Lard-Ass FLOTUS (FATASS) EXTENDS Hawaiian Vacation

come on now, unlike those Republicans who Obama accused of not caring about the poor while they were out...I'm sure MaBelle Obama is feeling all their pain while she laps it up in LUXURY in Hawaii

It's not just any's Oprahs luxury

Can you imagine those darkies living better than us?

Who does that bitch think she is?

OMG. It's SO funny when a lib says it :doubt:
Michele is disgusting. She gets the free ivy education and she still can't grow up and behave like an adult. She is about as junior high as the forum leftists. She gets the American dream to the power of ten handed to her on a platter and has the audacity to complain about it. Proof she and 0 aren't invested in anything but tearing the rest of us down. Hell she is lady of the manor but acts like a chamber maid. Michelle needs a big can of Grow the Hell Up. She is a national disgrace.

I hope oprah picks up the food bill but I wouldn't bet the rent on that one. Oprah wants the scoop. First chamber maid will give it to her. Too damned stupid to make a dime herself.

Hillary was a class act. In the wake of Monica she said, "there is love there" referring to her feeling for Bill. There is nothing inside Michelle but hate and greed.
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Air Force One couldn't take off with her fat ass aboard. They have to send the same kind of cargo carrier that carries tanks.
Michele made a BIG mistake when she called her husband, the leader of the free world, down in public. She emasculated him. Barry needs to kick her fat ass to the curb. Now.
If she was worth her salt she would have been schmoozing with those foreign leaders. But no. She has to go all junior high. What a big fat looser.
come on now, unlike those Republicans who Obama accused of not caring about the poor while they were out...I'm sure MaBelle Obama is feeling all their pain while she laps it up in LUXURY in Hawaii

It's not just any's Oprahs luxury

Can you imagine those darkies living better than us?

Who does that bitch think she is?

OMG. It's SO funny when a lib says it :doubt:

Speak for yourself. I'm in an ocean front condo. And I don't have to put up with the first chamber maid.
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Michele made a BIG mistake when she called her husband, the leader of the free world, down in public. She emasculated him. Barry needs to kick her fat ass to the curb. Now.

If she was worth her salt she would have been schmoozing with those foreign leaders. But no. She has to go all junior high. What a big fat looser.

Sure you wanna throw those stones, fatty?
Michele made a BIG mistake when she called her husband, the leader of the free world, down in public. She emasculated him. Barry needs to kick her fat ass to the curb. Now.

??? When did that happen? I must of missed it, maybe her ass was in the way....

Look around. The pick of her separating him from the prime minister of Denmark like he was an errant 12 year old is on here. His behavior wasn't stellar. But he is man. Maybe the most powerful man in the world. Her behavior was grossly more wrong than his.

I would find the pics for you but my internet connection is not yet up and running and I'm not as good on the cell as tapatalk is.
Clinton had screwed damn girls and Hillary was a class act. Obama had
not put a hand on the woman. He was just talking and laughing. I can't imagine the atmosphere in AF1 on the way back.
Michele made a BIG mistake when she called her husband, the leader of the free world, down in public. She emasculated him. Barry needs to kick her fat ass to the curb. Now.

??? When did that happen? I must of missed it, maybe her ass was in the way....

Look around. The pick of her separating him from the prime minister of Denmark like he was an errant 12 year old is on here. His behavior wasn't stellar. But he is man. Maybe the most powerful man in the world. Her behavior was grossly more wrong than his.

I would find the pics for you but my internet connection is not yet up and running and I'm not as good on the cell as tapatalk is.

I actually saw the story about the guy who took that pic - there were other pics that were conveniently left out and he said that it did not look that way to him. I think that it was a bunch of garbage, but you never know.

How are you darlin?
Moocow is ok with barry fucking around with black dudes, but when it comes to hot blonde white babes, watch out, its week with orca time.
Don't make this bigger than it is. I am no Mrs. Obama supporter. I despise her. I think she is very arrogant and I still am erked by that "First time Proud of My Country" speech. I think she is abusing the royal treasury and spending like an old European Queen, while her husband labasts rich people (only in spirit, in reality he helps them squeeze out the little guy through regulations and taxation). She is the definition of hypocrite.

Nevertheless, it's a drop in the bucket. All their travel and leisure is less than a 1/10 of a percent of the budget and every President takes vacations (even Reagan). It's like the foreign aid screams by Jew haters (constitutes less than that). Keep the eye on the ball for spending. So many useless and redundant gov agencies. SSN and Medicare need to be reformed. Must have cuts to defense. Cutting spending is very important, but this is a drop in the bucket.

Also to all the ignorant people that call Mrs. Obama fat and/or ugly!!!! She is 50. For 50 she looks damn good. In fact she looks a ton better than most 50 yr olds. Shame on you for insulting her that way and again I despise her!

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