Kyle Rittenhouse is an American Political Hero far wise and mature beyond his years.

who's a better citizen floyd or rittenhouse ?

  • floyd

    Votes: 11 26.2%
  • rittenhouse

    Votes: 32 76.2%

  • Total voters
Failing to follow the complex mess of rules that anti-gunners have created, is not a "mountain of wrong", it is a technical violation.

A "technical violation" would be if I, as a 58 year old man, left out my middle name on a gun registration form (which, thankfully, we don't have here in Florida). Regardless of who instituted "the complex mess of rules", rules is rules.

Now, in the case of Rittenhouse, neither his home state of Illinois nor the state of Wisconsin permit a minor to purchase a firearm. Also in both states, it's illegal for a minor to possess a firearm unless the minor is engaged in a course of instruction (like a safety class) or while engaged in a sporting activity (skeet shooting, hunting) when supervised by an adult.

None of those circumstances existed...

And yes, Rittenhouse did not know that the disturbed man leading the violent mob that attacked him, was a convinced pedophile, but he could see how dangerous he was. The fact that he was a child molester and an ex-con is relevant to judging who was likely the instigator in the violence, by us, after the fact arm chair quarter backs.

I fully understand the salaciousness of repeatedly identifying someone in a negative light but, in this case, it's just not pertinent.

But, as to how it speaks to who the instigator might be, I'm not willing to dismiss the possibility that the instigator could've have well been the minor who illegally armed himself, crossed state lines and killed someone...

Everything after the gun purchase, is not "built" on that.

Yeah, actually it is...

Rittenhouse still had the right to be there. He had a right to walk down that street. I'm still a little fuzzy on what justification the cops prevented him from rejoining his group.

He had absolutely no right to be there and he had no right to walk down that street. There was a curfew in effect and he was violating it...

If Rittenhouse did not get THAT gun, it is likely that he could have gotten ANOTHER gun, and possibly legally.

As I've pointed out, that possibility did not exist. As a 17 year old kid, he could not legally purchase a firearm...

Hell, he might have gone just to provide medical first aid support and then, when the mob attacked, he would have just been beaten, possibly to death, and he would have been a statistic like all teh other people killed in these years of riots since the Left decided to get violent.

What "medical first aid support" training did Rittenhouse have?

1. If true, then this case shows why those laws should be overturned. They prevent young men (and women) from the proper use of firearms, especially in times of dire need such as civil unrest.

2. My point is not to be "salaciousness" but to drive home the fact that this man leading the attack on Rittenhouse, was a known bad guy, with a history of targeting people younger than him.

3. A curfew that the cops were not enforcing. Selective enforcement is an injustice. If everyone else was allowed to be there, then so was Rittenhouse.

4. Considering the mess of gun laws, I do not not know that there is was not a way for him to get a gun that would satisfy even a gun control lawyer.

5. I've read that he claimed to be a certified emergency medical emergency technician and did have a med kit. I've seen no one challenge that, so I've seen no one support it.

1. These laws are to keep young people from getting weapons they are too young to be able to use properly. These guns have no purpose other than to kill people, so it's really fucking stupid to give such weapons to teenagers. Not surprisingly, you're in favour of it. In times of civil unrest, children should be home after kerfew, not out shooting up the street.

2. Once again the right winger blames the victim for being shot, using the new go-to line for Republicans - the guy is a "pedo". Rittenhouse should not have been out with "pedo's about. He's only 17.

3. See responses 1 and 2.

4. Given his age, there was no legal way for him to have that weapon.

5. He claims he's a militia member too. Neither claim is true. He used his medical kit as "cover" for his real purpose in being their. To kick liberal ass.

This stupid young asshole went out of his way to acquire an illegal weapons, and then he went out and shot three people with it. You keep focussing on the mob chasing him and calling it "self-defence", but you didn't see what happen BEFORE they started chasing him - which was the shooting of a protestor.

This kid is toast. I hope they try him as an adult.
we give full autos to teenagers of the military. infantry being mostly teenager who can vote. mostly they hate biden. piles of dead children (teenagers) gettysburg... boys with canons really. that's the most sincere form of patriotism.

Armies throughout history would have been screwed were it not for adolescent young men and their overactive hormones and belief in their own immortality.

True. But it is worth noting that Rittenhouse was constantly attempting to AVOID confrontation and only shot when forced to.

You are quite correct. But I'm guessing the same sort of courage that armies count on is what motivated him to go out and try to do the right thing, rather than just sitting in his house, saying, "That's someone else's job", the way the old farts on this thread keep suggesting.

Sometimes, geezers truly have wisdom. Other times, they try to pass off laziness, apathy, and fear as wisdom. One guess where I think the leftist assholes around here fall.
who are you to tell him or anyone else whats their business???

He didn't live in Kenosha.
He violated the law brining a gun into the town.
He violated the law breaking curfew....
He violated the law gunning down people in the street.

That's where we are at.
what if his grandparents lved there, or people he hung out with ?

He was actually there because he worked there. And despite the left-twits' need to cling to their meme of "He brought a gun across the border, because . . . I really want to be angry about it!!!" he didn't bring the gun with him.
Rittenhouse went there with a group that had the stated intentions of helping people. His actions from what we have seen on video, support that as their actual intentions.


What group was that?

See, because I recall that members of the group he claimed to be with said they didn't know him...

When he was attacked he defended himself with restraint and skill, while in grave danger.

He stupidly put himself into a situation where he simply had no business being...

Considering that heroic is completely reasonable.

His actions weren't heroic at all. They were stupid...
He was actually there because he worked there. And despite the left-twits' need to cling to their meme of "He brought a gun across the border, because . . . I really want to be angry about it!!!" he didn't bring the gun with him.

Well, I'm hardly a liberal, but you're correct, he didn't bring the gun with him. He'd arranged to get the gun from someone who could legally purchase it with money given to him by Rittenhouse. Rittenhouse was fully aware that he was breaking the law, as was his accomplice.

Hello, conspiracy charge.

If you think it's no big deal, the dipshit who provided him the gun is facing a 25 year prison sentence...
Rittenhouse went there with a group that had the stated intentions of helping people. His actions from what we have seen on video, support that as their actual intentions.


What group was that?

See, because I recall that members of the group he claimed to be with said they didn't know him...

When he was attacked he defended himself with restraint and skill, while in grave danger.

He stupidly put himself into a situation where he simply had no business being...

Considering that heroic is completely reasonable.

His actions weren't heroic at all. They were stupid...
Maybe he just wasn't a pussy. You probably can't understand.
Rittenhouse went there with a group that had the stated intentions of helping people. His actions from what we have seen on video, support that as their actual intentions.


What group was that?

See, because I recall that members of the group he claimed to be with said they didn't know him...

When he was attacked he defended himself with restraint and skill, while in grave danger.

He stupidly put himself into a situation where he simply had no business being...

Considering that heroic is completely reasonable.

His actions weren't heroic at all. They were stupid...
Maybe he just wasn't a pussy. You probably can't understand.

Whether he was or wasn't a pussy is immaterial in this discussion.

The irrefutable fact is that he crossed state lines in order to illegally obtain a firearm, and he then used that firearm to kill two people.

Those are facts. That's exactly what happened...
Rittenhouse went there with a group that had the stated intentions of helping people. His actions from what we have seen on video, support that as their actual intentions.


What group was that?

See, because I recall that members of the group he claimed to be with said they didn't know him...

When he was attacked he defended himself with restraint and skill, while in grave danger.

He stupidly put himself into a situation where he simply had no business being...

Considering that heroic is completely reasonable.

His actions weren't heroic at all. They were stupid...
Maybe he just wasn't a pussy. You probably can't understand.

Whether he was or wasn't a pussy is immaterial in this discussion.

The irrefutable fact is that he crossed state lines in order to illegally obtain a firearm, and he then used that firearm to kill two people.

Those are facts. That's exactly what happened...
Like I said, you wouldn't understand, and apparently not even the innuendo.
Rittenhouse went there with a group that had the stated intentions of helping people. His actions from what we have seen on video, support that as their actual intentions.


What group was that?

See, because I recall that members of the group he claimed to be with said they didn't know him...

When he was attacked he defended himself with restraint and skill, while in grave danger.

He stupidly put himself into a situation where he simply had no business being...

Considering that heroic is completely reasonable.

His actions weren't heroic at all. They were stupid...
Maybe he just wasn't a pussy. You probably can't understand.

Whether he was or wasn't a pussy is immaterial in this discussion.

The irrefutable fact is that he crossed state lines in order to illegally obtain a firearm, and he then used that firearm to kill two people.

Those are facts. That's exactly what happened...
Like I said, you wouldn't understand, and apparently not even the innuendo.

Oh, no, I got it.

I just don't engage with children like you. You're a waste of skin and oxygen...
Rittenhouse went there with a group that had the stated intentions of helping people. His actions from what we have seen on video, support that as their actual intentions.


What group was that?

See, because I recall that members of the group he claimed to be with said they didn't know him...

When he was attacked he defended himself with restraint and skill, while in grave danger.

He stupidly put himself into a situation where he simply had no business being...

Considering that heroic is completely reasonable.

His actions weren't heroic at all. They were stupid...
Maybe he just wasn't a pussy. You probably can't understand.

Whether he was or wasn't a pussy is immaterial in this discussion.

The irrefutable fact is that he crossed state lines in order to illegally obtain a firearm, and he then used that firearm to kill two people.

Those are facts. That's exactly what happened...

wrong again,, he crossed state lines to go to work and also help clean up the city he worked in from the damage caused by rioters and while he was there obtained a rifle and stepped up and did what the cops and other adults refused to do and protect that city from those same rioters,,
Rittenhouse went there with a group that had the stated intentions of helping people. His actions from what we have seen on video, support that as their actual intentions.


What group was that?

See, because I recall that members of the group he claimed to be with said they didn't know him...

When he was attacked he defended himself with restraint and skill, while in grave danger.

He stupidly put himself into a situation where he simply had no business being...

Considering that heroic is completely reasonable.

His actions weren't heroic at all. They were stupid...

1. Even if he was just a hanger on, he was attracted by their message and his actions showed that he was supporting that intent.

2. I disagree. He handled himself well. His ability to do so, makes it bravery, not stupidity. He was correct that he could handle it. That he has been arrested for defending himself, is a failure of society, not his.
1. Even if he was just a hanger on, he was attracted by their message and his actions showed that he was supporting that intent.

The militia he identified with knew nothing about him. They disavowed him. He wasn't a "hanger on", he was a stupid kid with an illegal weapon...

2. I disagree. He handled himself well. His ability to do so, makes it bravery, not stupidity. He was correct that he could handle it.

If he'd have "handled himself well", he would've killed three people, not two. Shooting someone in the arm from such a short distance; that's indicative of someone who shouldn't have access to a firearm...

That he has been arrested for defending himself, is a failure of society, not his.

No, it's his fault. He never should've been there. He had an illegal weapon. He killed two people while violating the curfew. It doesn't take a fucking genius to conclude that this idiot kid was perfectly willing to accept the consequences of his actions.

Well, right up until his actions landed him in jail on murder charges. Now he wants to be treated as a juvenile...
Rittenhouse went there with a group that had the stated intentions of helping people. His actions from what we have seen on video, support that as their actual intentions.


What group was that?

See, because I recall that members of the group he claimed to be with said they didn't know him...

When he was attacked he defended himself with restraint and skill, while in grave danger.

He stupidly put himself into a situation where he simply had no business being...

Considering that heroic is completely reasonable.

His actions weren't heroic at all. They were stupid...
Maybe he just wasn't a pussy. You probably can't understand.

Whether he was or wasn't a pussy is immaterial in this discussion.

The irrefutable fact is that he crossed state lines in order to illegally obtain a firearm, and he then used that firearm to kill two people.

Those are facts. That's exactly what happened...

The way you insist on leaving out the part where he was attacked by a violent mob?

If you were confident of your position, you would not do that.
Rittenhouse went there with a group that had the stated intentions of helping people. His actions from what we have seen on video, support that as their actual intentions.


What group was that?

See, because I recall that members of the group he claimed to be with said they didn't know him...

When he was attacked he defended himself with restraint and skill, while in grave danger.

He stupidly put himself into a situation where he simply had no business being...

Considering that heroic is completely reasonable.

His actions weren't heroic at all. They were stupid...
Maybe he just wasn't a pussy. You probably can't understand.

Whether he was or wasn't a pussy is immaterial in this discussion.

The irrefutable fact is that he crossed state lines in order to illegally obtain a firearm, and he then used that firearm to kill two people.

Those are facts. That's exactly what happened...

The way you insist on leaving out the part where he was attacked by a violent mob?

If you were confident of your position, you would not do that.

thats called creative writing,, they teach course on that,,
Rittenhouse went there with a group that had the stated intentions of helping people. His actions from what we have seen on video, support that as their actual intentions.


What group was that?

See, because I recall that members of the group he claimed to be with said they didn't know him...

When he was attacked he defended himself with restraint and skill, while in grave danger.

He stupidly put himself into a situation where he simply had no business being...

Considering that heroic is completely reasonable.

His actions weren't heroic at all. They were stupid...
Maybe he just wasn't a pussy. You probably can't understand.

Whether he was or wasn't a pussy is immaterial in this discussion.

The irrefutable fact is that he crossed state lines in order to illegally obtain a firearm, and he then used that firearm to kill two people.

Those are facts. That's exactly what happened...

The way you insist on leaving out the part where he was attacked by a violent mob?

If you were confident of your position, you would not do that.

I'm quite confident of my position.

The fact that a "violent mob" was chasing him will not absolve him of illegally obtaining a firearm and then using that illegal firearm to kill two people while violating a city-wide curfew...
Rittenhouse went there with a group that had the stated intentions of helping people. His actions from what we have seen on video, support that as their actual intentions.


What group was that?

See, because I recall that members of the group he claimed to be with said they didn't know him...

When he was attacked he defended himself with restraint and skill, while in grave danger.

He stupidly put himself into a situation where he simply had no business being...

Considering that heroic is completely reasonable.

His actions weren't heroic at all. They were stupid...
Maybe he just wasn't a pussy. You probably can't understand.

Whether he was or wasn't a pussy is immaterial in this discussion.

The irrefutable fact is that he crossed state lines in order to illegally obtain a firearm, and he then used that firearm to kill two people.

Those are facts. That's exactly what happened...

The way you insist on leaving out the part where he was attacked by a violent mob?

If you were confident of your position, you would not do that.

thats called creative writing,, they teach course on that,,

No, that's called not wasting time to discuss those things which will actually end up very little bearing on the case...
Rittenhouse went there with a group that had the stated intentions of helping people. His actions from what we have seen on video, support that as their actual intentions.


What group was that?

See, because I recall that members of the group he claimed to be with said they didn't know him...

When he was attacked he defended himself with restraint and skill, while in grave danger.

He stupidly put himself into a situation where he simply had no business being...

Considering that heroic is completely reasonable.

His actions weren't heroic at all. They were stupid...
Maybe he just wasn't a pussy. You probably can't understand.

Whether he was or wasn't a pussy is immaterial in this discussion.

The irrefutable fact is that he crossed state lines in order to illegally obtain a firearm, and he then used that firearm to kill two people.

Those are facts. That's exactly what happened...

The way you insist on leaving out the part where he was attacked by a violent mob?

If you were confident of your position, you would not do that.

I'm quite confident of my position.

The fact that a "violent mob" was chasing him will not absolve him of illegally obtaining a firearm and then using that illegal firearm to kill two people while violating a city-wide curfew...

killing those two people amounts to self defense,, the rest is a misdemeanor,,,
Rittenhouse went there with a group that had the stated intentions of helping people. His actions from what we have seen on video, support that as their actual intentions.


What group was that?

See, because I recall that members of the group he claimed to be with said they didn't know him...

When he was attacked he defended himself with restraint and skill, while in grave danger.

He stupidly put himself into a situation where he simply had no business being...

Considering that heroic is completely reasonable.

His actions weren't heroic at all. They were stupid...
Maybe he just wasn't a pussy. You probably can't understand.

Whether he was or wasn't a pussy is immaterial in this discussion.

The irrefutable fact is that he crossed state lines in order to illegally obtain a firearm, and he then used that firearm to kill two people.

Those are facts. That's exactly what happened...

The way you insist on leaving out the part where he was attacked by a violent mob?

If you were confident of your position, you would not do that.

thats called creative writing,, they teach course on that,,

No, that's called not wasting time to discuss those things which will actually end up very little bearing on the case...
self defense will play a major part of the case,,,
Rittenhouse went there with a group that had the stated intentions of helping people. His actions from what we have seen on video, support that as their actual intentions.


What group was that?

See, because I recall that members of the group he claimed to be with said they didn't know him...

When he was attacked he defended himself with restraint and skill, while in grave danger.

He stupidly put himself into a situation where he simply had no business being...

Considering that heroic is completely reasonable.

His actions weren't heroic at all. They were stupid...
Maybe he just wasn't a pussy. You probably can't understand.

Whether he was or wasn't a pussy is immaterial in this discussion.

The irrefutable fact is that he crossed state lines in order to illegally obtain a firearm, and he then used that firearm to kill two people.

Those are facts. That's exactly what happened...

The way you insist on leaving out the part where he was attacked by a violent mob?

If you were confident of your position, you would not do that.

I'm quite confident of my position.

The fact that a "violent mob" was chasing him will not absolve him of illegally obtaining a firearm and then using that illegal firearm to kill two people while violating a city-wide curfew...

killing those two people amounts to self defense,, the rest is a misdemeanor,,,

Conspiring to illegally obtain a firearm is a felony...

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