Known Terrorists Currently Living in the USA

bush hasn't been president for quite some time, now...maybe you heard?
It was in all the papers...

But Bush was president, and what he messed up doesn't just go away because he's not president any more. He will still be responsible for the disaster that was the post war balls up for the rest of history. Oh dear, now isn't that difficult for you to cope with?

Didn't you hear???

Obozo said that got fixed....

Flashback » Obama: 'We're Leaving Behind A Sovereign, Stable And Self-Reliant Iraq' - YouTube

Then he proceeded to fuck shit up!!!!

How did he mess it up? He left it to rule itself. That means Obama wasn't ruling it. Go figure.

Instead it was Bush's puppet ruling things.
Let's see...

He lied about ISIS, and called them the JV Team while they grew...

.Then Obozo started illegal wars in Libya and Syria where ISIS could spread to there...

Need I go on???

He lied about ISIS? How did he lie?

So you have a problem with illegal wars then? Like Iraq? I'm not going to say Libya wasn't something Obama did that was good. It wasn't.

As for Syria. Obama didn't start it. It's a consequence of the Arab Spring which was a consequence of the war in Iraq.

Need you go on? Yes, you should, try being a little more specific and a little more intelligent about the way you present things, like, by backing stuff up, for example.
Iraq was illegal???

Damn, Hillary voted for it, and got all the other Democrats to vote for it too!!!

You had better call the FBI, and have them arrest her fat ass!!!

And BTW, Obozo was a big supporter of the Arab Spring and encouraged it...
Known Terrorists Currently Living in the USA

Yes there are many white rightwing Christians in America
Let's see...

He lied about ISIS, and called them the JV Team while they grew...

.Then Obozo started illegal wars in Libya and Syria where ISIS could spread to there...

Need I go on???

Not if you can't get the facts right.

Okay, guy ISIS is not Al Qaeda. They are not an existential threat to the US.

and the wars in Libya and Syria did not happen because of Obama. They happened because those countries were ruled by tin-pot dictators who lost control of their countries.
Oh, so every time we have a terrorist attack, or the FBI elevates the security level, they're just fucking with us, huh???

Iraq was illegal???

Damn, Hillary voted for it, and got all the other Democrats to vote for it too!!!

You had better call the FBI, and have them arrest her fat ass!!!

And BTW, Obozo was a big supporter of the Arab Spring and encouraged it...

Yep, illegal.

So what that Democrats voted for it, I'm not a Democrat and I don't particularly like them.

So, Obama was a supporter of the Arab Spring, just like most Republicans.........

All you're telling me is that the Republicans AND Democrats are particularly USELESS. I know this already.
You need to get Pogo over here. He can't understand a tie between known terrorist in America and the 1/4 Million Muslim Immigrants imported annually.

Apples and oranges he says

Known Terrorists Currently Living in the USA

Yes there are many white rightwing Christians in America
And batshit chimes in with his usual stupidity.

Thanks Batshit; now go back to playing plate tag on the interstate without a car, dumbfuck.
Oh, so every time we have a terrorist attack, or the FBI elevates the security level, they're just fucking with us, huh???


It's Homeland Security that raises the security level, and are they still doing that?

Here's the thing. All of 13 Americans were killed by "Terrorists" in 2014. A lot of them weren't even in the country at the time.

9,000 were killed by "Second Amendment Enthusiasts".

400 were killed by police.

Maybe we are looking at the wrong problem.
Libtards are not the only ones who have governed the US, but that is not what I said.

Only libtards are capable of screwing everything up so bad that we have no border control, no national security, inability to stomp out small terrorists groups like ISIS was, nor can they even administer a successful website roll out, a back up email system, nor recognize classified materials sent by foreign governments.

Libtard incompetence rivals exponential growth for its destructiveness and sheer suicidal idiocy.

Funny you should say that, because, er.... Bush stuffed things up so badly in Iraq, he caused so much hatred towards the US, he caused ISIS and this has led to a massive refugee crisis that the US is going to suffer National Security problems for DECADES.

You blame the left for not being able to stomp out the "small terrorist groups like ISIS", but you don't blame the right for creating the perfect petri dish for them in the first place.

It's this partisan BS that is causing all these problems in the first place. If the US govt actually thought about things, if the politicians weren't bought by big money, if the voters were, for the most part, completely malleable idiots who vote for whoever can convince them of something they're not, then maybe the US wouldn't be having so many problems.
bush hasn't been president for quite some time, now...maybe you heard?
It was in all the papers...

But Bush was president, and what he messed up doesn't just go away because he's not president any more. He will still be responsible for the disaster that was the post war balls up for the rest of history. Oh dear, now isn't that difficult for you to cope with?

Why is the border still open?

"the border", there are many borders, which one are you talking about? Iraq/Kuwait? US/Mexico? want to play word games now.... evading the question actually answered it.
"Court records, information from the FBI and U.S. Customs and Border Protection agent confirmed today that several known immigrants, two illegal with strong ties to terrorist groups, and one legal with the intent to kill Americans, entered the United States.
Prior to the September 11, 2001 attacks, federal records show there were 94 known terrorists living in the U.S. for at least a decade. Out of that group, 59 of them committed immigration fraud so they could embed and operate here.

“Just the fact that anyone from a foreign country who wants to enter the United States illegally with the intention of doing Americans harm has to be fairly well-funded and very determined to do so,” a Border Agent from Texas who has spoken before on the condition of anonymity, shook his head this morning. “It cost about twelve to twenty thousand dollars for a Middle Eastern to do it if he wants to sneak in through the traditional route of flying to Europe, then to Cuba, Brazil, or Central America and then to Mexico.”

“They bus across Mexico and pay coyotes to get them across to the U.S.,” the agent said. “Immigrants from South or Central America who don’t pay with their lives, or turn into prostitutes or slaves, pay about five to ten thousand to get here.”

Immigrants tied to terrorist groups have entered U.S. with intent to kill

Americans, how long are we going to let the libtards run this nation into the garbage dump of history and destroy it?

Close friends of the President of the United STates, bill ayers and bernadine dohrn………..
Oh, so every time we have a terrorist attack, or the FBI elevates the security level, they're just fucking with us, huh???


It's Homeland Security that raises the security level, and are they still doing that?

Here's the thing. All of 13 Americans were killed by "Terrorists" in 2014. A lot of them weren't even in the country at the time.

9,000 were killed by "Second Amendment Enthusiasts".

400 were killed by police.

Maybe we are looking at the wrong problem.

no….criminals are not 2nd Amendment enthusiasts…they are criminals. ACtually, democrat voters…and criminals….
Libtards are not the only ones who have governed the US, but that is not what I said.

Only libtards are capable of screwing everything up so bad that we have no border control, no national security, inability to stomp out small terrorists groups like ISIS was, nor can they even administer a successful website roll out, a back up email system, nor recognize classified materials sent by foreign governments.

Libtard incompetence rivals exponential growth for its destructiveness and sheer suicidal idiocy.

Funny you should say that, because, er.... Bush stuffed things up so badly in Iraq, he caused so much hatred towards the US, he caused ISIS and this has led to a massive refugee crisis that the US is going to suffer National Security problems for DECADES.

You blame the left for not being able to stomp out the "small terrorist groups like ISIS", but you don't blame the right for creating the perfect petri dish for them in the first place.

It's this partisan BS that is causing all these problems in the first place. If the US govt actually thought about things, if the politicians weren't bought by big money, if the voters were, for the most part, completely malleable idiots who vote for whoever can convince them of something they're not, then maybe the US wouldn't be having so many problems.

No…Bush left Iraq and Afhganistan stable and secure….obama pulled out all of our troops even knowing the growing threat of isis….
Funny you should say that, because, er.... Bush stuffed things up so badly in Iraq, he caused so much hatred towards the US, he caused ISIS and this has led to a massive refugee crisis that the US is going to suffer National Security problems for DECADES.

You blame the left for not being able to stomp out the "small terrorist groups like ISIS", but you don't blame the right for creating the perfect petri dish for them in the first place.

It's this partisan BS that is causing all these problems in the first place. If the US govt actually thought about things, if the politicians weren't bought by big money, if the voters were, for the most part, completely malleable idiots who vote for whoever can convince them of something they're not, then maybe the US wouldn't be having so many problems.
bush hasn't been president for quite some time, now...maybe you heard?
It was in all the papers...

But Bush was president, and what he messed up doesn't just go away because he's not president any more. He will still be responsible for the disaster that was the post war balls up for the rest of history. Oh dear, now isn't that difficult for you to cope with?

Why is the border still open?

"the border", there are many borders, which one are you talking about? Iraq/Kuwait? US/Mexico? want to play word games now.... evading the question actually answered it.

Word games? Or just expect you to be specific about "the border", I've seen lots of borders.
"Court records, information from the FBI and U.S. Customs and Border Protection agent confirmed today that several known immigrants, two illegal with strong ties to terrorist groups, and one legal with the intent to kill Americans, entered the United States.
Prior to the September 11, 2001 attacks, federal records show there were 94 known terrorists living in the U.S. for at least a decade. Out of that group, 59 of them committed immigration fraud so they could embed and operate here.

“Just the fact that anyone from a foreign country who wants to enter the United States illegally with the intention of doing Americans harm has to be fairly well-funded and very determined to do so,” a Border Agent from Texas who has spoken before on the condition of anonymity, shook his head this morning. “It cost about twelve to twenty thousand dollars for a Middle Eastern to do it if he wants to sneak in through the traditional route of flying to Europe, then to Cuba, Brazil, or Central America and then to Mexico.”

“They bus across Mexico and pay coyotes to get them across to the U.S.,” the agent said. “Immigrants from South or Central America who don’t pay with their lives, or turn into prostitutes or slaves, pay about five to ten thousand to get here.”

Immigrants tied to terrorist groups have entered U.S. with intent to kill

Americans, how long are we going to let the libtards run this nation into the garbage dump of history and destroy it? anonymous agent.

Of course there were known terrorist who lived in the United States- duh. Of course many of them committed immigration fraud so that they could get into the country.

Of course they came in airplanes- and they came across from Canada- about the only place they haven't come across is from Mexico.

Not that we shouldn't have better border security- why after 9/11 Bush never secured our Southern border I never understood.

Idiots like yourself want to conflate the issue of illegal immigration and terrorism- in the process weakening your arguments regarding both. anonymous agent.

Of course there were known terrorist who lived in the United States- duh. Of course many of them committed immigration fraud so that they could get into the country.

Of course they came in airplanes- and they came across from Canada- about the only place they haven't come across is from Mexico.

Do you EVER get tired of being a complete fool? Four PKK muslim terrorists have only recently been caught crossing the Mexican border.

Homeland Security says terrorists haven't crossed U.S-Mexico border
"...the men flew into Mexico City, hired a coyote to help them reach and cross the Rio Grande, and then make their way to a safe house. They intended to make their way to New York City, he said in an earlier interview with CBS News, although there was no specific indication they were here to commit a terrorist act.

"My question is: why aren't we prosecuting them, why are we simply deporting them?" he asked."

Not that we shouldn't have better border security- why after 9/11 Bush never secured our Southern border I never understood.

Because libtard liars like you have stonewalled him so you can continue to get warm bodies to vote illegally in our elections.

Idiots like yourself want to conflate the issue of illegal immigration and terrorism- in the process weakening your arguments regarding both.

And libtard morons like you lecture me about having my facts wrong when my facts are valid.

And it doesn't weaken your arguments at all because you have no arguments, only slander, guile, deceit and treason.
bush hasn't been president for quite some time, now...maybe you heard?
It was in all the papers...

But Bush was president, and what he messed up doesn't just go away because he's not president any more. He will still be responsible for the disaster that was the post war balls up for the rest of history. Oh dear, now isn't that difficult for you to cope with?

Why is the border still open?

"the border", there are many borders, which one are you talking about? Iraq/Kuwait? US/Mexico? want to play word games now.... evading the question actually answered it.

Word games? Or just expect you to be specific about "the border", I've seen lots of borders. don't like the question so you evade and pretend to not understand....
"Court records, information from the FBI and U.S. Customs and Border Protection agent confirmed today that several known immigrants, two illegal with strong ties to terrorist groups, and one legal with the intent to kill Americans, entered the United States.
Prior to the September 11, 2001 attacks, federal records show there were 94 known terrorists living in the U.S. for at least a decade. Out of that group, 59 of them committed immigration fraud so they could embed and operate here.

“Just the fact that anyone from a foreign country who wants to enter the United States illegally with the intention of doing Americans harm has to be fairly well-funded and very determined to do so,” a Border Agent from Texas who has spoken before on the condition of anonymity, shook his head this morning. “It cost about twelve to twenty thousand dollars for a Middle Eastern to do it if he wants to sneak in through the traditional route of flying to Europe, then to Cuba, Brazil, or Central America and then to Mexico.”

“They bus across Mexico and pay coyotes to get them across to the U.S.,” the agent said. “Immigrants from South or Central America who don’t pay with their lives, or turn into prostitutes or slaves, pay about five to ten thousand to get here.”

Immigrants tied to terrorist groups have entered U.S. with intent to kill

Americans, how long are we going to let the libtards run this nation into the garbage dump of history and destroy it?

Not that we shouldn't have better border security- why after 9/11 Bush never secured our Southern border I never understood.

9/11 was in 2001.

Why is the border still "unsecured"?
"Court records, information from the FBI and U.S. Customs and Border Protection agent confirmed today that several known immigrants, two illegal with strong ties to terrorist groups, and one legal with the intent to kill Americans, entered the United States.
Prior to the September 11, 2001 attacks, federal records show there were 94 known terrorists living in the U.S. for at least a decade. Out of that group, 59 of them committed immigration fraud so they could embed and operate here.

“Just the fact that anyone from a foreign country who wants to enter the United States illegally with the intention of doing Americans harm has to be fairly well-funded and very determined to do so,” a Border Agent from Texas who has spoken before on the condition of anonymity, shook his head this morning. “It cost about twelve to twenty thousand dollars for a Middle Eastern to do it if he wants to sneak in through the traditional route of flying to Europe, then to Cuba, Brazil, or Central America and then to Mexico.”

“They bus across Mexico and pay coyotes to get them across to the U.S.,” the agent said. “Immigrants from South or Central America who don’t pay with their lives, or turn into prostitutes or slaves, pay about five to ten thousand to get here.”

Immigrants tied to terrorist groups have entered U.S. with intent to kill

Americans, how long are we going to let the libtards run this nation into the garbage dump of history and destroy it?

Not that we shouldn't have better border security- why after 9/11 Bush never secured our Southern border I never understood.

9/11 was in 2001.

Why is the border still "unsecured"?

That's because Obama is unarguably a terrorist supporter thus wants open borders. It allows for terrorist to invade America and ultimately, carry out murderous attacks on Christians and citizens in general

The Obama legacy of turning America into a laughing stock and bloody killing fields

"Court records, information from the FBI and U.S. Customs and Border Protection agent confirmed today that several known immigrants, two illegal with strong ties to terrorist groups, and one legal with the intent to kill Americans, entered the United States.
Prior to the September 11, 2001 attacks, federal records show there were 94 known terrorists living in the U.S. for at least a decade. Out of that group, 59 of them committed immigration fraud so they could embed and operate here.

“Just the fact that anyone from a foreign country who wants to enter the United States illegally with the intention of doing Americans harm has to be fairly well-funded and very determined to do so,” a Border Agent from Texas who has spoken before on the condition of anonymity, shook his head this morning. “It cost about twelve to twenty thousand dollars for a Middle Eastern to do it if he wants to sneak in through the traditional route of flying to Europe, then to Cuba, Brazil, or Central America and then to Mexico.”

“They bus across Mexico and pay coyotes to get them across to the U.S.,” the agent said. “Immigrants from South or Central America who don’t pay with their lives, or turn into prostitutes or slaves, pay about five to ten thousand to get here.”

Immigrants tied to terrorist groups have entered U.S. with intent to kill

Americans, how long are we going to let the libtards run this nation into the garbage dump of history and destroy it?

Not that we shouldn't have better border security- why after 9/11 Bush never secured our Southern border I never understood.

9/11 was in 2001.

Why is the border still "unsecured"?

That's because Obama unarguably a terrorist supporter thus wants open borders. It allows for terrorist to invade America and ultimately, carry out murderous attacks on Christians and citizens in general

The Obama legacy of turning America into a laughing stock and bloody killing fields


obama's racial revenge "politics".
Libtards are not the only ones who have governed the US, but that is not what I said.

Only libtards are capable of screwing everything up so bad that we have no border control, no national security, inability to stomp out small terrorists groups like ISIS was, nor can they even administer a successful website roll out, a back up email system, nor recognize classified materials sent by foreign governments.

Libtard incompetence rivals exponential growth for its destructiveness and sheer suicidal idiocy.

Funny you should say that, because, er.... Bush stuffed things up so badly in Iraq, he caused so much hatred towards the US, he caused ISIS and this has led to a massive refugee crisis that the US is going to suffer National Security problems for DECADES.

You blame the left for not being able to stomp out the "small terrorist groups like ISIS", but you don't blame the right for creating the perfect petri dish for them in the first place.

It's this partisan BS that is causing all these problems in the first place. If the US govt actually thought about things, if the politicians weren't bought by big money, if the voters were, for the most part, completely malleable idiots who vote for whoever can convince them of something they're not, then maybe the US wouldn't be having so many problems.

No…Bush left Iraq and Afhganistan stable and secure….obama pulled out all of our troops even knowing the growing threat of isis….
No he didn't. That is a lie and an insult to the combat troops who fought, and the troops who lost their lives or were injured when Bush left office and dumped his mess on the country and new President to clean up.
Libtards are not the only ones who have governed the US, but that is not what I said.

Only libtards are capable of screwing everything up so bad that we have no border control, no national security, inability to stomp out small terrorists groups like ISIS was, nor can they even administer a successful website roll out, a back up email system, nor recognize classified materials sent by foreign governments.

Libtard incompetence rivals exponential growth for its destructiveness and sheer suicidal idiocy.

Funny you should say that, because, er.... Bush stuffed things up so badly in Iraq, he caused so much hatred towards the US, he caused ISIS and this has led to a massive refugee crisis that the US is going to suffer National Security problems for DECADES.

You blame the left for not being able to stomp out the "small terrorist groups like ISIS", but you don't blame the right for creating the perfect petri dish for them in the first place.

It's this partisan BS that is causing all these problems in the first place. If the US govt actually thought about things, if the politicians weren't bought by big money, if the voters were, for the most part, completely malleable idiots who vote for whoever can convince them of something they're not, then maybe the US wouldn't be having so many problems.

No…Bush left Iraq and Afhganistan stable and secure….obama pulled out all of our troops even knowing the growing threat of isis….
No he didn't. That is a lie and an insult to the combat troops who fought, and the troops who lost their lives or were injured when Bush left office and dumped his mess on the country and new President to clean up.

^^^^^^^^ :badgrin: ^^^^^^^^^^^

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