Kyle Rittenhouse Broke the Internet this Afternoon

You actually think I give a RATS ASS about those idiots?
Fuck Kyle too, he should have stayed home.
Actions have Consequences.

Indeed they do. Two of YOUR fascist fucks got sent to the long dirt nap for their actions.
The protesters went home by dusk because of the curfew. You support law breakers. Trump groupie?

Kyle was putting out fires. YOUR people were setting them. You support violent rioters.
Kyle is a huge pussy.
He gets beat up at school by Jocks, Nerds, Cheerleaders, etc.
Kyle is a FAT BLOB.
But he has a gun, so you LOVE him NOW.
Kyle is still a PUSSY. A Yuge Pussy.

That young man kept his cool while being attacked by a bloodthirsty leftists brownshirt mob and successfully defended himself.

That is the quite close to the epitome of bravery.

For you to claim otherwise, just shows that you are a complete liar or fool.
My people? You're crazy. Anyone breaking curfew should have been arrested.

Kyle wasn't breaking curfew. The Judge said so. So why do you insist on lying about that FACT, and why do you support rioting?

And yes, based on your responses in other threads, those violent rioters WERE your peeps.
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Its weird. We're discussing the internet being broken, on the internet. It doesn't feel broken. :cool:
Kyle is a huge pussy.
He gets beat up at school by Jocks, Nerds, Cheerleaders, etc.
Kyle is a FAT BLOB.
But he has a gun, so you LOVE him NOW.
Kyle is still a PUSSY. A Yuge Pussy.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Kyle went into harms way and fought and won again the filthy ass BLM/ANTIFA shithead thugs, many of them armed. The same destructive bully shitheads the police were afraid to confront.

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