Knowing Your Rights Makes The Gestapo Very Nervous [VIDEO]...

The youngsters are running a sting, and they refused to leave when requested to do so.
It's an educational exercise, not a "sting." Nobody was stung. And they did nothing offensive, so why were they requested to leave?

The police did not observe any unlawful conduct. No valid complaint was made against the girls. So what right did the cop have to detain them by demanding their ID? The correct answer is none.

Step off, NWO/Illuminati Truthers
NRA and GOA. Not NWO/Illuminati Truthers.

MikeK, they were on private property, so they had no right to question why they were asked to leave.

The cops had every right to do so based on the property owner's request after the perps refused to leave.

Once a cop is on the scene, your duty is to comply and complain later.

they committed no crime, hence not perps
The youngsters are running a sting, and they refused to leave when requested to do so.
It's an educational exercise, not a "sting." Nobody was stung. And they did nothing offensive, so why were they requested to leave?

The police did not observe any unlawful conduct. No valid complaint was made against the girls. So what right did the cop have to detain them by demanding their ID? The correct answer is none.

Step off, NWO/Illuminati Truthers
NRA and GOA. Not NWO/Illuminati Truthers.

MikeK, they were on private property, so they had no right to question why they were asked to leave.

The cops had every right to do so based on the property owner's request after the perps refused to leave.

Once a cop is on the scene, your duty is to comply and complain later.

They weren't asked to leave.
Another whopper from Jake, King of the Unsubstantiated Statement.
The Chief Doug Fannan obviously has failed to attend our mandatory DUI classes here in Oklahoma City ........... no worries, hopefully he will attend soon.
MikeK, they were on private property, so they had no right to question why they were asked to leave.

The cops had every right to do so based on the property owner's request after the perps refused to leave.

Once a cop is on the scene, your duty is to comply and complain later.

You still haven't provided a link to show that they were asked by the Manager of Wal*Mart to leave the property.

I asked you for that a couple hours ago.

Are you simply trying to bullshit everyone here with a lie?

BTW, you have the right to refuse to comply with illegal orders from the police.
MikeK, they were on private property, so they had no right to question why they were asked to leave.

The cops had every right to do so based on the property owner's request after the perps refused to leave.

Once a cop is on the scene, your duty is to comply and complain later.

You still haven't provided a link to show that they were asked by the Manager of Wal*Mart to leave the property.

I asked you for that a couple hours ago.

Are you simply trying to bullshit everyone here with a lie?

BTW, you have the right to refuse to comply with illegal orders from the police.

That the owner asked them to leave is not in question, so step off.

And you have a duty in almost every state to comply with orders from the police unless you are with a certainty (and the proof is on you) that complying with those orders will result in risk to your life and limb.

Doubt me? Ask a cop friend in your jurisdiction, and that is what you will be told.
They walked into a crowded Wal-Mart with weapons out in the open. What did they expect would happen? Of course the cops responded with an AR-15.

I saw nothing wrong with the cop's actions. He checked their licenses and IDs, he was calm and courteous, and since the video stopped with them being outside I'd assume he just let them go after that. The cops responded to calls from concerned citizens, they checked the situation,no harm no foul.
You're quite right. What is made apparent by these exercises is how conditioned the general public (and the police) have become to regard openly armed citizens as a threat or a violation of law. When properly executed, as this one clearly was, the ultimate effect of these publicized confrontations will be that of re-conditioning the public (and the police) to understand that armed citizens are neither a threat nor are they outlaws.

One very thoughtful aspect of this exercise is that of having young girls present as lawfully armed citizens. This very clever adjustment to the usual scenario plainly operates to eliminate the macho element in the usually hostile reaction of police to openly armed, un-uniformed males -- which is a potent subliminal challenge to the machismo element of the average police(man's) mentality. It would have been even more interesting if the police who showed up were young females. Because the incident might have ended with mutually admiring comments about each other's holsters and gunbelts.

As it was, and as you've observed, the exercise ended quite as it should and the publicity it received will have a productive effect on the local public's thinking about armed citizens.

Good work, girls! You did just fine!

I agree, if the general climate towards guns was more friendly then this wouldn't even be discussed. But right now it's not. A lot of people are very fearful of guns, and those people WILL call the police. A policeman responding to such a call will ensure everything going on is legal, and that means checking their IDs so they can check the system and make sure the people with guns can legally own them.

The police did nothing wrong here. There were no "gestapo" actions.
Calling Police Officers who are trying to protect you ...the gestapo..might be the reason libertarians are often viewed as quirky nut cases.
They walked into a crowded Wal-Mart with weapons out in the open. What did they expect would happen? Of course the cops responded with an AR-15.

I saw nothing wrong with the cop's actions. He checked their licenses and IDs, he was calm and courteous, and since the video stopped with them being outside I'd assume he just let them go after that. The cops responded to calls from concerned citizens, they checked the situation,no harm no foul.

Why did they demand ID from the unarmed members of the group but not the crazy gun grabber mouthing off outside the store?
Quiet calm people get hassled by stormtroopers.

Ranting abusive lunatics walk?


Because they were part of the group, simple as that.

The dumbass outside the store SHOULD have been harassed by the cop for interupting and general douchbaggery.
MikeK, they were on private property, so they had no right to question why they were asked to leave.

The cops had every right to do so based on the property owner's request after the perps refused to leave.

Once a cop is on the scene, your duty is to comply and complain later.

You still haven't provided a link to show that they were asked by the Manager of Wal*Mart to leave the property.

I asked you for that a couple hours ago.

Are you simply trying to bullshit everyone here with a lie?

BTW, you have the right to refuse to comply with illegal orders from the police.

Yeah, he continues to repeat that lie. There is no evidence supporting his assertion Walmart demanded they leave the store.
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And on a side note, our Police are going to have to accept the fact that their behavior can and will be recorded and documented. I know this upsets them, but too bad. The days of unchecked power and abuse are quickly coming to an end for them. They will be held accountable.
MikeK, they were on private property, so they had no right to question why they were asked to leave.

The cops had every right to do so based on the property owner's request after the perps refused to leave.

Once a cop is on the scene, your duty is to comply and complain later.

You still haven't provided a link to show that they were asked by the Manager of Wal*Mart to leave the property.

I asked you for that a couple hours ago.

Are you simply trying to bullshit everyone here with a lie?

BTW, you have the right to refuse to comply with illegal orders from the police.

Yeah, he continues to repeat that lie. There is no evidence supporting his assertion Walmart demanded they leave the store.

That has already been answered, so you don't get "just once more, please."

The manager was correct to do so, and the officer was correct to control the incident
You still haven't provided a link to show that they were asked by the Manager of Wal*Mart to leave the property.

I asked you for that a couple hours ago.

Are you simply trying to bullshit everyone here with a lie?

BTW, you have the right to refuse to comply with illegal orders from the police.

Yeah, he continues to repeat that lie. There is no evidence supporting his assertion Walmart demanded they leave the store.

That has already been answered, so you don't get "just once more, please."

The manager was correct to do so, and the officer was correct to control the incident

Always the loyal Goose Stepper huh? So sad.
Calling Police Officers who are trying to protect you ...the gestapo..might be the reason libertarians are often viewed as quirky nut cases.

Well in this case they have a point. Whom were the police protecting here? No one. Because there was no threat. A group of girls open carrying in WalMart is not a threat to anyone. Yet they showed up like they had an al Qaeda cell on their doorstep.
We have people walking into our Benson AZ. Walmart with pistols on their hips all the time.
They also go into restaurants and grocery stores.
We have the right to do so here.
Where law abider's carry their guns no thieves dare to rob the stores.

People from back East have a hissy fit about it.
Too many people in this nation have bought into the fear mongering from the left.

I'm from "back East" and I don't have a problem with it, my state is literally on the East Coast and people in my State (Virginia) don't seem to have a problem with it either.
I noticed one of those chicks is kinda hot, now lets say somewhere near by, their is a MAN that is lonely ......... and cries himself to sleep every night hugging his pillow, he see's the hottie and wants some SEX.
So he starts planning his attack.
1. Follow her home and find out where she lives.
2. Hide in the bushes and wait for her to come outside (keeping a low profile)
3. When she come outside, overpower her and ravage that pussy.
........... errrr ............ She owns and is wearing a firearm.
..... scratch 1, 2 & 3

New plan (as always)
1. Go home.
2. Hug pillow and cry myself to sleep.

As this poor man knows everybody EXCEPT HIM is having sex on a regular basis, as he has insufficient funds to get a hooker, also lacks proper hygiene, he will never get none ......... and he knows it.
One day he will go up against the gun and die.
........... now he doesn't deserve to die, he was dealt a shitty hand in life and deserves to have SEX regularly like everyone else .... this is another reason guns must be banned.
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MikeK, they were on private property, so they had no right to question why they were asked to leave.
In other words, presuming you are the White owner of a diner you have a right to ask Blacks who might enter to leave?

How about Hispanics? Asians? Fat people? Ugly people?

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