Kyle Rittenhouse sued by estate of Joseph Rosenbaum

It wasn't his rifle and the rifle eas illegally purchased.
No Moon Bat you continue to be confused. He had permission to use the rifle and that was all he needed for legal possession and to be used for self defense. The charge the Prosecution brought against Kyle for having possession of the rifle was thrown out of court because he had a legal right to have it.

The sonofabitch that had a real illegal weapon was that GG piece of shit that had an Illegal Glock and threatened to kill Kyle. I suspect that many of the Insurrectionst Negroes and Communists in Kenosha that night had illegal weapons like GG.
OJ Simpson was found not guilty yet liable for $33.5 million in the civil trial. Stop lying you look like an idiot.
I never mentioned OJ you illiterate moron. Just the pedo’s family having no case you moron. The fact that one of those morons admitted they wanted to kill Rittenhouse kind of destroys the case instantly. But you and Fleegle have to defend your precious criminals....
Well, wingnut media said poor little Kyle "was chased by a murderous antifa mob" not BLM.
BLM/ANTIFA are blackblock thugs paid by democrats. It doesn't matter what they call themselves, they're criminals and traitors and deserve whatever violence comes their way when they're engaged in terrorism.
I never mentioned OJ you illiterate moron. Just the pedo’s family having no case you moron. The fact that one of those morons admitted they wanted to kill Rittenhouse kind of destroys the case instantly. But you and Fleegle have to defend your precious criminals....
I gave you an example where someone was not found guilty criminally but was liable in civil court, moron. And when Kyle is ruled to pay out millions you'll be sitting there asking why or saying it was a communist plot. Because you dont know anything about the law.
BLM/ANTIFA are blackblock thugs paid by democrats. It doesn't matter what they call themselves, they're criminals and traitors and deserve whatever violence comes their way when they're engaged in terrorism.
How does one join ANTIFA?
No Moon Bat you continue to be confused. He had permission to use the rifle and that was all he needed for legal possession and to be used for self defense. The charge the Prosecution brought against Kyle for having possession of the rifle was thrown out of court because he had a legal right to have it.

The sonofabitch that had a real illegal weapon was that GG piece of shit that had an Illegal Glock and threatened to kill Kyle. I suspect that many of the Insurrectionst Negroes and Communists in Kenosha that night had illegal weapons like GG.
Uh no...the judge tossed the charge regarding an illegal rifle because of what he saw as 'vagueness' IS illegal for a 17 year old to possess a rifle..except..when the purpose is 'hunting'. The judge felt that having exceptions added confusion to the matter..and decided to toss the charge.
It was still purchased illegally.

Is all the civil trial. The question at hand will be if the city, state and Kyle--have liability in the deaths and wounding.

A totally different thing than a criminal trial..self-defense has absolutely nothing to do with what happened in the hours before the set up the scenario.

For example--the plaintiffs could point out that instead of tossing a water bottle and a thank you Kyle's way, they should have checked his ID, confiscated the rifle and sent him home.
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I gave you an example where someone was not found guilty criminally but was liable in civil court, moron. And when Kyle is ruled to pay out millions you'll be sitting there asking why or saying it was a communist plot. Because you dont know anything about the law.
Look dumbfuck, under oath, one of your precious criminals admitted they were trying to kill Rittenhouse. That includes the pedo who got his. When the case gets tossed due to that, you’ll be here crying about him being a murderer because some of your degenerates got theirs.
Uh no...the judge tossed the charge regarding an illegal rifle because of what he saw as 'vagueness' IS illegal for a 17 year old to posses a rifle..except..when the purpose is 'hunting'. The judge felt that having exceptions added confusion to the matter..and decided to toss the charge.
It was still purchased illegally.

Is all the civil trial. The question at hand will be if the city, state and Kyle--have liability in the deaths and wounding.

A totally different thing than a criminal trial..self-defense has absolutely nothing to do with what happened in the hours before the set up the scenario.

For example--the plaintiffs could point out that instead of tossing a water bottle and a thank you Kyle's way, they should have checked his ID, confiscated the rifle and sent him home.
You cant explain anything to these dummies. Watch right after Kyle has a court order to pay out money, these same dummies will be in here questioning why things didnt go their way.
Look dumbfuck, under oath, one of your precious criminals admitted they were trying to kill Rittenhouse. That includes the pedo who got his. When the case gets tossed due to that, you’ll be here crying about him being a murderer because some of your degenerates got theirs.
Why would I be crying? I'm not mentally invested in this like you are. At this point you've been losing so much you'll take any small victory.
..errr..from what..I I running?
You're such a ignorant ass--I guess I shouldn't blame you for taking even the most petty shit...and manufacturing a Huuuuge win.

Too funny. Initial reports were that he brought the rifle with...later reports, which I missed says it was stashed in

Was the gun purchased legally..or via a straw buyer? your lil victory dance and STFU~
Keep defending the pedo’s family you proven lying piece of shit. YOU claimed he took the gun across state lines. You got shown to be lying, then tried to move the goalposts and change your story. Too funny, you’re a bitch who is throwing a tantrum because you got exposed again. So go fuck yourself asswipe. No surprise you feel sympathy for a degenerate....
Keep defending the pedo’s family you proven lying piece of shit. YOU claimed he took the gun across state lines. You got shown to be lying, then tried to move the goalposts and change your story. Too funny, you’re a bitch who is throwing a tantrum because you got exposed again. So go fuck yourself asswipe. No surprise you feel sympathy for a degenerate....
You mad brah?
Keep defending the pedo’s family you proven lying piece of shit. YOU claimed he took the gun across state lines. You got shown to be lying, then tried to move the goalposts and change your story. Too funny, you’re a bitch who is throwing a tantrum because you got exposed again. So go fuck yourself asswipe. No surprise you feel sympathy for a degenerate....
Not that it matter to Q-berts like yourself..but I bet you can't find one post where I'm defending any of Kyle's victims...or their families. Not one. You're a legend in your own mind..just making it up as you go..and you're not very good at it. You might research the difference between lying and being mistaken? Although, given your track record..I doubt you even KNOW the difference.
For example, claiming that I'm defending anyone in this thread is a provable lie..but you'll still roll with it, right?
So who's the real liar here?

...I guess this is what you call a tantrum? Any response at all eh?

What a loser~
Yet you’re here begging for the judge to ignore facts and just give the criminal’s family money. I’m not losing crybaby. I’m laughing at you.
When did I do that? The thresholds are different in civil cases vs criminal cases. You dont seem to understand that even though it's been explained to you 10 times. Are you really this stupid?
Uh no...the judge tossed the charge regarding an illegal rifle because of what he saw as 'vagueness' IS illegal for a 17 year old to posses a rifle..except..when the purpose is 'hunting'. The judge felt that having exceptions added confusion to the matter..and decided to toss the charge.
It was still purchased illegally.

Is all the civil trial. The question at hand will be if the city, state and Kyle--have liability in the deaths and wounding.

A totally different thing than a criminal trial..self-defense has absolutely nothing to do with what happened in the hours before the set up the scenario.

For example--the plaintiffs could point out that instead of tossing a water bottle and a thank you Kyle's way, they should have checked his ID, confiscated the rifle and sent him home.

The weapons charge was thrown out and the jury held that Kyle acted in self defense and that pissed you stupid hate filled Moon Bats to no end. Stop bitching about it. It just makes you look like a butthurt whinny asshole.

By the way, since you are confused, the charges against Kyle's friend for illegally purchasing the rifle for Kyle were also dropped.

We will see how the civil case goes. It all depends on the jury pool. If they are stupid uneducated hate filled Leftest assholes like you are then who knows what will happen.

The facts are overwhelming the same that Kyle acted in self defense in the civil case as in the criminal trial so don't get your hopes up too much Moon Bat. You may be just as disappointed as you were in the criminal case.

Kyle should counter sue the family for raising a piece of pedo shit that tried to kill him.

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