Last minute gift idea for that Grumpy Trumpette on your list!

President Trump had gifts for all you was called a job. But you put on your facediapers and hid in your basements as you rejected his gift.

I had jobs before Trump was president and will have them after he is not president.

I was retired before Trump and I will be retired after. That I can laugh at this cute thread, and at the fanatic Trumpsters here, is my guilty pleasure. Shouldn’t deny an old man his pleasures. Trump had 4 years. Now Biden will have his. All I ever hoped for is that they not destroy the country. Trump put us on that path, and still his nutty supporters talk of secession and martial law. I figure I’ll be cursing Biden soon enough. But Jesus, you Trumpsters are too much!

Trump was elected to correct 8 years of the racist Muslim in Chief and the destruction he performed to the US. Biden will try to get us back to that level of America hating.

President Trump had gifts for all you was called a job. But you put on your facediapers and hid in your basements as you rejected his gift.

I had jobs before Trump was president and will have them after he is not president.

Not if you are in hiding from the leftysniffles.

This year was the best year for business in two years....

Me too thanks to the President.

The president doesn't do shit for my jobs and no president ever has....The 1990's was a great decade for my business, the 1980's twas slow and low wage.

Presidents either tax the pelosi out of companies and send jobs overseas, or they support them and create growth jobs for people here in the US. The dregs prefer the first choice since the last thing they want is a growth job.

Why do you feel the need to lie about people you do not know?

President Trump had gifts for all you was called a job. But you put on your facediapers and hid in your basements as you rejected his gift.

I had jobs before Trump was president and will have them after he is not president.

Not if you are in hiding from the leftysniffles.

This year was the best year for business in two years....

Me too thanks to the President.

The president doesn't do shit for my jobs and no president ever has....The 1990's was a great decade for my business, the 1980's twas slow and low wage.

Presidents either tax the pelosi out of companies and send jobs overseas, or they support them and create growth jobs for people here in the US. The dregs prefer the first choice since the last thing they want is a growth job.

Why do you feel the need to lie about people you do not know?

Nothing I say is any more of a lie than the libber babbling going on here.
Thread after thread after thread it's always the same.....ORANGE MAN BAD!!!! ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!

For the next four years, the Left won't even notice Trump is no longer in office.......

And will spend ANOTHER 4 years with Trump living rent free in their heads.


I'm thinking pussy hats. They've certainly earned them.



President Trump had gifts for all you was called a job. But you put on your facediapers and hid in your basements as you rejected his gift.

Face diaper? I wear and wore a face diaper before they became fashionable for COVID-19. Do you think they don't work? Scientists and doctors disagree. Stop using that as an insult. It illustrates your own ignorance.

President Trump had gifts for all you was called a job. But you put on your facediapers and hid in your basements as you rejected his gift.

Face diaper? I wear and wore a face diaper before they became fashionable for COVID-19. Do you think they don't work? Scientists and doctors disagree. Stop using that as an insult. It illustrates your own ignorance.

They don't work and just as many scientists and doctors don't agree so go lecture yourself.

President Trump had gifts for all you was called a job. But you put on your facediapers and hid in your basements as you rejected his gift.

Face diaper? I wear and wore a face diaper before they became fashionable for COVID-19. Do you think they don't work? Scientists and doctors disagree. Stop using that as an insult. It illustrates your own ignorance.

Facediaper states have the highest Covid mortality rates.

President Trump had gifts for all you was called a job. But you put on your facediapers and hid in your basements as you rejected his gift.

I had jobs before Trump was president and will have them after he is not president.

Not if you are in hiding from the leftysniffles.

This year was the best year for business in two years....

You mean all the businesses that went out of business because of COVID? That's the best?

President Trump had gifts for all you was called a job. But you put on your facediapers and hid in your basements as you rejected his gift.

Face diaper? I wear and wore a face diaper before they became fashionable for COVID-19. Do you think they don't work? Scientists and doctors disagree. Stop using that as an insult. It illustrates your own ignorance.

They don't work and just as many scientists and doctors don't agree so go lecture yourself.

They do work because doctors and nurses use them the same as me. I have liver failure and even catching a cold could kill me, so I take this very seriously. Apparently, you think it is a great joke if I die because you refuse to wear a "face diaper". Really pathetic!

President Trump had gifts for all you was called a job. But you put on your facediapers and hid in your basements as you rejected his gift.

I had jobs before Trump was president and will have them after he is not president.

Not if you are in hiding from the leftysniffles.

This year was the best year for business in two years....

You mean all the businesses that went out of business because of COVID? That's the best?

Nein, it means that my business did the best it had in two years...Which can also be construed that: It was a good year for making money for me I have no idea about yous....

President Trump had gifts for all you was called a job. But you put on your facediapers and hid in your basements as you rejected his gift.

I had jobs before Trump was president and will have them after he is not president.

Not if you are in hiding from the leftysniffles.

This year was the best year for business in two years....

You mean all the businesses that went out of business because of COVID? That's the best?

Nein, it means that my business did the best it had in two years...Which can also be construed that: It was a good year for making money for me I have no idea about yous....

So your gay whorehouse is profitable? Hard to believe!

President Trump had gifts for all you was called a job. But you put on your facediapers and hid in your basements as you rejected his gift.

Face diaper? I wear and wore a face diaper before they became fashionable for COVID-19. Do you think they don't work? Scientists and doctors disagree. Stop using that as an insult. It illustrates your own ignorance.

They don't work and just as many scientists and doctors don't agree so go lecture yourself.

They do work because doctors and nurses use them the same as me. I have liver failure and even catching a cold could kill me, so I take this very seriously. Apparently, you think it is a great joke if I die because you refuse to wear a "face diaper". Really pathetic!

Great, you are an at risk person so wear whatever you want. Just don't try and tell me what I have to do. You arrogance is pathetic.

President Trump had gifts for all you was called a job. But you put on your facediapers and hid in your basements as you rejected his gift.

Face diaper? I wear and wore a face diaper before they became fashionable for COVID-19. Do you think they don't work? Scientists and doctors disagree. Stop using that as an insult. It illustrates your own ignorance.

Facediaper states have the highest Covid mortality rates.

Wrong again, douchebag. You usually catch COVID from the person you live with! Male or female!

President Trump had gifts for all you was called a job. But you put on your facediapers and hid in your basements as you rejected his gift.

I had jobs before Trump was president and will have them after he is not president.

Not if you are in hiding from the leftysniffles.

This year was the best year for business in two years....

You mean all the businesses that went out of business because of COVID? That's the best?

Nein, it means that my business did the best it had in two years...Which can also be construed that: It was a good year for making money for me I have no idea about yous....

So your gay whorehouse is profitable? Hard to believe!

You went to the wrong address but I hope you had a good time...You navy guys really like the eels....

President Trump had gifts for all you was called a job. But you put on your facediapers and hid in your basements as you rejected his gift.

I had jobs before Trump was president and will have them after he is not president.

Not if you are in hiding from the leftysniffles.

This year was the best year for business in two years....

You mean all the businesses that went out of business because of COVID? That's the best?

Businesses that went out of business didn't do it because of covid, they were forced out by corrupt politicians. They should be severely punished.

President Trump had gifts for all you was called a job. But you put on your facediapers and hid in your basements as you rejected his gift.

Face diaper? I wear and wore a face diaper before they became fashionable for COVID-19. Do you think they don't work? Scientists and doctors disagree. Stop using that as an insult. It illustrates your own ignorance.

They don't work and just as many scientists and doctors don't agree so go lecture yourself.

They do work because doctors and nurses use them the same as me. I have liver failure and even catching a cold could kill me, so I take this very seriously. Apparently, you think it is a great joke if I die because you refuse to wear a "face diaper". Really pathetic!

Great, you are an at risk person so wear whatever you want. Just don't try and tell me what I have to do. You arrogance is pathetic.

I will tell you what to do as long as you threaten my life be refusing to do as you know you should.

President Trump had gifts for all you was called a job. But you put on your facediapers and hid in your basements as you rejected his gift.

Face diaper? I wear and wore a face diaper before they became fashionable for COVID-19. Do you think they don't work? Scientists and doctors disagree. Stop using that as an insult. It illustrates your own ignorance.

Facediaper states have the highest Covid mortality rates.

Wrong again, douchebag. You usually catch COVID from the person you live with! Male or female!

That's how you catch anything, so what? If you bother to look up the stats you will see how poorly the Gestapo lockdown facediaper states have done.

President Trump had gifts for all you was called a job. But you put on your facediapers and hid in your basements as you rejected his gift.

I had jobs before Trump was president and will have them after he is not president.

Not if you are in hiding from the leftysniffles.

This year was the best year for business in two years....

You mean all the businesses that went out of business because of COVID? That's the best?

Nein, it means that my business did the best it had in two years...Which can also be construed that: It was a good year for making money for me I have no idea about yous....

So your gay whorehouse is profitable? Hard to believe!

You went to the wrong address but I hope you had a good time...You navy guys really like the eels....

The Marines invented sex. The Navy introduced it to women.

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