Knowing Your Rights Makes The Gestapo Very Nervous [VIDEO]...

The youngsters are running a sting, and they refused to leave when requested to do so.

Police well within their rights to make sure all were safe.

Step off, NWO/Illuminati Truthers

They couldn't leave because he had their I.D.
He asked for their papers, all was in order, he should have given them back their papers and let them go.
He detained them and treated them like they were breaking the law.

That is interesting.
They are doing a documentary to promote their Constitutional rights to their political cause.
When the left do the same thing it's OK, but when the right does it, it becomes a sting.

They're just educating American Citizens on just how much their Government hates them. Knowing their Constitutional Rights is actually very dangerous for them now.

here is my take on a situation.

The police officers were SCARED. To death. The call they got, was probably, from the like of the idiot in a dark red shirt at the end of the video who was starting his hate speech but was shoveled aside by the very police.

The group of the young people were VERY SMART becasue they obeyed, were respectful and were not defiant in any manner. You could see that the officer eventually melted a bit.
One could also see that he obviously was biased against them, so whoever called initially was, obviously lying and made that officer somewhat tense.

The funny piece for me was when the officer was a bit upset about ID being an American passport :D He could not say it is not a valid ID but he obviously was upset since it does not ping you to any particular place in this country :D.

But I won't say he was gestapo-like or anything. He was scared. scared something wrong will happen in his district and HIS JOB ( and the benefits) will be on a line.
We have people walking into our Benson AZ. Walmart with pistols on their hips all the time.
They also go into restaurants and grocery stores.
We have the right to do so here.
Where law abider's carry their guns no thieves dare to rob the stores.

People from back East have a hissy fit about it.
Too many people in this nation have bought into the fear mongering from the left.

Spot-On. Thanks.
The youngsters are running a sting, and they refused to leave when requested to do so.

Police well within their rights to make sure all were safe.

Step off, NWO/Illuminati Truthers

I am sure that you have a link to support your claim that they were asked to leave and refused to do so.

Otherwise I will have to believe that this is just another one of your typical bullshit lies.

here is my take on a situation.

The police officers were SCARED. To death. The call they got, was probably, from the like of the idiot in a dark red shirt at the end of the video who was starting his hate speech but was shoveled aside by the very police.

The group of the young people were VERY SMART becasue they obeyed, were respectful and were not defiant in any manner. You could see that the officer eventually melted a bit.
One could also see that he obviously was biased against them, so whoever called initially was, obviously lying and made that officer somewhat tense.

The funny piece for me was when the officer was a bit upset about ID being an American passport :D He could not say it is not a valid ID but he obviously was upset since it does not ping you to any particular place in this country :D.

But I won't say he was gestapo-like or anything. He was scared. scared something wrong will happen in his district and HIS JOB ( and the benefits) will be on a line.

That's a fair analysis. Thanks.
The youngsters are running a sting, and they refused to leave when requested to do so.

Police well within their rights to make sure all were safe.

Step off, NWO/Illuminati Truthers

I am sure that you have a link to support your claim that they were asked to leave and refused to do so.

Otherwise I will have to believe that this is just another one of your typical bullshit lies.

There are no reports stating Walmart demanded they leave. So yes, that assertion is a lie.
The youngsters are running a sting, and they refused to leave when requested to do so.

Police well within their rights to make sure all were safe.

Step off, NWO/Illuminati Truthers

They couldn't leave because he had their I.D.
He asked for their papers, all was in order, he should have given them back their papers and let them go.
He detained them and treated them like they were breaking the law.

That is interesting.
They are doing a documentary to promote their Constitutional rights to their political cause.
When the left do the same thing it's OK, but when the right does it, it becomes a sting.

They're just educating American Citizens on just how much their Government hates them. Knowing their Constitutional Rights is actually very dangerous for them now.

well the kids were smart enough to not be confrontational and actually get the officer on their side by telling him they are documenting the respectful police officers who respect the constitutional rights of the citizens. :D

BTW I don't think the officer personally is against those rights. It is the instructions of his job and the training he does get ( and deals mostly not with smart, law abiding, respectful young people) that made him so grim at first.
They couldn't leave because he had their I.D.
He asked for their papers, all was in order, he should have given them back their papers and let them go.
He detained them and treated them like they were breaking the law.

That is interesting.
They are doing a documentary to promote their Constitutional rights to their political cause.
When the left do the same thing it's OK, but when the right does it, it becomes a sting.

They're just educating American Citizens on just how much their Government hates them. Knowing their Constitutional Rights is actually very dangerous for them now.

well the kids were smart enough to not be confrontational and actually get the officer onn their side by telling him they are documenting the respectful police officers who respect the constitutional rights of the citizens. :D

BTW I don't think the officer personally is against those rights. It is the instructions of his job and the training he does ( and deals mostly not with smart, law abiding, respectful young people) that made him so grim at first.

I hear ya. And yes, the gentleman was very smart in telling him why they were filming. It did cool things down a bit.
They walked into a crowded Wal-Mart with weapons out in the open. What did they expect would happen? Of course the cops responded with an AR-15.

I saw nothing wrong with the cop's actions. He checked their licenses and IDs, he was calm and courteous, and since the video stopped with them being outside I'd assume he just let them go after that. The cops responded to calls from concerned citizens, they checked the situation,no harm no foul.

Concerned citizens who have bought into the fear that gun grabbers promote.
They now think that anyone who has a gun is out to do harm.
Did any of theses concerned citizens think?
If someone was out to do harm they would not be carrying their pistols out in the open.

Just listen to Wacky Quacky - they walked into a crowded wal-mart - oh my- why anything bad could happen because they did that. Jeez!

People do it all the time all over this country, unless you live in a State that puts fear into your minds about it and makes it illegal.
It is our Constitutional right.
IMHO, the cop went over the line in several areas besides his general attitude.

1 - Unless he suspects them of a crime, demanding ID and keeping it is wrong.

2 - Demanding the IDs of friends of the intial group was wrong.

3 - He "detained" them much longer than required to ascertain that they were not committing a crime. He knows that State is an Open Carry State, or he should know it, and acted accordingly. Instead he was punishing them because someone made a call.

4 - His whole attitude about the Passport was wrong.

He, and most likely the entire force there, needs more training on how to handle that situation.
IMHO, the cop went over the line in several areas besides his general attitude.

1 - Unless he suspects them of a crime, demanding ID and keeping it is wrong.

2 - Demanding the IDs of friends of the intial group was wrong.

3 - He "detained" them much longer than required to ascertain that they were not committing a crime. He knows that State is an Open Carry State, or he should know it, and acted accordingly. Instead he was punishing them because someone made a call.

4 - His whole attitude about the Passport was wrong.

He, and most likely the entire force there, needs more training on how to handle that situation.

Wow, perfectly stated. Yeah, our Police need to be retrained. The Gestapo mentality is really beginning to wear thin on Americans. It's time for big change in their training.
They walked into a crowded Wal-Mart with weapons out in the open. What did they expect would happen? Of course the cops responded with an AR-15.

I saw nothing wrong with the cop's actions. He checked their licenses and IDs, he was calm and courteous, and since the video stopped with them being outside I'd assume he just let them go after that. The cops responded to calls from concerned citizens, they checked the situation,no harm no foul.
You're quite right. What is made apparent by these exercises is how conditioned the general public (and the police) have become to regard openly armed citizens as a threat or a violation of law. When properly executed, as this one clearly was, the ultimate effect of these publicized confrontations will be that of re-conditioning the public (and the police) to understand that armed citizens are neither a threat nor are they outlaws.

One very thoughtful aspect of this exercise is that of having young girls present as lawfully armed citizens. This very clever adjustment to the usual scenario plainly operates to eliminate the macho element in the usually hostile reaction of police to openly armed, un-uniformed males -- which is a potent subliminal challenge to the machismo element of the average police(man's) mentality. It would have been even more interesting if the police who showed up were young females. Because the incident might have ended with mutually admiring comments about each other's holsters and gunbelts.

As it was, and as you've observed, the exercise ended quite as it should and the publicity it received will have a productive effect on the local public's thinking about armed citizens.

Good work, girls! You did just fine!
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IMHO, the cop went over the line in several areas besides his general attitude.

1 - Unless he suspects them of a crime, demanding ID and keeping it is wrong.

2 - Demanding the IDs of friends of the intial group was wrong.

3 - He "detained" them much longer than required to ascertain that they were not committing a crime. He knows that State is an Open Carry State, or he should know it, and acted accordingly. Instead he was punishing them because someone made a call.

4 - His whole attitude about the Passport was wrong.

He, and most likely the entire force there, needs more training on how to handle that situation.

Bingo. The people not carrying had no reason to answer any questions or hand over their ID. It is not a requirement. The people who were armed should have been more aggressive, asking if they were being detained and demanding to be released if they werent. No crime was being committed, or was going to be. The cop's response to the complaint should have been, Yes, sir this is Oklahoma and people go armed all the time.
[ame=""]Some Music to Set the Mood[/ame]
Bravo police man ............. bravo.
IMHO, the cop went over the line in several areas besides his general attitude.

1 - Unless he suspects them of a crime, demanding ID and keeping it is wrong.

2 - Demanding the IDs of friends of the intial group was wrong.

3 - He "detained" them much longer than required to ascertain that they were not committing a crime. He knows that State is an Open Carry State, or he should know it, and acted accordingly. Instead he was punishing them because someone made a call.

4 - His whole attitude about the Passport was wrong.

He, and most likely the entire force there, needs more training on how to handle that situation.

Wow, perfectly stated. Yeah, our Police need to be retrained. The Gestapo mentality is really beginning to wear thin on Americans. It's time for big change in their training.
That's what these NRA and GOA sponsored exercises are about.

And Shroom is correct in each of his observations re: the cop's conduct, which I attribute to his being caught completely off guard and instinctually reaching for some means of maintaining his authority. Three sweet, peaceful young ladies strapped with 40mm Glocks obviously hit him like a kick right in the machismo. He didn't know what to say or do. So "Gimme your ID!" is better than nothing. The only thing I disagree with is the thought that the cop was punishing the kids for provoking the call. I think the simple fact is he didn't know what to do. He didn't realize his beef was with the store-owner, not those kids -- who had done nothing wrong.

It would have been much worse if the subjects in this exercise were male. That might have provoked an incident -- which is counterproductive to the purpose of the exercises. So I think using young girls is a clever adaptation and an effective means of re-orienting the American public's perception of armed citizens.

After thinking the whole thing over and discussing it with knowledgeable peers I hope the cops are grateful for the tolerance those obviously knowledgeable kids showed re: his unlawful demands on their freedom of movement. Because the kids could have pushed it.
Ya, this is a group that goes around setting up these stings. What you don't see is the business owner asking them to leave (they have that right in MO) and they refused, forcing the BO to call police.
The store's manager would be right in telling them to leave -- if there was a valid reason for doing so. Otherwise, what would the reason be? Arbitrary discrimination against lawfully armed citizens? That might call for posting a sign on the door.

Also, the group making these videos are NWO/Illuminati Truthers.
No. They are NRA and GOA activists whose purpose is the badly needed re-education of the American People (and their police agencies) as to our rights under the Second Amendment.

Don't you think it's about time for that?
The youngsters are running a sting, and they refused to leave when requested to do so.
It's an educational exercise, not a "sting." Nobody was stung. And they did nothing offensive, so why were they requested to leave?

Police well within their rights to make sure all were safe.
The police did not observe any unlawful conduct. No valid complaint was made against the girls. So what right did the cop have to detain them by demanding their ID? The correct answer is none.

Step off, NWO/Illuminati Truthers
NRA and GOA. Not NWO/Illuminati Truthers.
And Shroom is correct in each of his observations re: the cop's conduct, which I attribute to his being caught completely off guard and instinctually reaching for some means of maintaining his authority. Three sweet, peaceful young ladies strapped with 40mm Glocks obviously hit him like a kick right in the machismo. He didn't know what to say or do. So "Gimme your ID!" is better than nothing. The only thing I disagree with is the thought that the cop was punishing the kids for provoking the call. I think the simple fact is he didn't know what to do. He didn't realize his beef was with the store-owner, not those kids -- who had done nothing wrong.

It would have been much worse if the subjects in this exercise were male. That might have provoked an incident -- which is counterproductive to the purpose of the exercises. So I think using young girls is a clever adaptation and an effective means of re-orienting the American public's perception of armed citizens.

After thinking the whole thing over and discussing it with knowledgeable peers I hope the cops are grateful for the tolerance those obviously knowledgeable kids showed re: his unlawful demands on their freedom of movement. Because the kids could have pushed it.

You may be right in that he was caught off guard, and that is even more of a reason that he and his entire department requires more training in this area.

As experienced of an officer as he apparently is, he should have been trained well enough already in how to handle this and should have been an example for his men to follow.

Instead he showed them what not to do.

BTW, I still lean towards him being angry at being called out and was wanting to punish them because they had done nothing wrong and he couldn't arrest anyone as he was primed to do.

It's like the cops caught on some youtube videos, pee pranks. They walk up from behind grabbing a guy or gal they think is peeing in public when they are actually squirting water from a water bottle. The videos show some rather aggressive manhandling of people.
The youngsters are running a sting, and they refused to leave when requested to do so.
It's an educational exercise, not a "sting." Nobody was stung. And they did nothing offensive, so why were they requested to leave?

Police well within their rights to make sure all were safe.
The police did not observe any unlawful conduct. No valid complaint was made against the girls. So what right did the cop have to detain them by demanding their ID? The correct answer is none.

Step off, NWO/Illuminati Truthers
NRA and GOA. Not NWO/Illuminati Truthers.

MikeK, they were on private property, so they had no right to question why they were asked to leave.

The cops had every right to do so based on the property owner's request after the perps refused to leave.

Once a cop is on the scene, your duty is to comply and complain later.

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