Last post wins!

I would but just thinking about it sends shivers up my spine. If I say it I'll end up under the bed then my wife will laugh at me and I'll have to tickle her and she'll scream and wake up my daughter who will decide we're both nuts and she'll laugh at us then I'll have to tickle her then they'll gang up on me and then I'll have to plan on getting revenge then they'll enlist my other daughter and they'll all gang up on me. Just a losing proposition no matter what.

Let me ease your pain then, you obviously didnt pay attention to post 1251, so you must go back there and stare at the black dot until you feel nauseated and these foolish notions of triumph leave your mind. Ahhh and you can take Kat with you while your at it. I dont think she was paying attention either.

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Watch this........and when your eyes are filled with so many tears you can't see........I WILL post and post.......and win!

From the bride:
At my wedding reception my dad surprises my new husband and I by signing a beautiful song. I am a sign language interpreter so this meant the world to me. He said it took him the entire year I was engaged to learn how to sign this song.
Shoot! That was so touching it made me cwy. :crybaby:
I am required the same thing! Imagine!
I am required to notify you from this point on, NO even numbered post will be allowed. Dissapointing as it seems, Rules are Rules :dunno: sorry, it wasnt my call.
I am required to notify you from this point on, NO even numbered post will be allowed. Dissapointing as it seems, Rules are Rules :dunno: sorry, it wasnt my call.

WOW You are really cruisin' for a bruisin'. :lol:
I am required to notify you from this point on, NO even numbered post will be allowed. Dissapointing as it seems, Rules are Rules :dunno: sorry, it wasnt my call.

WOW You are really cruisin' for a bruisin'. :lol:

Oh Kat, Kat, Kat..... did you see the number on your post? 130... 8 (even #) that is definately a rule book infraction and I'll have to report you to the proper ... ahhh authority. Until then, be notified that there are no more notifications necessary, ... until I notify you that is. :wink_2:
I am required to notify you from this point on, NO even numbered post will be allowed. Dissapointing as it seems, Rules are Rules :dunno: sorry, it wasnt my call.

WOW You are really cruisin' for a bruisin'. :lol:

Oh Kat, Kat, Kat..... did you see the number on your post? 130... 8 (even #) that is definately a rule book infraction and I'll have to report you to the proper ... ahhh authority. Until then, be notified that there are no more notifications necessary, ... until I notify you that is. :wink_2:

WeLLLLLLL.........okay I guess. I never did like rules much though. :D
I am required to notify you from this point on, NO even numbered post will be allowed. Dissapointing as it seems, Rules are Rules :dunno: sorry, it wasnt my call.

WOW You are really cruisin' for a bruisin'. :lol:

Oh Kat, Kat, Kat..... did you see the number on your post? 130... 8 (even #) that is definately a rule book infraction and I'll have to report you to the proper ... ahhh authority. Until then, be notified that there are no more notifications necessary, ... until I notify you that is. :wink_2:

WeLLLLLLL.........okay I guess. I never did like rules much though. :D

Yes, I can see your quite the rule breaker, :nono: Maybe Ill have to take another approach to this whole thing.
You can try... :)

Ok, you now force me to resort to extreme measures. I'm required to officially Wall off this thread, which is dissapointing cause you know I don't like to work that hard.

However Kat, if you can spot the optical illusion in this picture , you will be allowed to pass. (yes there is one)


I see a little gray mouse looking critter......that it? Or the smiley face on the brick??
Oh wow! I see it now. Anyone that wants to move forward has to identify it. :D
Oh wow! I see it now. Anyone that wants to move forward has to identify it. :D

Sounds like a deal to me! Wall off the thread! only the winner can advance!!

once you see it it seems so simple doesnt it?
Oh wow! I see it now. Anyone that wants to move forward has to identify it. :D

Sounds like a deal to me! Wall off the thread! only the winner can advance!!

once you see it it seems so simple doesnt it?

LOL Yes. Now it's all I see if I look at the pic.

Now to see if the others get it ;) maybe there will be an end to the thread after all ... and a winner?
Oh wow! I see it now. Anyone that wants to move forward has to identify it. :D

Sounds like a deal to me! Wall off the thread! only the winner can advance!!

once you see it it seems so simple doesnt it?

LOL Yes. Now it's all I see if I look at the pic.

Now to see if the others get it ;) maybe there will be an end to the thread after all ... and a winner?


Yes, I still have my eyes on the prize!

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