Lard-Ass FLOTUS (FATASS) EXTENDS Hawaiian Vacation

I hope the first lady enjoys herself.....

No better way to turn 50

Gee, I don't know.
I celebrated my 50th b-day with all of my immediate family. Parents, both daughters, sister and of course, my twin brother.
We opted for Las Vegas instead of Hawaii, but the location isn't as important as the family being together.
I still hope she has a good time.
Yes, given that she was never proud of her country, until that fateful day when people cast their votes for hope and change... :lmao: Boy, they got it.

Michelle Obama: First Time proud of USA - YouTube

This is SO cool...

Righties still trying to play the Michele is not proud of her country
Why don't you do the terrorist stuff?

Well in fairness, one does have to listen to her speak her truth and wonder what kind of person she is, by how she thinks of the country that gave rise to her life and education.

None of that means she is less of a human-being however. Just someone with an attitude I wouldn't want to associate with, especially at Reverend Wright's church, for those 20 years. God Damn America!! God Damn America.

If you want to know more about a person's character, look at their friends.

Imagine Michelle Obama loves her country and appreciates that a biracial man could be elected President

Michelle fights for children's health and veterans families

I can see why conservatives hate her
with her fat friends - at the expense of the American taxpayer.

I know for a fact the boys and girls at HMX-1 hate these fucking panty-waste Obamas….

Michelle Obama celebrates 50th birthday in Hawaii as US shivers - Telegraph

Why would she want to come back and live with a dictator? This decision may be the first steps of that divorce most of us see coming. She is a sad case, anyway you look at it. Not a happy woman. The lifestyle she entered into, years ago, is over. Loss and pain is what she is living with now.
Interesting that you say that. When Barack's presidency ends, the children will be adults, the gravy train will be (partly) over and I suspect a divorce will happen for the Obama's.
I hope the first lady enjoys herself.....

No better way to turn 50

Gee, I don't know.
I celebrated my 50th b-day with all of my immediate family. Parents, both daughters, sister and of course, my twin brother.
We opted for Las Vegas instead of Hawaii, but the location isn't as important as the family being together.
I still hope she has a good time.

Damn.....your 50th kicked the hell out of mine
with her fat friends - at the expense of the American taxpayer.

I know for a fact the boys and girls at HMX-1 hate these fucking panty-waste Obamas….

Michelle Obama celebrates 50th birthday in Hawaii as US shivers - Telegraph

Why would she want to come back and live with a dictator? This decision may be the first steps of that divorce most of us see coming. She is a sad case, anyway you look at it. Not a happy woman. The lifestyle she entered into, years ago, is over. Loss and pain is what she is living with now.
Interesting that you say that. When Barack's presidency ends, the children will be adults, the gravy train will be (partly) over and I suspect a divorce will happen for the Obama's.
Nothing more fun that predicting the divorce of couples you really know nothing about.
with her fat friends - at the expense of the American taxpayer.

I know for a fact the boys and girls at HMX-1 hate these fucking panty-waste Obamas….

Michelle Obama celebrates 50th birthday in Hawaii as US shivers - Telegraph

Why would she want to come back and live with a dictator? This decision may be the first steps of that divorce most of us see coming. She is a sad case, anyway you look at it. Not a happy woman. The lifestyle she entered into, years ago, is over. Loss and pain is what she is living with now.
Interesting that you say that. When Barack's presidency ends, the children will be adults, the gravy train will be (partly) over and I suspect a divorce will happen for the Obama's.

I suspect the Obamas marriage wil last much longer than your own
She should fly home on a commercial airline or grab a seat on a military hop.

It will cost about $800,000 for the taxpayers to send AF-1 to Hawaii to cart her home. It's crazy to spend that kind of money for an unelected person....

One wonders if the dogs got their own plane, this time, too....:eusa_whistle:

Don't forget the $200 million a day trip to India

yawn.....are you disputing that it will cost about $800,000 to send the empty Air Force 1 to pick her up and fly her back? Do you have any clue how much it costs to operate AF1 per hour? Air Force One airfare: $179,750 per hour

IMHO, If she really "loved" her country, she'd grab a military hop....
This is SO cool...

Righties still trying to play the Michele is not proud of her country
Why don't you do the terrorist stuff?

Well in fairness, one does have to listen to her speak her truth and wonder what kind of person she is, by how she thinks of the country that gave rise to her life and education.

None of that means she is less of a human-being however. Just someone with an attitude I wouldn't want to associate with, especially at Reverend Wright's church, for those 20 years. God Damn America!! God Damn America.

If you want to know more about a person's character, look at their friends.

Imagine Michelle Obama loves her country and appreciates that a biracial man could be elected President

Michelle fights for children's health and veterans families

I can see why conservatives hate her

Her half million dollar vacations help children's health. Who knew?
Why would she want to come back and live with a dictator? This decision may be the first steps of that divorce most of us see coming. She is a sad case, anyway you look at it. Not a happy woman. The lifestyle she entered into, years ago, is over. Loss and pain is what she is living with now.
Interesting that you say that. When Barack's presidency ends, the children will be adults, the gravy train will be (partly) over and I suspect a divorce will happen for the Obama's.

I suspect the Obamas marriage wil last much longer than your own

It already has. :lol:
Why would she want to come back and live with a dictator? This decision may be the first steps of that divorce most of us see coming. She is a sad case, anyway you look at it. Not a happy woman. The lifestyle she entered into, years ago, is over. Loss and pain is what she is living with now.
Interesting that you say that. When Barack's presidency ends, the children will be adults, the gravy train will be (partly) over and I suspect a divorce will happen for the Obama's.
Nothing more fun that predicting the divorce of couples you really know nothing about.

Based upon what I heard her ( MO ) say in 2010 on Jay Leno's show, that she and Barry had considered divorce before he became prez. and she also wrote about it in a bio of hers. You can read about it on Amazon.

I have empathy for her, because I think she became a better person since her FLOTUS position, than she was before. At least she has some since of decorum, which her hubby needs to learn but he is too high, now, and just fine with himself and his new approval numbers...:lmao:

I am finished with this topic. **Bygones** I don't waste my time arguing opinions or defending them. Buh-bye.....
They need to install rocket assist to get that AF1 off the ground after that beached whale boards.


  • $boeing_b-47b_rocket-assisted_take_off.jpg
    366 KB · Views: 50
Well in fairness, one does have to listen to her speak her truth and wonder what kind of person she is, by how she thinks of the country that gave rise to her life and education.

None of that means she is less of a human-being however. Just someone with an attitude I wouldn't want to associate with, especially at Reverend Wright's church, for those 20 years. God Damn America!! God Damn America.

If you want to know more about a person's character, look at their friends.

Imagine Michelle Obama loves her country and appreciates that a biracial man could be elected President

Michelle fights for children's health and veterans families

I can see why conservatives hate her

Her half million dollar vacations help children's health. Who knew?

Why don't you embellish us on th costs of other Presidential "vacations"

Then we can all be outraged
I hope the first lady enjoys herself.....

No better way to turn 50

Gee, I don't know.
I celebrated my 50th b-day with all of my immediate family. Parents, both daughters, sister and of course, my twin brother.
We opted for Las Vegas instead of Hawaii, but the location isn't as important as the family being together.
I still hope she has a good time.

Damn.....your 50th kicked the hell out of mine

I know how to throw a party, I just don't throw one very often. When I do, it's good.

When my eldest child was 17 she told me she wanted her 21st b-day to be spent with me in Vegas. When she was 20, she reminded me of that wish and I made it so. Just to make it more special, we took a helicopter flight through the Grand Canyon.

When my youngest was 20, she asked for the same thing for her 21st b-day. I made that so as well. Except, I'd already done the helicopter flight so I let her boyfriend take it with her. For the youngest's b-day, I also covered airfare and hotel accommodations for her mother (my ex-wife) since it was a family affair.
Gee, I don't know.
I celebrated my 50th b-day with all of my immediate family. Parents, both daughters, sister and of course, my twin brother.
We opted for Las Vegas instead of Hawaii, but the location isn't as important as the family being together.
I still hope she has a good time.

Damn.....your 50th kicked the hell out of mine

I know how to throw a party, I just don't throw one very often. When I do, it's good.

When my eldest child was 17 she told me she wanted her 21st b-day to be spent with me in Vegas. When she was 20, she reminded me of that wish and I made it so. Just to make it more special, we took a helicopter flight through the Grand Canyon.

When my youngest was 20, she asked for the same thing for her 21st b-day. I made that so as well. Except, I'd already done the helicopter flight so I let her boyfriend take it with her. For the youngest's b-day, I also covered airfare and hotel accommodations for her mother (my ex-wife) since it was a family affair.

You want to throw my 50th? :lol:
Why would she want to come back and live with a dictator? This decision may be the first steps of that divorce most of us see coming. She is a sad case, anyway you look at it. Not a happy woman. The lifestyle she entered into, years ago, is over. Loss and pain is what she is living with now.
Interesting that you say that. When Barack's presidency ends, the children will be adults, the gravy train will be (partly) over and I suspect a divorce will happen for the Obama's.
Nothing more fun that predicting the divorce of couples you really know nothing about.

What do you mean by "know nothing about"?
They are in the news everyday, how could we "know nothing about" them?
By the way, I said "suspect", not "predict". Different words with different meanings.
come on now, unlike those Republicans who Obama accused of not caring about the poor while they were out...I'm sure MaBelle Obama is feeling all their pain while she laps it up in LUXURY in Hawaii
Damn.....your 50th kicked the hell out of mine

I know how to throw a party, I just don't throw one very often. When I do, it's good.

When my eldest child was 17 she told me she wanted her 21st b-day to be spent with me in Vegas. When she was 20, she reminded me of that wish and I made it so. Just to make it more special, we took a helicopter flight through the Grand Canyon.

When my youngest was 20, she asked for the same thing for her 21st b-day. I made that so as well. Except, I'd already done the helicopter flight so I let her boyfriend take it with her. For the youngest's b-day, I also covered airfare and hotel accommodations for her mother (my ex-wife) since it was a family affair.

You want to throw my 50th? :lol:
No. But if you want advice on planning it, I'll help.
Many years ago, my friend Janice asked me about doing something special for her husbands 30th b-day, did I have any ideas. Her husband was a bit of a daredevil and that was back in the days when I was skydiving. We took him skydiving for his 30th b-day. I guarantee you, he still remembers that first jump. I still remember my first jump.

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