Kyle Rittenhouse sued by estate of Joseph Rosenbaum

Acknowledge that you are now better informed and I'll have incentive.
I already did.

Now, are you actually better informed as to whether or not Rittenhouse never knew life outside his Mom's house or is that just more snot slinging out of dislike for personal reasons?
Since this case has nothing to do with race, why are you injecting it?
Because they have been brainwashed into believing Kyle went to the 'protest' for the sole purpose of shooting blacks.

It ruins the whole discussion when you point out he didn't shoot even one black.
There is nothing illegal about that. I don't recall a question on the ATF Forum 4473 asking the reason for the purchase.
The jury in the civil trial weas a reasonable one composed of educated and reasonable people unlike the one in the criminal trial which wasn't going to convict OJ, no matter what the evidence was of his guilt.
What happened to all that respect for the process jive?
Um, no. You made your claim about him and his Mom's house before I ever responded or said anything so you're not getting any more acknowledgment from me other than what I gave already.
I want an explicit acknowledgement of what you have already been provided..

In the following format

"I was a fool.....You know more than I."
You should have read the links I gave you to the Sandy Hook settlement.
There is still no question the ATF Forum 4473 asking for the reason for the purchase. You are comparing a civil settlement by the insurance company with a criminal trial.

Many people buy a Bowie Knife because it looks cool:


Stop describing something from which you have deliberately averted your eyes.
I haven't diverted my eyes. It is not illegal to buy something because it looks cool. And if you are going down the marketing/advertising route you will need something more than it looks cool.

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