LA Teachers Strike: $73K Is Not Enough

I would say you need to drag your ass to a school and get yourself educated on what teachers do. Apparently, you have not darkened a school doorway since they threw you out in middle school for being too old. That is the only plausible reason for your ignorance.

Yeah. Discussion over. You're just an evil bitter old man with dementia.

You are stupid about education and somehow it is my fault?

Got it!

I know what I see. If I am incorrect explain how. I have two kids in school now. I see what I see. Instead you insult me. Some teacher you were. I can See you in class. A student asks for help with a subject and you dismiss him while calling him an idiot. Thank you for your service but you are being an evil troll here.

I would say you need to drag your ass to a school and get yourself educated on what teachers do. Apparently, you have not darkened a school doorway since they threw you out in middle school for being too old. That is the only plausible reason for your ignorance.

Yeah. Discussion over. You're just an evil bitter old man with dementia.

You are stupid about education and somehow it is my fault?

Got it!

I know what I see. ...

What do you see, and where?

Already explained

One more time
Gutless that is. Not nearly with his pay. Not even close. I've seen it. Pathetic.
I’m a teacher. Parents have to raise their kids proper. You have a welfare state like California there will be no salaries for teachers if people sit at home, smoke dope, sponge off welfare, and expect school raise their kids. It’s a joke. Thanks liberal Democrats:113: WORD!
You are a disgrace not a teacher....paint brushing all of Californians with the same brush. O hope you didnt teach your hate at school and kids knew better not to listen to your crap .
No, the disgraced are the lazy ignorant irresponsible parents that reproduce and then neglect their responsibilities.
Yeah. Discussion over. You're just an evil bitter old man with dementia.

You are stupid about education and somehow it is my fault?

Got it!

I know what I see. If I am incorrect explain how. I have two kids in school now. I see what I see. Instead you insult me. Some teacher you were. I can See you in class. A student asks for help with a subject and you dismiss him while calling him an idiot. Thank you for your service but you are being an evil troll here.

Yeah. Discussion over. You're just an evil bitter old man with dementia.

You are stupid about education and somehow it is my fault?

Got it!

I know what I see. ...

What do you see, and where?

Already explained

One more time

I said having two kids in school I see what I see. As in teachers working 180 days and gone by 3pm
So you think there teachers only work when the students are there?

Why else would they work?

I would say you need to drag your ass to a school and get yourself educated on what teachers do. Apparently, you have not darkened a school doorway since they threw you out in middle school for being too old. That is the only plausible reason for your ignorance.

Yeah. Discussion over. You're just an evil bitter old man with dementia.

You are stupid about education and somehow it is my fault?

Got it!

I know what I see. If I am incorrect explain how. I have two kids in school now. I see what I see. Instead you insult me. Some teacher you were. I can See you in class. A student asks for help with a subject and you dismiss him while calling him an idiot. Thank you for your service but you are being an evil troll here.

You don't know that teachers have mandatory training that is unpaid, you don't know that they have parent teacher conference days where they do not get paid, you don't know that open houses are not paid, you don't know that teachers have to sell tickets for athletic events and don't get paid, and you don't know that teachers often arrive school and stand security watches early and then stay late to do the same thing in the afternoons?

Apparently you don't know anything much about a teacher's job! I did not treat my student as I would you because they realize they don't know. You are the one telling me all about what my job was and getting everything wrong. How would you react if I came into your workplace and started telling you all about your job and I have no idea what you do?
You are stupid about education and somehow it is my fault?

Got it!

I know what I see. If I am incorrect explain how. I have two kids in school now. I see what I see. Instead you insult me. Some teacher you were. I can See you in class. A student asks for help with a subject and you dismiss him while calling him an idiot. Thank you for your service but you are being an evil troll here.

You are stupid about education and somehow it is my fault?

Got it!

I know what I see. ...

What do you see, and where?

Already explained

One more time

I said having two kids in school I see what I see. As in teachers working 180 days and gone by 3pm

What you didn't see that they arrived by 7 that morning, if not earlier, and then do 3-6 hours more work at night after they get home.

Teachers in my state get back the money THEY are required set aside to retire and are thus banned from collecting social security!

More ignorance spewed by the collectors of ignorance.
Teachers get back MUCH more than they ever contributed into the system.

Just as with almost all Americans, my retirement is only what I said aside. ONLY.

So why didn't you become a teacher? Couldn't handle the poor pay and bad working conditions, eh?
Because the system ties hands of teachers. I have too much A personality to tolerate BS.

So, you bedrugde them decent pay because you couldn't handle the job? Thanks for the honesty!
If we had teachers who fought the BS so they could teach, education would be as good as it was 50 years ago. Today we just have wet noodles out for paychecks. I chose to fight other battles, not be surrounded by incompetence.

Oh, so you support teacher's unions! Why didn't you say so in the first place!
LA Teachers Strike: $73K Is Not Enough

In LA it probably isn't. I make way more than that and if we moved to LA we'd definitely struggle given the cost of living.
depends on were you live.....the wealthy coastal areas and some inland areas it may just be getting by....but anywhere else you would be living fairly good.......

In Los Angeles? Yeah, right!
yea even in LA....there are wealthy areas and not so wealthy....
Did I miss the law that forces teachers to live next door to the school they teach at?

What is the average commute time in California from affordable housing (which truly does not exist) to the schools where they work?
Why else would they work?

I would say you need to drag your ass to a school and get yourself educated on what teachers do. Apparently, you have not darkened a school doorway since they threw you out in middle school for being too old. That is the only plausible reason for your ignorance.

Yeah. Discussion over. You're just an evil bitter old man with dementia.

You are stupid about education and somehow it is my fault?

Got it!

I know what I see. If I am incorrect explain how. I have two kids in school now. I see what I see. Instead you insult me. Some teacher you were. I can See you in class. A student asks for help with a subject and you dismiss him while calling him an idiot. Thank you for your service but you are being an evil troll here.

You don't know that teachers have mandatory training that is unpaid, you don't know that they have parent teacher conference days where they do not get paid, you don't know that open houses are not paid, you don't know that teachers have to sell tickets for athletic events and don't get paid, and you don't know that teachers often arrive school and stand security watches early and then stay late to do the same thing in the afternoons?

Apparently you don't know anything much about a teacher's job! I did not treat my student as I would you because they realize they don't know. You are the one telling me all about what my job was and getting everything wrong. How would you react if I came into your workplace and started telling you all about your job and I have no idea what you do?

No conferences in the schools my kids go to. All communication done online or via email. Tix sold online. Teachers who coach earn extra pay. By 3:30 the school is empty. I coach hoops so I am there almost daily.
I googled careers requiring a Masters Degree and then looked at the average salaries. $73,000 is in the ballpark for a profession that requires an investment in five years of college. I agree that L.A.'s cost of living is what is causing the problem here.

Where do you get 5 years? My undergraduate degree took 5 year! My teacher certification was another 2 years and another 2 and a half for a Master's.
If you know you want to teach, a bachelor's in an academic major like history or english takes 4 years and a Master's, if pursued full-time, takes one. That equals 5. That would include the teaching certification.

Wrong answer. My undergraduate degree was engineering and a 5 year program. Teacher certification is not covered in bachelors programs unless you get an education degree. I went for two years because it is 30 additional semester hours, the same as a Master's. How does one teach and go to school full time? Moron!
I know what I see. If I am incorrect explain how. I have two kids in school now. I see what I see. Instead you insult me. Some teacher you were. I can See you in class. A student asks for help with a subject and you dismiss him while calling him an idiot. Thank you for your service but you are being an evil troll here.

I know what I see. ...

What do you see, and where?

Already explained

One more time

I said having two kids in school I see what I see. As in teachers working 180 days and gone by 3pm

What you didn't see that they arrived by 7 that morning, if not earlier, and then do 3-6 hours more work at night after they get home.

Possibly but again a lot of work now done online. I agree They have to grade papers and tests. But most people work 7-6 anyway? You can tell me how to run my business. I am oK with that. I would not attack you with vitriol.
I know a lot of you people work at Wal Mart (or the equivalent) and think all jobs are paid by the hour but that’s not how things work in the real world.

Professionals (like teachers) are paid by what they know, not how many hours they do it.
You are stupid about education and somehow it is my fault?

Got it!

I know what I see. If I am incorrect explain how. I have two kids in school now. I see what I see. Instead you insult me. Some teacher you were. I can See you in class. A student asks for help with a subject and you dismiss him while calling him an idiot. Thank you for your service but you are being an evil troll here.

You are stupid about education and somehow it is my fault?

Got it!

I know what I see. ...

What do you see, and where?

Already explained

One more time

I said having two kids in school I see what I see. As in teachers working 180 days and gone by 3pm

You Seem to see what you want to see. If you stop and think calmly for a moment, you will realize on your own that your reasoning in this is faulty. Give it a try.
I would say you need to drag your ass to a school and get yourself educated on what teachers do. Apparently, you have not darkened a school doorway since they threw you out in middle school for being too old. That is the only plausible reason for your ignorance.

Yeah. Discussion over. You're just an evil bitter old man with dementia.

You are stupid about education and somehow it is my fault?

Got it!

I know what I see. If I am incorrect explain how. I have two kids in school now. I see what I see. Instead you insult me. Some teacher you were. I can See you in class. A student asks for help with a subject and you dismiss him while calling him an idiot. Thank you for your service but you are being an evil troll here.

You don't know that teachers have mandatory training that is unpaid, you don't know that they have parent teacher conference days where they do not get paid, you don't know that open houses are not paid, you don't know that teachers have to sell tickets for athletic events and don't get paid, and you don't know that teachers often arrive school and stand security watches early and then stay late to do the same thing in the afternoons?

Apparently you don't know anything much about a teacher's job! I did not treat my student as I would you because they realize they don't know. You are the one telling me all about what my job was and getting everything wrong. How would you react if I came into your workplace and started telling you all about your job and I have no idea what you do?

No conferences in the schools my kids go to. All communication done online or via email. Tix sold online. Teachers who coach earn extra pay. By 3:30 the school is empty. I coach hoops so I am there almost daily.

If there are no conferences, your school sucks. And you are almost certainly mistaken that the school is empty by 330. That is tremendously unlikely.
Gutless that is. Not nearly with his pay. Not even close. I've seen it. Pathetic.
I’m a teacher. Parents have to raise their kids proper. You have a welfare state like California there will be no salaries for teachers if people sit at home, smoke dope, sponge off welfare, and expect school raise their kids. It’s a joke. Thanks liberal Democrats:113: WORD!
You are a disgrace not a teacher....paint brushing all of Californians with the same brush. O hope you didnt teach your hate at school and kids knew better not to listen to your crap .
give us a break issa,you have painted plenty of people with the same brush just because they disagreed with you...
All this for some person making 73 grand. Chump change in today's America. While you cry about a lowly teacher the wealthy laugh all the way to the bank. They can't believe people actually buy into this nonsense.
I know what I see. If I am incorrect explain how. I have two kids in school now. I see what I see. Instead you insult me. Some teacher you were. I can See you in class. A student asks for help with a subject and you dismiss him while calling him an idiot. Thank you for your service but you are being an evil troll here.

I know what I see. ...

What do you see, and where?

Already explained

One more time

I said having two kids in school I see what I see. As in teachers working 180 days and gone by 3pm

You Seem to see what you want to see. If you stop and think calmly for a moment, you will realize on your own that your reasoning in this is faulty. Give it a try.

How do?
Yeah. Discussion over. You're just an evil bitter old man with dementia.

You are stupid about education and somehow it is my fault?

Got it!

I know what I see. If I am incorrect explain how. I have two kids in school now. I see what I see. Instead you insult me. Some teacher you were. I can See you in class. A student asks for help with a subject and you dismiss him while calling him an idiot. Thank you for your service but you are being an evil troll here.

You don't know that teachers have mandatory training that is unpaid, you don't know that they have parent teacher conference days where they do not get paid, you don't know that open houses are not paid, you don't know that teachers have to sell tickets for athletic events and don't get paid, and you don't know that teachers often arrive school and stand security watches early and then stay late to do the same thing in the afternoons?

Apparently you don't know anything much about a teacher's job! I did not treat my student as I would you because they realize they don't know. You are the one telling me all about what my job was and getting everything wrong. How would you react if I came into your workplace and started telling you all about your job and I have no idea what you do?

No conferences in the schools my kids go to. All communication done online or via email. Tix sold online. Teachers who coach earn extra pay. By 3:30 the school is empty. I coach hoops so I am there almost daily.

If there are no conferences, your school sucks. And you are almost certainly mistaken that the school is empty by 330. That is tremendously unlikely.

School ends at 2 and by 3:30 it’s a ghost town. You’re welcome to come and check it out.
You are stupid about education and somehow it is my fault?

Got it!

I know what I see. If I am incorrect explain how. I have two kids in school now. I see what I see. Instead you insult me. Some teacher you were. I can See you in class. A student asks for help with a subject and you dismiss him while calling him an idiot. Thank you for your service but you are being an evil troll here.

You don't know that teachers have mandatory training that is unpaid, you don't know that they have parent teacher conference days where they do not get paid, you don't know that open houses are not paid, you don't know that teachers have to sell tickets for athletic events and don't get paid, and you don't know that teachers often arrive school and stand security watches early and then stay late to do the same thing in the afternoons?

Apparently you don't know anything much about a teacher's job! I did not treat my student as I would you because they realize they don't know. You are the one telling me all about what my job was and getting everything wrong. How would you react if I came into your workplace and started telling you all about your job and I have no idea what you do?

No conferences in the schools my kids go to. All communication done online or via email. Tix sold online. Teachers who coach earn extra pay. By 3:30 the school is empty. I coach hoops so I am there almost daily.

If there are no conferences, your school sucks. And you are almost certainly mistaken that the school is empty by 330. That is tremendously unlikely.

School ends at 2 and by 3:30 it’s a ghost town. You’re welcome to come and check it out.

You’re full of shit
I guess in fly over country, $73 thousand could be considered a lot of money.

But in a modern, advanced region it’s really not.

This is a great example of why liberals are idiots. You pretend to be the champion of the low wage $10/hr worker, then turn around and whine for the alleged struggled of the upper middle class. Fucking morons.

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