KY rep Dan Johnson commits suicide

This kind of death should shock the fakers right out of their pantyhose. With today's leftists it won't even be a ripple.

Perhaps the unjustly accused will not kill themselves but visit punishent where it belongs. That might stop the madness.

why do you imagine he was unjustly accused??
cause in her mind republicans dont do things like that.
Brilliant. You always claim to know just what I'm thinking.

I know what you think. Your mind runs to how much you wish you were white and between a white woman's legs. You have a secret desire to be a tampon.
Yeah. I wish I was white. :laugh:

I see you avoided answering the question and deflected. So tell us why you assume he was unjustly accused?
I looked up the article and read the original complaint. It was mythic. In a rational world he could have fought it and won. This is not a rational world. Once the accusation is made nothing else is permitted.
Was "mythic" your interpretation or someone elses?

When did they stop allowing people to file suit for slander or libel?
Or perhaps the righteously accused will just off themselves like this one did.
When a few of these women end up with their brains all over the sidewalk, the me too flu won't be so attractive.

Women are going to ultimately pay a terrible price for wanting to be part of the crowd. Mass hysteria always ends up like that.
So women. Should shut up and put up?
Tipsy is accustomed to being dominated and think all women should just submit.

Tipsy is a guy?

I thought Tipsy was a crazy cat lady. Ooops, my bad. :oops:
Asslips is just having sex fantasies about me again.
Eeeeew! :laugh:
This is what is wrong with our nation
Him calling the Obamas monkeys is whats wrong with this nation.
meh, I've heard folks call Bush a chimp and Trump an Orange Cheeto.

Folks need to grow some thicker skin.

Wishing such evil thoughts on people for that? We should always strive to be better than the vileness of those we loath.
What does calling a Bush a chimp and Drumpf a cheeto have to do with this racist calling the Obamas monkeys?

Sorry, I wasn't aware he was a racist, I thought he was only partisan.

What evidence do you have that he was racist?
You mean besides calling the Obamas monkeys?

Ah, I didn't realize how historically this offensive hurt was embedded that was in the black community, how ancient and hurtful, nor how this ignorance has persisted in the white culture. Thank you. I didn't realize he was doing it out of racism.

I tend to have such a free mind, my POV is that if everyone were to treat everyone the same, these things would just not bother anyone anymore. I forgot that intelligence, experience and education is a bell curve, not a flat line, it could never work that way. I suppose I listened to too much Lenny Bruce in college.

Studies Expose 'Apelike' Stereotype Among Whites
why do you imagine he was unjustly accused??
cause in her mind republicans dont do things like that.
Brilliant. You always claim to know just what I'm thinking.

I know what you think. Your mind runs to how much you wish you were white and between a white woman's legs. You have a secret desire to be a tampon.
Yeah. I wish I was white. :laugh:

I see you avoided answering the question and deflected. So tell us why you assume he was unjustly accused?
I looked up the article and read the original complaint. It was mythic. In a rational world he could have fought it and won. This is not a rational world. Once the accusation is made nothing else is permitted.
Was "mythic" your interpretation or someone elses?

When did they stop allowing people to file suit for slander or libel?

I noticed that Bill "drop trou" settled his law suit where are the ones against Trump????
Him calling the Obamas monkeys is whats wrong with this nation.
meh, I've heard folks call Bush a chimp and Trump an Orange Cheeto.

Folks need to grow some thicker skin.

Wishing such evil thoughts on people for that? We should always strive to be better than the vileness of those we loath.
What does calling a Bush a chimp and Drumpf a cheeto have to do with this racist calling the Obamas monkeys?

Sorry, I wasn't aware he was a racist, I thought he was only partisan.

What evidence do you have that he was racist?
You mean besides calling the Obamas monkeys?

Ah, I didn't realize how historically this offensive hurt was embedded that was in the black community, how ancient and hurtful, nor how this ignorance has persisted in the white culture. Thank you. I didn't realize he was doing it out of racism.

I tend to have such a free mind, my POV is that if everyone were to treat everyone the same, these things would just not bother anyone anymore. I forgot that intelligence, experience and education is a bell curve, not a flat line, it could never work that way. I suppose I listened to too much Lenny Bruce in college.

Studies Expose 'Apelike' Stereotype Among Whites
I thought you were Black? No one ever told you that if a white person calls you a monkey then they are announcing they are a racist? Its not a hurt its just a well known admission of what that white person feels about Blacks. Its actually kind of funny considering the inferiority complex this projection points out.
I find myself really conflicted on accusations and lack of due process. One as a woman who knows this crap goes on....

Two as someone who also knows that witchhunts can and do occur.

Remember strange fruit?

I remember reading about a couple who ran a daycare. They were accused of child molestation. Child psychiatrists jumped on it and went beyond the bounds of acceptable science. In the end they were eventually exhonorated but their lives were ruined. They were forever hounded by the “where there is smoke there is fire” judgement. I think the man committed suicide.

So I don’t really know where to stand on this.
That was the McMartin Preschool case. I worked with the investigator on that case, Paul Bynum. It wasn't just the McMartin family, more than 300 people were accused of child molestation in the South Bay.

One of my clients was a 60 year old woman who came here from Pennsylvania to visit her sister. She was in California less than an hour before a child said "that lady hurt me." and she was arrested.
That hysteria was horrible. People had their homes destroyed looking for secret tunnels.

That's what this reminds me of.
But the other side DOES occur and girls and women are pressured into silence.

Speak up or shut up. This is mass hysteria or just taking some minor event and dreaming it into nonsense.

Even if the complaint against Johnson was true, it was a drunk man fumbling over a woman. It meant so much that she forgot about it for 5 years. For fuck sake, push him off, slap his face and move on. Being outraged outraged five years later should be embarrassing.
cause in her mind republicans dont do things like that.
Brilliant. You always claim to know just what I'm thinking.

I know what you think. Your mind runs to how much you wish you were white and between a white woman's legs. You have a secret desire to be a tampon.
Yeah. I wish I was white. :laugh:

I see you avoided answering the question and deflected. So tell us why you assume he was unjustly accused?
I looked up the article and read the original complaint. It was mythic. In a rational world he could have fought it and won. This is not a rational world. Once the accusation is made nothing else is permitted.
Was "mythic" your interpretation or someone elses?

When did they stop allowing people to file suit for slander or libel?

I noticed that Bill "drop trou" settled his law suit where are the ones against Trump????
Thats what I keep asking. Drumpf claimed he was going to sue his accusers after the election but it appears he is too afraid to be questioned under oath.
Guys you are in Politics. That means posts need to have topical content. Translation...get back on topic.
I find myself really conflicted on accusations and lack of due process. One as a woman who knows this crap goes on....

Two as someone who also knows that witchhunts can and do occur.

Remember strange fruit?

I remember reading about a couple who ran a daycare. They were accused of child molestation. Child psychiatrists jumped on it and went beyond the bounds of acceptable science. In the end they were eventually exhonorated but their lives were ruined. They were forever hounded by the “where there is smoke there is fire” judgement. I think the man committed suicide.

So I don’t really know where to stand on this.
That was the McMartin Preschool case. I worked with the investigator on that case, Paul Bynum. It wasn't just the McMartin family, more than 300 people were accused of child molestation in the South Bay.

One of my clients was a 60 year old woman who came here from Pennsylvania to visit her sister. She was in California less than an hour before a child said "that lady hurt me." and she was arrested.
That hysteria was horrible. People had their homes destroyed looking for secret tunnels.

That's what this reminds me of.
But the other side DOES occur and girls and women are pressured into silence.

Speak up or shut up. This is mass hysteria or just taking some minor event and dreaming it into nonsense.

Even if the complaint against Johnson was true, it was a drunk man fumbling over a woman. It meant so much that she forgot about it for 5 years. For fuck sake, push him off, slap his face and move on. Being outraged outraged five years later should be embarrassing.
Being drunk is a legitimate excuse?
I find myself really conflicted on accusations and lack of due process. One as a woman who knows this crap goes on....

Two as someone who also knows that witchhunts can and do occur.

Remember strange fruit?

I remember reading about a couple who ran a daycare. They were accused of child molestation. Child psychiatrists jumped on it and went beyond the bounds of acceptable science. In the end they were eventually exhonorated but their lives were ruined. They were forever hounded by the “where there is smoke there is fire” judgement. I think the man committed suicide.

So I don’t really know where to stand on this.
That was the McMartin Preschool case. I worked with the investigator on that case, Paul Bynum. It wasn't just the McMartin family, more than 300 people were accused of child molestation in the South Bay.

One of my clients was a 60 year old woman who came here from Pennsylvania to visit her sister. She was in California less than an hour before a child said "that lady hurt me." and she was arrested.
That hysteria was horrible. People had their homes destroyed looking for secret tunnels.

That's what this reminds me of.
But the other side DOES occur and girls and women are pressured into silence.

Speak up or shut up. This is mass hysteria or just taking some minor event and dreaming it into nonsense.

Even if the complaint against Johnson was true, it was a drunk man fumbling over a woman. It meant so much that she forgot about it for 5 years. For fuck sake, push him off, slap his face and move on. Being outraged outraged five years later should be embarrassing.
So if someone is too afraid to fight or even report it immediately they should never mention it again?
I find myself really conflicted on accusations and lack of due process. One as a woman who knows this crap goes on....

Two as someone who also knows that witchhunts can and do occur.

Remember strange fruit?

I remember reading about a couple who ran a daycare. They were accused of child molestation. Child psychiatrists jumped on it and went beyond the bounds of acceptable science. In the end they were eventually exhonorated but their lives were ruined. They were forever hounded by the “where there is smoke there is fire” judgement. I think the man committed suicide.

So I don’t really know where to stand on this.
That was the McMartin Preschool case. I worked with the investigator on that case, Paul Bynum. It wasn't just the McMartin family, more than 300 people were accused of child molestation in the South Bay.

One of my clients was a 60 year old woman who came here from Pennsylvania to visit her sister. She was in California less than an hour before a child said "that lady hurt me." and she was arrested.
That hysteria was horrible. People had their homes destroyed looking for secret tunnels.

That's what this reminds me of.
But the other side DOES occur and girls and women are pressured into silence.

Speak up or shut up. This is mass hysteria or just taking some minor event and dreaming it into nonsense.

Even if the complaint against Johnson was true, it was a drunk man fumbling over a woman. It meant so much that she forgot about it for 5 years. For fuck sake, push him off, slap his face and move on. Being outraged outraged five years later should be embarrassing.
Being drunk is a legitimate excuse?
A single fumble and slobber by a drunk isn't worth complaining about. Not to mention that if he's that drunk he cannot form the intent to assault anyone sexually or not.
I find myself really conflicted on accusations and lack of due process. One as a woman who knows this crap goes on....

Two as someone who also knows that witchhunts can and do occur.

Remember strange fruit?

I remember reading about a couple who ran a daycare. They were accused of child molestation. Child psychiatrists jumped on it and went beyond the bounds of acceptable science. In the end they were eventually exhonorated but their lives were ruined. They were forever hounded by the “where there is smoke there is fire” judgement. I think the man committed suicide.

So I don’t really know where to stand on this.
That was the McMartin Preschool case. I worked with the investigator on that case, Paul Bynum. It wasn't just the McMartin family, more than 300 people were accused of child molestation in the South Bay.

One of my clients was a 60 year old woman who came here from Pennsylvania to visit her sister. She was in California less than an hour before a child said "that lady hurt me." and she was arrested.
That hysteria was horrible. People had their homes destroyed looking for secret tunnels.

That's what this reminds me of.
But the other side DOES occur and girls and women are pressured into silence.

Speak up or shut up. This is mass hysteria or just taking some minor event and dreaming it into nonsense.

Even if the complaint against Johnson was true, it was a drunk man fumbling over a woman. It meant so much that she forgot about it for 5 years. For fuck sake, push him off, slap his face and move on. Being outraged outraged five years later should be embarrassing.
So if someone is too afraid to fight or even report it immediately they should never mention it again?

Show me the blood and bruising. In this case, if she didn't say Pastor Johnson is drunk, staggering around and tried to get all up in my business, she should shut up. Mention it when the topic of conversation is people getting drunk and making fools of themselves. Not "gee you just reminded me, five years ago some joker got drunk and slobbered me. Now I'm outraged."
meh, I've heard folks call Bush a chimp and Trump an Orange Cheeto.

Folks need to grow some thicker skin.

Wishing such evil thoughts on people for that? We should always strive to be better than the vileness of those we loath.
What does calling a Bush a chimp and Drumpf a cheeto have to do with this racist calling the Obamas monkeys?

Sorry, I wasn't aware he was a racist, I thought he was only partisan.

What evidence do you have that he was racist?
You mean besides calling the Obamas monkeys?

Ah, I didn't realize how historically this offensive hurt was embedded that was in the black community, how ancient and hurtful, nor how this ignorance has persisted in the white culture. Thank you. I didn't realize he was doing it out of racism.

I tend to have such a free mind, my POV is that if everyone were to treat everyone the same, these things would just not bother anyone anymore. I forgot that intelligence, experience and education is a bell curve, not a flat line, it could never work that way. I suppose I listened to too much Lenny Bruce in college.

Studies Expose 'Apelike' Stereotype Among Whites
I thought you were Black? No one ever told you that if a white person calls you a monkey then they are announcing they are a racist? Its not a hurt its just a well known admission of what that white person feels about Blacks. Its actually kind of funny considering the inferiority complex this projection points out.

Truly, thanks, that's one of the best compliments I've ever received on here, but no, I'm not oppressed in any fashion.

I suppose my empathy for the culture comes from having had a best friend in college that was. . . and having lived and worked in the projects after I left school. I hung out with gangs, took members to the movies, went to the clubs, and we gamed, etc. but no, I'm not.

OTH, I've also lived in trailer parks. I've been all around and been in all sorts of communities. I'm sort of like a chameleon. I know and empathize with all sorts of folks. It hurts me to see folks go at each others throats simply because they do not understand each others lives.

meh, I've heard folks call Bush a chimp and Trump an Orange Cheeto.

Folks need to grow some thicker skin.

Wishing such evil thoughts on people for that? We should always strive to be better than the vileness of those we loath.
What does calling a Bush a chimp and Drumpf a cheeto have to do with this racist calling the Obamas monkeys?

Sorry, I wasn't aware he was a racist, I thought he was only partisan.

What evidence do you have that he was racist?
You mean besides calling the Obamas monkeys?

Ah, I didn't realize how historically this offensive hurt was embedded that was in the black community, how ancient and hurtful, nor how this ignorance has persisted in the white culture. Thank you. I didn't realize he was doing it out of racism.

I tend to have such a free mind, my POV is that if everyone were to treat everyone the same, these things would just not bother anyone anymore. I forgot that intelligence, experience and education is a bell curve, not a flat line, it could never work that way. I suppose I listened to too much Lenny Bruce in college.

Studies Expose 'Apelike' Stereotype Among Whites
I thought you were Black? No one ever told you that if a white person calls you a monkey then they are announcing they are a racist? Its not a hurt its just a well known admission of what that white person feels about Blacks. Its actually kind of funny considering the inferiority complex this projection points out.

Right you are, and it appears this guy pandered to that base. . .

"Media reports highlighted racist posts he shared. One image depicted Barack and Michelle Obama as cartoonish apes. Another showed a young chimpanzee with a caption, “Obama’s baby picture.” A third post showed former President Ronald Reagan feeding a small chimp a bottle. It was titled, “Reagan babysits a young Obama.”

Johnson dismissed the criticism. He said Facebook was “entertaining.” He claimed that the posts were simply satire and fair game.

Even his own party disagreed, urging him to withdraw from the race. The state’s GOP chair, Mac Brown, called the posts “outrageous” and the “rankest sort of prejudice.”
The Pope's Long Con
Another hypocritical Right Wingnut.

Johnson was a bishop at the Heart of Fire Church in Louisville, Kentucky.[2] The church is nondenominational[3] and evangelical.[2] Johnson referred to himself as the "pope" of the church.[3][4]

Johnson was elected to the state House in 2016, defeating Democratic incumbent Linda Belcher by a narrow margin.[4] He was elected from the 49th House district, covering Bullitt County.[5] Johnson was known for his inflammatory comments on Facebook, including posts depicting Barack and Michelle Obama as apes and anti-Muslim comments.[2][5] These activities prompted Republican leaders to call on him to drop out of the state House race.[4]

Dan Johnson (Kentucky politician) - Wikipedia
Just another sicko. Sicko's are right or left, or in between.

Has nothing to do with Christianity.
But have you noticed the demrats never commit suicide?

I wonder why.:dunno:

Sad all the same.
You're getting worse and worse.

Now you're attempting to attack Democrats for NOT taking the coward's way out by committing suicide!?!?

You're disgusting!

*spits on the floor*

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