KIm Jong Un invites S. Korean President to visit NK

problem is , does the TRUMP agree to live with 'nork' nukes even if both koreas agree to life and love WCatcher .

What are 'nork' nukes? Nork?
------------------- 'nork' is 'north koreans' . Nukes are 'nuclear weapons / missiles that the 'norks' are building as we type . Also , sometimes the 'south koreans' are referred to as 'sorks' Lucy .
What good is a visit? A tactic to buy time while N Korea pursues their nukes?

America will be forced to take action, no thanks to the former administration. It's never good policy to trust dictators and tyrants who send their own citizens to concentration camps.

^^^^ Well China also does that so are you wanting to nuke China also or does get China get a pass or whatever?
problem is , does the TRUMP agree to live with 'nork' nukes even if both koreas agree to life and love WCatcher .

What are 'nork' nukes? Nork?
------------------- 'nork' is 'north koreans' . Nukes are 'nuclear weapons / missiles that the 'norks' are building as we type . Also , sometimes the 'south koreans' are referred to as 'sorks' Lucy .
------------------------------ and , does the TRUMP and Japan agree to live on planet earth with a 'north korea' that is armed with nuclear weapons Lucy .
What good is a visit? A tactic to buy time while N Korea pursues their nukes?

America will be forced to take action, no thanks to the former administration. It's never good policy to trust dictators and tyrants who send their own citizens to concentration camps.

^^^^ Well China also does that so are you wanting to nuke China also or does get China get a pass or whatever?
--------------------------- china has had them for years , the 'norks; are a new power that has nukes or is soon to get them . Its all up to the TRUMP Lucy .
Same goes for the 'iranians' , TRUMP has a full plate of decisions and it might get interesting Lucy .
problem is , does the TRUMP agree to live with 'nork' nukes even if both koreas agree to life and love WCatcher .

What are 'nork' nukes? Nork?
------------------- 'nork' is 'north koreans' . Nukes are 'nuclear weapons / missiles that the 'norks' are building as we type . Also , sometimes the 'south koreans' are referred to as 'sorks' Lucy .
------------------------------ and , does the TRUMP and Japan agree to live on planet earth with a 'north korea' that is armed with nuclear weapons Lucy .

Well if the NK/SK relationship can be encouraged, then if that works okay then SK could be brought in as like a middle man who then has some type of relationship with NK and ALSO with Japan and America and SK could be the go between in attempting to de escalate all these tensions, I mean it's worth giving a chance.
Same goes for the 'iranians' , TRUMP has a full plate of decisions and it might get interesting Lucy .

Yes but nobody wants WWIII on two fronts in the Asian Pacific and in the Middle East, opening that Pandora's Box would be a fail-fail, by it might get interesting I hope you do not wish for Bombs Away on multiple fronts? If so, then you should not.
What good is a visit? A tactic to buy time while N Korea pursues their nukes?

America will be forced to take action, no thanks to the former administration. It's never good policy to trust dictators and tyrants who send their own citizens to concentration camps.

With the sudden conciliatory actions of the Norks it could be the result of US policy that only Lil Kim knows about.
If we have nothing to do with it I agree it's just another time buying ploy.
problem is , does the TRUMP agree to live with 'nork' nukes even if both koreas agree to life and love WCatcher .

What are 'nork' nukes? Nork?
------------------- 'nork' is 'north koreans' . Nukes are 'nuclear weapons / missiles that the 'norks' are building as we type . Also , sometimes the 'south koreans' are referred to as 'sorks' Lucy .
------------------------------ and , does the TRUMP and Japan agree to live on planet earth with a 'north korea' that is armed with nuclear weapons Lucy .

Well if the NK/SK relationship can be encouraged, then if that works okay then SK could be brought in as like a middle man who then has some type of relationship with NK and ALSO with Japan and America and SK could be the go between in attempting to de escalate all these tensions, I mean it's worth giving a chance.
------------------------------- off the top of my head i am thinking that the 'south koreans' , especially their new President can't be trusted Lucy .
problem is , does the TRUMP agree to live with 'nork' nukes even if both koreas agree to life and love WCatcher .

What are 'nork' nukes? Nork?
------------------- 'nork' is 'north koreans' . Nukes are 'nuclear weapons / missiles that the 'norks' are building as we type . Also , sometimes the 'south koreans' are referred to as 'sorks' Lucy .
------------------------------ and , does the TRUMP and Japan agree to live on planet earth with a 'north korea' that is armed with nuclear weapons Lucy .

Well if the NK/SK relationship can be encouraged, then if that works okay then SK could be brought in as like a middle man who then has some type of relationship with NK and ALSO with Japan and America and SK could be the go between in attempting to de escalate all these tensions, I mean it's worth giving a chance.
------------------------------- off the top of my head i am thinking that the 'south koreans' , especially their new President can't be trusted Lucy .

Why? What has he done that suggests he's a snake in the grass?
Watching how Elitist and Rude VPOTUS was last night, I wonder how long until Trump and Pence work to sabotage this meeting.

KIm Jong Un invites S. Korean President to visit NK

The world should encourage this, Kim Jong-un's sister at the Olympics sitting next to the South Korean Government whoever it was, the joint SK/NK Olympic teams etc ANY type of olive branch like these things that are being offered should be encouraged, it is in the best interests of all the Asian Pacific that peace is encouraged and if peace fails then of course other options need exploring, but I think NK and SK should be given the chance to have an attempt at de escalating the situation with each other.

It's been done. The 'Sunshine Policy' foundered on the rocks of
Watching how Elitist and Rude VPOTUS was last night, I wonder how long until Trump and Pence work to sabotage this meeting.

I hope NK and SK become good pals.

problem is , does the TRUMP agree to live with 'nork' nukes even if both koreas agree to life and love WCatcher .

What are 'nork' nukes? Nork?
------------------- 'nork' is 'north koreans' . Nukes are 'nuclear weapons / missiles that the 'norks' are building as we type . Also , sometimes the 'south koreans' are referred to as 'sorks' Lucy .
------------------------------ and , does the TRUMP and Japan agree to live on planet earth with a 'north korea' that is armed with nuclear weapons Lucy .

Well if the NK/SK relationship can be encouraged, then if that works okay then SK could be brought in as like a middle man who then has some type of relationship with NK and ALSO with Japan and America and SK could be the go between in attempting to de escalate all these tensions, I mean it's worth giving a chance.
------------------------------- off the top of my head i am thinking that the 'south koreans' , especially their new President can't be trusted Lucy .


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