Kyle Rittenhouse is an American Political Hero far wise and mature beyond his years.

who's a better citizen floyd or rittenhouse ?

  • floyd

    Votes: 11 26.2%
  • rittenhouse

    Votes: 32 76.2%

  • Total voters
1. Even if he was just a hanger on, he was attracted by their message and his actions showed that he was supporting that intent.

The militia he identified with knew nothing about him. They disavowed him. He wasn't a "hanger on", he was a stupid kid with an illegal weapon...

2. I disagree. He handled himself well. His ability to do so, makes it bravery, not stupidity. He was correct that he could handle it.

If he'd have "handled himself well", he would've killed three people, not two. Shooting someone in the arm from such a short distance; that's indicative of someone who shouldn't have access to a firearm...

That he has been arrested for defending himself, is a failure of society, not his.

No, it's his fault. He never should've been there. He had an illegal weapon. He killed two people while violating the curfew. It doesn't take a fucking genius to conclude that this idiot kid was perfectly willing to accept the consequences of his actions.

Well, right up until his actions landed him in jail on murder charges. Now he wants to be treated as a juvenile...

1. . My point was his actions seem inline with their stated intent. That stands, regardless of their alleged disavowal.

2. Depends on what the goal was. IMO, his goal was to defend himself. Those that attacked him, were stopped. Sounds like a success for me.

3. A society that arrests people for self defense, is a very sick society.
Rittenhouse went there with a group that had the stated intentions of helping people. His actions from what we have seen on video, support that as their actual intentions.


What group was that?

See, because I recall that members of the group he claimed to be with said they didn't know him...

When he was attacked he defended himself with restraint and skill, while in grave danger.

He stupidly put himself into a situation where he simply had no business being...

Considering that heroic is completely reasonable.

His actions weren't heroic at all. They were stupid...
Maybe he just wasn't a pussy. You probably can't understand.

Whether he was or wasn't a pussy is immaterial in this discussion.

The irrefutable fact is that he crossed state lines in order to illegally obtain a firearm, and he then used that firearm to kill two people.

Those are facts. That's exactly what happened...

The way you insist on leaving out the part where he was attacked by a violent mob?

If you were confident of your position, you would not do that.

thats called creative writing,, they teach course on that,,

No, that's called not wasting time to discuss those things which will actually end up very little bearing on the case...
self defense will play a major part of the case,,,

It will not, though, eclipse the facts and evidence working against Rittenhouse...
Rittenhouse went there with a group that had the stated intentions of helping people. His actions from what we have seen on video, support that as their actual intentions.


What group was that?

See, because I recall that members of the group he claimed to be with said they didn't know him...

When he was attacked he defended himself with restraint and skill, while in grave danger.

He stupidly put himself into a situation where he simply had no business being...

Considering that heroic is completely reasonable.

His actions weren't heroic at all. They were stupid...
Maybe he just wasn't a pussy. You probably can't understand.

Whether he was or wasn't a pussy is immaterial in this discussion.

The irrefutable fact is that he crossed state lines in order to illegally obtain a firearm, and he then used that firearm to kill two people.

Those are facts. That's exactly what happened...

The way you insist on leaving out the part where he was attacked by a violent mob?

If you were confident of your position, you would not do that.

I'm quite confident of my position.

The fact that a "violent mob" was chasing him will not absolve him of illegally obtaining a firearm and then using that illegal firearm to kill two people while violating a city-wide curfew...

killing those two people amounts to self defense,, the rest is a misdemeanor,,,

Conspiring to illegally obtain a firearm is a felony...

of course you have a link to that,,
and what does "conspire" mean??

he bought a rifle and the 2nd A doesnt have an age limit,,,
Rittenhouse went there with a group that had the stated intentions of helping people. His actions from what we have seen on video, support that as their actual intentions.


What group was that?

See, because I recall that members of the group he claimed to be with said they didn't know him...

When he was attacked he defended himself with restraint and skill, while in grave danger.

He stupidly put himself into a situation where he simply had no business being...

Considering that heroic is completely reasonable.

His actions weren't heroic at all. They were stupid...
Maybe he just wasn't a pussy. You probably can't understand.

Whether he was or wasn't a pussy is immaterial in this discussion.

The irrefutable fact is that he crossed state lines in order to illegally obtain a firearm, and he then used that firearm to kill two people.

Those are facts. That's exactly what happened...

The way you insist on leaving out the part where he was attacked by a violent mob?

If you were confident of your position, you would not do that.

I'm quite confident of my position.

The fact that a "violent mob" was chasing him will not absolve him of illegally obtaining a firearm and then using that illegal firearm to kill two people while violating a city-wide curfew...

They were not "chasing him. They were attacking him with intent to commit bodily harm.

That DOES justify him killing two of them, and wounding a third.

The curfew was not being enforced. The mob was violating it just as much as the kid was. You don't seem bothered by them violating it. Why is that?
Rittenhouse went there with a group that had the stated intentions of helping people. His actions from what we have seen on video, support that as their actual intentions.


What group was that?

See, because I recall that members of the group he claimed to be with said they didn't know him...

When he was attacked he defended himself with restraint and skill, while in grave danger.

He stupidly put himself into a situation where he simply had no business being...

Considering that heroic is completely reasonable.

His actions weren't heroic at all. They were stupid...
Maybe he just wasn't a pussy. You probably can't understand.

Whether he was or wasn't a pussy is immaterial in this discussion.

The irrefutable fact is that he crossed state lines in order to illegally obtain a firearm, and he then used that firearm to kill two people.

Those are facts. That's exactly what happened...

The way you insist on leaving out the part where he was attacked by a violent mob?

If you were confident of your position, you would not do that.

thats called creative writing,, they teach course on that,,

No, that's called not wasting time to discuss those things which will actually end up very little bearing on the case...
self defense will play a major part of the case,,,

It will not, though, eclipse the facts and evidence working against Rittenhouse...
thanks for your opinion,,,
Rittenhouse went there with a group that had the stated intentions of helping people. His actions from what we have seen on video, support that as their actual intentions.


What group was that?

See, because I recall that members of the group he claimed to be with said they didn't know him...

When he was attacked he defended himself with restraint and skill, while in grave danger.

He stupidly put himself into a situation where he simply had no business being...

Considering that heroic is completely reasonable.

His actions weren't heroic at all. They were stupid...
Maybe he just wasn't a pussy. You probably can't understand.

Whether he was or wasn't a pussy is immaterial in this discussion.

The irrefutable fact is that he crossed state lines in order to illegally obtain a firearm, and he then used that firearm to kill two people.

Those are facts. That's exactly what happened...

The way you insist on leaving out the part where he was attacked by a violent mob?

If you were confident of your position, you would not do that.

thats called creative writing,, they teach course on that,,

No, that's called not wasting time to discuss those things which will actually end up very little bearing on the case...

The actual central fact of the violet assault will have little bearing on the case?

I hope you are incorrect.
Rittenhouse went there with a group that had the stated intentions of helping people. His actions from what we have seen on video, support that as their actual intentions.


What group was that?

See, because I recall that members of the group he claimed to be with said they didn't know him...

When he was attacked he defended himself with restraint and skill, while in grave danger.

He stupidly put himself into a situation where he simply had no business being...

Considering that heroic is completely reasonable.

His actions weren't heroic at all. They were stupid...
Maybe he just wasn't a pussy. You probably can't understand.

Whether he was or wasn't a pussy is immaterial in this discussion.

The irrefutable fact is that he crossed state lines in order to illegally obtain a firearm, and he then used that firearm to kill two people.

Those are facts. That's exactly what happened...

The way you insist on leaving out the part where he was attacked by a violent mob?

If you were confident of your position, you would not do that.

I'm quite confident of my position.

The fact that a "violent mob" was chasing him will not absolve him of illegally obtaining a firearm and then using that illegal firearm to kill two people while violating a city-wide curfew...

killing those two people amounts to self defense,, the rest is a misdemeanor,,,

Conspiring to illegally obtain a firearm is a felony...

While attacking a minor with intent to commit grave bodily harm, is nothing, not worth even mentioning.
1. . My point was his actions seem inline with their stated intent. That stands, regardless of their alleged disavowal.

It doesn't matter. He lied when he said he was part of that group.

So far as I can tell, no one in that group was a minor in possession of an illegal firearm...

2. Depends on what the goal was. IMO, his goal was to defend himself. Those that attacked him, were stopped. Sounds like a success for me.

You're clearly an "ends justifies the means" kinda' guy.

Well, that's not how our justice system works. I suspect you'll learn this when they read the verdict in his case...

3. A society that arrests people for self defense, is a very sick society.

Twice in my life have I drawn a gun in self defense. Once I fired it.

There was no question that it was a legally owned firearm, and that I was legally authorized to carry it concealed. There was no question, based largely on numerous witness statements, that it was a righteous shoot. You know what happened?

My firearm was confiscated and I was taken into custody.

Because I broke no laws, my firearm was returned to me and I was released. However, Kyle Rittenhouse broke several laws, many of which stemmed from his conspiring to illegal obtain a firearm...
Rittenhouse went there with a group that had the stated intentions of helping people. His actions from what we have seen on video, support that as their actual intentions.


What group was that?

See, because I recall that members of the group he claimed to be with said they didn't know him...

When he was attacked he defended himself with restraint and skill, while in grave danger.

He stupidly put himself into a situation where he simply had no business being...

Considering that heroic is completely reasonable.

His actions weren't heroic at all. They were stupid...
Maybe he just wasn't a pussy. You probably can't understand.

Whether he was or wasn't a pussy is immaterial in this discussion.

The irrefutable fact is that he crossed state lines in order to illegally obtain a firearm, and he then used that firearm to kill two people.

Those are facts. That's exactly what happened...

The way you insist on leaving out the part where he was attacked by a violent mob?

If you were confident of your position, you would not do that.

I'm quite confident of my position.

The fact that a "violent mob" was chasing him will not absolve him of illegally obtaining a firearm and then using that illegal firearm to kill two people while violating a city-wide curfew...

killing those two people amounts to self defense,, the rest is a misdemeanor,,,

Conspiring to illegally obtain a firearm is a felony...

While attacking a minor with intent to commit grave bodily harm, is nothing, not worth even mentioning.

Oh, but there's no "minor" here. If he's extradited to Wisconsin, which looks to be the case, he's going to be tried as an adult...
1. . My point was his actions seem inline with their stated intent. That stands, regardless of their alleged disavowal.

It doesn't matter. He lied when he said he was part of that group.

So far as I can tell, no one in that group was a minor in possession of an illegal firearm...

2. Depends on what the goal was. IMO, his goal was to defend himself. Those that attacked him, were stopped. Sounds like a success for me.

You're clearly an "ends justifies the means" kinda' guy.

Well, that's not how our justice system works. I suspect you'll learn this when they read the verdict in his case...

3. A society that arrests people for self defense, is a very sick society.

Twice in my life have I drawn a gun in self defense. Once I fired it.

There was no question that it was a legally owned firearm, and that I was legally authorized to carry it concealed. There was no question, based largely on numerous witness statements, that it was a righteous shoot. You know what happened?

My firearm was confiscated and I was taken into custody.

Because I broke no laws, my firearm was returned to me and I was released. However, Kyle Rittenhouse broke several laws, many of which stemmed from his conspiring to illegal obtain a firearm...

1. It does matter. The point was his intent. YOu keep implying that his intent was to kill people. THe group that he was there to with or with the intent of being with, intentions were to protect people and property. His actions that we have seen, seem consistent with that stated intent.

2. Kind of weird there the way you jumped from a discussion on his abilities to a legal definition. You kind of moved the goal posts on me. My previous point stands. I think his results show that he handled himself quite well. The goal was not a high body count, but protecting himself from harm.

3. I am glad that you were not railroaded by a political class that sided with the criminals. My point stands. A society that arrests people for self defense, is a very sick society.
Rittenhouse went there with a group that had the stated intentions of helping people. His actions from what we have seen on video, support that as their actual intentions.


What group was that?

See, because I recall that members of the group he claimed to be with said they didn't know him...

When he was attacked he defended himself with restraint and skill, while in grave danger.

He stupidly put himself into a situation where he simply had no business being...

Considering that heroic is completely reasonable.

His actions weren't heroic at all. They were stupid...
Maybe he just wasn't a pussy. You probably can't understand.

Whether he was or wasn't a pussy is immaterial in this discussion.

The irrefutable fact is that he crossed state lines in order to illegally obtain a firearm, and he then used that firearm to kill two people.

Those are facts. That's exactly what happened...

The way you insist on leaving out the part where he was attacked by a violent mob?

If you were confident of your position, you would not do that.

I'm quite confident of my position.

The fact that a "violent mob" was chasing him will not absolve him of illegally obtaining a firearm and then using that illegal firearm to kill two people while violating a city-wide curfew...

killing those two people amounts to self defense,, the rest is a misdemeanor,,,

Conspiring to illegally obtain a firearm is a felony...

While attacking a minor with intent to commit grave bodily harm, is nothing, not worth even mentioning.

Oh, but there's no "minor" here. If he's extradited to Wisconsin, which looks to be the case, he's going to be tried as an adult...

Very good compartmentalization you have going on there.

You argue that at 17, he is really an adult, ready to face the full responsibility of his crimes, which are only crimes because he is a child....
1. . My point was his actions seem inline with their stated intent. That stands, regardless of their alleged disavowal.

It doesn't matter. He lied when he said he was part of that group.

So far as I can tell, no one in that group was a minor in possession of an illegal firearm...

2. Depends on what the goal was. IMO, his goal was to defend himself. Those that attacked him, were stopped. Sounds like a success for me.

You're clearly an "ends justifies the means" kinda' guy.

Well, that's not how our justice system works. I suspect you'll learn this when they read the verdict in his case...

3. A society that arrests people for self defense, is a very sick society.

Twice in my life have I drawn a gun in self defense. Once I fired it.

There was no question that it was a legally owned firearm, and that I was legally authorized to carry it concealed. There was no question, based largely on numerous witness statements, that it was a righteous shoot. You know what happened?

My firearm was confiscated and I was taken into custody.

Because I broke no laws, my firearm was returned to me and I was released. However, Kyle Rittenhouse broke several laws, many of which stemmed from his conspiring to illegal obtain a firearm...

1. It does matter. The point was his intent. YOu keep implying that his intent was to kill people. THe group that he was there to with or with the intent of being with, intentions were to protect people and property. His actions that we have seen, seem consistent with that stated intent.

2. Kind of weird there the way you jumped from a discussion on his abilities to a legal definition. You kind of moved the goal posts on me. My previous point stands. I think his results show that he handled himself quite well. The goal was not a high body count, but protecting himself from harm.

3. I am glad that you were not railroaded by a political class that sided with the criminals. My point stands. A society that arrests people for self defense, is a very sick society.

1. It doesn't matter. If you go to a ball game and claim you're a New York Yankee, that doesn't make you a New York Yankee. In this kid's case, he had no affiliation with anyone except the guy who illegally obtained the gun for him...

2. If his goal was to protect himself from harm, seems as though the best way to do that would've been to stay in Antioch. But he crossed state lines and conspired with another to obtain an illegal firearm. That's a felony...

3. You know what's funny? If he was 18 years old, he'd probably be in pretty good shape. But the fact that he conspired to obtain an illegal firearm, and then killed two people with it, exacerbates the charges against him. Conspiracy adds greatly to the severity of any crime and associated charges...
Rittenhouse went there with a group that had the stated intentions of helping people. His actions from what we have seen on video, support that as their actual intentions.


What group was that?

See, because I recall that members of the group he claimed to be with said they didn't know him...

When he was attacked he defended himself with restraint and skill, while in grave danger.

He stupidly put himself into a situation where he simply had no business being...

Considering that heroic is completely reasonable.

His actions weren't heroic at all. They were stupid...
Maybe he just wasn't a pussy. You probably can't understand.

Whether he was or wasn't a pussy is immaterial in this discussion.

The irrefutable fact is that he crossed state lines in order to illegally obtain a firearm, and he then used that firearm to kill two people.

Those are facts. That's exactly what happened...

The way you insist on leaving out the part where he was attacked by a violent mob?

If you were confident of your position, you would not do that.

I'm quite confident of my position.

The fact that a "violent mob" was chasing him will not absolve him of illegally obtaining a firearm and then using that illegal firearm to kill two people while violating a city-wide curfew...

killing those two people amounts to self defense,, the rest is a misdemeanor,,,

Conspiring to illegally obtain a firearm is a felony...

While attacking a minor with intent to commit grave bodily harm, is nothing, not worth even mentioning.

Oh, but there's no "minor" here. If he's extradited to Wisconsin, which looks to be the case, he's going to be tried as an adult...

Very good compartmentalization you have going on there.

You argue that at 17, he is really an adult, ready to face the full responsibility of his crimes, which are only crimes because he is a child....

No, they're crimes because of the fact that he conspired with another to obtain an illegal weapon.

And I'm not making the argument that, at 17, he's an adult. The state of Wisconsin is saying that. That's why he's fighting extradition to Wisconsin. If he goes to trial there, he is truly fucked...
Rittenhouse went there with a group that had the stated intentions of helping people. His actions from what we have seen on video, support that as their actual intentions.


What group was that?

See, because I recall that members of the group he claimed to be with said they didn't know him...

When he was attacked he defended himself with restraint and skill, while in grave danger.

He stupidly put himself into a situation where he simply had no business being...

Considering that heroic is completely reasonable.

His actions weren't heroic at all. They were stupid...
Maybe he just wasn't a pussy. You probably can't understand.

Whether he was or wasn't a pussy is immaterial in this discussion.

The irrefutable fact is that he crossed state lines in order to illegally obtain a firearm, and he then used that firearm to kill two people.

Those are facts. That's exactly what happened...

The way you insist on leaving out the part where he was attacked by a violent mob?

If you were confident of your position, you would not do that.

I'm quite confident of my position.

The fact that a "violent mob" was chasing him will not absolve him of illegally obtaining a firearm and then using that illegal firearm to kill two people while violating a city-wide curfew...

killing those two people amounts to self defense,, the rest is a misdemeanor,,,

Conspiring to illegally obtain a firearm is a felony...

While attacking a minor with intent to commit grave bodily harm, is nothing, not worth even mentioning.

Oh, but there's no "minor" here. If he's extradited to Wisconsin, which looks to be the case, he's going to be tried as an adult...

Very good compartmentalization you have going on there.

You argue that at 17, he is really an adult, ready to face the full responsibility of his crimes, which are only crimes because he is a child....

No, they're crimes because of the fact that he conspired with another to obtain an illegal weapon.

And I'm not making the argument that, at 17, he's an adult. The state of Wisconsin is saying that. That's why he's fighting extradition to Wisconsin. If he goes to trial there, he is truly fucked...
I dont think that word means what you think that word means,,,

him just buying it isnt conspiring,, its a business deal,,
Rittenhouse went there with a group that had the stated intentions of helping people. His actions from what we have seen on video, support that as their actual intentions.


What group was that?

See, because I recall that members of the group he claimed to be with said they didn't know him...

When he was attacked he defended himself with restraint and skill, while in grave danger.

He stupidly put himself into a situation where he simply had no business being...

Considering that heroic is completely reasonable.

His actions weren't heroic at all. They were stupid...
Maybe he just wasn't a pussy. You probably can't understand.

Whether he was or wasn't a pussy is immaterial in this discussion.

The irrefutable fact is that he crossed state lines in order to illegally obtain a firearm, and he then used that firearm to kill two people.

Those are facts. That's exactly what happened...

The way you insist on leaving out the part where he was attacked by a violent mob?

If you were confident of your position, you would not do that.

I'm quite confident of my position.

The fact that a "violent mob" was chasing him will not absolve him of illegally obtaining a firearm and then using that illegal firearm to kill two people while violating a city-wide curfew...

killing those two people amounts to self defense,, the rest is a misdemeanor,,,

Conspiring to illegally obtain a firearm is a felony...

While attacking a minor with intent to commit grave bodily harm, is nothing, not worth even mentioning.

Oh, but there's no "minor" here. If he's extradited to Wisconsin, which looks to be the case, he's going to be tried as an adult...

Very good compartmentalization you have going on there.

You argue that at 17, he is really an adult, ready to face the full responsibility of his crimes, which are only crimes because he is a child....

No, they're crimes because of the fact that he conspired with another to obtain an illegal weapon.

And I'm not making the argument that, at 17, he's an adult. The state of Wisconsin is saying that. That's why he's fighting extradition to Wisconsin. If he goes to trial there, he is truly fucked...
I dont think that word means what you think that word means,,,

him just buying it isnt conspiring,, its a business deal,,

No, it's not.

Rittenhouse knew he couldn't purchase the gun himself. So he gave his stimulus money to Dominick Black so that Black could purchase it to give to Rittenhouse once Rittenhouse got to Kenosha.

It's actually a text book example of conspiring.

As an aside, Black is facing two felony counts of supplying a dangerous weapon to a minor causing death. He can go to prison for 25 years if he's convicted, and that looks very, very likely...
Rittenhouse went there with a group that had the stated intentions of helping people. His actions from what we have seen on video, support that as their actual intentions.


What group was that?

See, because I recall that members of the group he claimed to be with said they didn't know him...

When he was attacked he defended himself with restraint and skill, while in grave danger.

He stupidly put himself into a situation where he simply had no business being...

Considering that heroic is completely reasonable.

His actions weren't heroic at all. They were stupid...
Maybe he just wasn't a pussy. You probably can't understand.

Whether he was or wasn't a pussy is immaterial in this discussion.

The irrefutable fact is that he crossed state lines in order to illegally obtain a firearm, and he then used that firearm to kill two people.

Those are facts. That's exactly what happened...

The way you insist on leaving out the part where he was attacked by a violent mob?

If you were confident of your position, you would not do that.

I'm quite confident of my position.

The fact that a "violent mob" was chasing him will not absolve him of illegally obtaining a firearm and then using that illegal firearm to kill two people while violating a city-wide curfew...

killing those two people amounts to self defense,, the rest is a misdemeanor,,,

Conspiring to illegally obtain a firearm is a felony...

While attacking a minor with intent to commit grave bodily harm, is nothing, not worth even mentioning.

Oh, but there's no "minor" here. If he's extradited to Wisconsin, which looks to be the case, he's going to be tried as an adult...

Very good compartmentalization you have going on there.

You argue that at 17, he is really an adult, ready to face the full responsibility of his crimes, which are only crimes because he is a child....

No, they're crimes because of the fact that he conspired with another to obtain an illegal weapon.

And I'm not making the argument that, at 17, he's an adult. The state of Wisconsin is saying that. That's why he's fighting extradition to Wisconsin. If he goes to trial there, he is truly fucked...
I dont think that word means what you think that word means,,,

him just buying it isnt conspiring,, its a business deal,,

No, it's not.

Rittenhouse knew he couldn't purchase the gun himself. So he gave his stimulus money to Dominick Black so that Black could purchase it to give to Rittenhouse once Rittenhouse got to Kenosha.

It's actually a text book example of conspiring.

As an aside, Black is facing two felony counts of supplying a dangerous weapon to a minor causing death. He can go to prison for 25 years if he's convicted, and that looks very, very likely...

havent seen that part yet,, but theres a lot we dont know for sure,,

that being said if we had people that read and supported the 2nd A as written under its original intent that wouldnt be an issue,,

but alas we dont have many of them,,
1. . My point was his actions seem inline with their stated intent. That stands, regardless of their alleged disavowal.

It doesn't matter. He lied when he said he was part of that group.

So far as I can tell, no one in that group was a minor in possession of an illegal firearm...

2. Depends on what the goal was. IMO, his goal was to defend himself. Those that attacked him, were stopped. Sounds like a success for me.

You're clearly an "ends justifies the means" kinda' guy.

Well, that's not how our justice system works. I suspect you'll learn this when they read the verdict in his case...

3. A society that arrests people for self defense, is a very sick society.

Twice in my life have I drawn a gun in self defense. Once I fired it.

There was no question that it was a legally owned firearm, and that I was legally authorized to carry it concealed. There was no question, based largely on numerous witness statements, that it was a righteous shoot. You know what happened?

My firearm was confiscated and I was taken into custody.

Because I broke no laws, my firearm was returned to me and I was released. However, Kyle Rittenhouse broke several laws, many of which stemmed from his conspiring to illegal obtain a firearm...

1. It does matter. The point was his intent. YOu keep implying that his intent was to kill people. THe group that he was there to with or with the intent of being with, intentions were to protect people and property. His actions that we have seen, seem consistent with that stated intent.

2. Kind of weird there the way you jumped from a discussion on his abilities to a legal definition. You kind of moved the goal posts on me. My previous point stands. I think his results show that he handled himself quite well. The goal was not a high body count, but protecting himself from harm.

3. I am glad that you were not railroaded by a political class that sided with the criminals. My point stands. A society that arrests people for self defense, is a very sick society.

1. It doesn't matter. If you go to a ball game and claim you're a New York Yankee, that doesn't make you a New York Yankee. In this kid's case, he had no affiliation with anyone except the guy who illegally obtained the gun for him...

2. If his goal was to protect himself from harm, seems as though the best way to do that would've been to stay in Antioch. But he crossed state lines and conspired with another to obtain an illegal firearm. That's a felony...

3. You know what's funny? If he was 18 years old, he'd probably be in pretty good shape. But the fact that he conspired to obtain an illegal firearm, and then killed two people with it, exacerbates the charges against him. Conspiracy adds greatly to the severity of any crime and associated charges...

1. You are the one pretending that his intentions were to go there and kill people. That his intentions was to support a group that was there to protect people indicates that his intent was NOT as you say. His actions support that.

All you have to support your position, is your ability to list events and leave out the violent mob attack.

2. His goal was obviously not JUST to protect himself. But that was one of his goals, and he did it well.

3. It does more than "exacerbate" the charges. It is nearly the sole basis of them. THe prosecutor's actions would be a lot more coherent if they were charging him as a minor.
Rittenhouse went there with a group that had the stated intentions of helping people. His actions from what we have seen on video, support that as their actual intentions.


What group was that?

See, because I recall that members of the group he claimed to be with said they didn't know him...

When he was attacked he defended himself with restraint and skill, while in grave danger.

He stupidly put himself into a situation where he simply had no business being...

Considering that heroic is completely reasonable.

His actions weren't heroic at all. They were stupid...
Maybe he just wasn't a pussy. You probably can't understand.

Whether he was or wasn't a pussy is immaterial in this discussion.

The irrefutable fact is that he crossed state lines in order to illegally obtain a firearm, and he then used that firearm to kill two people.

Those are facts. That's exactly what happened...

The way you insist on leaving out the part where he was attacked by a violent mob?

If you were confident of your position, you would not do that.

I'm quite confident of my position.

The fact that a "violent mob" was chasing him will not absolve him of illegally obtaining a firearm and then using that illegal firearm to kill two people while violating a city-wide curfew...

killing those two people amounts to self defense,, the rest is a misdemeanor,,,

Conspiring to illegally obtain a firearm is a felony...

While attacking a minor with intent to commit grave bodily harm, is nothing, not worth even mentioning.

Oh, but there's no "minor" here. If he's extradited to Wisconsin, which looks to be the case, he's going to be tried as an adult...

Very good compartmentalization you have going on there.

You argue that at 17, he is really an adult, ready to face the full responsibility of his crimes, which are only crimes because he is a child....

No, they're crimes because of the fact that he conspired with another to obtain an illegal weapon.

And I'm not making the argument that, at 17, he's an adult. The state of Wisconsin is saying that. That's why he's fighting extradition to Wisconsin. If he goes to trial there, he is truly fucked...

IF htey are charging him with illegally having the weapon and thus losing the right to self defense, which is my understanding, then they are saying he is both a minor and an adult.

You certainly seem to be supporting their reasoning. Have I misunderstood you?
1. . My point was his actions seem inline with their stated intent. That stands, regardless of their alleged disavowal.

It doesn't matter. He lied when he said he was part of that group.

So far as I can tell, no one in that group was a minor in possession of an illegal firearm...

2. Depends on what the goal was. IMO, his goal was to defend himself. Those that attacked him, were stopped. Sounds like a success for me.

You're clearly an "ends justifies the means" kinda' guy.

Well, that's not how our justice system works. I suspect you'll learn this when they read the verdict in his case...

3. A society that arrests people for self defense, is a very sick society.

Twice in my life have I drawn a gun in self defense. Once I fired it.

There was no question that it was a legally owned firearm, and that I was legally authorized to carry it concealed. There was no question, based largely on numerous witness statements, that it was a righteous shoot. You know what happened?

My firearm was confiscated and I was taken into custody.

Because I broke no laws, my firearm was returned to me and I was released. However, Kyle Rittenhouse broke several laws, many of which stemmed from his conspiring to illegal obtain a firearm...

1. It does matter. The point was his intent. YOu keep implying that his intent was to kill people. THe group that he was there to with or with the intent of being with, intentions were to protect people and property. His actions that we have seen, seem consistent with that stated intent.

2. Kind of weird there the way you jumped from a discussion on his abilities to a legal definition. You kind of moved the goal posts on me. My previous point stands. I think his results show that he handled himself quite well. The goal was not a high body count, but protecting himself from harm.

3. I am glad that you were not railroaded by a political class that sided with the criminals. My point stands. A society that arrests people for self defense, is a very sick society.

1. It doesn't matter. If you go to a ball game and claim you're a New York Yankee, that doesn't make you a New York Yankee. In this kid's case, he had no affiliation with anyone except the guy who illegally obtained the gun for him...

2. If his goal was to protect himself from harm, seems as though the best way to do that would've been to stay in Antioch. But he crossed state lines and conspired with another to obtain an illegal firearm. That's a felony...

3. You know what's funny? If he was 18 years old, he'd probably be in pretty good shape. But the fact that he conspired to obtain an illegal firearm, and then killed two people with it, exacerbates the charges against him. Conspiracy adds greatly to the severity of any crime and associated charges...

1. You are the one pretending that his intentions were to go there and kill people. That his intentions was to support a group that was there to protect people indicates that his intent was NOT as you say. His actions support that.

Well, considering that's exactly what happened, it doesn't seem like such a stretch.

But I don't see how a cohesive argument could be made that he was there to support some militia, considering that militia had never heard of him.

Perhaps you should educate yourself on Domick Black. He's not only the one who obtained the gun for Rittenhouse, he's the one who asked Rittenhouse to come to Kenosha and help him protect property. This fantasy militia only became a thing when Rittenhouse understood he was in deep shit...

All you have to support your position, is your ability to list events and leave out the violent mob attack.

Had Rittenhouse been obeying the law, he never would've been there. He should not have been there, and his mere presence was breaking the law...

2. His goal was obviously not JUST to protect himself. But that was one of his goals, and he did it well.

I don't believe he had any coherent idea as to what exactly his role there would be...

3. It does more than "exacerbate" the charges. It is nearly the sole basis of them. THe prosecutor's actions would be a lot more coherent if they were charging him as a minor.

In cases of murder, a person is not charged as a minor in Wisconsin...
Rittenhouse went there with a group that had the stated intentions of helping people. His actions from what we have seen on video, support that as their actual intentions.


What group was that?

See, because I recall that members of the group he claimed to be with said they didn't know him...

When he was attacked he defended himself with restraint and skill, while in grave danger.

He stupidly put himself into a situation where he simply had no business being...

Considering that heroic is completely reasonable.

His actions weren't heroic at all. They were stupid...
Maybe he just wasn't a pussy. You probably can't understand.

Whether he was or wasn't a pussy is immaterial in this discussion.

The irrefutable fact is that he crossed state lines in order to illegally obtain a firearm, and he then used that firearm to kill two people.

Those are facts. That's exactly what happened...

The way you insist on leaving out the part where he was attacked by a violent mob?

If you were confident of your position, you would not do that.

I'm quite confident of my position.

The fact that a "violent mob" was chasing him will not absolve him of illegally obtaining a firearm and then using that illegal firearm to kill two people while violating a city-wide curfew...

killing those two people amounts to self defense,, the rest is a misdemeanor,,,

Conspiring to illegally obtain a firearm is a felony...

While attacking a minor with intent to commit grave bodily harm, is nothing, not worth even mentioning.

Oh, but there's no "minor" here. If he's extradited to Wisconsin, which looks to be the case, he's going to be tried as an adult...

Very good compartmentalization you have going on there.

You argue that at 17, he is really an adult, ready to face the full responsibility of his crimes, which are only crimes because he is a child....

No, they're crimes because of the fact that he conspired with another to obtain an illegal weapon.

And I'm not making the argument that, at 17, he's an adult. The state of Wisconsin is saying that. That's why he's fighting extradition to Wisconsin. If he goes to trial there, he is truly fucked...

IF htey are charging him with illegally having the weapon and thus losing the right to self defense, which is my understanding, then they are saying he is both a minor and an adult.

You certainly seem to be supporting their reasoning. Have I misunderstood you?

that is a conundrum,, they are trying him as an adult for a minor in possession of a gun,,

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