Krauthammer: Obama 'Shameless' For Using Women As Campaign Prop

Because they didn't ASK for one, or didn't need one. So damn ignorant and THICK...

wrong again stupid,, many asked many were denied.. only the best buddies got them..

So you want middle-aged, white males, to decide your reproduction. Most women probably see you as a total moron.

You're spewing bullshit again.. gawd damn man when is the last time you actually thought your very own thoughts?
Obama will use anyone to get re-elected....He can't run on his record so his plan is to conquer and DIVIDE

He is DESPERATE...his message..

vote for ME me me...cause those other people just don't care about you like I do..

the sad part is some still eat it up:lol:

The sad part is everything he says is true, but almost have the country believes PUBCRAPPE- memorize my sig, dittohead.

I wouldn't mind if YOU faded into obscurity...You're nothing but a troll.

Actually, YOU know NOTHING and just insult ALL you PUBTROLLS. All trolls are PUBTROLLS- quite a bunch of idiots. In this case, ALL of you have no clue what a waiver is, dumbass. Change the channel and read something...

Listen, moron dittohead, the waivers are all temporary. The unions have until their contracts are up to avoid a tax on their "Cadillac" plans. McDonalds, etc, get to keep their CRAPPE plans until 2014.
Don't you get tired of blaring PUBCRAPPE instead of having a GD CLUE? Pub dupes!! LOL
The sad part is everything he says is true, but almost have the country believes PUBCRAPPE- memorize my sig, dittohead.

I wouldn't mind if YOU faded into obscurity...You're nothing but a troll.

Actually, YOU know NOTHING and just insult ALL you PUBTROLLS. All trolls are PUBTROLLS- quite a bunch of idiots. In this case, ALL of you have no clue what a waiver is, dumbass. Change the channel and read something...

Listen, moron dittohead, the waivers are all temporary. The unions have until their contracts are up to avoid a tax on their "Cadillac" plans. McDonalds, etc, get to keep their CRAPPE plans until 2014.
Don't you get tired of blaring PUBCRAPPE instead of having a GD CLUE? Pub dupes!! LOL

I know much...And *I* posted what a waiver was stupid shit per the Dictionary...sorry IT didn't meet with your muster Mr. Stalin. :eusa_hand:

Again, eat shytte and die, dittohead- despite what your propaganda machine blares, FOOL for the greedy damn dumb.
Again, eat shytte and die, dittohead- despite what your propaganda machine blares, FOOL for the greedy damn dumb.

I see...Obama escapes his Titanic disaster...Tell me? Are YOU one of the oarsmen?

And no one is saying otherwise. My point is that she currently holds no position within the GOP . The highest ranking female within the GOP is a woman no one has ever heard of. Contrast that with the positions held by Democratic women, and it's pretty striking.

Add that in with the positions the GOP has on fair pay and access to medical care for women, and why would anyone think the GOP has women's best interests at heart?

You are a liar.. there are current FIVE Republican Women Senators.. ever heard of them???

Kay Bailey Hutchison - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Kelly Ayotte - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Susan Collins - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Olympia Snowe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lisa Murkowski - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Collins is the best of the lot, no problems with Ayotte either. Murkowski identifies herself as Republican, does she not?
That guy is such an evil looking turd:


I wonder if Kruathammer avails himself of handicap access improvements signed into law by our overly intrusive federal gov't which mandated that gov't (and private business) must provide that access because our gov't insists on getting involved in matters which aren't specifically enumerated rights under the constitution.

No, he probably stands (not really, I guess) on principle and refuses to use ramps and other gov't required special access which only benefits a small minority of the population.

I wonder if you're really fucking stupid enough to think that businesses would never even consider handicapped access - would much rather tell handiapped customers "fuck off, we don't want your money" - if the "benevolent, all-knowing" federal government hadn't come in and wiped their noses and bottoms for them and "forced" them to make good business decisions that they were incapable of understanding without government help.

Yeah, you probably ARE that fucking stupid. Everyone in the fucking country is pig-stupid and mean and nasty except for Mommy Government and you liberal piglets sucking at her teats, right? :cuckoo:

Collins is the best of the lot, no problems with Ayotte either. Murkowski identifies herself as Republican, does she not?

Doesn't matter and not germain to the discussion as presented by proxy.
And no one is saying otherwise. My point is that she currently holds no position within the GOP . The highest ranking female within the GOP is a woman no one has ever heard of. Contrast that with the positions held by Democratic women, and it's pretty striking.

Add that in with the positions the GOP has on fair pay and access to medical care for women, and why would anyone think the GOP has women's best interests at heart?

You are a liar.. there are current FIVE Republican Women Senators.. ever heard of them???

Kay Bailey Hutchison - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Kelly Ayotte - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Susan Collins - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Olympia Snowe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lisa Murkowski - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How many on the Left are attacking any of those five because they are women?

and the lies are of course is that the right is attacking women.. butthole.

Romney is now "reaching out" to women I've read. Obama can pander until hell freezes over, it will not increase his share of Republican women in November.
Collins is the best of the lot, no problems with Ayotte either. Murkowski identifies herself as Republican, does she not?

Doesn't matter and not germain to the discussion as presented by proxy.

Romney is now "reaching out" to women I've read. Obama can pander until hell freezes over, it will not increase his share of Republican women in November.

And THIS diswcussion ISN'T of it?
Obama can pander until hell freezes over, it will not increase his share of Republican women in November.
Obama can pander until hell freezes over, it will not increase his share of Republican women in November.

And a non-issue as his policies affects EVERY American regardless of the negative.

This whole issue ISN'T an issue for the Individual American...but a cheap, taudry ploy of deflection, diversion of Obama's record of destruction and the same he has wrought to bring us down.

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