LaPierre: Stand and Fight..................


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
Wayne LaPierre wrote a column for the Daily Caller today, and stated as many reasons as he could for people to buy guns.

Unfortunately, many of his talking points were flat out wrong. After hurricane Sandy hit the east coast, I heard MANY news stories of people helping each other out, and I really didn't hear any stories of looting or the like.

I'm not going to post what LaPierre said, as I think most of what he wrote was inflammatory and factually inaccurate.'s the link if you wish to read it for yourself.

Stand and Fight | The Daily Caller

It seems that whenever LaPierre opens his mouth, all that comes out of it is fear and hate.

Does anyone really think that he's a good spokesperson for the NRA anymore?
Fear and people would know about spreading that...that's why you posted this thread

so what on what he damn right people better stand up and fight for your RIGHTS from this administation and every other state government that is trying to trample on them

If you're not a member of the NRA it's not your business if he is good spokeman...
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Most of this little screed was nothing more than begging for cash and telling people to buy guns, and telling them to do it soon because Obama is bringing the apocalypse.
Most of this little screed was nothing more than begging for cash and telling people to buy guns, and telling them to do it soon because Obama is bringing the apocalypse.

so and that chaps your ass how?
you get little screeds from your Dear Leader all the time that is nothing more than begging for cash and telling people not to bring a knife to gun fight..

get over yourselves about the NRA, you people have the ows, unions, etc..we never see you whine about them
Most of this little screed was nothing more than begging for cash and telling people to buy guns, and telling them to do it soon because Obama is bringing the apocalypse.

so and that chaps your ass how?
you get little screeds from your Dear Leader all the time that is nothing more than begging for cash and telling people not to bring a knife to gun fight..

get over yourselves about the NRA, you people have the ows, unions, etc..we never see you whine about them

Actually, what chaps my ass is that this man is using inflammatory language which could very possibly end up inciting some idiot to go off and start shooting up lots of people, or possibly end up doing a Dornier type attack.
Most of this little screed was nothing more than begging for cash and telling people to buy guns, and telling them to do it soon because Obama is bringing the apocalypse.

so and that chaps your ass how?
you get little screeds from your Dear Leader all the time that is nothing more than begging for cash and telling people not to bring a knife to gun fight..

get over yourselves about the NRA, you people have the ows, unions, etc..we never see you whine about them

Actually, what chaps my ass is that this man is using inflammatory language which could very possibly end up inciting some idiot to go off and start shooting up lots of people, or possibly end up doing a Dornier type attack.

what the fuck do you call obama saying you don't bring a knife to gun fight? or get up in peoples face, love language?
the only ones who is going to cause people to start shooting up lots of people are you on the left with your hateful rhetoric towards gun owners with the help of your Dear Leader leading the way
Unfortunately, many of his talking points were flat out wrong. After hurricane Sandy hit the east coast, I heard MANY news stories of people helping each other out, and I really didn't hear any stories of looting or the like.

Water that had risen six feet high hadn't completely drained away from the streets of Coney Island in Brooklyn, N.Y., yet looters had already rifled through the remains of vulnerable shops on Mermaid Avenue.

At about 8 a.m. on Tuesday, workers arrived at Mega Aid Pharmacy to find that not only had Hurricane Sandy obliterated the building's interior the night before, but thieves had broken in and gone through more than 10,000 pharmaceutical items. Most of the stolen goods were prescription meds.

"The water went away and these people started walking down the streets and just robbed stores," a frustrated worker at the pharmacy, who wished to remain anonymous, told HuffPost Crime.

Hurricane Sandy Looting, Fights Plague South Brooklyn (PHOTOS)
Does anyone really think that he's a good spokesperson for the NRA anymore?

Sure. Lot's of folks do. And you not liking him makes some of us like him better.
Most of this little screed was nothing more than begging for cash and telling people to buy guns, and telling them to do it soon because Obama is bringing the apocalypse.

so and that chaps your ass how?
you get little screeds from your Dear Leader all the time that is nothing more than begging for cash and telling people not to bring a knife to gun fight..

get over yourselves about the NRA, you people have the ows, unions, etc..we never see you whine about them

Actually, what chaps my ass is that this man is using inflammatory language which could very possibly end up inciting some idiot to go off and start shooting up lots of people, or possibly end up doing a Dornier type attack.

So not only are gun grabbers afraid of guns, they are also afraid of antique Nazi Bombers? The world hasn't seen a Dornier attack since World War 2... It seems a bit extreme to worry about a threat that has been neutralized since 1945. You better seek some professional help.

This bitch in the photo may shoot himself in the foot with this gun-control bullshit.
Most of this little screed was nothing more than begging for cash and telling people to buy guns, and telling them to do it soon because Obama is bringing the apocalypse.

so and that chaps your ass how?
you get little screeds from your Dear Leader all the time that is nothing more than begging for cash and telling people not to bring a knife to gun fight..

get over yourselves about the NRA, you people have the ows, unions, etc..we never see you whine about them

Actually, what chaps my ass is that this man is using inflammatory language which could very possibly end up inciting some idiot to go off and start shooting up lots of people, or possibly end up doing a Dornier type attack.

Are you sure you read the same article I did, what I saw was a call for solidarity and action. Isn't that the whole reason for an association? And if all you think he was doing is fear mongering, consider this.

Chicago names Mexican first Public Enemy No. 1 since Al Capone

Chicago names Mexican first Public Enemy No. 1 since Al Capone | Reuters
And as the deaths due to firearms exceeds that of auto accidents, what we need are more guns. Now, autos are a neccessary part of life. For most Americans at present, guns are not needed, and represent a greater danger to family members than do criminals or crazies. And considering the number of Americans today that haven't a clue as to gun safety, I think the situation will only get worse.

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