Last Call For ‘Collusion’ Posts???

15. The latest revelations also center on Hillary.

“…that two former journalists linked to Clinton, separately identified as the odious Sidney Blumenthal and a man named Cody Shearer, created and gave a State Department official additional unverified allegations against Trump.

The official passed those documents to Steele, who passed them to the FBI, which reportedly saw them as further evidence that Trump worked with Russians.

… Grassley, head of the Judiciary Committee, and Graham write, “It is troubling enough that the Clinton Campaign funded Mr. Steele’s work, but that these Clinton associates were contemporaneously feeding Mr. Steele allegations raises additional concerns about his credibility.”

The State Department official involved in the episode, Jonathan Winer, …confessed to the senators’ chronology while ….. Winer also admitted he shared all the unverified allegations from the Clinton hitmen with other State Department officials.

16. It increasingly appears that the Clinton machine was the secret, original source of virtually all the allegations about Trump and Russia that led to the FBI investigation.”


Sooooo.....the straw that stirs the drink?

The Wicked Witch of Washington.
The fairy tale (dossier) is laughable. Anyone who believes the fairy tale contains credible evidence of Trump's collusion with Russia is a naive fool.

First, the author of the fairy tale had mental issues with Trump being president. On September 2016, Steele admitted he "was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president." Steele's extreme and irrational bias against Trump means that anything he says cannot be believed unless verified by an independent credible source. So far that has not happened.

The Nunes FBI Memo, Annotated

Second, the fairy tale was paid for by Hillary Clinton and the DNC. Generally employees (Christopher Steele) do what their employer (Hillary Clinton) wants them to do, especially when the employee is “desperate” and “passionate” about doing his employee's bidding.

Third, Hillary's associates fed allegations to Steele, meaning that not only did she pay for the fairy tale, she actually helped compose it!

Now, I can understand why some children believe in Santa Claus. After all, people they trust told them Santa was real. But I cannot for the life of me comprehend how any sane person could attach even the slightest possibility of truth to a document created by completely untrustworthy individuals with an evil agenda.

Anyone who believes the Nunes memo is a naive fool.

Steele is a trusted informant regarding of the US government regarding Russia matters ..

He didn't present it as being 100% verified and factual, and yet much has been corroborated and nothing DISproved.

It was NOT the basis of this investigation.

Be patient .. any day now it will be Mueller Time :)

If Steele is a trusted informant, then wild bears don't poop in the woods and I'm the Queen of England.

You say of the fairy tale (dossier), “Much has been corroborated and nothing DISproved. That is a lie. Some of it has been proven false and the most of it has not been verified. The most important thing, “the overarching claim that Russian government officials allied with Trump employees and campaign aides to help his election” has not been proven.

House Intel panel subpoenas McCain associate over Trump dossier

You are correct in saying Steel never presented it as being 100% verified; in fact, he presented it as being 100% unverified.

“According to Steele’s courtroom version, the dossier is merely a compilation of bits of “raw intelligence” that were “unverified” and that he passed along because they “warranted further investigation” — i.e., not because he could vouch for their truthfulness. He gave them to American and British government officials, he maintains, only because they raised potential national-security threats, not because they actually established any such threats. That, he now says, was for government investigators to figure out. In sum, Steele’s defamation defense is not that what he wrote was true but that his reports “must be critically viewed in light of the purpose for and circumstances in which the information was collected.” There is laugh-out-loud stuff here: Steele’s declamation of his profound commitment to discretion and secrecy lest his “raw,” “unverified,” and possibly false reports defame anyone. He claimed that he and Fusion GPS had a solemn agreement not to disclose his work . . . except for whenever they decided to disclose his work — including to Fusion’s clients and to major press organs during the stretch run of a contentious presidential election. But not to worry: These discussions were “off the record,” a term Steele claims to have understood to mean “to be used for the purpose of further research but would not be published or attributed.”

Read more at: Politicizing Steele’s Raw, Unverified ‘Intelligence’

The reason Steele presented his reports as being nothing but unverified raw data was to prevent him from being sued for libel. Had he claimed any damaging parts were true he would have been in a world of trouble.

And finally, your claim that the fairy tail was not the basis for the FISA warrants has been totally discredited and unworthy of further comment.

You have the last word. I am done with you.
15. The latest revelations also center on Hillary.

“…that two former journalists linked to Clinton, separately identified as the odious Sidney Blumenthal and a man named Cody Shearer, created and gave a State Department official additional unverified allegations against Trump.

The official passed those documents to Steele, who passed them to the FBI, which reportedly saw them as further evidence that Trump worked with Russians.

… Grassley, head of the Judiciary Committee, and Graham write, “It is troubling enough that the Clinton Campaign funded Mr. Steele’s work, but that these Clinton associates were contemporaneously feeding Mr. Steele allegations raises additional concerns about his credibility.”

The State Department official involved in the episode, Jonathan Winer, …confessed to the senators’ chronology while ….. Winer also admitted he shared all the unverified allegations from the Clinton hitmen with other State Department officials.

16. It increasingly appears that the Clinton machine was the secret, original source of virtually all the allegations about Trump and Russia that led to the FBI investigation.”


Sooooo.....the straw that stirs the drink?

The Wicked Witch of Washington.
Last call? Honey, it's just started. And it won't involve Obama or Hillary.
15. The latest revelations also center on Hillary.

“…that two former journalists linked to Clinton, separately identified as the odious Sidney Blumenthal and a man named Cody Shearer, created and gave a State Department official additional unverified allegations against Trump.

The official passed those documents to Steele, who passed them to the FBI, which reportedly saw them as further evidence that Trump worked with Russians.

… Grassley, head of the Judiciary Committee, and Graham write, “It is troubling enough that the Clinton Campaign funded Mr. Steele’s work, but that these Clinton associates were contemporaneously feeding Mr. Steele allegations raises additional concerns about his credibility.”

The State Department official involved in the episode, Jonathan Winer, …confessed to the senators’ chronology while ….. Winer also admitted he shared all the unverified allegations from the Clinton hitmen with other State Department officials.

16. It increasingly appears that the Clinton machine was the secret, original source of virtually all the allegations about Trump and Russia that led to the FBI investigation.”


Sooooo.....the straw that stirs the drink?

The Wicked Witch of Washington.
Last call? Honey, it's just started. And it won't involve Obama or Hillary.

Now that you're here.....let me pose a question that will leave you speechless....

Should an individual under investigation expect, and be entitled to, impartiality by the investigating agencies?


1. equal treatment of all rivals or disputants; fairness.

Take your time.
I say let the investigation finish.. You want it ended..Too bad so sad...
it can't end, Mueller's been looking for something that doesn't exist. No one ever found the holy grail. hmmmm investigation goes on.
I say let the investigation finish.. You want it ended..Too bad so sad...
it can't end, Mueller's been looking for something that doesn't exist. No one ever found the holy grail. hmmmm investigation goes on.

“In some sense, we are in uncharted territory — given the misadventure of appointing Robert Mueller as special counsel. His team is now replaying the role of Patrick Fitzgerald in the Scooter Libby case: investigating a crime that did not exist and that even if it did was committed by someone else.”
Scandal, Corruption, Lawbreaking — And So What?

Get that....????
"...investigating a crime that did not exist and that even if it did was committed by someone else.”


Hillary......that's who.
The only actual Collusion proven, is Clinton colluding with the Brits and Russians to influence our Election. So the Democrat-manufactured 'Trump-Russian Collusion' farce is over. Even they know that. That's why they've moved the goal posts and are now screeching about Trump going down for 'Obstruction of Justice.' But don't worry, that farce will be over soon too. The only question left is, how will Democrats try to move the goal posts again? Stay tuned.
They have tried women and Russians and next up is money laundering
All of it is the distracting fly swarm they promised the moment Trump won

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