Latest poll: Americans want Democrats to control Congress

Why not? Because that is not as much fun as bashing each other. And, besides, the reactionary conloons began it all with their in-step lying since last summer. It is what it is.
WASHINGTON — Americans want Democrats to control Congress after this year’s elections...

There are precisely NO (Zero, None, Nada, Zilch... ) Leftist Americans...

And there are DAMN FEW DEMOCRATS who are NOT Lfeftists...

Now all that means is that there number of Leftist Citizens, registered with the Democrat Party, who prefer the Democrats to be in power: is IRRELEVANT...

As ALL LEFTISTS, without regard to what Political affiliation they join, are subversive to America; meaning that they are ANTI-American and what they WANT is MEANINGLESS... except to say that it's a wonderful compass with regard to the policies America needs to follow, to avoid being undermined by it's DOMESTIC ENEMY.

So your basically against political freedom in America.

Those who hold political beliefs that you do not agree with are Anti-American? Is that right?

Apparently you feel that you have the exclusive right to dictate what political beliefs are and are not acceptable in America.

Sounds kind of un-American.

I think that even Dick Cheney & Sarah Palin would take objection to your view.
Hmm. <snip>

No, Claudette, as long as the GOP leadership refuses to take its medicine, the Dems are in no "ominous" position.

Now, if the Tea Party unseats folks like Boehner and McConnell, then you may see the Party get traction. But as long as what I like to call "the loser leadership of the GOP" stays in power, November is going to be unhappy for Republicans.

Mitch McConnell, for instance, cannot even dominate the political landscape in his own state. His handpicked choice for the U.S. Senate is going to get waxed by a Tea Party type of guy, Paul's son, as a matter of fact.

Blanche Lincoln and Arlen Spectre will be unseated most likely tomorrow in their primaries by primary challengers to their left. Those challengers, if they win, are looking forward to thumping Tea Party butt in the campain.

This is going to be a fun campaign.
Generic Congressional Ballot
Generic Congressional Ballot: Republicans 43%, Democrats 38%
Monday, May 17, 2010 Email to a Friend ShareThisAdvertisement
Republican candidates now hold a five-point lead over Democrats in the latest edition of the Generic Congressional Ballot, a further narrowing of the gap between the two parties to the smallest margin this year.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 43% of Likely U.S. Voters would vote for their district's Republican congressional candidate, while 38% would opt for his or her Democratic opponent. Support for Democrats held steady from last week, while support for Republicans dipped slightly.

In the third week of April, Republicans posted a 10-point lead over Democrats, a high reached only one time since January and the party’s biggest lead in the history of Rasmussen Reports polling. Since then, however, the gap between the two parties has been closing.


Certainly, the Maine GaY Star Ledger Poll must be much more accurate!!!!
Doan' mattah, PI. The American people hate the GOP than they are afraid of the Dems. The Dems will easily keep their majorities.
Good thing you voted for the non-Maverick McCain and Caribou Barbie then. NOTHING to be pissed off about there...:eusa_whistle:

I thought McCain sucked as well.

Just picked the lesser of two evils.

Am pissed about that. LOL

May I ask who you thought would have made a better candidate?

I liked Mitt Romney in 2008. I also liked Huckabee. Was disappointed neither of them made it.

McCain was never a favorite of mine and I would never have voted for him in the primaries if I were a Rep.

I find Ron Paul interesting right now. Will have to wait and see who the GOP fields for 2012 though.

Nothing is set is stone with me. Hell, I may even vote for Obama. You never know. LOL
Hmm. <snip>

No, Claudette, as long as the GOP leadership refuses to take its medicine, the Dems are in no "ominous" position.

Now, if the Tea Party unseats folks like Boehner and McConnell, then you may see the Party get traction. But as long as what I like to call "the loser leadership of the GOP" stays in power, November is going to be unhappy for Republicans.

Jeeze Jake. Even if "the loser leadership of the GOP" stays in power. I don't think I would take any bets on an unhappy Rep outcome at all.

I do believe they are going to win seats. How many?? Only Nov will tell on that.

I think the Dems will be seriously unhappy. Especially Barry Boy when he loses a good part of his majority. He will then HAVE to work with the Reps. Not just say he's going to work with em.

Will make for interesting watching. Thats for sure.
I have no problem with a split Congress, particularly if the House goes GOP. The deals some of his people cut with the WH and the Senate will for make an interesting season and an unhappy Boehner.
WASHINGTON — Americans want Democrats to control Congress after this year’s elections, a shift from April, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll released Saturday.

Latest poll: Americans want Democrats to control Congress | The Portland Press Herald / Maine Sunday Telegram

Today’s tea partiers never raised a peep about the lack of transparency back in the days of one-party rule under George Bush, Dick Cheney and the GOP-controlled Congress, which makes their complaints about a purported lack of openness now that Democrats are in charge more than a little suspicious. Now one of their leaders in the Senate, Jim DeMint of South Carolina, has revealed through his actions where tea partiers’ actually stand on the issue:

Pensito Review

More Americans Want Democrats To Control Congress (POLL)

More Americans Want Democrats To Control Congress (POLL) |


What does it all mean?

The only way to know for sure what Americans want is to have an election.
Republicans can lie. Fox can lie. They just "can". Once the lie is proven to be a lie, they just go on to the next one without missing a beat. And who said white people had no rhythm?

Kinda like the AG from Conn.....
Well let me see. The ObamaCare is going to cost more then what the Dem's predicted. We were right about that. We didn't lie because we didn't have to. In fact, if it was up to the American voters, the health care bill wouldn't have passed. Oh wait, we've been right about Obama ever since he started to run for president.

You have? So, he is a Muslim? A terrorist? A Communist? A Socialist? NOT born in the United States?

Oh yeah....your track record is fucking AWESOME!

The funny thing is...Dems are the ones who brought up those claims.
Republicans can lie. Fox can lie. They just "can". Once the lie is proven to be a lie, they just go on to the next one without missing a beat. And who said white people had no rhythm?

Kinda like the AG from Conn.....

Anyone who thinks the other side has a monopoly on lying is retarded. Everyone lies.

That's true, but . . . the AG needs to quit the race and resign his office. Inexcusable to and of any vet with integrity.
Republicans can lie. Fox can lie. They just "can". Once the lie is proven to be a lie, they just go on to the next one without missing a beat.

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