Known Terrorists Currently Living in the USA

How did he mess it up? He left it to rule itself. That means Obama wasn't ruling it. Go figure.

Instead it was Bush's puppet ruling things.
Let's see...

He lied about ISIS, and called them the JV Team while they grew...

.Then Obozo started illegal wars in Libya and Syria where ISIS could spread to there...

Need I go on???

He lied about ISIS? How did he lie?

So you have a problem with illegal wars then? Like Iraq? I'm not going to say Libya wasn't something Obama did that was good. It wasn't.

As for Syria. Obama didn't start it. It's a consequence of the Arab Spring which was a consequence of the war in Iraq.

Need you go on? Yes, you should, try being a little more specific and a little more intelligent about the way you present things, like, by backing stuff up, for example.
Iraq was illegal???

Damn, Hillary voted for it, and got all the other Democrats to vote for it too!!!

You had better call the FBI, and have them arrest her fat ass!!!

And BTW, Obozo was a big supporter of the Arab Spring and encouraged it...
So Hillary voted to authorize a war after listening to 935 lies. You knew that right? Bush told 260 lies while Powell told another 244.
Study: Bush, aides made 935 false statements in run-up to war -
Actually, Hillary had a security clearance, and access to all of the Intel..

Are you implying that Hillary was a party involved in lying to the American people???
She had access to bullshit intelligence. Get it? What more do you need?
The Downing Street Memo :: What is it?
Let's see...

He lied about ISIS, and called them the JV Team while they grew...

.Then Obozo started illegal wars in Libya and Syria where ISIS could spread to there...

Need I go on???

He lied about ISIS? How did he lie?

So you have a problem with illegal wars then? Like Iraq? I'm not going to say Libya wasn't something Obama did that was good. It wasn't.

As for Syria. Obama didn't start it. It's a consequence of the Arab Spring which was a consequence of the war in Iraq.

Need you go on? Yes, you should, try being a little more specific and a little more intelligent about the way you present things, like, by backing stuff up, for example.
Iraq was illegal???

Damn, Hillary voted for it, and got all the other Democrats to vote for it too!!!

You had better call the FBI, and have them arrest her fat ass!!!

And BTW, Obozo was a big supporter of the Arab Spring and encouraged it...
So Hillary voted to authorize a war after listening to 935 lies. You knew that right? Bush told 260 lies while Powell told another 244.
Study: Bush, aides made 935 false statements in run-up to war -
Actually, Hillary had a security clearance, and access to all of the Intel..

Are you implying that Hillary was a party involved in lying to the American people???
She had access to bullshit intelligence. Get it? What more do you need?
The Downing Street Memo :: What is it?
Did you know that the Downing Street Memo is a second-hand account of a strategy session held in case war became inevitable???

Really, if you want to prove your point, we need to see an actual agreement from the meeting, instead of what some partisan hack wants to claim happened...

And plans??? Hell, when it comes down to it, the Pentagon has "plans" on file to invade Canada or Mexico, should the need arise!!!
Libtards are not the only ones who have governed the US, but that is not what I said.

Only libtards are capable of screwing everything up so bad that we have no border control, no national security, inability to stomp out small terrorists groups like ISIS was, nor can they even administer a successful website roll out, a back up email system, nor recognize classified materials sent by foreign governments.

Libtard incompetence rivals exponential growth for its destructiveness and sheer suicidal idiocy.

Funny you should say that, because, er.... Bush stuffed things up so badly in Iraq, he caused so much hatred towards the US, he caused ISIS and this has led to a massive refugee crisis that the US is going to suffer National Security problems for DECADES.

You blame the left for not being able to stomp out the "small terrorist groups like ISIS", but you don't blame the right for creating the perfect petri dish for them in the first place.

It's this partisan BS that is causing all these problems in the first place. If the US govt actually thought about things, if the politicians weren't bought by big money, if the voters were, for the most part, completely malleable idiots who vote for whoever can convince them of something they're not, then maybe the US wouldn't be having so many problems.

No…Bush left Iraq and Afhganistan stable and secure….obama pulled out all of our troops even knowing the growing threat of isis….
No he didn't. That is a lie and an insult to the combat troops who fought, and the troops who lost their lives or were injured when Bush left office and dumped his mess on the country and new President to clean up.

Not a lie, total truth, were we fighting terrorists there, yes, was the country stable, yes…and then obama pulled out all the troops, and denied reinforcements to iraq and the few he gave came with a time limit, not based on the mission, but based on getting out in a year...
Our troops were fighting the same insurgency in 2009, 2010, and 2011 under Obama as the troops who fought the previous years under Bush. It took three years of fighting before the level of stability and security was reached in 2012. You guys just want to ignore '09, '10, and '11 because that doesn't fit with your revisionism and misinterpretation of history. You want to declare that Bush left Iraq stable and secure and that is a lie at worst and a purposeful misrepresentation at best. You simple stating that Iraq was stable over and over does not make it so.

No…..the terrorists were there and a constant problem…..and the country was stable….now it is over run by isis because obama, who knew the situation on the ground, still pulled our troops out……it is all on him…….
Funny you should say that, because, er.... Bush stuffed things up so badly in Iraq, he caused so much hatred towards the US, he caused ISIS and this has led to a massive refugee crisis that the US is going to suffer National Security problems for DECADES.

You blame the left for not being able to stomp out the "small terrorist groups like ISIS", but you don't blame the right for creating the perfect petri dish for them in the first place.

It's this partisan BS that is causing all these problems in the first place. If the US govt actually thought about things, if the politicians weren't bought by big money, if the voters were, for the most part, completely malleable idiots who vote for whoever can convince them of something they're not, then maybe the US wouldn't be having so many problems.

No…Bush left Iraq and Afhganistan stable and secure….obama pulled out all of our troops even knowing the growing threat of isis….
No he didn't. That is a lie and an insult to the combat troops who fought, and the troops who lost their lives or were injured when Bush left office and dumped his mess on the country and new President to clean up.

Not a lie, total truth, were we fighting terrorists there, yes, was the country stable, yes…and then obama pulled out all the troops, and denied reinforcements to iraq and the few he gave came with a time limit, not based on the mission, but based on getting out in a year...
Our troops were fighting the same insurgency in 2009, 2010, and 2011 under Obama as the troops who fought the previous years under Bush. It took three years of fighting before the level of stability and security was reached in 2012. You guys just want to ignore '09, '10, and '11 because that doesn't fit with your revisionism and misinterpretation of history. You want to declare that Bush left Iraq stable and secure and that is a lie at worst and a purposeful misrepresentation at best. You simple stating that Iraq was stable over and over does not make it so.

No…..the terrorists were there and a constant problem…..and the country was stable….now it is over run by isis because obama, who knew the situation on the ground, still pulled our troops out……it is all on him…….
First, your use of the word terrorist needs to be addressed. Insurgents fighting in their own country and fighting foreign military occupation troops are not terrorist. Not when they are attacking those foreign troops. The term terrorist has been overused and misused so much that it has little meaning. Both sides in every war now call the other side terrorist. Might as well just call the enemies devils and barbarians.
Second, Iraq did not reach a level of stability until 2012. My argument has been that the period of 2009, 2010 and 2011 were comprised of combat operations in Iraq designed and implement for the purpose of obtaining stability and security to the degree that the level of stability and security reached could be turned over to Iraqi forces. That was done and what followed was the stability and security that you and other posters speak of. The loss of that stability and security two years later in a different topic. It does not change the fact that for three years under the Presidency of Obama, the stability and security were still being fought for, hence, Bush did not leave a stable and secure Iraq when he left office and turned the operation over to a new CiC. You guys just want to ignore three years of warfare without explaining where it went or why it is no longer a part of history. You are like Bush declaring "Mission Accomplished". You want to declare victory even if there was no victory. Worse, you want to fraudulently give credit to the administration and staff that left the war far from victorious. At best they left it in a stalemate.
No…Bush left Iraq and Afhganistan stable and secure….obama pulled out all of our troops even knowing the growing threat of isis….
No he didn't. That is a lie and an insult to the combat troops who fought, and the troops who lost their lives or were injured when Bush left office and dumped his mess on the country and new President to clean up.

Not a lie, total truth, were we fighting terrorists there, yes, was the country stable, yes…and then obama pulled out all the troops, and denied reinforcements to iraq and the few he gave came with a time limit, not based on the mission, but based on getting out in a year...
Our troops were fighting the same insurgency in 2009, 2010, and 2011 under Obama as the troops who fought the previous years under Bush. It took three years of fighting before the level of stability and security was reached in 2012. You guys just want to ignore '09, '10, and '11 because that doesn't fit with your revisionism and misinterpretation of history. You want to declare that Bush left Iraq stable and secure and that is a lie at worst and a purposeful misrepresentation at best. You simple stating that Iraq was stable over and over does not make it so.

No…..the terrorists were there and a constant problem…..and the country was stable….now it is over run by isis because obama, who knew the situation on the ground, still pulled our troops out……it is all on him…….
First, your use of the word terrorist needs to be addressed. Insurgents fighting in their own country and fighting foreign military occupation troops are not terrorist. Not when they are attacking those foreign troops. The term terrorist has been overused and misused so much that it has little meaning. Both sides in every war now call the other side terrorist. Might as well just call the enemies devils and barbarians.
Second, Iraq did not reach a level of stability until 2012. My argument has been that the period of 2009, 2010 and 2011 were comprised of combat operations in Iraq designed and implement for the purpose of obtaining stability and security to the degree that the level of stability and security reached could be turned over to Iraqi forces. That was done and what followed was the stability and security that you and other posters speak of. The loss of that stability and security two years later in a different topic. It does not change the fact that for three years under the Presidency of Obama, the stability and security were still being fought for, hence, Bush did not leave a stable and secure Iraq when he left office and turned the operation over to a new CiC. You guys just want to ignore three years of warfare without explaining where it went or why it is no longer a part of history. You are like Bush declaring "Mission Accomplished". You want to declare victory even if there was no victory. Worse, you want to fraudulently give credit to the administration and staff that left the war far from victorious. At best they left it in a stalemate.

They weren't "insurgents" they were muslim terrorists and foreign fighters. Many of them iranian military, or funded, trained and equipped by iran. If not for iran, Iraq would be well on it's way to peaceful times…….

The surge in Iraq stabilized Iraq…and obama voted against it….and then he kept our troop levels too low in Afghanistan and put a time limit on all of our troops, even as isis was on the rise….
No he didn't. That is a lie and an insult to the combat troops who fought, and the troops who lost their lives or were injured when Bush left office and dumped his mess on the country and new President to clean up.

Not a lie, total truth, were we fighting terrorists there, yes, was the country stable, yes…and then obama pulled out all the troops, and denied reinforcements to iraq and the few he gave came with a time limit, not based on the mission, but based on getting out in a year...
Our troops were fighting the same insurgency in 2009, 2010, and 2011 under Obama as the troops who fought the previous years under Bush. It took three years of fighting before the level of stability and security was reached in 2012. You guys just want to ignore '09, '10, and '11 because that doesn't fit with your revisionism and misinterpretation of history. You want to declare that Bush left Iraq stable and secure and that is a lie at worst and a purposeful misrepresentation at best. You simple stating that Iraq was stable over and over does not make it so.

No…..the terrorists were there and a constant problem…..and the country was stable….now it is over run by isis because obama, who knew the situation on the ground, still pulled our troops out……it is all on him…….
First, your use of the word terrorist needs to be addressed. Insurgents fighting in their own country and fighting foreign military occupation troops are not terrorist. Not when they are attacking those foreign troops. The term terrorist has been overused and misused so much that it has little meaning. Both sides in every war now call the other side terrorist. Might as well just call the enemies devils and barbarians.
Second, Iraq did not reach a level of stability until 2012. My argument has been that the period of 2009, 2010 and 2011 were comprised of combat operations in Iraq designed and implement for the purpose of obtaining stability and security to the degree that the level of stability and security reached could be turned over to Iraqi forces. That was done and what followed was the stability and security that you and other posters speak of. The loss of that stability and security two years later in a different topic. It does not change the fact that for three years under the Presidency of Obama, the stability and security were still being fought for, hence, Bush did not leave a stable and secure Iraq when he left office and turned the operation over to a new CiC. You guys just want to ignore three years of warfare without explaining where it went or why it is no longer a part of history. You are like Bush declaring "Mission Accomplished". You want to declare victory even if there was no victory. Worse, you want to fraudulently give credit to the administration and staff that left the war far from victorious. At best they left it in a stalemate.

They weren't "insurgents" they were muslim terrorists and foreign fighters. Many of them iranian military, or funded, trained and equipped by iran. If not for iran, Iraq would be well on it's way to peaceful times…….

The surge in Iraq stabilized Iraq…and obama voted against it….and then he kept our troop levels too low in Afghanistan and put a time limit on all of our troops, even as isis was on the rise….
You are speculating to claim who American forces were fighting from 2009 to 2012. And your post conflicts with itself. The surge caused the Sunni Tribes to dislodge the foreign fighters. That is why they fled to Syria. But that is all off topic when the topic is stability and security in Iraq after Bush left office. You are admitting that there was not stability and security. You are just blaming it on what you call terrorist and foreign fighters. No matter who was causing it, you are conceding that there was a need and cause for American troops to chase down bad guys who were causing instability and an insecure environment.
They weren't "insurgents" they were muslim terrorists and foreign fighters. Many of them iranian military, or funded, trained and equipped by iran. If not for iran, Iraq would be well on it's way to peaceful times…….

The surge in Iraq stabilized Iraq…and obama voted against it….and then he kept our troop levels too low in Afghanistan and put a time limit on all of our troops, even as isis was on the rise….

Guy, i know you guys need your alternative history.

Here's what really happened. Bush got rid of the only force holding the fiction of Iraq together. He then tried to control the country with inadequate troops with inadequate equipment.

Then Petreaus paid the Sunnis to play nice just long enough for us to retreat.

Maliki could have established the country. INstead he squandered the money for the military, and angered the Sunnis. And we got ISIS.

And you piss and moan because Obama wouldn't throw more blood and treasure at bush's mistakes.
But Bush was president, and what he messed up doesn't just go away because he's not president any more. He will still be responsible for the disaster that was the post war balls up for the rest of history. Oh dear, now isn't that difficult for you to cope with?

Why is the border still open?

"the border", there are many borders, which one are you talking about? Iraq/Kuwait? US/Mexico? want to play word games now.... evading the question actually answered it.

Word games? Or just expect you to be specific about "the border", I've seen lots of borders. don't like the question so you evade and pretend to not understand....

Or I just don't know what you vague thing means and then because you didn't explain yourself properly we get no understanding, and to save face you just go off on one.
"Court records, information from the FBI and U.S. Customs and Border Protection agent confirmed today that several known immigrants, two illegal with strong ties to terrorist groups, and one legal with the intent to kill Americans, entered the United States.
Prior to the September 11, 2001 attacks, federal records show there were 94 known terrorists living in the U.S. for at least a decade. Out of that group, 59 of them committed immigration fraud so they could embed and operate here.

“Just the fact that anyone from a foreign country who wants to enter the United States illegally with the intention of doing Americans harm has to be fairly well-funded and very determined to do so,” a Border Agent from Texas who has spoken before on the condition of anonymity, shook his head this morning. “It cost about twelve to twenty thousand dollars for a Middle Eastern to do it if he wants to sneak in through the traditional route of flying to Europe, then to Cuba, Brazil, or Central America and then to Mexico.”

“They bus across Mexico and pay coyotes to get them across to the U.S.,” the agent said. “Immigrants from South or Central America who don’t pay with their lives, or turn into prostitutes or slaves, pay about five to ten thousand to get here.”

Immigrants tied to terrorist groups have entered U.S. with intent to kill

Americans, how long are we going to let the libtards run this nation into the garbage dump of history and destroy it?

Not that we shouldn't have better border security- why after 9/11 Bush never secured our Southern border I never understood.

9/11 was in 2001.

Why is the border still "unsecured"?

That's because Obama is unarguably a terrorist supporter thus wants open borders. It allows for terrorist to invade America and ultimately, carry out murderous attacks on Christians and citizens in general

The Obama legacy of turning America into a laughing stock and bloody killing fields


Unarguably, for those who don't do proper arguments..... you mean?
Libtards are not the only ones who have governed the US, but that is not what I said.

Only libtards are capable of screwing everything up so bad that we have no border control, no national security, inability to stomp out small terrorists groups like ISIS was, nor can they even administer a successful website roll out, a back up email system, nor recognize classified materials sent by foreign governments.

Libtard incompetence rivals exponential growth for its destructiveness and sheer suicidal idiocy.

Funny you should say that, because, er.... Bush stuffed things up so badly in Iraq, he caused so much hatred towards the US, he caused ISIS and this has led to a massive refugee crisis that the US is going to suffer National Security problems for DECADES.

You blame the left for not being able to stomp out the "small terrorist groups like ISIS", but you don't blame the right for creating the perfect petri dish for them in the first place.

It's this partisan BS that is causing all these problems in the first place. If the US govt actually thought about things, if the politicians weren't bought by big money, if the voters were, for the most part, completely malleable idiots who vote for whoever can convince them of something they're not, then maybe the US wouldn't be having so many problems.

No…Bush left Iraq and Afhganistan stable and secure….obama pulled out all of our troops even knowing the growing threat of isis….
No he didn't. That is a lie and an insult to the combat troops who fought, and the troops who lost their lives or were injured when Bush left office and dumped his mess on the country and new President to clean up.

Not a lie, total truth, were we fighting terrorists there, yes, was the country stable, yes…and then obama pulled out all the troops, and denied reinforcements to iraq and the few he gave came with a time limit, not based on the mission, but based on getting out in a year...
Our troops were fighting the same insurgency in 2009, 2010, and 2011 under Obama as the troops who fought the previous years under Bush. It took three years of fighting before the level of stability and security was reached in 2012. You guys just want to ignore '09, '10, and '11 because that doesn't fit with your revisionism and misinterpretation of history. You want to declare that Bush left Iraq stable and secure and that is a lie at worst and a purposeful misrepresentation at best. You simple stating that Iraq was stable over and over does not make it so.

And you saying it was not, does not make it so either



Iraq is No Longer Bush’s Legacy; It’s Obama’s

Vice President Joe Biden said in 2010 interview that he was “very optimistic about Iraq” and that he believed it was “gonna be one of the great achievements of this administration.” The statement ignited some controversy at the time, but not because anyone doubted the stability of Iraq. What many people took exception to was Biden attributing the long, hard-fought successes achieved in that country to the wrong administration.

After all, for as much as President Obama and his mouthpieces have often complained about the challenges they “inherited” from the Bush administration, a chaotic Iraq was not one of the them. The Surge strategy ordered by George W. Bush, led by people like General David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker, and carried out by our brave American troops, achieved a relatively stable Iraq before President Obama ever took office.

- See more at: Iraq is No Longer Bush's Legacy; It's Obama's
"Court records, information from the FBI and U.S. Customs and Border Protection agent confirmed today that several known immigrants, two illegal with strong ties to terrorist groups, and one legal with the intent to kill Americans, entered the United States.
Prior to the September 11, 2001 attacks, federal records show there were 94 known terrorists living in the U.S. for at least a decade. Out of that group, 59 of them committed immigration fraud so they could embed and operate here.

“Just the fact that anyone from a foreign country who wants to enter the United States illegally with the intention of doing Americans harm has to be fairly well-funded and very determined to do so,” a Border Agent from Texas who has spoken before on the condition of anonymity, shook his head this morning. “It cost about twelve to twenty thousand dollars for a Middle Eastern to do it if he wants to sneak in through the traditional route of flying to Europe, then to Cuba, Brazil, or Central America and then to Mexico.”

“They bus across Mexico and pay coyotes to get them across to the U.S.,” the agent said. “Immigrants from South or Central America who don’t pay with their lives, or turn into prostitutes or slaves, pay about five to ten thousand to get here.”

Immigrants tied to terrorist groups have entered U.S. with intent to kill

Americans, how long are we going to let the libtards run this nation into the garbage dump of history and destroy it?

Not that we shouldn't have better border security- why after 9/11 Bush never secured our Southern border I never understood.

9/11 was in 2001.

Why is the border still "unsecured"?

That's because Obama is unarguably a terrorist supporter thus wants open borders. It allows for terrorist to invade America and ultimately, carry out murderous attacks on Christians and citizens in general

The Obama legacy of turning America into a laughing stock and bloody killing fields


Unarguably, for those who don't do proper arguments..... you mean?

Proper what?

"Court records, information from the FBI and U.S. Customs and Border Protection agent confirmed today that several known immigrants, two illegal with strong ties to terrorist groups, and one legal with the intent to kill Americans, entered the United States.
Prior to the September 11, 2001 attacks, federal records show there were 94 known terrorists living in the U.S. for at least a decade. Out of that group, 59 of them committed immigration fraud so they could embed and operate here.

“Just the fact that anyone from a foreign country who wants to enter the United States illegally with the intention of doing Americans harm has to be fairly well-funded and very determined to do so,” a Border Agent from Texas who has spoken before on the condition of anonymity, shook his head this morning. “It cost about twelve to twenty thousand dollars for a Middle Eastern to do it if he wants to sneak in through the traditional route of flying to Europe, then to Cuba, Brazil, or Central America and then to Mexico.”

“They bus across Mexico and pay coyotes to get them across to the U.S.,” the agent said. “Immigrants from South or Central America who don’t pay with their lives, or turn into prostitutes or slaves, pay about five to ten thousand to get here.”

Immigrants tied to terrorist groups have entered U.S. with intent to kill

Americans, how long are we going to let the libtards run this nation into the garbage dump of history and destroy it?

Not that we shouldn't have better border security- why after 9/11 Bush never secured our Southern border I never understood.

9/11 was in 2001.

Why is the border still "unsecured"?

That's because Obama is unarguably a terrorist supporter thus wants open borders. It allows for terrorist to invade America and ultimately, carry out murderous attacks on Christians and citizens in general

The Obama legacy of turning America into a laughing stock and bloody killing fields


Unarguably, for those who don't do proper arguments..... you mean?

Proper what?


Not that we shouldn't have better border security- why after 9/11 Bush never secured our Southern border I never understood.

9/11 was in 2001.

Why is the border still "unsecured"?

That's because Obama is unarguably a terrorist supporter thus wants open borders. It allows for terrorist to invade America and ultimately, carry out murderous attacks on Christians and citizens in general

The Obama legacy of turning America into a laughing stock and bloody killing fields


Unarguably, for those who don't do proper arguments..... you mean?

Proper what?



Save it teacher. Your debate skills blow hard

9/11 was in 2001.

Why is the border still "unsecured"?

That's because Obama is unarguably a terrorist supporter thus wants open borders. It allows for terrorist to invade America and ultimately, carry out murderous attacks on Christians and citizens in general

The Obama legacy of turning America into a laughing stock and bloody killing fields


Unarguably, for those who don't do proper arguments..... you mean?

Proper what?



Save it teacher. Your debate skills blow hard


Wow, this is a great conversation. I might just fall as.....
'Known Terrorists Currently Living in the USA'

It's was reported that the Obama administration is going to PAY them to NOT engage in terrorism while living here. If they break their promise, they stop getting our tax dollars!
Close friends of the President of the United STates, bill ayers and bernadine dohrn

You mean people who were found to be on the right side of history?

Or are you one of these shitheads who thinks the Vietnam war was a good idea/

Asswipe….bill ayers and bernidine dorhn were actual, domestic, terrorist bombers who linked to at least one murder and many bombings in public buildings. There career as domestic terrorist bombers came to an end when the bomb their buddy was making detonated in the town house they were hiding in. That bomb was going to be placed in the women's bathroom at a Military Dance…..they are good friends with obama and helped him launch his political career.
Last edited:
Close friends of the President of the United STates, bill ayers and bernadine dohrn

You mean people who were found to be on the right side of history?

Or are you one of these shitheads who thinks the Vietnam war was a good idea/

Asswipe….bill ayers and bernidine dorhn were actual, domestic, terrorist bombers who linked to at least one murder and many bombings in public buildings. There career as domestic terrorist bombers came to an end when the bomb their buddy was making detonated in the town house they were hiding in. That bomb was going to be placed in the women's bathroom at a Military Dance…..they are good friends with obama and helped him launch his political career.
But they were libtards, so that makes it OK, get it?

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