Krauthammer: Obama 'Shameless' For Using Women As Campaign Prop

And no one is saying otherwise. My point is that she currently holds no position within the GOP . The highest ranking female within the GOP is a woman no one has ever heard of. Contrast that with the positions held by Democratic women, and it's pretty striking.

Add that in with the positions the GOP has on fair pay and access to medical care for women, and why would anyone think the GOP has women's best interests at heart?

You are a liar.. there are current FIVE Republican Women Senators.. ever heard of them???

No one has. That's kind of the point.

Translation "DBS doesn't know who the five are"
Doesn't matter, as I told you, three are RINOs anyhow.
And no one is saying otherwise. My point is that she currently holds no position within the GOP . The highest ranking female within the GOP is a woman no one has ever heard of. Contrast that with the positions held by Democratic women, and it's pretty striking.

Add that in with the positions the GOP has on fair pay and access to medical care for women, and why would anyone think the GOP has women's best interests at heart?

You are a liar.. there are current FIVE Republican Women Senators.. ever heard of them???

Kay Bailey Hutchison - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Kelly Ayotte - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Susan Collins - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Olympia Snowe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lisa Murkowski - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The two from ME and the one from Alaska are RINO's .

Indeed they are hon...but they were listed as a courtesy to "Don't be Stpid" on a challange from Willow...I wanted to make sure DBS was armed so he couldn't act his moniker...and thier status as RINO or otherwisae was unimportant to me...but rather an exercise.
I didn't find in the text of the waivers where there was no possibility for an extension of the waivers.

Are you a product of the Derek Zoolander Center For Kids Who Can't Read Good And Wanna Learn To Do Other Stuff Good Too?

Not only are the restricted annual limit waivers not allowed after 2014 by the statute, the waiver guidance is extremely clear on that point:

The annual limits waiver program was established in the June 28, 2010 interim final regulations (IFR) (codified at 26 C.F.R. § 54.9815-2711T; 29 C.F.R. § 2590.715-2711; and 45 C.F.R. §147.126), that implemented section 2711 of the Public Health Service Act (PHS Act), as amended by the Affordable Care Act.1 Section 2711 of the PHS Act generally prohibits group health plans and health insurance issuers offering group or individual health insurance coverage from imposing lifetime or annual limits on the dollar value of health benefits, but allows ‘‘restricted annual limits’’ with respect to essential health benefits (as defined in section 1302(b) of the Affordable Care Act) for plan years (in the individual market, policy years) beginning before January 1, 2014. [emphasis mine] The regulations provided that these restricted annual limits may be waived by the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) if compliance with the IFR would result in a significant decrease in access to benefits or a significant increase in premiums.
CCIIO published guidance on September 3, 2010 establishing the waiver program for plan or years (in the individual market, policy years) beginning on or after September 23, 2010 and before September 23, 2011 and granted waivers for a single year. In order to be eligible to receive a waiver, a group health plan or health insurance issuer must have been in existence prior to September 23, 2010. The waiver authority does not cover plan years (or policy years in the individual market) beginning on or after January 1, 2014, when no annual dollar limits are permitted, except in the case of grandfathered individual market policies. On November 5, 2010 and December 9, 2010, CCIIO published supplemental guidance for the waiver process.
Under this guidance, an applicant may elect to extend an existing waiver until January 1, 2014. A Waiver Extension applies only to plan years (or policy year in the individual market) beginning on or after September 23, 2011 but before January 1, 2014. For plan years (policy years in the individual market) beginning on or after January 1, 2014 all group health plans and new individual policies may not impose any annual dollar limits on essential health benefits.
Krauthammer: Obama 'Shameless' For Using Women As Campaign Prop

According to Jay Carney, it has nothing at all to do with the election. They actually think they can say that and do it with a straight face and get away with it. I mean, all the administrations use taxpayer money to promote themselves in an election year. But this is pretty shameless and over-the-top," Charles Krauthammer said on FOX News tonight.

"Notice how when the president said, ‘This is about a wide range of issues. It isn’t just about’ … and what’s the one thing he named immediately? Contraception. Of course it is about contraception. It't because of the way it was handled and the media covered it, it became all of a sudden a war on the women, which is a complete invention. But now you get stories of the mainstream media. I think I saw a headline this morning that said, ‘Republicans claim that there is no war on women," Krauthammer said on the "Special Report" panel.

"I mean, this is actually in a news part of the paper, which of course is promoting the meme. The idea is that because there was some objection on religious liberty grounds to force Catholic institutions to dispense them for free, it’s a war on women. And the idea of the meme was that they want to deny access to contraception as if Republicans want to shut the door of American pharmacies for any woman looking for contraception. So, the media have collaborated in inventing an issue. Obama sees an opening. He actually said women aren’t an interest group. Of course they are in the eyes of this administration, and that’s why it’s holding the conference," he said.

I happen to agree with Mr. Krauthammer. And Mr. Limbaugh had ZERO to apologize for except sinking to the level of the Statists which he fights and calling out Ms. Fluke for being a tool of the left and soon to be forgotten by the same that used her.


The foucus here is Obama's attack on the Constitution and Liberty that he sees as wrong...and the monumental attempt to take over 1/6th of the US Economy.

This is Obama's natural progression: He is now officially a PIMP!

Superfly. Huggy Bear. Maybe "Barry Bear"?

For what purpose?

You want a cookie...or care to explain why?

Because they are half of the country? Did that have to be explained?

Lead, Follow, or Get The Hell Out Of The Way...

Now that's really funny. "Get out of the way"? Of what? Without education and science, what is it you think you can do?
I think anyone whose signature is a video of a person desecrating the American Flag shouldn't be taken too seriously.

And who would that be?
What is shameless is the GOP advocating making it so women can be discriminated in the work place, can't get preventive health care, redefining rape, making it so domestic violence is legal(Kansas), and so on
What is shameless is the GOP advocating making it so women can be discriminated in the work place, can't get preventive health care, redefining rape, making it so domestic violence is legal(Kansas), and so on
Gee, Krauthhammer needs to pay closer attention. it was the stinking, woman fearing, woman hating pubs who declared war on women.
Gee, Krauthhammer needs to pay closer attention. it was the stinking, woman fearing, woman hating pubs who declared war on women.
Was it really? And WHOM was Sandra Fluke, dipstick?

*Try again* with real proof NERDITE.
obama is trusting that women like to be patted on the head when they shake their curls. Most of them do.

obama gonna pay my dry cleaning bill. He gonna make Augusta admit us as members. obama gonna take care of me like the big daddy he is.

obama treats women like any ordinary pimp does. He is betting that's what they want. Many women will prove him correct.

"Ken Rogulski of WJR in Michigan interviewed a few Obama money hopefuls"

[ame=""]Obama Money - Where Did it Come From? - YouTube[/ame]

Obama Is Going To Pay For My Gas And Mortgage!!! - YouTube
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obama is trusting that women like to be patted on the head when they shake their curls. Most of them do.

obama gonna pay my dry cleaning bill. He gonna make Augusta admit us as members. obama gonna take care of me like the big daddy he is.

obama treats women like any ordinary pimp does. He is betting that's what they want. Many women will prove him correct.

"Ken Rogulski of WJR in Michigan interviewed a few Obama money hopefuls"

Obama Is Going To Pay For My Gas And Mortgage!!! - YouTube

[ame=""]Obama Money - Where Did it Come From? - YouTube[/ame]

Scary as HELL...and what the working folks paying the bills are against...and these people have voted themselves into the treasury with help from the Statists...that want this crap on thier plantation.
Krauthammer: Obama 'Shameless' For Using Women As Campaign Prop

According to Jay Carney, it has nothing at all to do with the election. They actually think they can say that and do it with a straight face and get away with it. I mean, all the administrations use taxpayer money to promote themselves in an election year. But this is pretty shameless and over-the-top," Charles Krauthammer said on FOX News tonight.

"Notice how when the president said, ‘This is about a wide range of issues. It isn’t just about’ … and what’s the one thing he named immediately? Contraception. Of course it is about contraception. It't because of the way it was handled and the media covered it, it became all of a sudden a war on the women, which is a complete invention. But now you get stories of the mainstream media. I think I saw a headline this morning that said, ‘Republicans claim that there is no war on women," Krauthammer said on the "Special Report" panel.

"I mean, this is actually in a news part of the paper, which of course is promoting the meme. The idea is that because there was some objection on religious liberty grounds to force Catholic institutions to dispense them for free, it’s a war on women. And the idea of the meme was that they want to deny access to contraception as if Republicans want to shut the door of American pharmacies for any woman looking for contraception. So, the media have collaborated in inventing an issue. Obama sees an opening. He actually said women aren’t an interest group. Of course they are in the eyes of this administration, and that’s why it’s holding the conference," he said.

I happen to agree with Mr. Krauthammer. And Mr. Limbaugh had ZERO to apologize for except sinking to the level of the Statists which he fights and calling out Ms. Fluke for being a tool of the left and soon to be forgotten by the same that used her.


The foucus here is Obama's attack on the Constitution and Liberty that he sees as wrong...and the monumental attempt to take over 1/6th of the US Economy.

Hey--I am a conservative and will no longer listen to Rush Limbaugh. IOW--the miserable SOB ego maniac offended me.

Now as far as the "war on women" campaign launched who's fault is that? RICK SANTORUM--with the help from Rush Limbaugh. NONE OF US WOULD HAVE EVEN KNOWN WHO FLUKE WAS UNTIL LIMBAUGH OPENED HIS BIG MOUTH.

Of course Obama is going to use this--he has no record that he can defend. All you can hope for is that no other ego maniac from the right comes out to blab a big mouth.

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