Kim Potter Found Guilty

There were four high profile cases coming out of the destructive Negro insurrection that happen last year.

Chauvin, The three guys in Georgia. Rittenhouse and this case. None of them should ever had been charged in the first place but the hate America Negro mob mentality prevailed.

The filthy ass hate mongering Left Wing mob of shitheads won three of the four.

The uneducated Moon Bat assholes can rejoice. Just another nail in the coffin of this once great country.

Just another example of how fucked up our country has become because of the destruction done by the Left.

When I first heard about this case I didn't have any sympathy for a female police officer that it looked like she was incompetent. Probably an affirmative action hire that had no business being a police officer.

However, after seeing the trial I came to the conclusion that she was a good competent officer. The type of female officer that any police department would be lucky to have. A good person that was justified in shooting the Negro asshole.

The person that caused the death was the filthy Negro shithead thug, not Kim Potter.

After listening to all the evidence in the trial if I had been on the jury I never would have agreed to the guilty verdict. It would have been a not guilty verdict or a hung jury if the confused dumbass Libtards on the jury would insist on guilty.

The downside of this is that this another slam at the police that are hired to protect the community. The mob thugs got a big boost with this and the community will suffer.

Minneapolis has become a real lawless shithole and this will make it even worse.

When the Moon Bats and Negros win America loses.
As if on cue – the racist right chimes in.
Well, sounds like a little angel....Someone who would do everything right.....

This is a real shame all around...

eeeyep. And those previous two shootings are aside from the warrant out for his arrest and the previous appearance in court for attempted aggravated robbery charges, after he allegedly choked and held a woman at gunpoint for $820.

He shouldn't even have been on the streets.

Good riddance, I say...

The cop likely won't do much time at all.

But I'm fairly confident the taxpayers will be on the hook for the lawsuit the police department will have to cough up. Will likely see murials of the thug on some wall some place in the hood, similar to the murial observed in the backdrop highlighting fugitive cop killer Assata Shakur, during the swearing-in ceremony of NYC's new police commissioner.
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For conservatives, that the suspect was black and therefore a ‘thug’ – he was likely guilty of something, so his killing was justified.
The now deceased Duante held a loaded gun to a woman's head to rob her for Christs sake....I'm sure you think he's just a little angel....
Not really; a lot of acting on her part, but no real tears!
I saw no acting. She appeared devastated when she realized she had used her gun. She had also just yelled out “taser taser,” and to doubt her on that requires your belief (with no other basis) that her intent had been to pull the gun instead.

Your “analysis” doesn’t appear to be fact-based in the slightest.
eeeyep. And all of that is aside from the warrant out for his arrest and the previously appearance in court for attempted aggravated robbery charges after he allegedly choked and held a woman at gunpoint for $820.
Hey next time you get pulled over for speeding maybe the cops will look up your record and shoot you in the head as well.
Notice that this poster makes it about race and NOTHING about a cop being professional enough to tell the difference between a gun and a taser.

If it was a white person that was shot, there wouldn't have been charges or a trial.

After all, this case was about Black Lives Mattering, not all lives.
I saw no acting. She appeared devastated when she realized she had used her gun. She had also just yelled out “taser taser,” and to doubt her on that requires your belief (with no other basis) that her intent had been to pull the gun instead.

Your “analysis” doesn’t appear to be fact-based in the slightest.
Fact is she's gonna be in jail for a while and have plenty of time to think all about it.
The legal definition of recklessness doesn’t appear to embrace or even consider the mistaking of a gun for a taser. In fact: The converse appears to be true.

There is literally no question that she made the tragic horrifying mistake. The question is whether that particular mistake comports with the legal definition of recklessness. I believe it does not.

If a dolt is playing with a loaded gun (especially knowing that it’s loaded and operable) and stupidly and carelessly fires off some rounds while being unconcerned with the prospect that some living people might be hurt in the process, that’s reckless.

By contrast, here, she had to have both a gun and a taser. She didn’t act recklessly. She made a simple mistake. A tragic one for sure. But just a mistake. By pulling the trigger on the gun (under the mistaken Assumption that she was holding her taser), she didn’t have any reason to believe that anyone was being put at risk of grave injury or death. It wasn’t, in that legal sense, “recklessness” as it is defined in Minnesota’s law.

Because we know that in such thorny legal analyses even judges can make mistakes, there are layers of appellate review. Here, I believe the definition of “recklessness” was either given incorrectly OR the jury failed to apply the actual evidence to the law in a legally acceptable fashion.

I don’t get a vote on their appellate bench. So, we will have to wait and see.
Now Adam_Clayton_Jones offers a “disagreement” as a substitute for argument, like the ginormous assclown, boredtoseeya. Not a shred of evidence,however, to support his “disagreement.” Typical.
Fact is she's gonna be in jail for a while and have plenty of time to think all about it.
No. She is very very likely to be going to prison for a while. Her hope still resides in the legal system. It seems reasonable to assume that fair neutral and properly trained appellate jurists may view this for what it was: a terrible miscarriage of Justice. They might yet correct it. But I don’t pretend to know how it will turn out.
Evading arrest now gets you an automatic death sentence with no trial in the United States? I did not know that.

You lawless piece of fucking shit. Love it or leave it isnt that what trash like you says?
I never said that, you flaming buffoon.

It was an accident and unfortunate.
No. She is very very likely to be going to prison for a while. Her hope still resides in the legal system. It seems reasonable to assume that fair neutral and properly trained appellate jurists may view this for what it was: a terrible miscarriage of Justice. They might yet correct it. But I don’t pretend to know how it will turn out.
So she should have just gotten a slap on the wrist from her dept because she accidently shot her gun and killed someone?

Only in America do we have animals like you masquerading as Americans.
I never said that, you flaming buffoon.

It was an accident and unfortunate.
In essense, that IS what you said. You implied your low end white buddy would have obeyed the police, so he wouldnt have gotten shot. You evidently think that if you disobey the police you deserve to get shot. Well, if your skin color is of brownish hue anyway.
Kim Potter Found Guilty

For those playing along at home, she was the the cop who shot Daunte Wright because she couldn't tell the difference between her gun and her taser.

This is a good thing.

Yes.....Daunte......model citizen...who fought the police, put their lives in danger and was shot violently resisting arrest....another democrat party hero......

This isn't a genteel refusal to "put the victim on trial." Wright's short but exciting criminal record is highly relevant to the convulsions this country has been going through since George Floyd's death at the hands of the police in 2020 -- convulsions painstakingly fostered by the Times.

Contrary to the media's black victimhood narrative, there's a very good reason Wright was in a position to be confronted by the police and in a way that most people are not.

In addition to allegedly committing a slew of gun crimes before the age of 20 (based on only one year and six months of public records), Wright was stopped for driving with expired license plate tags. He didn't have car insurance. He also didn't have a driver's license. (And yes, white people are busted for these infractions all the time.)
When the officers ran his name, they discovered that Wright was driving on a suspended license, there was a restraining order against him, and a bench warrant for his arrest on a weapons charge. They had no choice: They had to arrest him. But as one officer began to handcuff him, Wright resisted, jumped back in his car and was about to flee -- along with an officer trapped in the passenger window, trying to get control of the gears.

That's when Wright got shot.

In other words, this case isn't exactly a primo example of "Driving While Black." That's why The New York Times hides all the pertinent facts.

For example, last week, the Times finally -- glancingly -- mentioned Wright's lack of a driver's license and insurance. (That's if you don't count a recent article about how Minnesota laws adversely affect minorities -- "even regulations about driver's licenses and renewal of tags.")
Somewhat more important than Daunte's love of laughter are the details of that incident, given at length in America's Greatest Newspaper, the U.K.'s Daily Mail.

On Dec. 1, 2019, Wright and Driver crashed at the apartment of a 20-year-old woman they'd been partying with. The next morning, the woman's roommate went out to get $820 in rent money, handed it to her, then left for work.

Just before the attack, Wright locked himself in the victim's bathroom for a noticeably long time in order to make videos of himself with a gun, and to empty a bottle of hand sanitizer onto his gun. (Daunte, with his simple, trusting nature, apparently believed an urban legend that sanitizer "blocks" fingerprints.)

Minutes later, as the three of them were exiting the apartment, Wright suddenly blocked the door, pointed the gun at the woman's head, saying, "Give me the f-ing money. I know you have it." (Me to The New York Times: Give us the f-ing facts. We know you have them.)

So she should have just gotten a slap on the wrist from her dept because she accidently shot her gun and killed someone?

Only in America do we have animals like you masquerading as Americans.
I don’t know whether you are an American or not Joe Blow. And when you “get” a punishment for a crime, the operative phrase is “for a crime.” If her accident wasn’t in fact a “crime,” then of course she shouldn’t be “punished” for it, in a criminal context.

One of the many problems with the “thought process” of scumbags like you, is your tendency to jump to conclusions. You’re an asshole, but at least your “thinking” is completely unAmerican.
In essense, that IS what you said. You implied your low end white buddy would have obeyed the police, so he wouldnt have gotten shot. You evidently think that if you disobey the police you deserve to get shot. Well, if your skin color is of brownish hue anyway.
No it isn't. Stop lying or learn to comprehend

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