LA closes schools but Barry will not close nation after ISIS threat?


Platinum Member
Nov 23, 2011
A possible bomb threat closed all LA schools today but the far more serious threat to our entire nation from ISIS has not made Barry close the nation or attack ISIS. It seems Barry is pretending there is no threat. Why?
The mayor of nyc is on this bandwagon..he states that the LA school district acted too hastily, and that it's important not to increase fear by shutting down schools when there are terror threats.

"In New York, Mayor Bill DeBlasio and Police Commissioner William J. Bratton said at a news conference that there was nothing to suggest that the threat was credible, and plenty to suggest that it was not.
“It was so generic, so outlandish, and posed to numerous school systems simultaneously,” Mr. de Blasio said. “Kids should be in school today. We will be vigilant. But we are absolutely convinced our schools are safe.”

They're setting our kids up to be slaughtered. These people should be thrown in jail.
A possible bomb threat closed all LA schools today but the far more serious threat to our entire nation from ISIS has not made Barry close the nation or attack ISIS. It seems Barry is pretending there is no threat. Why?
Because most of us aren't wimps. If you want to duck and cover under an elementary school desk, time travel back to when Bush hid out in a classroom while the Twin Towers burned.
A possible bomb threat closed all LA schools today but the far more serious threat to our entire nation from ISIS has not made Barry close the nation or attack ISIS. It seems Barry is pretending there is no threat. Why?
Because most of us aren't wimps. If you want to duck and cover under an elementary school desk, time travel back to when Bush hid out in a classroom while the Twin Towers burned.
Yes, you're brave when it's just kids who are being put at risk. I'm sure you're relieved that they're taking the heat for you.
A possible bomb threat closed all LA schools today but the far more serious threat to our entire nation from ISIS has not made Barry close the nation or attack ISIS. It seems Barry is pretending there is no threat. Why?
Because most of us aren't wimps. If you want to duck and cover under an elementary school desk, time travel back to when Bush hid out in a classroom while the Twin Towers burned.
You are such a badass. If only pipe bombs & bullets bounced off the rest of us like you!
NYC determined that there was no credible threat, which is why they kept their schools open. LA (in light of the San Bernadino shooting) decided to err on the side of caution and shut down their schools.

Interestingly enough, although the threatening e-mail came to NYC and LA after being routed through Germany, the FBI thinks that it was originally sent from somewhere in the USA, and they are still looking for the original ISP address.

Additionally, although there were Islamic statements in the e-mail, they were phrased wrong as well as the writers didn't capitalize the word "allah".
NYC determined that there was no credible threat, which is why they kept their schools open. LA (in light of the San Bernadino shooting) decided to err on the side of caution and shut down their schools.

Interestingly enough, although the threatening e-mail came to NYC and LA after being routed through Germany, the FBI thinks that it was originally sent from somewhere in the USA, and they are still looking for the original ISP address.

Additionally, although there were Islamic statements in the e-mail, they were phrased wrong as well as the writers didn't capitalize the word "allah".
dear, the question is when do you take ISIS seriously
Who says we don't?

the fact that the JV team has killed more in the West, with 3 different kinds of attacks,
in the last month than ever before!!

See why we say a liberal will always be stupid?
NYC determined that there was no credible threat, which is why they kept their schools open. LA (in light of the San Bernadino shooting) decided to err on the side of caution and shut down their schools.

Interestingly enough, although the threatening e-mail came to NYC and LA after being routed through Germany, the FBI thinks that it was originally sent from somewhere in the USA, and they are still looking for the original ISP address.

Additionally, although there were Islamic statements in the e-mail, they were phrased wrong as well as the writers didn't capitalize the word "allah".
dear, the question is when do you take ISIS seriously

Edward would never enlist. He likes being an armchair Rambo. All bluster and no go.

Me? I served over 20 years and was in 4 war zones. That's why I'm currently not worried about Daesh getting a WMD into the US. Unlike Edward, I actually had to work with them and know how they worked, as well as what measures to take when they are deployed against the ship.

Sorry, but screaming that Daesh is going to use WMD's on us is even stupider than the claim that Saddam had them.
A possible bomb threat closed all LA schools today but the far more serious threat to our entire nation from ISIS has not made Barry close the nation or attack ISIS. It seems Barry is pretending there is no threat. Why?
Because most of us aren't wimps. If you want to duck and cover under an elementary school desk, time travel back to when Bush hid out in a classroom while the Twin Towers burned.

Says the far left drone sitting at keyboard on a message board!
Who says we don't?

the fact that the JV team has killed more in the West, with 3 different kinds of attacks,
in the last month than ever before!!

See why we say a liberal will always be stupid?
NYC determined that there was no credible threat, which is why they kept their schools open. LA (in light of the San Bernadino shooting) decided to err on the side of caution and shut down their schools.

Interestingly enough, although the threatening e-mail came to NYC and LA after being routed through Germany, the FBI thinks that it was originally sent from somewhere in the USA, and they are still looking for the original ISP address.

Additionally, although there were Islamic statements in the e-mail, they were phrased wrong as well as the writers didn't capitalize the word "allah".
dear, the question is when do you take ISIS seriously


BAM! There it is, the far left narrative in all of it's glory!
NYC determined that there was no credible threat, which is why they kept their schools open. LA (in light of the San Bernadino shooting) decided to err on the side of caution and shut down their schools.

Interestingly enough, although the threatening e-mail came to NYC and LA after being routed through Germany, the FBI thinks that it was originally sent from somewhere in the USA, and they are still looking for the original ISP address.

Additionally, although there were Islamic statements in the e-mail, they were phrased wrong as well as the writers didn't capitalize the word "allah".
Yeah the NYC mayor said that the LA school district was shut down before they talked to the FBI..which was a lie.

Pretty much what the left is doing is advertising all the massive holes we have in our school security. Lining the kidlets up, boasting that they won't show fear by protecting them.

Good move.
Edward would never enlist. He likes being an armchair Rambo. All bluster and no go.

Me? I served over 20 years and was in 4 war zones. That's why I'm currently not worried about Daesh getting a WMD into the US. Unlike Edward, I actually had to work with them and know how they worked, as well as what measures to take when they are deployed against the ship.

Sorry, but screaming that Daesh is going to use WMD's on us is even stupider than the claim that Saddam had them.

Says the far left drone that is using the wrong terminology..

Obama says ISIL....

Even the military commanders use that term.. Need a programming update far left drone!
Edward would never enlist. He likes being an armchair Rambo. All bluster and no go.

Me? I served over 20 years and was in 4 war zones. That's why I'm currently not worried about Daesh getting a WMD into the US. Unlike Edward, I actually had to work with them and know how they worked, as well as what measures to take when they are deployed against the ship.

Sorry, but screaming that Daesh is going to use WMD's on us is even stupider than the claim that Saddam had them.

Says the far left drone that is using the wrong terminology..

Obama says ISIL....

Even the military commanders use that term.. Need a programming update far left drone!

Actually, Daesh is an Arabic term that they are called, and they hate it. Matter of fact, they have called for the removal of anyone's tongue that calls them that.

I use that term just because it pisses them off. But, if you'd actually paid attention to the news, you would know that they are known as ISIL/ISIS/Daesh.

But, thanks for playing.
Edward would never enlist. He likes being an armchair Rambo. All bluster and no go.

Me? I served over 20 years and was in 4 war zones. That's why I'm currently not worried about Daesh getting a WMD into the US. Unlike Edward, I actually had to work with them and know how they worked, as well as what measures to take when they are deployed against the ship.

Sorry, but screaming that Daesh is going to use WMD's on us is even stupider than the claim that Saddam had them.
Nobody cares, and we've all heard your self-aggrandizing recitations more than enough already. Please, for the love of all that is good and holy, STOP.
A possible bomb threat closed all LA schools today but the far more serious threat to our entire nation from ISIS has not made Barry close the nation or attack ISIS. It seems Barry is pretending there is no threat. Why?
'Close' the Nation, that's true, monumental stupidity from the right.

Most USMB conservatives have completely lost it, displaying remarkable ignorance and stupidity – this thread premise is one of many examples.
Edward would never enlist. He likes being an armchair Rambo. All bluster and no go.

Me? I served over 20 years and was in 4 war zones. That's why I'm currently not worried about Daesh getting a WMD into the US. Unlike Edward, I actually had to work with them and know how they worked, as well as what measures to take when they are deployed against the ship.

Sorry, but screaming that Daesh is going to use WMD's on us is even stupider than the claim that Saddam had them.

Says the far left drone that is using the wrong terminology..

Obama says ISIL....

Even the military commanders use that term.. Need a programming update far left drone!

Actually, Daesh is an Arabic term that they are called, and they hate it. Matter of fact, they have called for the removal of anyone's tongue that calls them that.

I use that term just because it pisses them off. But, if you'd actually paid attention to the news, you would know that they are known as ISIL/ISIS/Daesh.

But, thanks for playing.

Exactly you prove that you are far left drone and want to PC..

And the rest of your post is bunk like the rest of your posts on this subject!

Obama says ISIL!!!!

The media says ISIS!!!

The other term was killed long ago as they found out that actually appeases them..

Silly far left drone!

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