L.A. Launches Nation's First Israel Divestment Campaign

In just a few years the Palestinian campaign to boycott Israeli goods has become truly global[/B]

Despite Israel’s siege of Gaza...

Correction, Georgie: The lawful blockade of Gaza, a terrorist entity in a declared state of war against Israel.

Similar to the US's and Great Britain's blockades of Japan and Germany during WW II.

You also neglected to mention that Egypt is Israel's partner in the Gaza blockade.

You also neglected to mention Gazans are up to their eyeballs in food and every other amenity, so, there is no siege, dummy...
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CHOMSKY: (an obscene list of the obscene political departments with obscene leftoid professoria was here)
Chomsky was one of the chief deniers of the Cambodian genocide of the 1970s, which took place in the wake of the Communist victory and American withdrawal from Indochina. He directed vitriolic attacks towards the reporters and witnesses who testified to the human catastrophe that was taking place there. Initially, Chomsky tried to minimize the deaths (a “few thousand”) and compared those killed by Pol Pot and his followers to the collaborators who had been executed by resistance movements in Europe at the end of World War II. By 1980, however, it was no longer possible to deny that some 2 million of Cambodia's 7.8 million people had perished at the hands of the Communists. But Professor Chomsky continued to deny the genocide, proposing that the underlying problem may have been a failure of the rice crop. As late as 1988, Chomsky returned to the subject and insisted that whatever had happened in Cambodia, the U.S. was to blame.
YOU: ??????
I knew that, my faithful fans here will go personal at some point. So, are we running out of ammo yet?
CHOMSKY: (an obscene list of the obscene political departments with obscene leftoid professoria was here)
Chomsky was one of the chief deniers of the Cambodian genocide of the 1970s, which took place in the wake of the Communist victory and American withdrawal from Indochina. He directed vitriolic attacks towards the reporters and witnesses who testified to the human catastrophe that was taking place there. Initially, Chomsky tried to minimize the deaths (a “few thousand”) and compared those killed by Pol Pot and his followers to the collaborators who had been executed by resistance movements in Europe at the end of World War II. By 1980, however, it was no longer possible to deny that some 2 million of Cambodia's 7.8 million people had perished at the hands of the Communists. But Professor Chomsky continued to deny the genocide, proposing that the underlying problem may have been a failure of the rice crop. As late as 1988, Chomsky returned to the subject and insisted that whatever had happened in Cambodia, the U.S. was to blame.
YOU: ??????
I knew that, my faithful fans here will go personal at some point. So, are we running out of ammo yet?

Georgie blew his wad a long time ago. Poor bastard's posts are just more mental masturbation.
LOL, Chumsky has been proven as a revisionist who makes up what supports his communist agenda. No one, other than the antisemitic crowd, takes him seriously! So it should come to no surprise that Boy George has wet dreams about Chumsky!

CHOMSKY: (an obscene list of the obscene political departments with obscene leftoid professoria was here)
Chomsky was one of the chief deniers of the Cambodian genocide of the 1970s, which took place in the wake of the Communist victory and American withdrawal from Indochina. He directed vitriolic attacks towards the reporters and witnesses who testified to the human catastrophe that was taking place there. Initially, Chomsky tried to minimize the deaths (a “few thousand”) and compared those killed by Pol Pot and his followers to the collaborators who had been executed by resistance movements in Europe at the end of World War II. By 1980, however, it was no longer possible to deny that some 2 million of Cambodia's 7.8 million people had perished at the hands of the Communists. But Professor Chomsky continued to deny the genocide, proposing that the underlying problem may have been a failure of the rice crop. As late as 1988, Chomsky returned to the subject and insisted that whatever had happened in Cambodia, the U.S. was to blame.
YOU: ??????
I knew that, my faithful fans here will go personal at some point. So, are we running out of ammo yet?
"Support for the move came from prominent figures including Nobel peace laureates Desmond Tutu and Máiread Maguire, and Richard Falk, the UN’s special rapporteur on the Palestinian territories.
  • That loathsome shaman creature, Desmond Tutu should have been tried a long time ago for his complicity in the necklacing murders of black south-africans, who fell out of favor with the stalinists, who ran the ANC, Winnie Mandela, whom the idiot reveres.
  • Richard Falk was an enthusiastic supporter of the ayatollah Khomeni, whom he embraced as a "liberator" of Iran. What a dumbass schmuck.
  • Máiread Maguire? Dunno, must be a schmuckette anyway.
More and more people are suporting divestment, sometime soon the israeli voter will get the message
Last month we had a bunch of young israeli's selling salt hand cleaner in the mall, I let him give me the whole sales pitch, and then told him why I would not buy an israeli product, the look on his face was a picture.
they packed up and left a week later
Last month we had a bunch of young israeli's selling salt hand cleaner in the mall, I let him give me the whole sales pitch, and then told him why I would not buy an israeli product, the look on his face was a picture.
Intimidation and threats is about all the palistaniacal so called "peace-lovers" can offer. I'm pretty sure I know, what thought his facial expression conveyed, but I'll keep it to myself lest I'm accused of personal attacks, of course.
More and more people are suporting divestment, sometime soon the israeli voter will get the message

Keep dreaming, Ho-say.

Tourism to Israel is up 10 percent and US support for Israel is at its highest level.

Foreign corporate investment in Israel's booming economy and its many sectors, such as technology, is at record levels and Israel's unanimous acceptance into the elite Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development signifies Israel as a global economic leader.

Israel is one of the wealthiest countries in the world with a $200 billion GDP and has a per capita income 3x that of Turkey.

Meanwhile, the backward Arab and Muslim worlds continue to fester in failure, last in every key category from education to healthcare to literacy to productivity to industrial development.

Worry about your bankrupt Spain, Ho-say, Israel is doing just fine.
Israel lives on US welfare of $3.5 billion per year[/SIZE]
Israel usually posts sizable trade deficits, which are covered by large transfer payments from abroad and by foreign loans. Roughly half of the government's external debt is owed to the US, its major source of economic and military aid
The Cost of Israel to US Taxpayers
The Cost of Israel to US Taxpayers

Bogus website, Ho-Say. Tsk tsk.

Israelis purchased upwards of $20 billion in US goods last year, making Israel one of the US's largest export markets...
United States International Trade Commission

Israel also saved Intel, the US's most important company, and Israel has helped transform Intel into one of the most important companies in the world. The Pentium and Centrino microprocessors, which power most computers in the world, were designed in Israel.

How Israel Saved Intel...
Business & Technology | How Israel saved Intel | Seattle Times Newspaper

Spain, meanwhile, is bankrupt, Ho-say.
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Israel lives on US welfare of $3.5 billion per year[/SIZE]
Israel usually posts sizable trade deficits, which are covered by large transfer payments from abroad and by foreign loans. Roughly half of the government's external debt is owed to the US, its major source of economic and military aid.[/SIZE]
The Cost of Israel to US Taxpayers
The Cost of Israel to US Taxpayers

Warren Buffett...
Israel is now a major factor in commerce and in the world, and, is a smaller replica of what has been accomplished in the US and I think Americans admire that. They feel good about a society that is on the move
The CIA's website is bogus?
as to Warren buffett opinion that " They feel good about a society that is on the move" most people would feel happy with Israeli society on the move..... back to Russia and Poland, where they came from
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Is it possible that you have no understanding of who Chomsky is???

He never met a dictator, thug, anti-American, anti-Semite, anti-capitalist that he didn't love at first sight.

"After 9/11 the same left switched its affection from the red flag of proletarian revolution, to the black flag of Islamic jihad. The names include Jimmy Carter, Noam Chomsky, Michael Moore and Tom Hayden."
From Dr. J. Glasov, "United in Hate."
Noam, Michael Moore and Tom Hayden are fellow travelers; however, Jimmy Carter is just another war criminal as far as Chomsky's concerned. (Carter's support for Indonesian war crimes in East Timor and Somoza's National Guard in Nicaragua.)

As far as supporting dictators and thugs, one trait that even most of his critics concede is Chomsky's absolute loyalty to the moral principle of universality.

If there's something you don't want done to you, don't inflict it on another.

Chomsky is just a language teacher. He is viewed as a crackpot in international affairs, in which he has no insight.

Tsk tsk, Georgie.

1. He has figured out how to make an exceptional fortune while living as a self-described ‘anarchist-socialist’ dissident in a capitalist society he has described as a ‘police state.’

a. He claims to be constantly threatened with censorship, while publishing dozens of books.

b. He denounces the Pentagon as the epitome of evil, while making million from his work for the very same institution. As a tenured MIT professor he actually works for the Research Laboratory of Electronics at MIT, and same is entirely funded by the Pentagon and a few multinational corporations.

c. His first book, “Syntactic Structures,” was written with grants from the US Army (Signal Corp), the Air Force (Office of Scientific Research, Air Research, and Development Command), and Office of Naval Research.

2. A Professor of Linguistics, Chomsky is vital to the air force and others to improve their “increasingly large investment in so-called ‘command and control’ computer systems” that were being used in Vietnam. Since the computer cannot ‘understand’ English, the commanders’ communications must be translated into a language that the computer can use. Noam Chomsky: Politics or Science?
The CIA's website is bogus?
No, how could that, possibly, be. But ... how did they succeed in effin' it all up recently ... go figure. Must be fears of fatwa on them.
as to Warren buffett opinion that " They feel good about a society that is on the move" most people would feel happy with Israeli society on the move..... back to Russia and Poland, where they came from
Funny drivel.

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