Kim Jong-un Is Cracking Me Up

All the over-hyped (and sometimes manufactured) sabre-rattling of this pudgy dictator might be scary to some, but to the builders of the weapons of war and to others who richly profit from unending militarized conflicts around the globe...

[...] Still relatively new in his post, the Pentagon chief told reporters that 14 additional interceptors to be installed by 2017 would bring the total to 44. It is part of a package of steps expected to cost $1 billion, officials said.[...]'s great for business!
The world's youngest head of state just issued a new round of threats this morning. :lol:

Hey, you ever notice how everyone on the highway slows down when they see a police car has someone pulled over for a traffic violation? How stupid is that? The cop is busy! It's a get out of jail free card for speeding.

Kim is 29 or 30 years old. How fucked up is that we don't even know which YEAR he was born? That says a lot about the DPRK all by itself, no?

He's a punk. He's a spoiled brat party boy who had the leadership of the most fucked up country on Earth gifted to him by his fat, self-aggrandizing dad. His dad claimed he had hit eleven holes in one the very first time he played 18 holes of golf! :lol:

This is what we are dealing with, okay? A punk who has to fill daddy's shoes. So how is he going to do that?

He's going to speed by the cop who already has his hands full from pulling over Iran, Afghanistan, and Iraq.

He's showing off to the kids in the back seat. Look at me! I'm not afraid of the pigs!

This is all show. These threats toward us are for internal consumption. This is a fat little spoiled fuck trying to get some street cred around Pyongyang.

So sit back. Relax. Enjoy the show. The kid is AWESOME for invoking belly laughs. :lol:

Well said. He's nothing but a little panty waist.
Kim Jong-un Is Cracking Me Up
That's primarily because we've got VAST experience with some frat-boy who's attempting to....

....out-shine his Daddy.

"In his teens, this man child was shoved into a distant boarding school. It must have been a relief for him. The squirrely adolescent with the pointy ears did just enough to get by. At Andover they called him "Bushtail." Ambition wasn’t his thing. And he didn’t have the athletic talent or thespian skills to do much more than play the role of class goof. So he went on to an undistinguished academic career, highlighted only by his ebullient performances as a cheerleader and a reputation for selling fake IDs. Even in his youth he was adept at forgery.

George the Younger snuck into Yale on a legacy admission, a courtesy to his father and grandfather. He was a remedial student at best, awarded a bevy of Cs, the lowest score possible for the legacy cohort. Repositories like Andover and Yale know what to do with the dim children of the elite. George nestled in his niche. No demands were made of him. He spent much his time acquainting himself with a menu of designer inebrients. He was arrested twice. Once for petty theft. Once for public drunkenness. No one cared."
He is a little pot bellied pig with delusions of grandeur.

Perfect attributes for a scapegoat.

The powers that be in The Military Industrial Complex have been searching for a new boogeyman for a couple of years now. Maybe KJU will be this decade's OBL.

Not in this lifetime or the next.

Young Son Him would love all that attention. But I think we need to let him finish his special ed studies first.
Perfect attributes for a scapegoat.

The powers that be in The Military Industrial Complex have been searching for a new boogeyman for a couple of years now. Maybe KJU will be this decade's OBL.

Not in this lifetime or the next.

Young Son Him would love all that attention. But I think we need to let him finish his special ed studies first.

His bike prolly still needs training wheels.
Part of me wishes they would launch one of their duds at us so we could blow his little sissy ass off the planet. I've been tired of north korea for 50 years.
Sorry, just can't seem to get tickled about this one. He a stupid kid that has too many resources of war at his finger tips.
No doubt.

BEEN there!!!!!!!!!

[ame=]60 Minutes: George W. Bush Sought to -Find A Way- to Invade Iraq - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]EXPOSED: Bush Planned on Invading Iraq Before 9/11-Part 2 - YouTube[/ame]​
What cracks me up is obama. "You wouldn't dare. Don't you know I'm black?" The big O is just begging for little kimmie to emasculate him.
BBC News - Satellites uncover North Korea
"The North Koreans, like the Japanese, like their beer," says Dr Smith who is Professor of Resilience and Security at Cranfield University. But as sanctions have taken their toll, the key ingredients for brewing are not always available. "The chaff from the harvest is used in brewing. Nothing is wasted," says Dr Smith.

Curtis Melvin says he located the brewery "after a tourist sent in a picture of the entry gate which is a very unusual shape. From the air it looks like a large M which I matched to a photograph from an official publication."

He says the lager he tried when he was last in Pyongyang "had a full flavour" but others are less palatable. "Ryesong beer is pretty awful, leaving a distinct metallic taste," he says, adding: "In the capital, they drink a lot of beer but outside in the countryside, they prefer their traditional spirit drinks."

North Korean television recently broadcast an advert for Taedong River Beer. Dubbed the "Pride of Pyongyang", the advert showed young women in traditional Korean dress serving trays of beer to men in western suits. Kim Jong-il visited the brewery in 2002 where he "(watched) good quality beer (come) out in an uninterrupted flow for a long while," according to North Korea's state news agency.


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One Young Him is just trying to talk big balls so he keeps his people in check. Only mustard gas bomb that bitch has is shitting the hotdog him and Rodman ate at that fucked up basketball game.
I don't know if he's cracking me up exactly...That insane MFer could seriously screw some shit up.

I was not kidding when I said North Korea tried to pay some of its debt with ginseng: North Korea offers ginseng to pay Czech debt -

Kim doesn't have the gas money to pick up his date in South Korea.

Date? Who's the lucky guy? Could you imagine that shit when Rodman was over there? I'll bet THAT was fucked up on the Ancient Rome side!
This North Korean propaganda kind of reminds me of what Alex Jones thinks of our troops:



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The world's youngest head of state just issued a new round of threats this morning. :lol:

Hey, you ever notice how everyone on the highway slows down when they see a police car has someone pulled over for a traffic violation? How stupid is that? The cop is busy! It's a get out of jail free card for speeding.

Kim is 29 or 30 years old. How fucked up is that we don't even know which YEAR he was born? That says a lot about the DPRK all by itself, no?

He's a punk. He's a spoiled brat party boy who had the leadership of the most fucked up country on Earth gifted to him by his fat, self-aggrandizing dad. His dad claimed he had hit eleven holes in one the very first time he played 18 holes of golf! :lol:

This is what we are dealing with, okay? A punk who has to fill daddy's shoes. So how is he going to do that?

He's going to speed by the cop who already has his hands full from pulling over Iran, Afghanistan, and Iraq.

He's showing off to the kids in the back seat. Look at me! I'm not afraid of the pigs!

This is all show. These threats toward us are for internal consumption. This is a fat little spoiled fuck trying to get some street cred around Pyongyang.

So sit back. Relax. Enjoy the show. The kid is AWESOME for invoking belly laughs. :lol:

He just got whacked with wicked sanctions

He has to posture to save face and then claim victory

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