Latest poll: Americans want Democrats to control Congress

Well let me see. The ObamaCare is going to cost more then what the Dem's predicted. We were right about that. We didn't lie because we didn't have to. In fact, if it was up to the American voters, the health care bill wouldn't have passed. Oh wait, we've been right about Obama ever since he started to run for president.

You have? So, he is a Muslim? A terrorist? A Communist? A Socialist? NOT born in the United States?

Oh yeah....your track record is fucking AWESOME!
Well let me see. The ObamaCare is going to cost more then what the Dem's predicted. We were right about that. We didn't lie because we didn't have to. In fact, if it was up to the American voters, the health care bill wouldn't have passed. Oh wait, we've been right about Obama ever since he started to run for president.

You have? So, he is a Muslim? A terrorist? A Communist? A Socialist? NOT born in the United States?

Oh yeah....your track record is fucking AWESOME!

Nope. None of the above for me.

I just think he's a lefty with his own agenda and thats all he cares about. Hell. He's already stated he wouldn't mind being a one term president if he could get his left wing bs passed.

The man had absolutely no qualifications to be Prez. Yet here he is. Trying ro remake America into Europe.

His agenda just doesn't work for me and never will.
This is just going to get worse for Rs.

They keep acting like the party of no and have to to please their tea party base.

It will lose them everyone else.

They can not win with the tea party base and they cant win without the tea party base.

your brilliance is electrifying.. absolutely stunning.. dang!
Hmm. I don't think I would get to excited about this poll just yet.

Doesn't sound like a ringing endorsment of Barry Boy or the Dems.

Even so, the poll underscores that the political environment remains ominous for Democrats.

Just 35 percent say the country is heading in the right direction, the lowest measured by the AP-GfK survey since a week before Obama took office in January 2009. His approval rating remains at 49 percent, as low as it has been since he became president.

Congressional Democrats win approval from only 37 percent, although congressional Republicans score an even drearier 31 percent. Democrats and Republicans are about evenly trusted to handle the economy, an issue Democrats once dominated and one that is crucial at a time when the country’s job situation, although brightening, remains grim.

Only 36 percent said they want their own member of Congress to win re-election this fall, a noteworthy drop from the 43 percent who said so in April and the lowest AP-GfK poll measurement this year. Much of the restiveness seems to be among Republicans: While Democrats were about equally divided on the question, Republicans expressed a preference for a new face by a 2-to-1 margin.

The poll was conducted more than two weeks after the Gulf of Mexico oil spill began and during the weekend of the abortive car bomb attack on Times Square in New York. The survey detected no significant changes in the public’s trust in Obama for his handling of the environment or terrorism.

In recent days, the anti-incumbent wave already has spelled defeat in party primaries for a pair of Washington fixtures: Republican Sen. Bob Bennett, in the heavily Republican state of Utah, and Democratic Rep. Alan Mollohan, of the generally Democratic state of West Virginia.

Other veterans such as Democratic Rep. David Obey have announced their retirements, and Sens. Blanche Lincoln, a Democrat, and Arlen Specter, who switched parties to become Democrat last year, face primary challenges Tuesday that could add them to the political casualty list.

Among those most eager to turn incumbents out of office are the one in four who called themselves supporters of the conservative tea party movement. Two-thirds of tea partyers say they want a new person representing them in Washington, compared with half of everyone else.

The AP-GfK Poll was conducted May 7-11 by GfK Roper Public Affairs & Media. It involved cell and landline telephone interviews with 1,002 randomly chosen adults and has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 4.3 percentage points.

In fact any encumbant had better be looking over his shoulder. Dems and Reps alike.

Hope they all get booted and some new players enter the game. New blood. Fresh ideas.

Didn't Obama promise to bring new blood and fresh ideas?

yeah, he lied about that, too. if i'd voted for him, i'd be pissed off.
Hmm. I don't think I would get to excited about this poll just yet.

Doesn't sound like a ringing endorsment of Barry Boy or the Dems.

Even so, the poll underscores that the political environment remains ominous for Democrats.

Just 35 percent say the country is heading in the right direction, the lowest measured by the AP-GfK survey since a week before Obama took office in January 2009. His approval rating remains at 49 percent, as low as it has been since he became president.

Congressional Democrats win approval from only 37 percent, although congressional Republicans score an even drearier 31 percent. Democrats and Republicans are about evenly trusted to handle the economy, an issue Democrats once dominated and one that is crucial at a time when the country’s job situation, although brightening, remains grim.

Only 36 percent said they want their own member of Congress to win re-election this fall, a noteworthy drop from the 43 percent who said so in April and the lowest AP-GfK poll measurement this year. Much of the restiveness seems to be among Republicans: While Democrats were about equally divided on the question, Republicans expressed a preference for a new face by a 2-to-1 margin.

The poll was conducted more than two weeks after the Gulf of Mexico oil spill began and during the weekend of the abortive car bomb attack on Times Square in New York. The survey detected no significant changes in the public’s trust in Obama for his handling of the environment or terrorism.

In recent days, the anti-incumbent wave already has spelled defeat in party primaries for a pair of Washington fixtures: Republican Sen. Bob Bennett, in the heavily Republican state of Utah, and Democratic Rep. Alan Mollohan, of the generally Democratic state of West Virginia.

Other veterans such as Democratic Rep. David Obey have announced their retirements, and Sens. Blanche Lincoln, a Democrat, and Arlen Specter, who switched parties to become Democrat last year, face primary challenges Tuesday that could add them to the political casualty list.

Among those most eager to turn incumbents out of office are the one in four who called themselves supporters of the conservative tea party movement. Two-thirds of tea partyers say they want a new person representing them in Washington, compared with half of everyone else.

The AP-GfK Poll was conducted May 7-11 by GfK Roper Public Affairs & Media. It involved cell and landline telephone interviews with 1,002 randomly chosen adults and has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 4.3 percentage points.

In fact any encumbant had better be looking over his shoulder. Dems and Reps alike.

Hope they all get booted and some new players enter the game. New blood. Fresh ideas.

Didn't Obama promise to bring new blood and fresh ideas?

yeah, he lied about that, too. if i'd voted for him, i'd be pissed off.

Good thing you voted for the non-Maverick McCain and Caribou Barbie then. NOTHING to be pissed off about there...:eusa_whistle:
yeah, fucking great news for the Democrats, right? How about reading into the article, you Democrat toolbag, RDean?
Just 35 percent say the country is heading in the right direction, the lowest measured by the AP-GfK survey since a week before Obama took office in January 2009. His approval rating remains at 49 percent, as low as it has been since he became president.

Congressional Democrats win approval from only 37 percent, although congressional Republicans score an even drearier 31 percent. Democrats and Republicans are about evenly trusted to handle the economy, an issue Democrats once dominated and one that is crucial at a time when the country’s job situation, although brightening, remains grim.

Anyone who has had anything to do with this Congress passing this legislation is toast in November.
The results of the November Elections will speak for themselves. Until then, feel free to make complete asses of yourselves.......:lol:
The results of the November Elections will speak for themselves. Until then, feel free to make complete asses of yourselves.......:lol:

So your point is that nobody should speculate until November...

Makes for a dreary Politics board
Hmm. <snip>

No, Claudette, as long as the GOP leadership refuses to take its medicine, the Dems are in no "ominous" position.

Now, if the Tea Party unseats folks like Boehner and McConnell, then you may see the Party get traction. But as long as what I like to call "the loser leadership of the GOP" stays in power, November is going to be unhappy for Republicans.
The results of the November Elections will speak for themselves. Until then, feel free to make complete asses of yourselves.......:lol:

So says the wannabee Republican. :lol: Zander, son, you have a losing record, so slouch along, huh.:razz:
I don't think one party should control everything, so I'm hoping for a Republican majority of exactly 2 seats.
WASHINGTON — Americans want Democrats to control Congress after this year’s elections...

There are precisely NO (Zero, None, Nada, Zilch... ) Leftist Americans...

And there are DAMN FEW DEMOCRATS who are NOT Lfeftists...

Now all that means is that there number of Leftist Citizens, registered with the Democrat Party, who prefer the Democrats to be in power: is IRRELEVANT...

As ALL LEFTISTS, without regard to what Political affiliation they join, are subversive to America; meaning that they are ANTI-American and what they WANT is MEANINGLESS... except to say that it's a wonderful compass with regard to the policies America needs to follow, to avoid being undermined by it's DOMESTIC ENEMY.
I don't think one party should control everything, so I'm hoping for a Republican majority of exactly 2 seats.

Ahh... The perfect demonstration of the Moderate, Centrist Mainstream Progressive... CANADIAN... (Anti-American)

Here's the thing Toro... Americans don't give a red rat's ass what Canadians feel about ANYTHING.
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If there was ever a more partisan thread than this one, I haven't seen it. The OP says that Rs want to keep secret holds secret, (something that dems do too) and from that extrapolates into the Obama admin is more "transparent" than Bush was?!

We'll see in November which party ends up controlling Congress. Then in 2012 we'll see who gets the WH. Until then, can't we just debate various policies instead of what polls mean or how many angels are on the head of a pin? Besides, no one trusts polls anymore. They are wayyyy too politicized.

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