.

Trump will lose if the Korean People win, and the war in Korea, now more than 60 years long can be peacefully settled. Trump doesn't like to lose, and it is likely he will engage in a tweet storm in an attempt to scuttle peace.

Maybe there is an adult in the White House who can speak to power for the good of the world. Thus far no one has steeped up.
Nice to see the fat kid doing such an abrupt about-face.

Something must have motivated him.

Saddam Hussein?

On one side yes, but on the other side is Iraq now better than it was then, I mean you know ISIS, Al-Nusra and all the Al-Qaeda splinter groups in operation in Iraq and surrounding areas?

I was banking on Lil Kim not wanting to be found hiding in a spider hole and being hung shortly thereafter.
Lil kim will end up dead before he is found in a shit hole like Saddam and Kaddafi.
Would i trust Kim Jong Un to go to his country to talk?
Hell no.
I leave that to Dennis Rodman, the fool.
What good is a visit? A tactic to buy time while N Korea pursues their nukes?

America will be forced to take action, no thanks to the former administration. It's never good policy to trust dictators and tyrants who send their own citizens to concentration camps.

^^^^ Well China also does that so are you wanting to nuke China also or does get China get a pass or whatever?

No. America should confront their trade abuses with tariffs and the rest of the world should join in weakening their economy rather than sponsoring them. The WTO has also shown to not care one iota about Human Rights. The future looks frightening, unlike any in history by some metrics.

Yep we should impose sanctions just like we do with Russia-------Oh wait.
Are u for real ?
N.Korea is not Russia..
Just bomb the little nuclear arsenal they have and the game is over.
Russia is harder to deal with.
We're talking Soviet Union.

The only comparison I made between the two was concerning sanctions. Congress passed a law requiring Trump to enact sanctions on Russia. Trump ignored that law.
Trump is not stupid.
Trump can never go against the Russian Mafia.
He was elected president thanks to them.
If he goes againt them he will be hunted and end up assassinated like JFK.
Kim Jong Un has to go.
End of story.
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