Lack of African-American involvement in our government elections and why it is such a huge problem

Who do you think has your best interest?

  • Democrats

    Votes: 2 50.0%
  • Republicans

    Votes: 2 50.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Oct 21, 2014
I honestly wish that more African-Americans would stand up and bring more votes to the Democrats. Especially the African-Americans in the south. The Democrats are the ones that fight for the government programs that grant them their grants and they sit there and b**** about how the government is stingy and BS. Well, thats because of the greedy, self serving Republicans that are being elected to office because the Democrats are losing votes that the African-Americans could be giving them. And as an African-American myself, I am disgusted by the African-American's need to point fingers at everyone but themselves when they could get off their lazy a**** and do something. How can the Democratic leaders of our country fight for us when we can't even muster up the decency to fight to put them in office?
You're fucking kidding, right?
No, I'm not. And I'm sick of the attitude most African Americans have toward the government when they're too lazy to get off their a**** and vote. It has nothing to do with race, they're just letting let Republicans get elected by not putting votes towards the Democrats
You're fucking kidding, right?
No, I'm not. And I'm sick of the attitude most African Americans have toward the government when they're too lazy to get off their a**** and vote. It has nothing to do with race, they're just letting let Republicans get elected by not putting votes towards the Democrats
The Negro vote, the minority vote... is why the Democrat party exists in their present day position.

Look at the state of Illinois...


Now I ask you... is this a Red State or a Blue State?
Negro's and minorities is stupid bros. Illinois is full of murderers! Red state no doubt!
How can the Democratic leaders of our country fight for us when we can't even muster up the decency to fight to put them in office?

Obama promised the inner city gullible they'd be rich if they voted for him. How's that working out?
You're fucking kidding, right?
No, I'm not. And I'm sick of the attitude most African Americans have toward the government when they're too lazy to get off their a**** and vote. It has nothing to do with race, they're just letting let Republicans get elected by not putting votes towards the Democrats
Democrats are the ones that fight for the government programs that grant them their grants and they sit there and b**** about how the government is stingy and BS

Do you think the function of government is to give shit to African Americans? Please go away.
I don't think the function of government is to give to just African Americans but to the PEOPLE and the Republicans don't do that and if the more people in the African American communities would just step up and puts some votes on the Democrat side, the Democrats could easily take down the Republicans because the Republicans and the Tea Party movement are more concern about putting money into their own pockets instead of into the pockets of American people. This country will go in a downward spiral if the Republicans take control of the state and federal governments. If you idiots really cared to read my post, you'd see that there are actually two arguments in there: 1) VOTE 2) Put your votes into the people that have your back which is the DEMOCRATS.
And by the way, I don't have to go away. I can say whatever the hell I want about whatever subject I want whenever I want WHEREVER I want. If you don't like my views, that's your problem, not mine and you're not going to shut me up.
because the Republicans and the Tea Party movement are more concern about putting money into their own pockets instead of into the pockets of American people.

The left wants the border open so they can continue to exploit the illegals for cheap labor ....which also prevents people from receiving a fair wage....which also displaces american workers...which also increases poverty and dependence on government....which translates into votes.
I don't think the function of government is to give to just African Americans but to the PEOPLE and the Republicans don't do that and if the more people in the African American communities would just step up and puts some votes on the Democrat side, the Democrats could easily take down the Republicans because the Republicans and the Tea Party movement are more concern about putting money into their own pockets instead of into the pockets of American people. This country will go in a downward spiral if the Republicans take control of the state and federal governments. If you idiots really cared to read my post, you'd see that there are actually two arguments in there: 1) VOTE 2) Put your votes into the people that have your back which is the DEMOCRATS.
And by the way, I don't have to go away. I can say whatever the hell I want about whatever subject I want whenever I want WHEREVER I want. If you don't like my views, that's your problem, not mine and you're not going to shut me up.
Go away.
Is this you, Teeje?

Yeah! somebody's gotta pay. How about YOU pay for your own stupidity?
Negro's and minorities is stupid bros. Illinois is full of murderers! Red state no doubt!

"You put them first and they put you last. 'Cause you're a chump. A political chump! ... Any time you throw your weight behind a political party that controls two-thirds of the government, and that party can't keep the promise that it made to you during election time, and you are dumb enough to walk around continuing to identify yourself with that party -- you're not only a chump but you're a traitor to your race." -- The speech that made LBJ decide to assassinate Malcolm X
Negro's and minorities is stupid bros. Illinois is full of murderers! Red state no doubt!

"You put them first and they put you last. 'Cause you're a chump. A political chump! ... Any time you throw your weight behind a political party that controls two-thirds of the government, and that party can't keep the promise that it made to you during election time, and you are dumb enough to walk around continuing to identify yourself with that party -- you're not only a chump but you're a traitor to your race." -- The speech that made LBJ decide to assassinate Malcolm X

Is this you, Teeje?

Yeah! somebody's gotta pay. How about YOU pay for your own stupidity?

No, that's not me. I have an education and I don't have kids. But I have a negative opinion of that person as well because that's the kind of person who doesn't do anything with themselves and then chooses to point the finger at everyone else. So yeah, I agree with you on the fact that this person is stupid. And no, I'm not going away
I don't think the function of government is to give to just African Americans but to the PEOPLE and the Republicans don't do that and if the more people in the African American communities would just step up and puts some votes on the Democrat side, the Democrats could easily take down the Republicans because the Republicans and the Tea Party movement are more concern about putting money into their own pockets instead of into the pockets of American people. This country will go in a downward spiral if the Republicans take control of the state and federal governments. If you idiots really cared to read my post, you'd see that there are actually two arguments in there: 1) VOTE 2) Put your votes into the people that have your back which is the DEMOCRATS.
And by the way, I don't have to go away. I can say whatever the hell I want about whatever subject I want whenever I want WHEREVER I want. If you don't like my views, that's your problem, not mine and you're not going to shut me up.
Go away.

Make me
The Republicans are the ones who choose to spend more than a billion dollars on this so-called 'Beehive Study' and while they're giving money to that stupid shit, they want to cut taxes for the wealthy, cut funding for the EPA, and cut funding for education and are trying to push religious values into the public school system. I personally don't like that someone who makes more money than me is going to have to pay less taxes than me. And that tax cut for the wealthy is going to raise taxes for the middle and lower class families. I also don't appreciate them trying to block gay marriage because marriage should be open to EVERYONE regardless of the gender of their partner. If I'm a woman and I want to marry a woman, I have the right to. Michelle Bachman declared that Minnesota was going to hell just because I'm allowed to marry the person that I love and that if that person was the same gender as me, I'm a sinner. Since when is love a sin?
And I personally would like to keep school costs down for everyone who wants to go to school and get an education.
And I also wouldn't appreciate having the ridiculous Christian values shoved down my throat while I'm in school studying for something that has nothing to do with goddamn religion.
And what about fracking? The practice of supplying energy which hurts our environment? The EPA can change that. And what about the oil and energy companies who are always tearing up the land that we live on, the land where we get our water and our food from? Want to know who they their support from? The goddamn Republicans!
And what about the companies who choose to have their products made overseas so that THEY can take away jobs from the American people and put more money into their own pockets? They're backed by the fucking Republicans. The Republicans.
If you'll remember, Al Qaeda was pissed when Obama was elected because the rest of the world saw our country as growing stronger and Obama's election gave us a better international image and Al Qaeda hated that. Al Qaeda likes Republicans in office because of the damage that Republicans do to our own country and weakens our fight against Al Qaeda.
So, would I rather have Republicans running this country, or Democrats? Take a fucking guess you stupid redneck bigot idiots
I don't think the function of government is to give to just African Americans but to the PEOPLE and the Republicans don't do that and if the more people in the African American communities would just step up and puts some votes on the Democrat side, the Democrats could easily take down the Republicans because the Republicans and the Tea Party movement are more concern about putting money into their own pockets instead of into the pockets of American people. This country will go in a downward spiral if the Republicans take control of the state and federal governments. If you idiots really cared to read my post, you'd see that there are actually two arguments in there: 1) VOTE 2) Put your votes into the people that have your back which is the DEMOCRATS.
And by the way, I don't have to go away. I can say whatever the hell I want about whatever subject I want whenever I want WHEREVER I want. If you don't like my views, that's your problem, not mine and you're not going to shut me up.
Go away.

Make me
I have a feeling that I won't need to. You'll realize that you're in way over your head pretty soon.

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