Kudlow's Law and Our Poor Economy

Explain revenues falling in 2008 and 2009.
How about the Great Recession?
You're not very good at this are you?
I'd have said that if I meant to say that.

Are you now narrowing your opinion of tax cuts to claim that ONLY cap gains tax cuts increase revenues?

NO OTHER TAX CUTS DO, in your opinion?
You're just desperate here not to be a complete fool, and you're failing badly.
You want so desperately to believe that raising cap gains will produce more revenue you will twist just anything. But it is a fact that the opposite is the case: lowering capital gains taxes produces more tax reveniue, as well as helping the economy by unlocking capital for further investment. It's such a simple concept only a libtard would argue against it.

And yet you cannot produce one cause and effect example of that actually working.

No. Every timethe rate was lowered revenue increased. Do you think Obama was lying when he said so?

Fuck you. I've posted the vid of Obama saying this many times.

You're just desperate here not to be a complete fool, and you're failing badly.
You want so desperately to believe that raising cap gains will produce more revenue you will twist just anything. But it is a fact that the opposite is the case: lowering capital gains taxes produces more tax reveniue, as well as helping the economy by unlocking capital for further investment. It's such a simple concept only a libtard would argue against it.

And yet you cannot produce one cause and effect example of that actually working.

No. Every timethe rate was lowered revenue increased. Do you think Obama was lying when he said so?

Fuck you. I've posted the vid of Obama saying this many times.

Eat shit

Rabbi bobbles the snap...he shanks it! A horrible punt by Rabbi that goes out of bounds for a 24 yard net punt. For a professional punter like Rabbi...folks that is quite possibly the worst punt I have ever seen in my life.
And yet you cannot produce one cause and effect example of that actually working.

No. Every timethe rate was lowered revenue increased. Do you think Obama was lying when he said so?

Fuck you. I've posted the vid of Obama saying this many times.

Eat shit

you first ..

The relationship between capital gains taxes and revenues has been studied extensively by economists, he said, and most studies find that higher rates reduce realizations of gains -- but that does not mean they cut revenues.

It’s a matter of simple math, Toder said: If revenue is going to go down when capital gains rates go up, the percentage drop in realizations must exceed the percentage increase in the tax rate.
There is little evidence that happens, he said, especially at today’s maximum 15 percent rate, which is lower than at any time since the Depression. (When he worked at CBO in 1988, Toder co-authored a paper that estimated that government revenues are maximized at a rate of between 25.6 percent and 32.3 percent.)

The CBO's 2002 study found that a cut in the capital gains rate will tend to spike tax revenues, but only temporarily. Rate cuts "may not be enough to produce additional receipts over a long period," it concluded, but "may do so over a few years."

Similarly, the Congressional Research Service found in 2010 that "changes in the tax rate or anticipated changes have coincided with large increases in capital gains realizations, but realizations quickly fell back to previous levels.

"While the effect of changes in the capital gains tax rate continue to be debated and researched," the CRS concluded, "the bulk of the evidence suggests that reducing the capital gains tax rate reduces tax revenues."

Rabbi bobbles the snap...he shanks it! A horrible punt by Rabbi that goes out of bounds for a 24 yard net punt. For a professional punter like Rabbi...folks that is quite possibly the worst punt I have ever seen in my life.
Translation: I am really really stupid.
Yes, you are, I;m afraid. Why not post in threads where you actually know something and can contribute, savvy?
No. Every timethe rate was lowered revenue increased. Do you think Obama was lying when he said so?

Fuck you. I've posted the vid of Obama saying this many times.

Eat shit

you first ..

The relationship between capital gains taxes and revenues has been studied extensively by economists, he said, and most studies find that higher rates reduce realizations of gains -- but that does not mean they cut revenues.

It’s a matter of simple math, Toder said: If revenue is going to go down when capital gains rates go up, the percentage drop in realizations must exceed the percentage increase in the tax rate.
There is little evidence that happens, he said, especially at today’s maximum 15 percent rate, which is lower than at any time since the Depression. (When he worked at CBO in 1988, Toder co-authored a paper that estimated that government revenues are maximized at a rate of between 25.6 percent and 32.3 percent.)

The CBO's 2002 study found that a cut in the capital gains rate will tend to spike tax revenues, but only temporarily. Rate cuts "may not be enough to produce additional receipts over a long period," it concluded, but "may do so over a few years."

Similarly, the Congressional Research Service found in 2010 that "changes in the tax rate or anticipated changes have coincided with large increases in capital gains realizations, but realizations quickly fell back to previous levels.

"While the effect of changes in the capital gains tax rate continue to be debated and researched," the CRS concluded, "the bulk of the evidence suggests that reducing the capital gains tax rate reduces tax revenues."

Wow a plagiarized opinion piece. What next, a note from your mom?
Fuck you. I've posted the vid of Obama saying this many times.

Eat shit

you first ..

The relationship between capital gains taxes and revenues has been studied extensively by economists, he said, and most studies find that higher rates reduce realizations of gains -- but that does not mean they cut revenues.

It’s a matter of simple math, Toder said: If revenue is going to go down when capital gains rates go up, the percentage drop in realizations must exceed the percentage increase in the tax rate.
There is little evidence that happens, he said, especially at today’s maximum 15 percent rate, which is lower than at any time since the Depression. (When he worked at CBO in 1988, Toder co-authored a paper that estimated that government revenues are maximized at a rate of between 25.6 percent and 32.3 percent.)

The CBO's 2002 study found that a cut in the capital gains rate will tend to spike tax revenues, but only temporarily. Rate cuts "may not be enough to produce additional receipts over a long period," it concluded, but "may do so over a few years."

Similarly, the Congressional Research Service found in 2010 that "changes in the tax rate or anticipated changes have coincided with large increases in capital gains realizations, but realizations quickly fell back to previous levels.

"While the effect of changes in the capital gains tax rate continue to be debated and researched," the CRS concluded, "the bulk of the evidence suggests that reducing the capital gains tax rate reduces tax revenues."

Wow a plagiarized opinion piece. What next, a note from your mom?

Obama hasn't changed a damn thing about the Bush tax cuts .. so where is all the revenue that's supporting this stellar economy... ???

Rabbi bobbles the snap...he shanks it! A horrible punt by Rabbi that goes out of bounds for a 24 yard net punt. For a professional punter like Rabbi...folks that is quite possibly the worst punt I have ever seen in my life.
Translation: I am really really stupid.
Yes, you are, I;m afraid. Why not post in threads where you actually know something and can contribute, savvy?

:lmao: You still haven't answered the question. Probably because you can't answer.

Where does the capital come from?
I started a sole proprietorship whose product was information with nothing but sweat equity and myself as an employee. I didn't need capital for any of it.
So you walked door to door and let the folks know. Fascinating.
Of course you'd think that because that's all you're qualified to do. I was actually doing something that was so bleeding edge that my comfort level wouldn't allow it long-term. Fun experience though.
Even Obama understands that raising cap gains taxes produces LESS revenue to the Treasury. But he doesnt care about that.

No cause and effect EVER proven, but go ahead and try.

How about we lower the cap gains tax to ZERO? Then show us how much MORE cap gains revenue you would collect.

Every time the rate has been lowered, it has produced more revenue. Every time it has been raised it produces less revenue. Are you disagreeing withObama?
A zero rate would produce the most benefit to the economy.

That's not cause and effect.

After the Clinton tax increase in 1993, revenues went up. By your own argument, that PROVES that raising taxes increases revenues.

After the Clinton tax increase in 1993, revenues went up.

Clinton raised the cap gains tax? Are you sure?

I'd have said that if I meant to say that.

Are you now narrowing your opinion of tax cuts to claim that ONLY cap gains tax cuts increase revenues?

NO OTHER TAX CUTS DO, in your opinion?

I'd have said that if I meant to say that.

Rabbi said capital gains, you changed the topic to Clinton's tax increases. Why?

Are you now narrowing your opinion of tax cuts to claim that ONLY cap gains tax cuts increase revenues?

Historically, a cut in the caps gain rate has increased the caps gains dollars collected by government.

NO OTHER TAX CUTS DO, in your opinion?

Historically, a reduction in the income tax has only been partially offset by increased economic activity.
Because I believe the increased activity is more important than the revenue to government, I'm fine with that.
If consumers don't drive the economy then let's call for 3 days where middle and lower class doesn't spend a dime. What would be the fallout? Would be FUN to watch. I would LOVE it.
If consumers don't drive the economy then let's call for 3 days where middle and lower class doesn't spend a dime. What would be the fallout? Would be FUN to watch. I would LOVE it.

Where do consumers get the money from?
Those that are not on the government dole.
My guess would be from salaries from jobs.
If someone didn't start a business and hire people and pay a salary there wouldn't be any consumers.
Where do consumers get the money from?
Those that are not on the government dole.
My guess would be from salaries from jobs.
If someone didn't start a business and hire people and pay a salary there wouldn't be any consumers.

Where do businesses get the money from?
If there are no consumers to buy the product how does the business begin and why would it?
Fuck you. I've posted the vid of Obama saying this many times.

Eat shit

you first ..

The relationship between capital gains taxes and revenues has been studied extensively by economists, he said, and most studies find that higher rates reduce realizations of gains -- but that does not mean they cut revenues.

It’s a matter of simple math, Toder said: If revenue is going to go down when capital gains rates go up, the percentage drop in realizations must exceed the percentage increase in the tax rate.
There is little evidence that happens, he said, especially at today’s maximum 15 percent rate, which is lower than at any time since the Depression. (When he worked at CBO in 1988, Toder co-authored a paper that estimated that government revenues are maximized at a rate of between 25.6 percent and 32.3 percent.)

The CBO's 2002 study found that a cut in the capital gains rate will tend to spike tax revenues, but only temporarily. Rate cuts "may not be enough to produce additional receipts over a long period," it concluded, but "may do so over a few years."

Similarly, the Congressional Research Service found in 2010 that "changes in the tax rate or anticipated changes have coincided with large increases in capital gains realizations, but realizations quickly fell back to previous levels.

"While the effect of changes in the capital gains tax rate continue to be debated and researched," the CRS concluded, "the bulk of the evidence suggests that reducing the capital gains tax rate reduces tax revenues."

Wow a plagiarized opinion piece. What next, a note from your mom?

Obama hasn't changed a damn thing about the Bush tax cuts .. so where is all the revenue that's supporting this stellar economy... ???

The Bush tax cuts have expired and no law has replaced it

Rabbi bobbles the snap...he shanks it! A horrible punt by Rabbi that goes out of bounds for a 24 yard net punt. For a professional punter like Rabbi...folks that is quite possibly the worst punt I have ever seen in my life.
Translation: I am really really stupid.
Yes, you are, I;m afraid. Why not post in threads where you actually know something and can contribute, savvy?

:lmao: You still haven't answered the question. Probably because you can't answer.

Where does the capital come from?
Sources of business capital dougsguides

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