Koch not backing Trump, and reported by Fox News!

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Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017

Wow!!! Talk about an about face. I don't know which is more significant, Koch not supporting Trump or Fox reporting it.

At any rate, not only is it bad news for Trump but terrible news for President Biden and Democrats. It looks like they will be losing the one Republican candidate who President Biden can pound into the turf. It's gonna be interesting!
What "about face"? The Koch Brothers have always been close friends of the Bushes and Cheneye and have never been little Trumpsters.

The shocking news would have been if Koch has thrown his hat in with the millions of Deplorables.

Wow!!! Talk about an about face. I don't know which is more significant, Koch not supporting Trump or Fox reporting it.

At any rate, not only is it bad news for Trump but terrible news for President Biden and Democrats. It looks like they will be losing the one Republican candidate who President Biden can pound into the turf. It's gonna be interesting!

You thought you had a real zinger but all you served up is a nothing burger
I can assure the Maga Mutts that if somehow they get Trump in the WH again, they will be sadly disappointed if not shocked as to how much he upholds Swamp rule.

Wow!!! Talk about an about face. I don't know which is more significant, Koch not supporting Trump or Fox reporting it.

At any rate, not only is it bad news for Trump but terrible news for President Biden and Democrats. It looks like they will be losing the one Republican candidate who President Biden can pound into the turf. It's gonna be interesting!
Thought you moonbats hated the Kochs.

Wow!!! Talk about an about face. I don't know which is more significant, Koch not supporting Trump or Fox reporting it.

At any rate, not only is it bad news for Trump but terrible news for President Biden and Democrats. It looks like they will be losing the one Republican candidate who President Biden can pound into the turf. It's gonna be interesting!

Wow!!! Talk about an about face. I don't know which is more significant, Koch not supporting Trump or Fox reporting it.

At any rate, not only is it bad news for Trump but terrible news for President Biden and Democrats. It looks like they will be losing the one Republican candidate who President Biden can pound into the turf. It's gonna be interesting!
The Koches were against Trump last time; So-?

Wow!!! Talk about an about face. I don't know which is more significant, Koch not supporting Trump or Fox reporting it.

At any rate, not only is it bad news for Trump but terrible news for President Biden and Democrats. It looks like they will be losing the one Republican candidate who President Biden can pound into the turf. It's gonna be interesting!
No Republican can win without either BEING Trump, or having Trump's full support. It's just a fact.

But if 2020 and the mid-terms are any indication, the American people are simply too stupid and/or selfish to vote rationally. It may be lost already.

Glad I'm too old to give a shit.
Here is the honest truth, Trumps Goodwill and brand value is immeasurable. This has always placed him in a unique position.

I know him primarily from the 80s where "Trump" was synonymous with wealth and big buildings. Then he kept himself relevant by going on talk shows, think about that for a moment, how many people just due to their wealth are on Conan O 'Brian et al?

Then he would do WWE appearances, he had his successful Apprentice show. Simply put, he has kept himself in the conscience of Americans over many decades.

These advantages are difficult to overcome. If he requested direct donation support from citizens, imagine how much freedom that would allow him?

No GOP will win in 2024, but Trump could still upset the apple cart that is the GOP Primaries. It was always going to be difficult to take him on but the method, and people used to try and do it were awful. Could they choose worse than Liz Cheney?

It's 2023, not 2000. Just a heads-up to Conservatives. You will adapt or fail, it's guaranteed. Listen to Rand Paul, take 7 of our 10 of his ideas and run with them.

Wow!!! Talk about an about face. I don't know which is more significant, Koch not supporting Trump or Fox reporting it.

At any rate, not only is it bad news for Trump but terrible news for President Biden and Democrats. It looks like they will be losing the one Republican candidate who President Biden can pound into the turf. It's gonna be interesting!
Wow, thats about as earth shattering news as Poopeypants craps his Depends.
It’s easy to read the tea leaves to see Trump will not be the nominee

Wow!!! Talk about an about face. I don't know which is more significant, Koch not supporting Trump or Fox reporting it.

At any rate, not only is it bad news for Trump but terrible news for President Biden and Democrats. It looks like they will be losing the one Republican candidate who President Biden can pound into the turf. It's gonna be interesting!
The Koch Brothers have exposed themselves as the RINOs that they are.
Who they back is only going to be bad for America and meant to lose.

Wow!!! Talk about an about face. I don't know which is more significant, Koch not supporting Trump or Fox reporting it.

At any rate, not only is it bad news for Trump but terrible news for President Biden and Democrats. It looks like they will be losing the one Republican candidate who President Biden can pound into the turf. It's gonna be interesting!
Koch never really a supporter of Trump... Trump is an incompetent fool and he wants a loyal pet.
It’s easy to read the tea leaves to see Trump will not be the nominee

You may well be right.

However, unless the Republicans are able to win the support of the millions of Little Trumpsters next fall, they might as well just mail it in as they don't have a chance of a snowball in hell against Sleepy Joe.
It’s easy to read the tea leaves to see Trump will not be the nominee
I still think he will win... All the others are going to share the same news space and by the time they have gravitated to one it will be all over..
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