Knowing Your Rights Makes The Gestapo Very Nervous [VIDEO]...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
[ame=]Open Carry Chicks Hassled by Power Hungry Cop & AR-15 - YouTube[/ame]
Guilty till proven innocent. Pretty much sums up the sorry state of our Police Force these days. This officer should be ashamed of himself. I mean, these are only the People who pay his salary. That's all. He treated them very disrespectfully. These Women were doing no harm. They were merely exercising their Constitutional Rights. I have to give them much props for dealing with their humiliation with grace & honor. God Bless em.
WTF? Do our Police get trained on even the basics of our Constitution? They just charge in there like up roided-up mongoloids.
Ya, this is a group that goes around setting up these stings. What you don't see is the business owner asking them to leave (they have that right in MO) and they refused, forcing the BO to call police.

Also, the group making these videos are NWO/Illuminati Truthers.
Ya, this is a group that goes around setting up these stings. What you don't see is the business owner asking them to leave (they have that right in MO) and they refused, forcing the BO to call police.

Also, the group making these videos are NWO/Illuminati Truthers.

They're doing nothing wrong. They're merely American Citizens exercising their Constitutional Rights. And sadly, that's very upsetting to Big Brother.
They walked into a crowded Wal-Mart with weapons out in the open. What did they expect would happen? Of course the cops responded with an AR-15.

I saw nothing wrong with the cop's actions. He checked their licenses and IDs, he was calm and courteous, and since the video stopped with them being outside I'd assume he just let them go after that. The cops responded to calls from concerned citizens, they checked the situation,no harm no foul.
Ya, this is a group that goes around setting up these stings. What you don't see is the business owner asking them to leave (they have that right in MO) and they refused, forcing the BO to call police.

Also, the group making these videos are NWO/Illuminati Truthers.

They're doing nothing wrong. They're merely American Citizens exercising their Constitutional Rights. And sadly, that's very upsetting to Big Brother.

You're an example of why Paul loses so many votes.
They walked into a crowded Wal-Mart with weapons out in the open. What did they expect would happen? Of course the cops responded with an AR-15.

I saw nothing wrong with the cop's actions. He checked their licenses and IDs, he was calm and courteous, and since the video stopped with them being outside I'd assume he just let them go after that. The cops responded to calls from concerned citizens, they checked the situation,no harm no foul.

He treated them like shit. Just another arrogant Gestapo thug. He like so many of our Police today, has forgotten who pays his salary. He feels he's part of a Special protected Class that's above the People.
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They walked into a crowded Wal-Mart with weapons out in the open. What did they expect would happen? Of course the cops responded with an AR-15.

I saw nothing wrong with the cop's actions. He checked their licenses and IDs, he was calm and courteous, and since the video stopped with them being outside I'd assume he just let them go after that. The cops responded to calls from concerned citizens, they checked the situation,no harm no foul.

He treated them like shit. Just another arrogant Gestapo thug. He like so many of our Police today, has forgotten who pays his salary. He feels he's part of a Special protected Class that's above the People.

Being calm and courteous is treating them like shit? I think you're letting your biased against cops get the best of you.
They walked into a crowded Wal-Mart with weapons out in the open. What did they expect would happen? Of course the cops responded with an AR-15.

I saw nothing wrong with the cop's actions. He checked their licenses and IDs, he was calm and courteous, and since the video stopped with them being outside I'd assume he just let them go after that. The cops responded to calls from concerned citizens, they checked the situation,no harm no foul.

He treated them like shit. Just another arrogant Gestapo thug. He like so many of our Police today, has forgotten who pays his salary. He feels he's part of a Special protected Class that's above the People.

Being calm and courteous is treating them like shit? I think you're letting your biased against cops get the best of you.

Bullshite! He was arrogant and aggressive. He showed no respect. So fuck em.
The youngsters are running a sting, and they refused to leave when requested to do so.

Police well within their rights to make sure all were safe.

Step off, NWO/Illuminati Truthers
We have people walking into our Benson AZ. Walmart with pistols on their hips all the time.
They also go into restaurants and grocery stores.
We have the right to do so here.
Where law abider's carry their guns no thieves dare to rob the stores.

People from back East have a hissy fit about it.
Too many people in this nation have bought into the fear mongering from the left.
The youngsters are running a sting, and they refused to leave when requested to do so.

Police well within their rights to make sure all were safe.

Step off, NWO/Illuminati Truthers

They couldn't leave because he had their I.D.
He asked for their papers, all was in order, he should have given them back their papers and let them go.
He detained them and treated them like they were breaking the law.

That is interesting.
They are doing a documentary to promote their Constitutional rights to their political cause.
When the left do the same thing it's OK, but when the right does it, it becomes a sting.
The youngsters are running a sting, and they refused to leave when requested to do so.

Police well within their rights to make sure all were safe.

Step off, NWO/Illuminati Truthers

Yeah, but you would say that. Anything to protect your Gestapo buds.

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