Latest statements form the Harvard Republican Club

The statements below are NOT from "flaming liberals"....Remember the Latin VERITAS is in Harvard's logo.

The rhetoric he espouses –from racist slander to misogynistic taunts– is not consistent with our conservative principles, and his repeated mocking of the disabled and belittling of the sacrifices made by prisoners of war, Gold Star families, and Purple Heart recipients is not only bad politics, but absurdly cruel.

But what about policy?

Domestically, his protectionist trade policies and draconian immigration restrictions would enlarge our federal deficit, raise prices for consumers, and throw our economy back into recession.

OK, but what about foreign policy?

The flippancy with which he is willing to abdicate the United States’ responsibility to lead is alarming. Calling for the US’ withdrawal from NATO and actively endorsing nuclear proliferation, Donald Trump’s foreign policy would wreak havoc on the established world order which has held aggressive foreign powers in check since World War II.

And his character?

Donald Trump simply does not possess the temperament and character necessary to lead the United States … In Trump’s eyes, disagreement with his actions or his policies warrants incessant name calling and derision: stupid, lying, fat, ugly, weak, failing, idiot –and that’s just his “fellow” Republicans.

He isn’t eschewing political correctness. He is eschewing basic human decency.

Uhh … anything else?

Donald Trump is a threat to the survival of the Republic. His authoritarian tendencies and flirtations with fascism are unparalleled in the history of our democracy.

Written from a safe place by someone spending over 60,000 for a college education, right after they kept a conservative from speaking on campus and signed a petition to name 28 different gender identities. Meanwhile, the alumni elite on Wall Street keep adding to the embarrassing 33 billion dollar endowment, the political alumni keep fretting that they might lose power( after all the country has been run by the faculty lounge for the last eight years), and the intelligentsia alumni keep reminding us that only they are smart enough to run the country. Essence of establishment anyone?
Their current majority in congress may turn out to be the worst Pyrrhic victory of modern American politics.

....Indeed....precipitating the several executive orders issued by Obama. This latest GOP congress has proven even worse that the "do-nothing" one that Truman derided; fearing ONLY their re-election chances, republicans in congress have chosen to do squat..
Faux rightish statements from a leftist college? I'm skeptical.
A real Republican club would be making statements about what a lying, conniving, evil black Muslim Hillary has become. And then would go on to list her lies. You've just been pranked by Harvard.
This excerpt hearkens back to a time when the party was controlled by ivy league business types rather than fearful social conservative dumbasses. Damn what a sorry job they have done with their party leadership. Their current majority in congress may turn out to be the worst Pyrrhic victory of modern American politics.

I'm quite sure the Obama will be seen as the worst Pyrrhic victory in history. No one has ever been elected to the presidency that hated America as much as he does. Or who has done as much damage.
Interesting....right wingers on this thread have chosen to bad-mouth the entire Harvard university, rather than honestly admitting that they have a complete idiot for a candidate (aka, the Cheetos-toned one.).
I'm quite sure the Obama will be seen as the worst Pyrrhic victory in history

Obviously you have fucking idea what a Pyrrhic victory means or the context in which the term was used in the above post.....but, given your Obama-hatred syndrome, you've insisted on showing your stupidity anyway.
Somewhat related to this thread and what I wrote on another (regarding Trump's obstinate refusal to release his tax returns).

Trump is at least smart enough to realize that he does NOT stand a chance in hell to win the WH...therefore, it would be to his disadvantage to release his tax returns that would prove injurious when he returns to being a business charlatan.

I do not recall candidates being asked to publish their tax returns------why should Donald be the only one ?
SERIOUSLY? They didn't have to be asked--they've all been published. Except Trump's.
SERIOUSLY? They didn't have to be asked--they've all been published. Except Trump's.

My dear, our good Rosie needs a nap.....So, please just let it go as most of us did.
Faux rightish statements from a leftist college? I'm skeptical.
A real Republican club would be making statements about what a lying, conniving, evil black Muslim Hillary has become. And then would go on to list her lies. You've just been pranked by Harvard.
This excerpt hearkens back to a time when the party was controlled by ivy league business types rather than fearful social conservative dumbasses. Damn what a sorry job they have done with their party leadership. Their current majority in congress may turn out to be the worst Pyrrhic victory of modern American politics.

I'm quite sure the Obama will be seen as the worst Pyrrhic victory in history. No one has ever been elected to the presidency that hated America as much as he does. Or who has done as much damage.
The only damage was to the small minority of Americans who just could not cope with having a black president. For everyone else he was the best president we could have had in the wake of the 2008 economic catastrophe. Now perhaps you can actually address the OP or what I had to say about it.
Were this not an election year, the response would be exactly the same.
The Julia effect of the Obama/Clinton regime has been adopted by our educational system, and is no where more egregious than our universities. Which is why the UN reps want us to pay for Julia's indoctrination at the college level.

To anyone who is told to get down on your knees and apologize for being white, or privileged, or black or privileged, Tell them to get down on their knees and apologize for pretending to teach math, or science or the things that will help them succeed when they join the real world.
Our educational system is a joke. A very very expensive joke if they insist we pay for it all.
Faux rightish statements from a leftist college? I'm skeptical.
A real Republican club would be making statements about what a lying, conniving, evil black Muslim Hillary has become. And then would go on to list her lies. You've just been pranked by Harvard.
This excerpt hearkens back to a time when the party was controlled by ivy league business types rather than fearful social conservative dumbasses. Damn what a sorry job they have done with their party leadership. Their current majority in congress may turn out to be the worst Pyrrhic victory of modern American politics.

I'm quite sure the Obama will be seen as the worst Pyrrhic victory in history. No one has ever been elected to the presidency that hated America as much as he does. Or who has done as much damage.
The only damage was to the small minority of Americans who just could not cope with having a black president. For everyone else he was the best president we could have had in the wake of the 2008 economic catastrophe. Now perhaps you can actually address the OP or what I had to say about it.

Oh dear God. This regime has created utter chaos in the Middle East, sends cargo planes full of cash to Iran to spread to the terrorists. Runs guns, launders money, overthrows our allies, replaces them with radical Islam, informs the enemies where and when we will be attacking. Refuses to send help to our reps in Benghazi, wants to do away with our right to bear arms, ignores our immigration laws, writes his own laws, and is flooding this country with people who want to kill us and spends our money like he is a surf lord. And on and on and on.
The worst of the worst, unless we vote Hillary in next. Then he will be tied with the worst president we will have ever had.
Harvard business school is perhaps the best place to go for people who want to be CEOs and sit on the board of America's biggest companies. They just gave up on the republican party for being too stupid to vote correctly. The right wing fringe is already being shoved back to the rear and they do not even realize it yet. They will have to form their own white christian nationalist party now because the real republicans are officially sick of their shit.
Somewhat related to this thread and what I wrote on another (regarding Trump's obstinate refusal to release his tax returns).

Trump is at least smart enough to realize that he does NOT stand a chance in hell to win the WH...therefore, it would be to his disadvantage to release his tax returns that would prove injurious when he returns to being a business charlatan.

I do not recall candidates being asked to publish their tax returns------why should Donald be the only one ?
SERIOUSLY? They didn't have to be asked--they've all been published. Except Trump's.

oh----I didn't know------have candidates being doing that all along? Are we talking about just PERSONAL INCOME thing-----or every item of every business interest entity? ----unless Trump takes a "salary" from his business thingys----
he has no income from them-----unless he takes some material benefit--------right?
Buyers' remorse, my dear right wingers????
Which one of hitlerys lies inspires you most?

I was MUCH inspired by her publication of "her" recipe for chocolate chip cookies-----when she was first "lady". The "LIE"?? it was just a standard recipe for chocolate chip
cookies------I doubt that she ever sifted a cup of flour
How horrible! She should be in the kitchen!
Buyers' remorse, my dear right wingers????
Which one of hitlerys lies inspires you most?

I was MUCH inspired by her publication of "her" recipe for chocolate chip cookies-----when she was first "lady". The "LIE"?? it was just a standard recipe for chocolate chip
cookies------I doubt that she ever sifted a cup of flour
How horrible! She should be in the kitchen!

you wax dramatic-----it was just silly. She probably did it
on advice------as the FIRST MOTHER
yeah-----I have met lots of Harvard grads-------none of them close to honest---------One of my brother's childhood friends
is a Harvard lawyer------but I never met him

It's statements like these that render an author incredible, as in lacking credibility.

a Harvard law graduate ---cheated me of several thousand dollars------I was ill at the time and hubby talked to her in
human terms saying "you can't do that"----she answered "I AM A LAWYER, I CAN DO ANYTHING I WANT TO DO"
Cool story, bro.
Operative word is Harvard....part of the manipulated educational system.
^Edumakation Bad!
It is when you are BRAINWASHED by socialist/subversives professors....we used to laugh at them in the 60' they RUN the show....time once again to CLEAN HOUSE!....Khrushchev was right, in 50 years we'll feed them so much Socialism, that they won't know when they go Communist.... Now why would the FEDERAL GOV'T stock a FEW BILLION rounds of ammunition ....preparing for this....Obuma's NATIONAL CIVILIAN SECURITY FORCE!!!
The statements below are NOT from "flaming liberals"....Remember the Latin VERITAS is in Harvard's logo.

The rhetoric he espouses –from racist slander to misogynistic taunts– is not consistent with our conservative principles, and his repeated mocking of the disabled and belittling of the sacrifices made by prisoners of war, Gold Star families, and Purple Heart recipients is not only bad politics, but absurdly cruel.

But what about policy?

Domestically, his protectionist trade policies and draconian immigration restrictions would enlarge our federal deficit, raise prices for consumers, and throw our economy back into recession.

OK, but what about foreign policy?

The flippancy with which he is willing to abdicate the United States’ responsibility to lead is alarming. Calling for the US’ withdrawal from NATO and actively endorsing nuclear proliferation, Donald Trump’s foreign policy would wreak havoc on the established world order which has held aggressive foreign powers in check since World War II.

And his character?

Donald Trump simply does not possess the temperament and character necessary to lead the United States … In Trump’s eyes, disagreement with his actions or his policies warrants incessant name calling and derision: stupid, lying, fat, ugly, weak, failing, idiot –and that’s just his “fellow” Republicans.

He isn’t eschewing political correctness. He is eschewing basic human decency.

Uhh … anything else?

Donald Trump is a threat to the survival of the Republic. His authoritarian tendencies and flirtations with fascism are unparalleled in the history of our democracy.


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