LA renames Columbus Day

He never stepped foot in the Americas. There is no history to erase. Plus, his men were assholes and murdered the non lost people of a non lost country.

Indigenous Day suits me just fine. Fuck Columbus.
Indigenous Peoples Day to Replace Columbus Day After Los Angeles City Council Vote

The Los Angeles City Council voted Wednesday to eliminate Columbus Day from the city calendar, siding with activists who viewed the explorer as a symbol of genocide for native peoples.

Supporters of Indigenous Peoples Day gather at L.A. City Hall on Aug. 30, 2017. (Credit: KTLA)

Over the objections of Italian American civic groups, the council made the second Monday in October a day in L.A. to commemorate “indigenous, aboriginal and native people.” The day will remain a paid holiday for city employees.

This, I agree with. Now the rest of the states need to follow suit.

Your thoughts?

It's the latest thing to do, getting rid of statues of evil white men. Let them have their fun even though the Indians never did anything of any importance, unlike the European explorers, scientists, and inventors. In my opinion, left on their own, the Indians would still be clearing forests by burning down trees and massacring one another when things got too crowded.
Indigenous Peoples Day to Replace Columbus Day After Los Angeles City Council Vote

The Los Angeles City Council voted Wednesday to eliminate Columbus Day from the city calendar, siding with activists who viewed the explorer as a symbol of genocide for native peoples.

Supporters of Indigenous Peoples Day gather at L.A. City Hall on Aug. 30, 2017. (Credit: KTLA)

Over the objections of Italian American civic groups, the council made the second Monday in October a day in L.A. to commemorate “indigenous, aboriginal and native people.” The day will remain a paid holiday for city employees.

This, I agree with. Now the rest of the states need to follow suit.

Your thoughts?

It's the latest thing to do, getting rid of statues of evil white men. Let them have their fun even though the Indians never did anything of any importance, unlike the European explorers, scientists, and inventors. In my opinion, left on their own, the Indians would still be clearing forests by burning down trees and massacring one another when things got too crowded.
Indians didn't HAVE to do anything of great importance. It was their home. They liked it just as it was...with all that gold as well. No pollution, no destroying natural gifts the land supplied, etc.

But, I waste my breath.
Indians didn't HAVE to do anything of great importance. It was their home. They liked it just as it was...with all that gold as well. No pollution, no destroying natural gifts the land supplied, etc.

But, I waste my breath.
But everyone has chosen the ways of the White man
With its new moniker I suppose the vast majority of people will give even less of a hoot about a holiday they really don't give a hoot about even now.
California..........lmao........the Fruitcake state! What a snakepit........and most people don't know this but San Francisco far..........the most racist city in the country. Blacks have been methodically run out of that city for 30 years.........they need to change the name of that city to SanFran BlacksNotAllowed.
More idiocy. Liberals intend to completely erase history as we know it and replace it with a fake one they like better.

Liberalism is based on fakery. Fake tits, fake dicks, fake women, fake men, fake food, fake feelings, fake everything.


You would have slapped the bejeezes out of that man liberally after trying to explain to him---more than once---that he did not go to Asia. He insisted that he had. Went to his grave thinking he had.

Who cares what he THOUGHT. It didn't change a single act of what he really did.
Your thoughts?

Let's ask the Arawaks.

Oh, no..about that. Yeah.......

As an Italian-American, why in the hell are we celebrating a guy that died thinking he discovered Asia? Why are we celebrating a guy that never set foot in North America?
Because he developed navigation by stars, the first to do so and had the data to show others how to return there.

So, yeah, he is a fairly important person, despite what a bunch of ignoramuses say about him.

His discovery also had the impact of altering the existing trade routes globally from East West trade going through the middle East to one of going west then east around the cape.

It is abysmally stupid of the LA council to do this, but seeing what they are doing to their own city and state, I dont really give much of a flying fook about what they do or say or try to think.
You would have slapped the bejeezes out of that man liberally after trying to explain to him---more than once---that he did not go to Asia. He insisted that he had. Went to his grave thinking he had.

Then he would have skewered you for acting out of your class striking a nobleman
He never stepped foot in the Americas.

The Caribbean is in the Americas and where Columbus landed mostly.


He also landed in Central America (which is part of North America), and in South America as well.
“Indigenous, Aboriginal and Native People - Day?”

Here's a thought. Dump the whole thing and replace Columbus/IANP Day with Leif Erikson Day on 9 October. He beat Columbus by some 500 years and actually landed in North America.

Leif Erikson Day in the United States
Too many people don't know history, it seems.

There is evidence he did reach North America.

Leif Eriksson
Leif Erikson
L'Anse aux Meadows - Wikipedia

On Google Earth, go to 51 35 44N, 55 32 00W
“Indigenous, Aboriginal and Native People - Day?”

Here's a thought. Dump the whole thing and replace Columbus/IANP Day with Leif Erikson Day on 9 October. He beat Columbus by some 500 years and actually landed in North America.

Leif Erikson Day in the United States
Too many people don't know history, it seems.

There is evidence he did reach North America.

Leif Eriksson
Leif Erikson
L'Anse aux Meadows - Wikipedia

On Google Earth, go to 51 35 44N, 55 32 00W
Erikson did not chart his voyage and he did not share what he knew with enough scholars that people were able to follow him as columbus did.

Ericson also got there by the same old methods of coastal hoping and did nothing revolutionary to get to wherever he landed at.

And he did not change the world as it existed then. He was basically forgotten and so his accomplishment was ipso facto forgettable.

But not Columbus.

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