Kim Jong-un Is Cracking Me Up

BBC News - Satellites uncover North Korea
"The North Koreans, like the Japanese, like their beer," says Dr Smith who is Professor of Resilience and Security at Cranfield University. But as sanctions have taken their toll, the key ingredients for brewing are not always available. "The chaff from the harvest is used in brewing. Nothing is wasted," says Dr Smith.

Curtis Melvin says he located the brewery "after a tourist sent in a picture of the entry gate which is a very unusual shape. From the air it looks like a large M which I matched to a photograph from an official publication."

He says the lager he tried when he was last in Pyongyang "had a full flavour" but others are less palatable. "Ryesong beer is pretty awful, leaving a distinct metallic taste," he says, adding: "In the capital, they drink a lot of beer but outside in the countryside, they prefer their traditional spirit drinks."

North Korean television recently broadcast an advert for Taedong River Beer. Dubbed the "Pride of Pyongyang", the advert showed young women in traditional Korean dress serving trays of beer to men in western suits. Kim Jong-il visited the brewery in 2002 where he "(watched) good quality beer (come) out in an uninterrupted flow for a long while," according to North Korea's state news agency.


[ame=]North Korean Beer Commercial - YouTube[/ame]

that is the most boring long beer commercial i've ever seen.....but at least they HAVE beer commercials....

but sure don't stand a chance against ours......even the old ones.....anybody seen the old Rainier Beer commercials.....?

[ame=]Motorcycle - YouTube[/ame]
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Sorry, just can't seem to get tickled about this one. He a stupid kid that has too many resources of war at his finger tips. I'll keep watching, but I doubt there will be many laughs.
Aw, c'mon.....your paranoia is showing.

North Korea has a fairly-new President....whose credibility is pretty-much dependent on riding his Daddy's coattails....and, appears bound-and-determined to start a War with some Country that's never attacked them??

Seriously.....what're the chances of that happening?

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Sorry, just can't seem to get tickled about this one. He a stupid kid that has too many resources of war at his finger tips. I'll keep watching, but I doubt there will be many laughs.
Aw, c'mon.....your paranoia is showing.

North Korea has a fairly-new President....who credibility is pretty-much dependent on riding his Daddy's coattails....and, appears bound-and-determined to start a War with some Country that's never attacked them??

Seriously.....what're the chances of that happening?


Boy I don't know. He's breaking out those high tech binoculars. What next, bottle rockets?

Sorry, just can't seem to get tickled about this one. He a stupid kid that has too many resources of war at his finger tips. I'll keep watching, but I doubt there will be many laughs.
Aw, c'mon.....your paranoia is showing.

North Korea has a fairly-new President....who credibility is pretty-much dependent on riding his Daddy's coattails....and, appears bound-and-determined to start a War with some Country that's never attacked them??

Seriously.....what're the chances of that happening?


Boy I don't know. He's breaking out those high tech binoculars.

kim-jong-un-binoc.jpg'd think we'd have seen this coming.....YEARS ago!!!

Aw, c'mon.....your paranoia is showing.

North Korea has a fairly-new President....who credibility is pretty-much dependent on riding his Daddy's coattails....and, appears bound-and-determined to start a War with some Country that's never attacked them??

Seriously.....what're the chances of that happening?


Boy I don't know. He's breaking out those high tech binoculars.

kim-jong-un-binoc.jpg'd think we'd have seen this coming.....YEARS ago!!!


Inside those George W binocs was a message from Cheney that read - "Attack now! Our earnings at Halliburton suck!"
Good Lord.... is it a requirement that left wing moonbats respond to everything with some stupid shit about a president who's been gone for half a decade?

The world's youngest head of state just issued a new round of threats this morning. :lol:

Hey, you ever notice how everyone on the highway slows down when they see a police car has someone pulled over for a traffic violation? How stupid is that? The cop is busy! It's a get out of jail free card for speeding.

Kim is 29 or 30 years old. How fucked up is that we don't even know which YEAR he was born? That says a lot about the DPRK all by itself, no?

He's a punk. He's a spoiled brat party boy who had the leadership of the most fucked up country on Earth gifted to him by his fat, self-aggrandizing dad. His dad claimed he had hit eleven holes in one the very first time he played 18 holes of golf! :lol:

This is what we are dealing with, okay? A punk who has to fill daddy's shoes. So how is he going to do that?

He's going to speed by the cop who already has his hands full from pulling over Iran, Afghanistan, and Iraq.

He's showing off to the kids in the back seat. Look at me! I'm not afraid of the pigs!

This is all show. These threats toward us are for internal consumption. This is a fat little spoiled fuck trying to get some street cred around Pyongyang.

So sit back. Relax. Enjoy the show. The kid is AWESOME for invoking belly laughs. :lol:
A nuclear threat is about as funny as a funeral G5000.
The world's youngest head of state just issued a new round of threats this morning. :lol:

Hey, you ever notice how everyone on the highway slows down when they see a police car has someone pulled over for a traffic violation? How stupid is that? The cop is busy! It's a get out of jail free card for speeding.

Kim is 29 or 30 years old. How fucked up is that we don't even know which YEAR he was born? That says a lot about the DPRK all by itself, no?

He's a punk. He's a spoiled brat party boy who had the leadership of the most fucked up country on Earth gifted to him by his fat, self-aggrandizing dad. His dad claimed he had hit eleven holes in one the very first time he played 18 holes of golf! :lol:

This is what we are dealing with, okay? A punk who has to fill daddy's shoes. So how is he going to do that?

He's going to speed by the cop who already has his hands full from pulling over Iran, Afghanistan, and Iraq.

He's showing off to the kids in the back seat. Look at me! I'm not afraid of the pigs!

This is all show. These threats toward us are for internal consumption. This is a fat little spoiled fuck trying to get some street cred around Pyongyang.

So sit back. Relax. Enjoy the show. The kid is AWESOME for invoking belly laughs. :lol:
A nuclear threat is about as funny as a funeral G5000.

We were talking about this at work this week. I don't think he has nuclear capability. However, he DOES have capability to start a war and that's what he's trying to do. If we get sucked in there, China will do exactly as it did during Vietnam and supply soldiers for them keeping us quagmired for 10 years or more.
Un doesn't have nuclear capability! Then why did our government say that NK had conducted a successful nuclear test a few months ago? Of course NK has nuclear capability. They've had it for years. What they don't have is a delivery system. They have had a couple of successful missile tests but they have mostly been failures. If successful their best missile could hit Alaska or Guam.

Every year, the US and South Korea enter into military exercises and every year NK starts making noise. The only difference is that today, obama is presidebt and he doesn't have a clue. He's more idiotic and stupid than Kim Jong Un. What world leader sends over their best aircraft to drop fake bombs? No wonder Russia is having their own practice runs at bombing our ships. We have a foreign policy disaster running our end of the show.
Obama loves him because he gives Obama an opportunity to act tough.
Un doesn't have nuclear capability! Then why did our government say that NK had conducted a successful nuclear test a few months ago? Of course NK has nuclear capability. They've had it for years. What they don't have is a delivery system. They have had a couple of successful missile tests but they have mostly been failures. If successful their best missile could hit Alaska or Guam.

Every year, the US and South Korea enter into military exercises and every year NK starts making noise. The only difference is that today, obama is presidebt and he doesn't have a clue. He's more idiotic and stupid than Kim Jong Un. What world leader sends over their best aircraft to drop fake bombs? No wonder Russia is having their own practice runs at bombing our ships. We have a foreign policy disaster running our end of the show.

If you don't have capability to deliver, you don't have capability.
I am 65 years old. NK has been making 'threats' of some kind, my entire life.
Let's get a grip, folks.

Exactly how would it hurt the US if Korea entered a civil war? What would that do to change something in LA or Atlanta?

For one, 30K troops that are stationed there would likely die. Further, they are more likely to target some outlaying US bases than just South Korea. I have family stationed there so it would, in fact, affect me also.

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