Kyle Rittenhouse sued by estate of Joseph Rosenbaum

Obviously if it's in their history they did at one time and they referred to it as an assault rifle for infrantrimen. I looked into it further and it's a complicated history, simply put Colt bought out Amalite's design for the AR-15 in 1959 and created their version of it and called it an M16. Perhaps you've heard of those too. Home | NC Newsline>2022/07/11 Monday numbers: The Military History and Civilian Tragedy of the AR-15. Stop lying. Come clean, do you work for the NRA or something.
Correct. The AR-15 was never a military grade rifle. The M16 was full auto and 3 shot burst mode.

What is an "assault rifle? Come clean. You hear these slogans when watching the Joy Reid Clown Show and use then here, right?
The first one never touched him. He just yelled at him.

After he shot the first one and was trying to take him into custody.

If he had shot Rittenhouse, he'd have been praised as a "good guy" with a gun who stopped an active shooter.

This is what you gun nuts always say, that we all needs to carry our guns so we can stop active shooters, right (you know, instead of the breathtakingly rational idea of not selling them guns to start with).
Caught your sad pathetic ace lying or manipulating information once again... Kyle was not an "active shooter" as you tried to play it, but rather he was just a guy on neighborhood volunteer watch, who was charged with stopping attacks by (thwarting), any "criminals" who were intent on attacking private property that night in which they were voluntarily in charge of.

Kyle was working as a volunteer who was charged with stopping those who were otherwise allegedly "intent" on stopping anyone who was there to stop them as criminals who were set to commit criminal acts (even bodily harm to others if be it the case), as was reported in the incidents or in the aftermath of the events that had taken place.

Otherwise if (Kyle) or any other tried to stop them from carrying out their criminal actions, they were then met with resistance by those allegedly intent on commiting criminal acts.

The rest was court history.
People can and do, legally.
Exactly.... Joe needs to define the definition of unarmed, because some people's hands can be lethal weapons, just ask any rape victim that survived the strangle hold of the perpetrator by a miracle. It's the intent, and then the actions that constitute a violent aggressive act towards another, otherwise the intent put into action could cause bodily harm to the one being attacked, and this act constitutes that person being attacked to take action as is necessary to defend themself.
You certainly don't know.You bought the propaganda hook , line and sinker. Don't choke yourself on your ego
ou bought the propaganda hook , line and sinker.
I watched the trial on Court TV, same with the lynching of the black jogger.
If anyone is spewing propaganda, it's you.

(I bet you still believe he carried the gun across state lines)
So when the black guy drives across state lines with an illegal weapon to a white supremacist rally and kills some white supremacists that's OK.

Thank you, racists, for acknowledging that.

So how much Bling do you hope to get from the lawsuit for yourself? That is the only reason you would be interested in the Rittenhouse case, that and the dream of disarming white people and making it illegal to defend themselves from your feral animal kingdom associates.
So when the black guy drives across state lines with an illegal weapon to a white supremacist rally and kills some white supremacists that's OK.

Thank you, racists, for acknowledging that.
So when the black guy drives across state lines with an illegal weapon to a white supremacist rally and kills some white supremacists that's OK.
If you're claiming Rittenhouse did that, you need to get a crowbar to remove your head from your ass,
Caught your sad pathetic ace lying or manipulating information once again... Kyle was not an "active shooter" as you tried to play it, but rather he was just a guy on neighborhood volunteer watch, who was charged with stopping attacks by (thwarting), any "criminals" who were intent on attacking private property that night in which they were voluntarily in charge of.

Oh, really, "charged" by whom? The owners of the businesses have ALREADY denied they asked these people to do so. And the City of Kenosha is a co-defendent. Please please please try that line in court. Kenosha will either have to claim him (and pay out millions of dollars to Rosenbaum's estate) or deny any responsibility for him (in which case he's pretty much just an active shooter.)

Ashlii Babbitt?

Ass-li was part of angry mob threatening Congress... who was shot by a law enforcement officer. Also, she was batshit crazy.
Oh, really, "charged" by whom? The owners of the businesses have ALREADY denied they asked these people to do so. And the City of Kenosha is a co-defendent. Please please please try that line in court. Kenosha will either have to claim him (and pay out millions of dollars to Rosenbaum's estate) or deny any responsibility for him (in which case he's pretty much just an active shooter.)

Ass-li was part of angry mob threatening Congress... who was shot by a law enforcement officer. Also, she was batshit crazy.
Ass-li was part of angry mob threatening Congress...
she was unarmed, and no threat to the cop that murdered her.

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