Large Mortar Attack from Gaza Blows-up Israeli Civilian areas - Massive Response



Hamas and Islamic Jihad fired at least twenty-seven military Mortar Rounds from the Gaza Strip into surrounding communities in Israel over the past few hours. It is apparently the largest such attack against civilians since 2014, and the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) is returning fire.

Islamic Jihad is calling it revenge for their militants killed by Israel yesterday. They are threatening to keep attacking and to escalate.

There have been 2 barrages of mortar fire in the last 2 hours."

UPDATED - URGENT: IRANIAN-MADE ROCKETS BEING FIRED INTO ISRAEL FROM GAZA ---- Large Mortar Attack from Gaza Blows-up Israeli Civilian areas - Massive Response

Buckle up
Gaza militants pelt Israel with rockets in biggest attack in years

"Earlier this month the area saw the worst violence since the last round of fighting between Hamas and Israel in 2014. Israeli forces shot and killed 60 people protesting at the border over living conditions and the US embassy’s move from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

"At least 116 people have been killed in protests since March, which Hamas has vowed will continue...."

As long as Israel maintains its criminal occupation of the West Bank and Gaza and refuses to allow international investigations into its many war crimes, Palestinians will continue to resist by all mean necessary.

And they will continue to die.
While the Jews of Israel will continue to prosper off US tax dollars as they persist in stealing Palestinian land and water:

The Staggering Cost of Israel to Americans

"Israel has a population of approximately 7.8 million, or a million fewer than the state of New Jersey. It is among the world's most affluent nations, with a per capita income similar to that of the European Union.[1]

"Israel's unemployment rate of 5.8% is better than America's 7.3%,[2] and Israel's net trade, earnings, and payments is ranked 30th in the world while the US sits in last place at a dismal 193rd.[3]

"Yet, Israel receives more of America’s foreign aid budget than any other nation.[4]

"The US has, in fact, given more aid to Israel than it has to all the countries of sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean combined—which have a total population of over a billion people.[5]"

Boo well spent, anti Semite

Israeli glee club?
Trump had to be prepared. He was about to tell them he was moving the US embassy to Jerusalem.

Have you noticed the screaming silence coming out of KSA?
And they will continue to die.
While the Jews of Israel will continue to prosper off US tax dollars as they persist in stealing Palestinian land and water:

The Staggering Cost of Israel to Americans

"Israel has a population of approximately 7.8 million, or a million fewer than the state of New Jersey. It is among the world's most affluent nations, with a per capita income similar to that of the European Union.[1]

"Israel's unemployment rate of 5.8% is better than America's 7.3%,[2] and Israel's net trade, earnings, and payments is ranked 30th in the world while the US sits in last place at a dismal 193rd.[3]

"Yet, Israel receives more of America’s foreign aid budget than any other nation.[4]

"The US has, in fact, given more aid to Israel than it has to all the countries of sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean combined—which have a total population of over a billion people.[5]"

5 year old article, Georgie Jew Hater. Israel deserves double the amount of money.
Israel deserves the same economic sanctions as Iran or North Korea, but, of course, the usual war-whores might see a decline in next quarter's dividend.

Understanding US military aid to Israel

Those are insurance premiums, Georgie. Israel is our insurance policy in the ME. Suck it up.
Have you noticed how we didn't need any ME insurance before European Jews stole Palestine, Hossfly?
George .............answer your are needed on the line in Gaza................they are waiting for you.
And they will continue to die.
While the Jews of Israel will continue to prosper off US tax dollars as they persist in stealing Palestinian land and water:

The Staggering Cost of Israel to Americans

"Israel has a population of approximately 7.8 million, or a million fewer than the state of New Jersey. It is among the world's most affluent nations, with a per capita income similar to that of the European Union.[1]

"Israel's unemployment rate of 5.8% is better than America's 7.3%,[2] and Israel's net trade, earnings, and payments is ranked 30th in the world while the US sits in last place at a dismal 193rd.[3]

"Yet, Israel receives more of America’s foreign aid budget than any other nation.[4]

"The US has, in fact, given more aid to Israel than it has to all the countries of sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean combined—which have a total population of over a billion people.[5]"

5 year old article, Georgie Jew Hater. Israel deserves double the amount of money.
Israel deserves the same economic sanctions as Iran or North Korea, but, of course, the usual war-whores might see a decline in next quarter's dividend.

Understanding US military aid to Israel

Those are insurance premiums, Georgie. Israel is our insurance policy in the ME. Suck it up.
Have you noticed how we didn't need any ME insurance before European Jews stole Palestine, Hossfly?
We weren't fighting the Ayrabs when the "Nakba" was dreamed up.
While the Jews of Israel will continue to prosper off US tax dollars as they persist in stealing Palestinian land and water:

The Staggering Cost of Israel to Americans

"Israel has a population of approximately 7.8 million, or a million fewer than the state of New Jersey. It is among the world's most affluent nations, with a per capita income similar to that of the European Union.[1]

"Israel's unemployment rate of 5.8% is better than America's 7.3%,[2] and Israel's net trade, earnings, and payments is ranked 30th in the world while the US sits in last place at a dismal 193rd.[3]

"Yet, Israel receives more of America’s foreign aid budget than any other nation.[4]

"The US has, in fact, given more aid to Israel than it has to all the countries of sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean combined—which have a total population of over a billion people.[5]"

5 year old article, Georgie Jew Hater. Israel deserves double the amount of money.
Israel deserves the same economic sanctions as Iran or North Korea, but, of course, the usual war-whores might see a decline in next quarter's dividend.

Understanding US military aid to Israel

Those are insurance premiums, Georgie. Israel is our insurance policy in the ME. Suck it up.
Have you noticed how we didn't need any ME insurance before European Jews stole Palestine, Hossfly?
We weren't fighting the Ayrabs when the "Nakba" was dreamed up.
Who were you fighting in Lebanon in 1958, communists or Blue Bats?

1958 Lebanon crisis - Wikipedia

What role did al-Nakba play in creating the 1958 Lebanon crisis?


Hamas and Islamic Jihad fired at least twenty-seven military Mortar Rounds from the Gaza Strip into surrounding communities in Israel over the past few hours. It is apparently the largest such attack against civilians since 2014, and the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) is returning fire.

Islamic Jihad is calling it revenge for their militants killed by Israel yesterday. They are threatening to keep attacking and to escalate.

There have been 2 barrages of mortar fire in the last 2 hours."

UPDATED - URGENT: IRANIAN-MADE ROCKETS BEING FIRED INTO ISRAEL FROM GAZA ---- Large Mortar Attack from Gaza Blows-up Israeli Civilian areas - Massive Response

Buckle up
Targeting civilians, how Muslim of them.

Hamas is using "citizens" as shields.

Going to repeat that one again. LOL, same ole stuff. The jews started it.

Good old Penelope at it again. Must defend Islamic scum at all costs. You really are pathetic.
land on facilities near strip's border with Israel that supply coastal enclave with electricity, causing blackouts in southern part of the strip;

You inadvertently revealed that Gaza gets most of their electrical power -- for free -- from Israel.

Your handlers are going to be very cross with you.
Gaza militants pelt Israel with rockets in biggest attack in years

"Earlier this month the area saw the worst violence since the last round of fighting between Hamas and Israel in 2014. Israeli forces shot and killed 60 people protesting at the border over living conditions and the US embassy’s move from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

"At least 116 people have been killed in protests since March, which Hamas has vowed will continue...."

As long as Israel maintains its criminal occupation of the West Bank and Gaza and refuses to allow international investigations into its many war crimes, Palestinians will continue to resist by all mean necessary.

And they will continue to die.
While the Jews of Israel will continue to prosper off US tax dollars as they persist in stealing Palestinian land and water:

The Staggering Cost of Israel to Americans

"Israel has a population of approximately 7.8 million, or a million fewer than the state of New Jersey. It is among the world's most affluent nations, with a per capita income similar to that of the European Union.[1]

"Israel's unemployment rate of 5.8% is better than America's 7.3%,[2] and Israel's net trade, earnings, and payments is ranked 30th in the world while the US sits in last place at a dismal 193rd.[3]

"Yet, Israel receives more of America’s foreign aid budget than any other nation.[4]

"The US has, in fact, given more aid to Israel than it has to all the countries of sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean combined—which have a total population of over a billion people.[5]"

they persist in stealing Palestinian land

Palestinian land? No such thing.
"Fifty years ago, the UN Security Council passed Resolution 242.

"The resolution is used as a framework for implementing the two-state solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

But since its adoption in 1967, Israel has violated the resolution by entrenching its occupation of the Palestinian territories through illegal settlements.

600,000 - 750,000
Illegal settlers in the occupied Palestinian territories
Of West Bank land controlled by settlements
Of East Jerusalem for Israeli state and settler use

"The majority of settlements have been built either entirely or partially on private Palestinian property"

occupied Palestinian territories

How can you occupy something that doesn't exist?
Ask a Zionist.
While the Jews of Israel will continue to prosper off US tax dollars as they persist in stealing Palestinian land and water:

The Staggering Cost of Israel to Americans

"Israel has a population of approximately 7.8 million, or a million fewer than the state of New Jersey. It is among the world's most affluent nations, with a per capita income similar to that of the European Union.[1]

"Israel's unemployment rate of 5.8% is better than America's 7.3%,[2] and Israel's net trade, earnings, and payments is ranked 30th in the world while the US sits in last place at a dismal 193rd.[3]

"Yet, Israel receives more of America’s foreign aid budget than any other nation.[4]

"The US has, in fact, given more aid to Israel than it has to all the countries of sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean combined—which have a total population of over a billion people.[5]"

5 year old article, Georgie Jew Hater. Israel deserves double the amount of money.
Israel deserves the same economic sanctions as Iran or North Korea, but, of course, the usual war-whores might see a decline in next quarter's dividend.

Understanding US military aid to Israel

Those are insurance premiums, Georgie. Israel is our insurance policy in the ME. Suck it up.
Have you noticed how we didn't need any ME insurance before European Jews stole Palestine, Hossfly?
George .............answer your are needed on the line in Gaza................they are waiting for you.

Hamas thanks Turkey for Gaza efforts in Israel deal
Gaza militants pelt Israel with rockets in biggest attack in years

"Earlier this month the area saw the worst violence since the last round of fighting between Hamas and Israel in 2014. Israeli forces shot and killed 60 people protesting at the border over living conditions and the US embassy’s move from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

"At least 116 people have been killed in protests since March, which Hamas has vowed will continue...."

As long as Israel maintains its criminal occupation of the West Bank and Gaza and refuses to allow international investigations into its many war crimes, Palestinians will continue to resist by all mean necessary.

And they will continue to die.
While the Jews of Israel will continue to prosper off US tax dollars as they persist in stealing Palestinian land and water:

The Staggering Cost of Israel to Americans

"Israel has a population of approximately 7.8 million, or a million fewer than the state of New Jersey. It is among the world's most affluent nations, with a per capita income similar to that of the European Union.[1]

"Israel's unemployment rate of 5.8% is better than America's 7.3%,[2] and Israel's net trade, earnings, and payments is ranked 30th in the world while the US sits in last place at a dismal 193rd.[3]

"Yet, Israel receives more of America’s foreign aid budget than any other nation.[4]

"The US has, in fact, given more aid to Israel than it has to all the countries of sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean combined—which have a total population of over a billion people.[5]"

Boo well spent, anti Semite

Israeli glee club?
Trump had to be prepared. He was about to tell them he was moving the US embassy to Jerusalem.

Have you noticed the screaming silence coming out of KSA?
By his own admission, Trump is all about the money.

"Israel and Saudi Arabia: New Odd Couple of Middle East Peace"
Israel and Saudi Arabia: New Odd Couple of Middle East Peace
And they will continue to die.
While the Jews of Israel will continue to prosper off US tax dollars as they persist in stealing Palestinian land and water:

The Staggering Cost of Israel to Americans

"Israel has a population of approximately 7.8 million, or a million fewer than the state of New Jersey. It is among the world's most affluent nations, with a per capita income similar to that of the European Union.[1]

"Israel's unemployment rate of 5.8% is better than America's 7.3%,[2] and Israel's net trade, earnings, and payments is ranked 30th in the world while the US sits in last place at a dismal 193rd.[3]

"Yet, Israel receives more of America’s foreign aid budget than any other nation.[4]

"The US has, in fact, given more aid to Israel than it has to all the countries of sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean combined—which have a total population of over a billion people.[5]"

they persist in stealing Palestinian land

Palestinian land? No such thing.
"Fifty years ago, the UN Security Council passed Resolution 242.

"The resolution is used as a framework for implementing the two-state solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

But since its adoption in 1967, Israel has violated the resolution by entrenching its occupation of the Palestinian territories through illegal settlements.

600,000 - 750,000
Illegal settlers in the occupied Palestinian territories
Of West Bank land controlled by settlements
Of East Jerusalem for Israeli state and settler use

"The majority of settlements have been built either entirely or partially on private Palestinian property"

occupied Palestinian territories

How can you occupy something that doesn't exist?
Ask a Zionist.

1937. Palestine wasn't a country.
2018. Palestine still not a country.
While the Jews of Israel will continue to prosper off US tax dollars as they persist in stealing Palestinian land and water:

The Staggering Cost of Israel to Americans

"Israel has a population of approximately 7.8 million, or a million fewer than the state of New Jersey. It is among the world's most affluent nations, with a per capita income similar to that of the European Union.[1]

"Israel's unemployment rate of 5.8% is better than America's 7.3%,[2] and Israel's net trade, earnings, and payments is ranked 30th in the world while the US sits in last place at a dismal 193rd.[3]

"Yet, Israel receives more of America’s foreign aid budget than any other nation.[4]

"The US has, in fact, given more aid to Israel than it has to all the countries of sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean combined—which have a total population of over a billion people.[5]"

they persist in stealing Palestinian land

Palestinian land? No such thing.
"Fifty years ago, the UN Security Council passed Resolution 242.

"The resolution is used as a framework for implementing the two-state solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

But since its adoption in 1967, Israel has violated the resolution by entrenching its occupation of the Palestinian territories through illegal settlements.

600,000 - 750,000
Illegal settlers in the occupied Palestinian territories
Of West Bank land controlled by settlements
Of East Jerusalem for Israeli state and settler use

"The majority of settlements have been built either entirely or partially on private Palestinian property"

occupied Palestinian territories

How can you occupy something that doesn't exist?
Ask a Zionist.

1937. Palestine wasn't a country.
2018. Palestine still not a country.

Palestine has never been a country. Never in history


Hamas and Islamic Jihad fired at least twenty-seven military Mortar Rounds from the Gaza Strip into surrounding communities in Israel over the past few hours. It is apparently the largest such attack against civilians since 2014, and the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) is returning fire.

Islamic Jihad is calling it revenge for their militants killed by Israel yesterday. They are threatening to keep attacking and to escalate.

There have been 2 barrages of mortar fire in the last 2 hours."

UPDATED - URGENT: IRANIAN-MADE ROCKETS BEING FIRED INTO ISRAEL FROM GAZA ---- Large Mortar Attack from Gaza Blows-up Israeli Civilian areas - Massive Response

Buckle up
Targeting civilians, how Muslim of them.

But but but it's a religion of peace!!!
5 year old article, Georgie Jew Hater. Israel deserves double the amount of money.
Israel deserves the same economic sanctions as Iran or North Korea, but, of course, the usual war-whores might see a decline in next quarter's dividend.

Understanding US military aid to Israel

Those are insurance premiums, Georgie. Israel is our insurance policy in the ME. Suck it up.
Have you noticed how we didn't need any ME insurance before European Jews stole Palestine, Hossfly?
We weren't fighting the Ayrabs when the "Nakba" was dreamed up.
Who were you fighting in Lebanon in 1958, communists or Blue Bats?

1958 Lebanon crisis - Wikipedia

What role did al-Nakba play in creating the 1958 Lebanon crisis?

1958 Civil War was fought between Lebanese Christians and Muslims who wanted Lebanon to join the UAR. Naturally we sided with the pro-Western Lebanese government in Operation Blue Bat. As far as al-Nakba is concerned, I don't believe I'm acquainted with the gentleman. I had been in the Army for 7 months and pulled KP at the International Airport for 3 months as we fed Air Force cargo crews 24/7. I didn't get to shoot even one damn terrorist insurgent.
Lol.... somebody is not winning today!!:113: Hope we get to see some vids of the subhumans getting smoked!


Hamas and Islamic Jihad fired at least twenty-seven military Mortar Rounds from the Gaza Strip into surrounding communities in Israel over the past few hours. It is apparently the largest such attack against civilians since 2014, and the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) is returning fire.

Islamic Jihad is calling it revenge for their militants killed by Israel yesterday. They are threatening to keep attacking and to escalate.

There have been 2 barrages of mortar fire in the last 2 hours."

UPDATED - URGENT: IRANIAN-MADE ROCKETS BEING FIRED INTO ISRAEL FROM GAZA ---- Large Mortar Attack from Gaza Blows-up Israeli Civilian areas - Massive Response

Buckle up
Targeting civilians, how Muslim of them.

But but but it's a religion of peace!!!

LMAO Sure it is.

Hey where are all the lefties who are always saying that the Jews are never bombed or suffer casualties and Hamas and Hezbullah are peacefull???
1500 fatalities in Gaza and probably 2 Jews will be wounded. It never ends with you guys, you want all the land and you just love to steal and kill.
They better kill a hell of alot more than that if they want to end Palestinian terrorism.
While the Jews of Israel will continue to prosper off US tax dollars as they persist in stealing Palestinian land and water:

The Staggering Cost of Israel to Americans

"Israel has a population of approximately 7.8 million, or a million fewer than the state of New Jersey. It is among the world's most affluent nations, with a per capita income similar to that of the European Union.[1]

"Israel's unemployment rate of 5.8% is better than America's 7.3%,[2] and Israel's net trade, earnings, and payments is ranked 30th in the world while the US sits in last place at a dismal 193rd.[3]

"Yet, Israel receives more of America’s foreign aid budget than any other nation.[4]

"The US has, in fact, given more aid to Israel than it has to all the countries of sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean combined—which have a total population of over a billion people.[5]"

they persist in stealing Palestinian land

Palestinian land? No such thing.
"Fifty years ago, the UN Security Council passed Resolution 242.

"The resolution is used as a framework for implementing the two-state solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

But since its adoption in 1967, Israel has violated the resolution by entrenching its occupation of the Palestinian territories through illegal settlements.

600,000 - 750,000
Illegal settlers in the occupied Palestinian territories
Of West Bank land controlled by settlements
Of East Jerusalem for Israeli state and settler use

"The majority of settlements have been built either entirely or partially on private Palestinian property"

occupied Palestinian territories

How can you occupy something that doesn't exist?
Ask a Zionist.

1937. Palestine wasn't a country.
2018. Palestine still not a country.
What does the private ownership of land have to do with European Jews in Palestine?

"Share of Palestinian vs. Jewish land ownership as of April 1st, 1943

"Click here to see a similar map show same exact data located at the United Nation's website."

Palestinian And Zionist Land Ownership Per District as of 1945 - Palestine Remembered
they persist in stealing Palestinian land

Palestinian land? No such thing.
"Fifty years ago, the UN Security Council passed Resolution 242.

"The resolution is used as a framework for implementing the two-state solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

But since its adoption in 1967, Israel has violated the resolution by entrenching its occupation of the Palestinian territories through illegal settlements.

600,000 - 750,000
Illegal settlers in the occupied Palestinian territories
Of West Bank land controlled by settlements
Of East Jerusalem for Israeli state and settler use

"The majority of settlements have been built either entirely or partially on private Palestinian property"

occupied Palestinian territories

How can you occupy something that doesn't exist?
Ask a Zionist.

1937. Palestine wasn't a country.
2018. Palestine still not a country.
What does the private ownership of land have to do with European Jews in Palestine?

"Share of Palestinian vs. Jewish land ownership as of April 1st, 1943

"Click here to see a similar map show same exact data located at the United Nation's website."

Palestinian And Zionist Land Ownership Per District as of 1945 - Palestine Remembered
Why do you even bother? Youre a notorious jew hater, therefore you won't be objective. No one cares about your opinion because, we already know what it is before you even say it.
they persist in stealing Palestinian land

Palestinian land? No such thing.
"Fifty years ago, the UN Security Council passed Resolution 242.

"The resolution is used as a framework for implementing the two-state solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

But since its adoption in 1967, Israel has violated the resolution by entrenching its occupation of the Palestinian territories through illegal settlements.

600,000 - 750,000
Illegal settlers in the occupied Palestinian territories
Of West Bank land controlled by settlements
Of East Jerusalem for Israeli state and settler use

"The majority of settlements have been built either entirely or partially on private Palestinian property"

occupied Palestinian territories

How can you occupy something that doesn't exist?
Ask a Zionist.

1937. Palestine wasn't a country.
2018. Palestine still not a country.

Palestine has never been a country. Never in history
So what?

Stealing Palestine: A study of historical and cultural theft

"Between 1947 and 1949, at least 800,000 Palestinians, comprising the majority of the indigenous Arab population of Palestine at that time, were ethnically cleansed from their homes by Zionist militias made up of European and Russian colonists and aided by British imperialists.

"Major urban Palestinian centres from the Galilee in the north to the Naqab (renamed 'Negev' by Zionists) in the south were emptied of their original inhabitants.

"During this three-year period alone, some 531 Palestinian towns and villages were also simultaneously ethnically cleansed and then later razed by the newly established Israeli state.

"As Moshe Dayan, a native of the Ukraine, would later boast:

"'Jewish villages were built in the place of Arab villages. You do not even know the names of these Arab villages, and I do not blame you because geography books no longer exist, not only do the books not exist, the Arab villages are not there either.'

"Nahlal arose in the place of Mahlul; Kibbutz Gvat in the place of Jibta; Kibbutz Sarid in the place of Huneifis; and Kefar Yehushu'a in the place of Tal al-Shuman.'

"'There is not one single place built in this country that did not have a former Arab population" (Ha’aretz, April 4, 1969).'"
"Fifty years ago, the UN Security Council passed Resolution 242.

"The resolution is used as a framework for implementing the two-state solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

But since its adoption in 1967, Israel has violated the resolution by entrenching its occupation of the Palestinian territories through illegal settlements.

600,000 - 750,000
Illegal settlers in the occupied Palestinian territories
Of West Bank land controlled by settlements
Of East Jerusalem for Israeli state and settler use

"The majority of settlements have been built either entirely or partially on private Palestinian property"

occupied Palestinian territories

How can you occupy something that doesn't exist?
Ask a Zionist.

1937. Palestine wasn't a country.
2018. Palestine still not a country.

Palestine has never been a country. Never in history
So what?

Stealing Palestine: A study of historical and cultural theft

"Between 1947 and 1949, at least 800,000 Palestinians, comprising the majority of the indigenous Arab population of Palestine at that time, were ethnically cleansed from their homes by Zionist militias made up of European and Russian colonists and aided by British imperialists.

"Major urban Palestinian centres from the Galilee in the north to the Naqab (renamed 'Negev' by Zionists) in the south were emptied of their original inhabitants.

"During this three-year period alone, some 531 Palestinian towns and villages were also simultaneously ethnically cleansed and then later razed by the newly established Israeli state.

"As Moshe Dayan, a native of the Ukraine, would later boast:

"'Jewish villages were built in the place of Arab villages. You do not even know the names of these Arab villages, and I do not blame you because geography books no longer exist, not only do the books not exist, the Arab villages are not there either.'

"Nahlal arose in the place of Mahlul; Kibbutz Gvat in the place of Jibta; Kibbutz Sarid in the place of Huneifis; and Kefar Yehushu'a in the place of Tal al-Shuman.'

"'There is not one single place built in this country that did not have a former Arab population" (Ha’aretz, April 4, 1969).'"

Palis are a bunch of wandering nomads nobody wants. Worthless, always have been and always will be

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