Latest statements form the Harvard Republican Club

Buyers' remorse, my dear right wingers????
Which one of hitlerys lies inspires you most?

I was MUCH inspired by her publication of "her" recipe for chocolate chip cookies-----when she was first "lady". The "LIE"?? it was just a standard recipe for chocolate chip
cookies------I doubt that she ever sifted a cup of flour
How horrible! She should be in the kitchen!

No she should be licking Valerie Jarret's that better?
Operative word is Harvard....part of the manipulated educational system.
^Edumakation Bad!
It is when you are BRAINWASHED by socialist/subversives professors....we used to laugh at them in the 60' they RUN the show....time once again to CLEAN HOUSE!....Khrushchev was right, in 50 years we'll feed them so much Socialism, that they won't know when they go Communist.... Now why would the FEDERAL GOV'T stock a FEW BILLION rounds of ammunition ....preparing for this....Obuma's NATIONAL CIVILIAN SECURITY FORCE!!!

^ worth repeating. Dead on.
Now why would the FEDERAL GOV'T stock a FEW BILLION rounds of ammunition ....preparing for this....Obuma's NATIONAL CIVILIAN SECURITY FORCE!!!

Hide, HIDE......under your bed....and, of course, bring lots of munchies and a flash light.
"Donald Trump is a threat to the survival of the Republic. His authoritarian tendencies and flirtations with fascism are unparalleled in the history of our democracy."
Right wingers on this thread are taking this latest abandonment of Trumpusconi rather bad; on a more positive note, perhaps in 2024 Sarah Palin will be older and wiser and withAnnCoulter as possible VP candidate, what could go wrong?
"Donald Trump is a threat to the survival of the Republic. His authoritarian tendencies and flirtations with fascism are unparalleled in the history of our democracy."

The remaining republican intelligentsia hit the proverbial nail right on the head. VERITAS indeed.
Perhaps you will be the first one dispatched. If we get lucky, Natzi!

Yes, I'm actually typing my response from some "re-education camp" in Kenya....or Hawaii.....I'm not sure.
Please send Cheetos or whatever munchies that resemble Trump's coloring.
Interesting....right wingers on this thread have chosen to bad-mouth the entire Harvard university, rather than honestly admitting that they have a complete idiot for a candidate (aka, the Cheetos-toned one.).
Seriously....a better comparison to the op would be like have a Jew club in the Nazi party....:lol:
Hillary is truth's enemy number #1.

That's why she never speaks it.
Amazing how right wingers on here turn against their fellow republicans on a dime.....
They claim they have more RINOS than South Africa, Namibia and the Serengeti.combined.
Faux rightish statements from a leftist college? I'm skeptical.
A real Republican club would be making statements about what a lying, conniving, evil black Muslim Hillary has become. And then would go on to list her lies. You've just been pranked by Harvard.
This excerpt hearkens back to a time when the party was controlled by ivy league business types rather than fearful social conservative dumbasses. Damn what a sorry job they have done with their party leadership. Their current majority in congress may turn out to be the worst Pyrrhic victory of modern American politics.

I'm quite sure the Obama will be seen as the worst Pyrrhic victory in history. No one has ever been elected to the presidency that hated America as much as he does. Or who has done as much damage.
Date Sample Approve Disapprove Spread
RCP Average 7/29 - 8/4 -- 50.7 45.4 +5.3
Gallup 8/2 - 8/4 1500 A 50 45 +5
Rasmussen Reports 8/2 - 8/4 1500 LV 48 51 -3
McClatchy/Marist 8/1 - 8/3 983 RV 53 40 +13
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 7/31 - 8/3 800 RV 52 44 +8
IBD/TIPP 7/29 - 8/4 921 A 52 40 +12
FOX News 7/31 - 8/2 1022 RV 52 45 +7
Reuters/Ipsos 7/30 - 8/3 1631 A 48 48 Tie
Economist/YouGov 7/30 - 8/1 933 RV 48 49 -1
CNN/ORC 7/29 - 7/31 1003 A 54 45 +9
PPP (D) 7/29 - 7/30 1276 LV 50 47 +3

All President Obama Job Approval Polling Data

And where was President Bush's ratings at this time on his last term?


President Obama Job Approval
Harvard Republican Club Will Not Support Party Nominee Donald Trump

The Harvard Republican Club announced it would not support Republican presidential nominee Donald J. Trump, and called for Republican leaders to withdraw their support of the candidate they called a “threat to the survival of the Republic” in a press release Thursday.

In the scathing statement, the largest conservative group at Harvard cited “both policy and temperamental concerns” about Trump and condemned his divisive campaign rhetoric they say “is poisoning our country and our children.”

The Republican Club polled its members earlier this week and found that 10 percent of Harvard Republicans intend to support Trump for president, while an “overwhelming majority”—80 percent of polled club members—indicated they would not support the party nominee and 10 percent remained undecided.

“His authoritarian tendencies and flirtations with fascism are unparalleled in the history of our democracy,” the Republican Club said in a statement. “He hopes to divide us by race, by class, and by religion, instilling enough fear and anxiety to propel himself to the White House.”

In an email to Harvard Republicans on Thursday, Republican Club President Declan P. Garvey ’17 stressed to members that although the Harvard Republican Club officially opposes the nominee, the group will still help coordinate with members interested in campaigning for Trump.

Harvard Republican Club Will Not Support Party Nominee Donald Trump | News | The Harvard Crimson

Interesting that the rwnj here have chosen to attack all education. Very strong indication of an inferiority complex on thier part. Not to worry fellows, you are truly inferior.
Why stop with Harvard? Let's remove the agenda, and actually start teaching our kids again

Perhaps, education certainly failed with right wingers like you.....Blame it on Liberty U. and Trump U.

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