Kim Jong-un Is Cracking Me Up

The world's youngest head of state just issued a new round of threats this morning. :lol:

Hey, you ever notice how everyone on the highway slows down when they see a police car has someone pulled over for a traffic violation? How stupid is that? The cop is busy! It's a get out of jail free card for speeding.

Kim is 29 or 30 years old. How fucked up is that we don't even know which YEAR he was born? That says a lot about the DPRK all by itself, no?

He's a punk. He's a spoiled brat party boy who had the leadership of the most fucked up country on Earth gifted to him by his fat, self-aggrandizing dad. His dad claimed he had hit eleven holes in one the very first time he played 18 holes of golf! :lol:

This is what we are dealing with, okay? A punk who has to fill daddy's shoes. So how is he going to do that?

He's going to speed by the cop who already has his hands full from pulling over Iran, Afghanistan, and Iraq.

He's showing off to the kids in the back seat. Look at me! I'm not afraid of the pigs!

This is all show. These threats toward us are for internal consumption. This is a fat little spoiled fuck trying to get some street cred around Pyongyang.

So sit back. Relax. Enjoy the show. The kid is AWESOME for invoking belly laughs. :lol:
the spoiled brat has an army at his disposal along with nukes !! the fact that he is young and an idiot to boot should worry the hell out of South Korea !! this kid may be naive enough to think he can win !!
Absolutely priceless projection pissant.

The world's youngest head of state just issued a new round of threats this morning. :lol:

Hey, you ever notice how everyone on the highway slows down when they see a police car has someone pulled over for a traffic violation? How stupid is that? The cop is busy! It's a get out of jail free card for speeding.

Kim is 29 or 30 years old. How fucked up is that we don't even know which YEAR he was born? That says a lot about the DPRK all by itself, no?

He's a punk. He's a spoiled brat party boy who had the leadership of the most fucked up country on Earth gifted to him by his fat, self-aggrandizing dad. His dad claimed he had hit eleven holes in one the very first time he played 18 holes of golf! :lol:

This is what we are dealing with, okay? A punk who has to fill daddy's shoes. So how is he going to do that?

He's going to speed by the cop who already has his hands full from pulling over Iran, Afghanistan, and Iraq.

He's showing off to the kids in the back seat. Look at me! I'm not afraid of the pigs!

This is all show. These threats toward us are for internal consumption. This is a fat little spoiled fuck trying to get some street cred around Pyongyang.

So sit back. Relax. Enjoy the show. The kid is AWESOME for invoking belly laughs. :lol:

Well, I certainly hope you are correct. But if he is a meglomaniacal punk, then things might get interesting. After all, look at the number of people we have in this nation that are incapable of comprehending reality.
I remember a leader of another country that the world did not take very serious he to was loud boisterous gave over the top speeches with wild rhetoric was not very impressive looking short bad haircut pretty silly looking moustache even had a goofy name Adolph Hitler yet he managed to turn the world upside down. I wouldn't call him a mortal threat to the free world but neither would I just dismiss him as a threat either.
The world's youngest head of state just issued a new round of threats this morning. :lol:

Hey, you ever notice how everyone on the highway slows down when they see a police car has someone pulled over for a traffic violation? How stupid is that? The cop is busy! It's a get out of jail free card for speeding.

Kim is 29 or 30 years old. How fucked up is that we don't even know which YEAR he was born? That says a lot about the DPRK all by itself, no?

He's a punk. He's a spoiled brat party boy who had the leadership of the most fucked up country on Earth gifted to him by his fat, self-aggrandizing dad. His dad claimed he had hit eleven holes in one the very first time he played 18 holes of golf! :lol:

This is what we are dealing with, okay? A punk who has to fill daddy's shoes. So how is he going to do that?

He's going to speed by the cop who already has his hands full from pulling over Iran, Afghanistan, and Iraq.

He's showing off to the kids in the back seat. Look at me! I'm not afraid of the pigs!

This is all show. These threats toward us are for internal consumption. This is a fat little spoiled fuck trying to get some street cred around Pyongyang.

So sit back. Relax. Enjoy the show. The kid is AWESOME for invoking belly laughs. :lol:
Sorry, just can't seem to get tickled about this one. He a stupid kid that has too many resources of war at his finger tips. I'll keep watching, but I doubt there will be many laughs.

We should send Dear Leader one simple statement, and make certain everyone hears it loud and clear. If Dear Leader authorizes any strike on any of our allies, then Dear Leader's regime will come to an abrupt end. We need to make certain China is fully aware that we will not tolerate any attack from this pestilent little fucker, and that any such attack will involve a full military response that will end the Communist regime in N. Korea.
The world's youngest head of state just issued a new round of threats this morning. :lol:

Hey, you ever notice how everyone on the highway slows down when they see a police car has someone pulled over for a traffic violation? How stupid is that? The cop is busy! It's a get out of jail free card for speeding.

Kim is 29 or 30 years old. How fucked up is that we don't even know which YEAR he was born? That says a lot about the DPRK all by itself, no?

He's a punk. He's a spoiled brat party boy who had the leadership of the most fucked up country on Earth gifted to him by his fat, self-aggrandizing dad. His dad claimed he had hit eleven holes in one the very first time he played 18 holes of golf! :lol:

This is what we are dealing with, okay? A punk who has to fill daddy's shoes. So how is he going to do that?

He's going to speed by the cop who already has his hands full from pulling over Iran, Afghanistan, and Iraq.

He's showing off to the kids in the back seat. Look at me! I'm not afraid of the pigs!

This is all show. These threats toward us are for internal consumption. This is a fat little spoiled fuck trying to get some street cred around Pyongyang.

So sit back. Relax. Enjoy the show. The kid is AWESOME for invoking belly laughs. :lol:
How do you know for sure he is the one calling the shots in North Korea? He might well be but I would not be surprised if he is just a figure head and some military hard ass behind the scenes is the one pulling the strings.

Doesn't matter; any attack on our allies needs to come with a response that ends the regime in N. Korea.
Sorry, just can't seem to get tickled about this one. He a stupid kid that has too many resources of war at his finger tips. I'll keep watching, but I doubt there will be many laughs.

We should send Dear Leader one simple statement, and make certain everyone hears it loud and clear. If Dear Leader authorizes any strike on any of our allies, then Dear Leader's regime will come to an abrupt end. We need to make certain China is fully aware that we will not tolerate any attack from this pestilent little fucker, and that any such attack will involve a full military response that will end the Communist regime in N. Korea.

I feel certain Obama has made that abundantly clear to all concerned.
[ame=]North Koreans March to Unfitting Music #2 (Names of music are in description): - YouTube[/ame]
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g5000 wrote: He's a punk. He's a spoiled brat party boy who had the leadership of the most fucked up country on Earth gifted to him by his fat, self-aggrandizing dad. His dad claimed he had hit eleven holes in one the very first time he played 18 holes of golf!

Mebbe it was miniature golf.

Yup, North Korea has always led the league in over-the-top public comments, across the board. My favorites were when nutboy's dad was still alive -- they said that he had nine holes in one (oops, I see that's been covered here, LOL) the first time he played golf, all kinds of goofy stuff. Always gave me a little bit of comfort to compare them to the goofballs who "run" our country, at least our clowns and thugs look reasonable, honest and dignified by comparison.

Now he's "declared war" on South Korea, and the South Koreans are essentially yawning. They say there's zero indication anywhere of troop or equipment movement. I strongly suspect China and the USA are telling the NK's behind the scene which lines not to cross. Unless they cross one of those lines, there's some comedy value here.

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Let's get a grip, folks.

Exactly how would it hurt the US if Korea entered a civil war? What would that do to change something in LA or Atlanta?
He is a little pot bellied pig with delusions of grandeur.

Perfect attributes for a scapegoat.

The powers that be in The Military Industrial Complex have been searching for a new boogeyman for a couple of years now. Maybe KJU will be this decade's OBL.

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